Exemplo n.º 1
    def set_dofs(self, fun=0.0, region=None, dpn=None, warn=None):
        Set the values of DOFs given by the `region` using a function of space
        coordinates or value `fun`.

        If `fun` is a function, the l2 projection that is global for all region
        facets is used to set the DOFs.

        If `dpn > 1`, and `fun` is a function, it has to return the values
        DOF-by-DOF, i.e. a single one-dimensional vector with all values of the
        first component, then of the second one etc. concatenated

        fun : float or array of length dpn or callable
            The DOF values.
        region : Region
            The region containing the DOFs.
        dpn : int, optional
            The DOF-per-node count. If not given, the number of field
            components is used.
        warn : str, optional
            The warning message printed when the region selects no DOFs.

        nods : array, shape (n_dof,)
            The field DOFs (or node indices) given by the region.
        vals : array, shape (dpn, n_dof)
            The values of the DOFs, DOF-by-DOF when raveled in C (row-major)
        if region is None:
            region = self.region

        if dpn is None:
            dpn = self.n_components

        nods = []
        vals = []

        aux = self.get_dofs_in_region(region)
        nods = nm.unique(nm.hstack(aux))

        if nm.isscalar(fun):
            vals = nm.repeat([fun], nods.shape[0] * dpn)

        elif isinstance(fun, nm.ndarray):
            assert_(len(fun) == dpn)
            vals = nm.repeat(fun, nods.shape[0])

        elif callable(fun):
            import scipy.sparse as sps
            from sfepy.solvers.ls import solve
            from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral
            from sfepy.discrete.fem.utils import prepare_remap
            import sfepy.discrete.iga as iga
            from sfepy.discrete.iga.extmods.igac import eval_mapping_data_in_qp

            nurbs = self.nurbs
            facets = self._get_facets(region.kind_tdim)

            # Region facet connectivity.
            rconn = self.get_econn('surface', region)

            # Local connectivity.
            remap = prepare_remap(nods, nods.max() + 1)
            lconn = [remap[ii] for ii in rconn]

            # Cell and face(cell) ids for each facet.
            fis = region.get_facet_indices()

            # Integral given by max. NURBS surface degree.
            fdegrees = iga.get_surface_degrees(nurbs.degrees)
            order = fdegrees.max()
            integral = Integral('i', order=2*order)
            vals, weights = integral.get_qp(self.domain.gel.surface_facet_name)

            # Boundary QP - use tensor product structure.
            bvals = iga.create_boundary_qp(vals, region.tdim)

            # Compute facet basis, jacobians and physical BQP.
            n_dof = len(nods)
            rhs = nm.zeros((dpn, n_dof), dtype=nm.float64)
            rows, cols, mvals = [], [], []
            all_qp = []
            all_fbfs = []
            all_dets = []
            for ii, (ie, ifa) in enumerate(fis):
                qp_coors = bvals[ifa]

                bfs, _, dets = eval_mapping_data_in_qp(qp_coors, nurbs.cps,
                # Facet basis.
                fbfs = bfs[..., facets[ifa]][0, :, 0, :]

                # Weight Jacobians by quadrature point weights.
                dets = nm.abs(dets) * weights[None, :, None, None]
                dets = dets[0, :, 0, :]

                # Physical BQP.
                fcps = nurbs.cps[nurbs.conn[ie, facets[ifa]]]
                qp = nm.dot(fbfs, fcps)


            # DOF values in the physical BQP.
            qps = nm.concatenate(all_qp)
            vals = nm.asarray(fun(qps))
            vals.shape = (dpn, qps.shape[0])

            n_qp_face = len(bvals[0])

            # Assemble l2 projection system.
            for ii, (ie, ifa) in enumerate(fis):
                # Assembling indices.
                elc = lconn[ii]

                fvals = vals[:, n_qp_face * ii : n_qp_face * (ii + 1)]

                fbfs = all_fbfs[ii]
                dets = all_dets[ii]

