Exemplo n.º 1
def test_soil_profile_vertical_total_stress_w_surface_layer():
    soil_1 = models.Soil()
    soil_1.phi = 33.
    soil_1.cohesion = 50000
    soil_1.unit_dry_weight = 18000
    soil_profile = models.SoilProfile()

    soil_profile.add_layer(-3, sm.Soil())
    soil_profile.add_layer(-1, soil_1)
    sl = soil_profile.layer(1)
    assert np.isclose(soil_profile.get_v_total_stress_at_depth(5), 5 * 18000, rtol=0.0001)
    soil_profile.gwl = 3.
    assert np.isclose(soil_profile.get_v_total_stress_at_depth(3), 3 * 18000, rtol=0.0001)
    with pytest.raises(exceptions.AnalysisError):
    sl_id = soil_profile.get_layer_index_by_depth(1.5)
    soil_profile.layer(sl_id).unit_sat_weight = 21000
    expected = 3 * 18000 + 2 * 21000
    assert np.isclose(soil_profile.get_v_total_stress_at_depth(5), expected, rtol=0.0001)
    soil_2 = models.Soil()
    soil_2.phi = 33.
    soil_2.cohesion = 50000
    soil_2.unit_dry_weight = 16000

    soil_profile.add_layer(4., soil_2)
    soil_profile.gwl = 10000  # Dry first
    assert np.isclose(soil_profile.get_v_total_stress_at_depth(5), 4 * 18000 + 1 * 16000, rtol=0.0001)
    soil_profile.gwl = 3.
    with pytest.raises(exceptions.AnalysisError):
    sl_id = soil_profile.get_layer_index_by_depth(4.5)
    soil_profile.layer(sl_id).unit_sat_weight = 20000
    expected = 3 * 18000 + 1 * 21000 + 1 * 20000
    assert np.isclose(soil_profile.get_v_total_stress_at_depth(5), expected, rtol=0.0001)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_can_move_layer():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl2 = models.Soil()
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0.0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3.0, sl2)
    assert sp.get_layer_depth(2) == 3.0
    sp.move_layer(4.0, 2)
    assert sp.get_layer_depth(2) == 4.0
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_set_soil_ids_in_soil_profile():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl2 = models.Soil()
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3, sl2)
    assert sp.layer(2).id is None
    assert sp.layer(2).id == 2
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_karamitros():

    # Load ground motion
    fpath = TEST_DATA_DIR + "input_acc.his"
    acc_file = np.loadtxt(fpath, skiprows=4)
    acc = acc_file[:, 1]

    # define the soils and soil profile
    sl_0 = sm.Soil()
    sl_0.phi = 0
    sl_0.cohesion = 50000
    sl_0.unit_dry_weight = 19600
    sl_0.unit_sat_weight = 21000

    sl_1 = sm.Soil()
    sl_1.phi = 33.
    sl_1.cohesion = 0
    sl_1.unit_dry_weight = 19700
    sl_1.unit_sat_weight = 21000

    soil_profile = sm.SoilProfile()
    soil_profile.add_layer(0, sl_0)
    soil_profile.add_layer(4.0, sl_1)
    soil_profile.gwl = 2.

    # Define a foundation
    length = 1000000.
    fd = sm.Foundation()
    fd.length = length
    fd.width = 10.0
    fd.depth = 0.0

    q = 80000  # applied load

    z_c = lqs.cal_z_c(fd, z_liq=4, h0=2)
    vertical_effective_stress = soil_profile.get_v_eff_stress_at_depth(z_c)
    phi_deg = lqs.calc_degraded_phi(sl_1.phi, vertical_effective_stress, q=q)
    assert np.isclose(phi_deg, 9.9275389), phi_deg  # Not validated
    sl_1.phi = phi_deg
    q_ult = gf.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0,
    assert np.isclose(q_ult, 107350.07398), q_ult  # Not validated
    dt = 0.005

