Exemplo n.º 1
 def BuyActPoint(self,para={}):
     optId = 91004
     MaxBuyActTimes = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('MaxBuyActTimes')
     TodayBuyTimes = self.mod.getTodayBuyTimes()
     print 'TodayBuyTimes',TodayBuyTimes
     if MaxBuyActTimes <= TodayBuyTimes:
         Gcore.out(optId, -91004001) #已达可购买上限
         TodayBuyTimes += 1
         CostValue = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('BuyTimesPrice').get( str(TodayBuyTimes) )
         if CostValue is None:
             CostValue = max( Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('BuyTimesPrice').values() )
         modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin', self.uid)
         pay = modCoin.PayCoin(optId, 1, CostValue, 'WarUI.BuyActTimes', para)
         if pay < 0:
             return Gcore.error(optId, -91004995) #支付失败
             result = self.mod.buyActPoint()
             if not result:
                 return Gcore.error(optId, -91004002) #系统错误
     body = {}
     body['CanBuy'] = 1 if TodayBuyTimes < MaxBuyActTimes else 0
     RestPoint,MaxPoint = self.mod.getActPoint()
     body['RestPoint'] = RestPoint
     body['MaxPoint'] = MaxPoint
     return Gcore.out(optId, body)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def BuyActPoint(self, para={}):
        optId = 91004
        MaxBuyActTimes = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('MaxBuyActTimes')
        TodayBuyTimes = self.mod.getTodayBuyTimes()
        print 'TodayBuyTimes', TodayBuyTimes
        if MaxBuyActTimes <= TodayBuyTimes:
            Gcore.out(optId, -91004001)  #已达可购买上限
            TodayBuyTimes += 1
            CostValue = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('BuyTimesPrice').get(
            if CostValue is None:
                CostValue = max(
            modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin', self.uid)
            pay = modCoin.PayCoin(optId, 1, CostValue, 'WarUI.BuyActTimes',
            if pay < 0:
                return Gcore.error(optId, -91004995)  #支付失败
                result = self.mod.buyActPoint()
                if not result:
                    return Gcore.error(optId, -91004002)  #系统错误

        body = {}
        body['CanBuy'] = 1 if TodayBuyTimes < MaxBuyActTimes else 0
        RestPoint, MaxPoint = self.mod.getActPoint()
        body['RestPoint'] = RestPoint
        body['MaxPoint'] = MaxPoint
        return Gcore.out(optId, body)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def WarInfoAll(self, para={}):
     '''战役主界面(新) by Lizr'''
     optId = 91003
     body = self.mod.getWarInfoAll()
     RestPoint, MaxPoint = self.mod.getActPoint()
     body['RestPoint'] = RestPoint
     body['MaxPoint'] = MaxPoint
     body['PerBuyAddPoint'] = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('PerBuyAddPoint')
     body['BuyTimesPrice'] = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('BuyTimesPrice')
     MaxBuyActTimes = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('MaxBuyActTimes')
     TodayBuyTimes = self.mod.getTodayBuyTimes()
     body['CanBuy'] = 1 if TodayBuyTimes < MaxBuyActTimes else 0
     body['AlreadyBuyTimes'] = TodayBuyTimes
     body['MaxBuyActTimes'] = MaxBuyActTimes
     return Gcore.out(optId, body)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def WarInfoAll(self,para={}):
     '''战役主界面(新) by Lizr'''
     optId = 91003
     body = self.mod.getWarInfoAll()
     RestPoint,MaxPoint = self.mod.getActPoint()
     body['RestPoint'] = RestPoint
     body['MaxPoint'] = MaxPoint
     body['PerBuyAddPoint'] = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('PerBuyAddPoint')
     body['BuyTimesPrice'] = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('BuyTimesPrice')
     MaxBuyActTimes = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('MaxBuyActTimes')
     TodayBuyTimes = self.mod.getTodayBuyTimes()
     body['CanBuy'] = 1 if TodayBuyTimes < MaxBuyActTimes else 0
     body['AlreadyBuyTimes'] = TodayBuyTimes
     body['MaxBuyActTimes'] = MaxBuyActTimes
     return Gcore.out(optId, body)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def GetSignInLog(self, param={}):
     optId = 23006
     data = self.mod.getSigninLog()
     a = list(data['SignInDate'])
     data['SignInDate'] = ','.join(a)
     awards = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_signin_award').values()
     fullWorkAwards = filter(lambda dic:dic['AwardId']>=3000 and dic['AwardId']<4000, awards)
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     data['FullWorkAwardId'] = fullWorkAwards[now.month-1]['AwardId']
     finalAwards = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_SIGNIN)['FinalAwardId']
     #awards = finalAwards.split(',')
     awards = finalAwards
     signCount = data['SignInCount']
     n = signCount / 30 % len(awards)
     if signCount % 30 == 0:
         n -= 1
     awardId = int(awards[n])
     data['FinalAwardId'] = awardId
     signCount = signCount % 30
     data['SignInDays'] = signCount if signCount else 30 #用于前台显示当前周期内的天数,30天一周期
     data['Refill'] = 5 - data['Refill']
     return Gcore.out(optId, data)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def getDefeaters(self, TimeStamp=None):
        TimeStamp = TimeStamp if TimeStamp else time.time()
        HoldConfig = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_HOLD)
        ExpireTime = HoldConfig["ExpireTime"]  # 过期时间
        LimitCnt = HoldConfig["LimitCount"]  # 手下败将的最大个数