                # Local projection system.
                for idof in xrange(dpn):
                    lrhs = (fbfs * (fvals[idof, :, None] * dets)).sum(0)
                    rhs[idof, elc] += lrhs

                lmtx = ((fbfs[..., None] * fbfs[:, None, :])
                        * dets[..., None]).sum(0)

                er, ec = nm.meshgrid(elc, elc)

            rows = nm.concatenate(rows)
            cols = nm.concatenate(cols)
            mvals = nm.concatenate(mvals)
            mtx = sps.coo_matrix((mvals, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_dof, n_dof))

            vals = nm.zeros((dpn, n_dof), dtype=nm.float64)

            # Solve l2 projection system.
            for idof in xrange(dpn):
                dofs = solve(mtx, rhs[idof, :])
                vals[idof, remap[nods]] = dofs

            raise ValueError('unknown function/value type! (%s)' % type(fun))

        return nods, vals
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_dofs(self, fun=0.0, region=None, dpn=None, warn=None):
        Set the values of DOFs given by the `region` using a function of space
        coordinates or value `fun`.

        If `fun` is a function, the l2 projection that is global for all region
        facets is used to set the DOFs.

        If `dpn > 1`, and `fun` is a function, it has to return the values
        DOF-by-DOF, i.e. a single one-dimensional vector with all values of the
        first component, then of the second one etc. concatenated

        fun : float or array of length dpn or callable
            The DOF values.
        region : Region
            The region containing the DOFs.
        dpn : int, optional
            The DOF-per-node count. If not given, the number of field
            components is used.
        warn : str, optional
            The warning message printed when the region selects no DOFs.

        nods : array, shape (n_dof,)
            The field DOFs (or node indices) given by the region.
        vals : array, shape (dpn, n_dof)
            The values of the DOFs, DOF-by-DOF when raveled in C (row-major)
        if region is None:
            region = self.region

        if dpn is None:
            dpn = self.n_components

        nods = []
        vals = []

        aux = self.get_dofs_in_region(region)
        nods = nm.unique(nm.hstack(aux))

        if nm.isscalar(fun):
            vals = nm.repeat([fun], nods.shape[0] * dpn)

        elif isinstance(fun, nm.ndarray):
            assert_(len(fun) == dpn)
            vals = nm.repeat(fun, nods.shape[0])

        elif callable(fun):
            import scipy.sparse as sps
            from sfepy.solvers.ls import solve
            from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral
            from sfepy.discrete.fem.utils import prepare_remap
            import sfepy.discrete.iga as iga
            from sfepy.discrete.iga.extmods.igac import eval_mapping_data_in_qp

            nurbs = self.nurbs
            facets = self._get_facets(region.kind_tdim)

            # Region facet connectivity.
            rconn = self.get_econn('surface', region)

            # Local connectivity.
            remap = prepare_remap(nods, nods.max() + 1)
            lconn = [remap[ii] for ii in rconn]

            # Cell and face(cell) ids for each facet.
            fis = region.get_facet_indices()

            # Integral given by max. NURBS surface degree.
            fdegrees = iga.get_surface_degrees(nurbs.degrees)
            order = fdegrees.max()
            integral = Integral('i', order=2 * order)
            vals, weights = integral.get_qp(self.domain.gel.surface_facet_name)

            # Boundary QP - use tensor product structure.
            bvals = iga.create_boundary_qp(vals, region.tdim)

            # Compute facet basis, jacobians and physical BQP.
            n_dof = len(nods)
            rhs = nm.zeros((dpn, n_dof), dtype=nm.float64)
            rows, cols, mvals = [], [], []
            all_qp = []
            all_fbfs = []
            all_dets = []
            for ii, (ie, ifa) in enumerate(fis):
                qp_coors = bvals[ifa]

                bfs, _, dets = eval_mapping_data_in_qp(qp_coors, nurbs.cps,
                                                       nurbs.degrees, nurbs.cs,
                # Facet basis.
                fbfs = bfs[..., facets[ifa]][0, :, 0, :]