    sett_dyn = lqs.karamitros_settlement(fd,
    assert np.isclose(
        sett_dyn, 0.03242937,
        rtol=0.001), sett_dyn  # 0.03242937 Not validated, liquepy 0.1.11
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_get_layer_index_by_depth():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl2 = models.Soil()
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3, sl2)
    assert sp.get_layer_index_by_depth(0) == 1
    assert sp.get_layer_index_by_depth(1) == 1
    assert sp.get_layer_index_by_depth(3) == 2
    assert sp.get_layer_index_by_depth(4) == 2
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_non_water_liquid():
    sl0 = models.Soil(liq_mass_density=1.0e3, unit_dry_weight=16000., e_curr=0.55)
    sl1 = models.Soil(liq_mass_density=1.1e3, liq_sg=1.1, unit_dry_weight=16000., e_curr=0.55)
    assert np.isclose(sl0.specific_gravity, sl1.specific_gravity), (sl0.specific_gravity, sl1.specific_gravity)
    assert not np.isclose(sl0.unit_sat_weight, sl1.unit_sat_weight), (sl0.unit_sat_weight, sl1.unit_sat_weight)
    sl1.override('liq_sg', 1.0)
    assert np.isclose(sl0.unit_sat_weight, sl1.unit_sat_weight), (sl0.unit_sat_weight, sl1.unit_sat_weight)

    sl0 = models.Soil(liq_mass_density=1.0e3, unit_sat_weight=20000., e_curr=0.55)
    sl1 = models.Soil(liq_mass_density=1.1e3, unit_sat_weight=20000., e_curr=0.55)
    assert not np.isclose(sl0.specific_gravity, sl1.specific_gravity), (sl0.specific_gravity, sl1.specific_gravity)
    assert not np.isclose(sl0.unit_dry_weight, sl1.unit_dry_weight), (sl0.unit_sat_weight, sl1.unit_sat_weight)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_poissons_ratio_again():
    soil = models.Soil()
    g_mod = 60000000.0
    bulk_mod = 87142857.14285
    poissons_ratio = 0.22
    soil.g_mod = g_mod
    soil.bulk_mod = bulk_mod
    soil.poissons_ratio = poissons_ratio
    soil2 = models.Soil()
    soil2.bulk_mod = bulk_mod
    soil2.g_mod = g_mod
    soil2.poissons_ratio = poissons_ratio
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_can_replace_layers():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl2 = models.Soil()
    sl2.g_mod = 2.0
    sl3 = models.Soil()
    sl3.g_mod = 3.0
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0.0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3.0, sl2)
    assert np.isclose(sp.layer(2).g_mod, 2.0)
    sp.replace_layer(2, sl3)
    assert np.isclose(sp.layer(2).g_mod, 3.0)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_get_parameter_at_depth_in_soil_profile():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl1_gmod = 30e6
    sl1.g_mod = sl1_gmod
    sl2 = models.Soil()
    sl2_cohesion = 20e3
    sl2.cohesion = sl2_cohesion
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3, sl2)
    assert np.isclose(sp.get_parameter_at_depth(2, 'g_mod'), sl1_gmod)
    assert sp.get_parameter_at_depth(4, 'g_mod') is None
    assert np.isclose(sp.get_parameter_at_depth(4, 'cohesion'), sl2_cohesion)
    assert sp.get_parameter_at_depth(2, 'cohesion') is None
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_moist_weight_setter():
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.unit_dry_weight = 17000
    sl.e_curr = 0.7
    assert sl.saturation is None
    sl.unit_moist_weight = 18000
    assert np.isclose(sl.saturation, 0.248, 0.01)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_inputs_soil():
    sl = models.Soil()
    assert "g_mod" in sl.inputs
    assert "e_cr0" not in sl.inputs
    crit_sl = models.CriticalSoil()
    assert "g_mod" in crit_sl.inputs
    assert "e_cr0" in crit_sl.inputs
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_soil_profile_split_complex_stress_dependent():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl1_gmod = 40e6
    sl1_unit_dry_weight = 16000
    sl1.g_mod = sl1_gmod

    sl1.unit_dry_weight = sl1_unit_dry_weight
    sl2 = models.StressDependentSoil()
    sl2.poissons_ratio = 0.33

    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3, sl2)
    sp.height = 5
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    sl2.unit_dry_weight = 17000
    assert len(sp.split['thickness']) == len(sp.split['shear_vel'])

    assert None in sp.split['shear_vel']
    sl2.g0_mod = 501
    sp.layer(2).unit_dry_weight = sl1_unit_dry_weight
    assert None not in sp.split['shear_vel']
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_void_ratio_setter():
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.unit_dry_weight = 17000
    assert sl.specific_gravity is None
    sl.e_curr = 0.7
    assert np.isclose(sl.specific_gravity, 2.949, rtol=0.01)
    # check that unit_dry_weight is still consistent
    sl.unit_dry_weight = 17000
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_load_nan():
    sl = models.Soil(pw=None)
    sl.g_mod = ""
    sl.bulk_mod = ""
    sl.g_mod = None
    for item in sl.inputs:
        setattr(sl, item, "")
        setattr(sl, item, None)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_relative_density_to_e_min_setter():
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.e_max = 1.0
    sl.e_curr = 0.76
    assert sl.e_min is None
    sl.relative_density = 0.4
    e_min = 0.4
    assert np.isclose(sl.e_min, e_min, rtol=0.01), sl.e_min