        table = "tb_battle_record"
        fields = [
            "MAX(CreateTime) as CreateTime",
        where = """UserId="%s" AND BattleResult=1 AND CreateTime>="%s" AND
                 GROUP BY UserId, PeerUID, PeerSID LIMIT %s""" % (
            TimeStamp - ExpireTime,
        res = self.db.out_rows(table, fields, where)
        return res
Exemplo n.º 7
    def refreashTime(self):
        now = Gcore.common.nowtime()

        lastLottery = self.getOnlineLottery()
        lastChangeTime = lastLottery['LastChangeTime']

        modPlayer = Gcore.getMod('Player', self.uid)
        lastLoginTime = modPlayer.getUserBaseInfo(['LastLoginTime'

        tt = max(lastChangeTime, lastLoginTime)
        addTime = now - tt

        #if lastChangeTime<t0:
        if time.localtime(lastChangeTime)[2] != time.localtime(now)[2]:
            lastLottery['DayOnlineTime'] = 0
            lastLottery['LotteryCount'] = 0

        #timeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_limit')
        timeCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_ONLINE_LIMIT)
        maxt = 0
        for t in timeCfg.values():
            #maxt += t['NeedTime']#获取最大次数所需要时间
            maxt += t
        lastLottery['DayOnlineTime'] = min(lastLottery['DayOnlineTime'] +
                                           addTime, maxt)  #最大时间不能超过上限
        lastLottery['LastChangeTime'] = now  #更新操作时间
        where = 'UserId=%s' % self.uid
        self.db.update('tb_activity_online', lastLottery, where)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def CreateUser(self,para={'NickName':'','UserCamp':0}): 
        import random
        optId = 10002
        buildCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_BUILDING)
        userCamp = para['UserCamp']
        if userCamp==0:
            userCamp = random.randint(1,3) #1:魏,2:蜀,3:吴
        ctime = Gcore.common.datetime()
        data = {'CreateTime':ctime,'GoldCoin':buildCfg['InitGoldCoin'],\
        UserId = self.db.insert('tb_user',data)
        self.uid = UserId
        playerMod = Gcore.getMod('Player', UserId)#此处会为用户获取新的连接
        if userCamp==int(para.get('RCKey',0)):

        return UserId
Exemplo n.º 9
 def gainDeveote(self,clubId,gainWay,**p):
     @param clubId:
     @param gainWay:获得方式 1贡献 3抽奖
     @param p:if gainWay==1: p{coinValue,coinType}
              elif gainWay==3: p{devoteNum}
     if not clubId:
         return 0
     devoteNum = p.get('devoteNum',0)
     record = {'ClubId':clubId,'UserId':self.uid,
     if gainWay==1:#贡献获得
         coinType = p['coinType']
         coinValue = p['coinValue']
         devoteBase = Gcore.loadCfg(defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB).get('ClubGiveBase').get( str(coinType))
         devoteNum = coinValue/devoteBase
         record['DevoteNum'] = devoteNum
         record['DevoteCoinType'] = coinType
         record['DevoteCoinValue'] = coinValue
     sql = 'UPDATE tb_club_member \
             SET  DevoteCurrent=DevoteCurrent+%s,\
                  DevoteTotal=DevoteTotal+%s \
             WHERE UserId=%s AND ClubId=%s'%(devoteNum,devoteNum,self.uid,clubId)
     if self.db.execute(sql):
         return devoteNum
Exemplo n.º 10
    def login(self, loginIp=None, loginMode=None):
        now = time.time()
        sql = "UPDATE tb_user SET LastLoginTime=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),Online=1,LoginTimes=LoginTimes+1 WHERE UserId=%s" % self.uid