                # Weight Jacobians by quadrature point weights.
                dets = nm.abs(dets) * weights[None, :, None, None]
                dets = dets[0, :, 0, :]

                # Physical BQP.
                fcps = nurbs.cps[nurbs.conn[ie, facets[ifa]]]
                qp = nm.dot(fbfs, fcps)


            # DOF values in the physical BQP.
            qps = nm.concatenate(all_qp)
            vals = nm.asarray(fun(qps))
            vals.shape = (dpn, qps.shape[0])

            n_qp_face = len(bvals[0])

            # Assemble l2 projection system.
            for ii, (ie, ifa) in enumerate(fis):
                # Assembling indices.
                elc = lconn[ii]

                fvals = vals[:, n_qp_face * ii:n_qp_face * (ii + 1)]

                fbfs = all_fbfs[ii]
                dets = all_dets[ii]

                # Local projection system.
                for idof in range(dpn):
                    lrhs = (fbfs * (fvals[idof, :, None] * dets)).sum(0)
                    rhs[idof, elc] += lrhs

                lmtx = ((fbfs[..., None] * fbfs[:, None, :]) *
                        dets[..., None]).sum(0)

                er, ec = nm.meshgrid(elc, elc)

            rows = nm.concatenate(rows)
            cols = nm.concatenate(cols)
            mvals = nm.concatenate(mvals)
            mtx = sps.coo_matrix((mvals, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_dof, n_dof))

            vals = nm.zeros((dpn, n_dof), dtype=nm.float64)

            # Solve l2 projection system.
            for idof in range(dpn):
                dofs = solve(mtx, rhs[idof, :])
                vals[idof, remap[nods]] = dofs

            raise ValueError('unknown function/value type! (%s)' % type(fun))

        return nods, vals
Exemplo n.º 3
def project_to_facets(region, fun, dpn, field):
    Project a function `fun` to the `field` in facets of the given `region`.
    aux = field.get_dofs_in_region(region)
    nods = nm.unique(aux)
    n_dof = len(nods)

    # Region facet connectivity.
    lconn = field.get_econn('surface', region, local=True)

    # Cell and face(cell) ids for each facet.
    fis = region.get_facet_indices()

    all_qps, all_fbfs, all_dets = field.get_surface_basis(region)

    # DOF values in the physical BQP.
    all_qps = nm.concatenate(all_qps)
    vals = nm.asarray(fun(all_qps))
    if (vals.ndim > 1) and (vals.shape != (len(all_qps), dpn)):
        raise ValueError('The projected function return value should be'
                         ' (n_point, dpn) == %s, instead of %s!' %
                         ((len(all_qps), dpn), vals.shape))
    vals.shape = (len(all_qps), dpn)

    n_qp_face = all_dets[0].shape[0]

    # Assemble l2 projection system.
    rhs = nm.zeros((dpn, n_dof), dtype=nm.float64)
    rows, cols, mvals = [], [], []
    for ii, (ie, ifa) in enumerate(fis):
        # Assembling indices.
        elc = lconn[ii]

        fvals = vals[n_qp_face * ii:n_qp_face * (ii + 1)]

        fbfs = all_fbfs[ii]
        dets = all_dets[ii]

        # Local projection system.
        for idof in range(dpn):
            lrhs = (fbfs * (fvals[:, idof, None] * dets)).sum(0)
            rhs[idof, elc] += lrhs

        lmtx = ((fbfs[..., None] * fbfs[:, None, :]) * dets[..., None]).sum(0)

        er, ec = nm.meshgrid(elc, elc)

    rows = nm.concatenate(rows)
    cols = nm.concatenate(cols)
    mvals = nm.concatenate(mvals)
    mtx = sps.coo_matrix((mvals, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_dof, n_dof))

    vals = nm.zeros((n_dof, dpn), dtype=nm.float64)

    # Solve l2 projection system.
    for idof in range(dpn):
        dofs = solve(mtx, rhs[idof, :])
        vals[:, idof] = dofs

    return vals