    # reverse
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.e_max = 1.0
    sl.e_curr = 0.76
    assert sl.relative_density is None
    relative_density = 0.4
    sl.e_min = 0.4
    assert np.isclose(sl.relative_density, relative_density, rtol=0.01), sl.relative_density
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_saturation_setter_on_soil():
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.unit_dry_weight = 17000
    sl.e_curr = 0.7
    assert np.isclose(sl.unit_sat_weight, 21035.3, rtol=0.01)
    assert sl.saturation is None
    assert sl.unit_moist_weight is None
    sl.saturation = 1.0
    assert np.isclose(sl.unit_moist_weight, 21035.3, rtol=0.01)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_specific_gravity_setter():
    # void ratio then specific gravity
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.e_curr = 0.7
    assert sl.unit_dry_weight is None
    sl.specific_gravity = 2.95
    assert np.isclose(sl.unit_dry_weight, 17000, rtol=0.01)
    # check that void ratio is still consistent
    sl.e_curr = 0.7

    # specific gravity then void ratio
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.specific_gravity = 2.95
    assert sl.unit_dry_weight is None
    sl.e_curr = 0.7
    assert np.isclose(sl.unit_dry_weight, 17000, rtol=0.01)
    # check that specific gravity is still consistent
    sl.specific_gravity = 2.95
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_reset_all():
    from tests import load_test_data as ltd
    soil = models.Soil()
    exception_list = ["base_type", "type", "stype"]
    for item in soil.inputs:
        if item not in exception_list:
            assert getattr(soil, item) is None
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_relative_density_to_e_curr_setter():
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.e_max = 1.0
    sl.e_min = 0.4
    assert sl.e_curr is None
    sl.relative_density = 0.4
    # expected_void_ratio = sl.e_max - sl.relative_density * (sl.e_max - sl.e_min)
    expected_void_ratio = 0.76
    assert np.isclose(sl.e_curr, expected_void_ratio, rtol=0.01), sl.e_curr
    # reverse
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.e_max = 1.0
    sl.e_min = 0.4
    assert sl.relative_density is None
    sl.e_curr = 0.76
    # expected_void_ratio = sl.e_max - sl.relative_density * (sl.e_max - sl.e_min)
    expected_relative_density = 0.4
    assert np.isclose(sl.relative_density, expected_relative_density, rtol=0.01), sl.e_curr
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_save_and_load_soil_w_diff_liq_mass_density():
    sl = models.Soil(liq_mass_density=1.0)
    sl.e_curr = 0.65
    sl.specific_gravity = 2.65
    ecp_output = sm.Output()
    p_str = json.dumps(ecp_output.to_dict(), indent=4)
    objs = sm.loads_json(p_str)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_hydrostatic_pressure():
    soil_1 = models.Soil()
    soil_1.phi = 33.
    soil_1.cohesion = 50000
    soil_1.unit_dry_weight = 18000
    soil_2 = models.Soil()
    soil_2.phi = 33.
    soil_2.cohesion = 50000
    soil_2.unit_dry_weight = 18000
    soil_profile = models.SoilProfile()
    soil_profile.add_layer(0, soil_1)
    soil_profile.add_layer(5., soil_2)
    z_c = 5.0
    gwl = 4.0
    soil_profile.gwl = gwl

    assert soil_1.unit_sat_weight is None
    assert np.isclose(soil_profile.get_hydrostatic_pressure_at_depth(2), 0.0, rtol=0.0001)
    assert np.isclose(soil_profile.get_hydrostatic_pressure_at_depth(z_c), 9800, rtol=0.0001)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_relative_density_to_e_max_setter():
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.e_min = 0.4
    sl.e_curr = 0.76
    assert sl.e_max is None
    sl.relative_density = 0.4
    e_max = 1.0
    actual = sl.e_max
    assert np.isclose(sl.e_max, e_max, rtol=0.01), actual