        #if not self.uid in Gcore.StorageUser: #缓存基础用户信息
        if 1:  # fixed by zhoujingjiang

        UserType = Gcore.getUserData(self.uid, 'UserType')
        #         loginLogTB = 'tb_log_login201306'
        loginLogTB = self.tb_log_login()
        data = {
            'UserId': self.uid,
            'LoginTime': now,
            'UserType': UserType,
            'LoginModel': loginMode,
            'LoginIP': loginIp
        self.logId = self.db.insert(loginLogTB, data)
        print self.uid, 'login get logId:%s at %s' % (self.logId, now)

        key = Gcore.redisKey(self.uid)
        Gcore.redisM.hset('sgLogin', key, '1')
        UserLevel = self.getUserLevel()
        modActivity = Gcore.getMod('Activity', self.uid)
        modActivity.signin(0, '')
        if UserLevel >= Gcore.loadCfg(9301).get('FightLevel'):
            row = {}
            row['Online'] = 1
            row['UserId'] = self.uid
Exemplo n.º 11
 def getRankReward(self):
     data = {}
     data['RewardTime'] = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_RANK_FIGHT).get('RewardTime','22:00:00')
     RankId = self.db.out_field('tb_rank_fight_last','RankId','UserId=%s'%self.uid)
     data['RewardRankId'] = RankId if RankId else 0
     cfg_rank_reward = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_rank_reward')
     data['RewardBoxList'] = {}
     MyRewardRankId = data['RewardRankId']
     for k,v in cfg_rank_reward.iteritems():
         data['RewardBoxList'][k] = {
                                     'Bright':1 if v['RankFrom']<=MyRewardRankId<=v['RankTo'] else 0
         data['RewardBoxList'][k]['Rewards'] = []
         for i in xrange(1,6):
             field1 = 'RewardType%s'%i
             field2 = 'GoodsId%s'%i
             field3 = 'GoodsNum%s'%i
             if v[field1] and v[field2]:
                 cell = {'RewardType':v[field1], 'GoodsId':v[field2], 'GoodsNum':v[field3]}
     return data
Exemplo n.º 12
    def CreateUser(self, para={'NickName': '', 'UserCamp': 0}):
        import random
        optId = 10002
        buildCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_BUILDING)
        userCamp = para['UserCamp']
        if userCamp == 0:
            userCamp = random.randint(1, 3)  #1:魏,2:蜀,3:吴

        ctime = Gcore.common.datetime()
        data = {'CreateTime':ctime,'GoldCoin':buildCfg['InitGoldCoin'],\
        UserId = self.db.insert('tb_user', data)
        self.uid = UserId
        playerMod = Gcore.getMod('Player', UserId)  #此处会为用户获取新的连接

        if userCamp == int(para.get('RCKey', 0)):
            playerMod.sendCampGift(optId, userCamp)  #发放奖励

        return UserId
Exemplo n.º 13
    def GetCrewList(self,p={}):
        @param ListView: 1:成员列表2:申请列表 '''
        optId = 15073
        listView = p['ListView']
        pageNum = p['PageNum']
        sortWay = 'ASC' if p['SortWay']==0 else 'DESC'
        sortField = p['SortField']
        if sortField == 1:
            sortField = 'u.VipLevel '+sortWay
        elif sortField == 2:
            sortField = 'm.DevoteTotal '+sortWay
            sortField = 'u.UserHonour '+sortWay
        clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId()
        if not clubId:
            return Gcore.error(optId,-15066920)#军团不存在
        pageSize = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB ).get('MemPS')
        memberNum = self.mod.getCrewNum(listView,clubId)
        maxPage = int(math.ceil(float(memberNum)/pageSize))
        if 0<maxPage<pageNum:
            pageNum = maxPage
        if pageNum<1:
            pageNum = 1
        offset = (pageNum-1)*pageSize
#        end = offset+pageSize
        if memberNum>0:
            members = self.mod.getCrewList(listView,clubId,sortField,offset,pageSize)
            members = []
        clubLevel = self.mod.getClubInfo(clubId).get('ClubLevel')
        memberNum = self.mod.getClubMemberNum(clubId)
        return Gcore.out(optId,{'ClubLevel':clubLevel,'MemberNum':memberNum,'Members':members,'PageNum':pageNum,'MaxPage':maxPage})
Exemplo n.º 14
 def ModifyClub(self,p={}):
     optId = 15065
     logoId = p.get('LogoId')
     clubNotice = p.get('ClubNotice')
     allowState = p.get('AllowState')
     building = self.mod.getClubBuildingInfo()
     if building is None:
         return  Gcore.error(optId,-15065901)#外史院建筑不存在
     cfgClub = Gcore.loadCfg(defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB)
     noticeLimit = cfgClub.get('ClubNoticeLimit')
     flag = com.filterInput(clubNotice,0,noticeLimit)
     if flag == -1:
         return Gcore.error(optId, -15065993) #长度不符合要求
     elif flag == -2:
         return Gcore.error(optId, -15065992) #不能含有敏感字符
     if logoId not in range(1,7):
         return Gcore.error(optId,-15065999)#参数错误
     clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId()
     if not clubId:
         return Gcore.error(optId,-15065920)#军团不存在
     clubLeader = self.mod.getClubLeader(clubId)
     if self.uid != clubLeader.get('UserId'):
         return Gcore.error(optId,-15065998)#非法权限
     data = {'ClubLogoId':logoId,'ClubNotice':clubNotice,'AllowState':allowState}
     return Gcore.out(optId,data)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def getActPoint(self):
     '''获得 剩余行动点数/最大行动点数'''
     BuyActPoint = self.getUserInfo('BuyActPoint')
     row = self._lastActRecord()
     MaxPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point',self.getUserLevel(),'ActPoint')
     if not row:
         RestPoint = MaxPoint + BuyActPoint
         nowtime = Gcore.common.nowtime()
         PerIncrTime = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('ActPointRecoverTime',1200)
         if Gcore.TEST and self.uid in [1001,43953]:
             PerIncrTime = testPerIncrTime
         if row['ActPoint']>=MaxPoint: #已满,不恢复
             RestPoint = row['ActPoint']
             AccuTime = row['AccuTime'] + ( nowtime - row['LastWarTime'] )
             incrTimes = AccuTime//PerIncrTime #回复一点需要多长时间 20分钟
             #print 'incrTimes',incrTimes
             print 'getActPoint.上次剩余',row['ActPoint']
             print 'getActPoint.至已经恢复了',incrTimes
             ActPoint = row['ActPoint'] + incrTimes
             if ActPoint > MaxPoint:
                 ActPoint = MaxPoint
                 print 'getActPoint.剩余+累计越出上限,设为上限',ActPoint
             #查看的时候 不更新累计时间 tb_war_action.AccuTime    
             RestPoint = ActPoint
     #print '剩余次数    最大次数',RestPoint,MaxPoint, 前台显示的是: 剩余次数/最大次数
     return (RestPoint,MaxPoint)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def autoAddSoldier(self, TimeStamp=None):
        TimeStamp = TimeStamp if TimeStamp else time.time()