    # reverse
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.e_min = 0.4
    sl.e_curr = 0.76
    assert sl.relative_density is None
    relative_density = 0.4
    sl.e_max = 1.0
    actual = sl.relative_density
    assert np.isclose(sl.relative_density, relative_density, rtol=0.01), actual
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_add_layer_to_soil_profile():
    soil_profile = models.SoilProfile()
    soil = models.Soil()
    soil_profile.add_layer(3, soil)
    soil_profile.add_layer(5, soil)
    soil_profile.add_layer(2.5, soil)
    layer_order = [2.5, 3, 5]
    ind = 0
    for layer in soil_profile.layers:
        assert layer == layer_order[ind]
        ind += 1
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_soil_profile_split_simple_prop():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl1_gmod = 30e6
    sl1_unit_dry_weight = 16000
    sl1.g_mod = sl1_gmod

    sl1.unit_dry_weight = sl1_unit_dry_weight
    sl2 = models.Soil()
    sl2_cohesion = 20e3
    sl2.cohesion = sl2_cohesion
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3, sl2)
    sp.height = 5
    assert len(sp.split['thickness']) == len(sp.split['cohesion'])
    assert None in sp.split['cohesion']
    sl1.cohesion = 0.0
    assert np.max(sp.split["cohesion"]) == 20e3
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_get_soil_at_depth_in_soil_profile():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl1_gmod = 30e6
    sl1_unit_dry_weight = 16000
    sl1.g_mod = sl1_gmod
    sl1.unit_dry_weight = sl1_unit_dry_weight
    sl2 = models.Soil()
    sl2_cohesion = 20e3
    sl2.cohesion = sl2_cohesion
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3, sl2)
    sl_at_2 = sp.get_soil_at_depth(2)
    sl_at_4 = sp.get_soil_at_depth(4)
    assert np.isclose(sl_at_2.g_mod, sl1_gmod)
    assert np.isclose(sl_at_2.unit_dry_weight, sl1_unit_dry_weight)
    assert sl_at_2.cohesion is None
    assert sl_at_4.g_mod is None
    assert sl_at_4.unit_dry_weight is None
    assert np.isclose(sl_at_4.cohesion, sl2_cohesion)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_get_parameters_at_depth_in_soil_profile():
    sl1 = models.Soil()
    sl1_gmod = 30e6
    sl1_unit_dry_weight = 16000
    sl1.g_mod = sl1_gmod
    sl1.unit_dry_weight = sl1_unit_dry_weight
    sl2 = models.Soil()
    sl2_cohesion = 20e3
    sl2.cohesion = sl2_cohesion
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0, sl1)
    sp.add_layer(3, sl2)
    vals_at_2 = sp.get_parameters_at_depth(2, ['g_mod', 'unit_dry_weight', 'cohesion'])
    vals_at_4 = sp.get_parameters_at_depth(4, ['g_mod', 'unit_dry_weight', 'cohesion'])
    assert np.isclose(vals_at_2['g_mod'], sl1_gmod)
    assert np.isclose(vals_at_2['unit_dry_weight'], sl1_unit_dry_weight)
    assert vals_at_2['cohesion'] is None
    assert vals_at_4['g_mod'] is None
    assert vals_at_4['unit_dry_weight'] is None
    assert np.isclose(vals_at_4['cohesion'], sl2_cohesion)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_can_override_all():
    from tests import load_test_data as ltd
    soil = models.Soil()
    for item in soil.inputs:
        soil2 = soil.deepcopy()
        value = getattr(soil, item)
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, str):
            soil2.override(item, value * 1.3)
            assert getattr(soil2, item) == value * 1.3
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_model_inputs():
    p_models = [
        dm.FrameBuilding(1, 2),
    for model in p_models:
        for parameter in model.inputs:
            assert hasattr(model, parameter), parameter
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_saturation_set_in_soil_profile():
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.id = 1
    sl.relative_density = .40  # [decimal]
    sl.unit_dry_weight = 17000  # [N/m3]

    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.hydrostatic = True
    sp.gwl = 4.0
    sp.add_layer(0, sl)
    sp.add_layer(6, sl.deepcopy())
    assert np.isclose(sp.layer(1).saturation, 0.00)
    assert np.isclose(sp.layer(2).saturation, 1.00)

    # Add a layer in between
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.id = 2
    sl.relative_density = .50  # [decimal]
    sl.unit_dry_weight = 18000  # [N/m3]
    sp.add_layer(2, sl)
    assert np.isclose(sp.layer(2).saturation, 0.50)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_e_max_to_saturated_weight_setter():
    sl = models.Soil()
    sl.e_min = 0.4
    sl.e_max = 1.0
    sl.unit_dry_weight = 16000
    assert sl.unit_sat_weight is None
    sl.e_curr = 0.76
    assert sl.unit_sat_weight is not None
    sl.relative_density = 0.4
    unit_sat_weight = 20231.818

    assert np.isclose(sl.unit_sat_weight, unit_sat_weight, rtol=0.01), sl.unit_sat_weight