        Generals = self.getLatestGeneralInfo(TimeStamp=TimeStamp)
        onembattle = sorted([General for General in Generals if General["PosId"] and \
                           General["TakeType"]], key=lambda dic:dic["PosId"])
        if not onembattle:
            return -1 #没有上阵武将

        modCamp = Gcore.getMod('Building_camp', self.uid)
        soldiers = modCamp.getSoldiers()

        for General in onembattle:
            soldiers["Soldier%d"%General['TakeType']] -= General['TakeNum']
            assert soldiers["Soldier%d"%General['TakeType']] >= 0

        kLeaderAddNum = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BATTLE).get('kLeaderAddNum')
        sql = 'UPDATE %s SET TakeNum=CASE GeneralId ' % self.tb_general()
        for General in onembattle:
            num = min(soldiers["Soldier%d"%General['TakeType']],
                      General['LeaderValue'] * kLeaderAddNum - General["TakeNum"])
            General["TakeNum"] += num
            soldiers["Soldier%d"%General['TakeType']] -= num
            sql += ' WHEN %d THEN %d ' % (General["GeneralId"], General["TakeNum"])

        where = 'UserId = %s AND ( GeneralId = ' % (self.uid, )+ \
        ' OR GeneralId = '.join([str(General["GeneralId"]) for General in onembattle]) + ' ) '
        sql += ' ELSE TakeNum END WHERE %s ' % where

        return self.db.execute(sql)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def MailList(self, param={}):
        @param param['MailType']=1 表示收件箱
               param['MailType']=2 表示发件箱 
        optId = 18003
        mailType = int(param['MailType'])
        page = int(param['Page'])  #页码
        if not page:  #默认为第一页
            page = 1
        if mailType not in (1, 2):
            return Gcore.error(optId, -18003999)  #MailType值不对
        mailCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_MAIL)
        pagePerNum = int(mailCfg['MailShowPerPageMax'])  #每页的邮件数
        mailCount = int(self.mod.mailCountByType(mailType))  #收件箱/发件箱中邮件总数
        mailDatas = self.mod.getMailList(mailType, page,
                                         pagePerNum)  #每页显示的邮件数据

        subjShowMax = mailCfg['SubjectShowMax']  #邮件主题显示最大长度
        self.mod.finMailDatas(mailDatas, subjShowMax)
        totalPage = int(math.ceil(1.0 * mailCount / pagePerNum))

        body = {
            'mailDatas': mailDatas,
            'page': page,
            'mailCount': mailCount,
            'totalpage': totalPage

        return Gcore.out(optId, body=body)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def setReventProcess(self, process, flag=0, TimeStamp=None):
     #返回值:-2 反抗次数已达到最大 -1 参数错误  0 没达到成功条件 1达到成功条件
     if not 0 <= process <=1:
         return -1 #攻城进度取值范围不对
     TimeStamp = TimeStamp if TimeStamp else time.time()
     cnt, pro = self.calcRevent(TimeStamp)
     ratio = 0.5 #读配置
     maxnum = 5 #读配置
     cnt_new = cnt + 1
     pro_new = pro + float(ratio * process) #取攻城进度的50%。
     if cnt_new > maxnum:
         return -2
     elif pro_new >= 1.0 or flag == 1: #累积进度达到100% ## 读配置
         self.db.execute('DELETE FROM `tb_hold_revenge` WHERE UserId="%s"'%self.uid)
         hsid,huid = self.getMyHolder()
         if huid:
             self.freed(huid, hsid) #让自己被释放
             pMod = Gcore.getMod('Player', self.uid)
             protectTime = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_BUILDING_HOLD)['RvProtectHoldSecond']
         return 1
     else: #增加累计进度
         arr = {}
         arr['ProcessTotal'] = pro_new
         arr['RevengeCount'] = cnt_new
         arr['LastRevengeDate'] = datetime.date.strftime(
         datetime.date.fromtimestamp(TimeStamp), '%Y-%m-%d')
         self.db.update('tb_hold_revenge', arr, 'UserId="%s"'%self.uid)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def getWallGeneralList(self):
        '''获取布防武将列表  参考getWallGeneralList()  
        @call: WallUI
        @author: by Lizr
        kLeader = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BATTLE)["kLeaderAddNum"]
        SoldierTechs =  Gcore.getMod('Book',self.uid).getTechsLevel(1)
        InListGeneral = self.db.out_list('tb_wall_general','GeneralId',"UserId=%s"%self.uid) #已布防
        fields = ['GeneralId','GeneralType','GeneralLevel','ForceValue',
        rows = Gcore.getMod('General',self.uid).getMyGenerals(fields)
        #Gcore.printd( rows )
        GeneralList = []
        for row in rows:
            if not row['TakeTypeDefense']:
                row['TakeTypeDefense'] = row['TakeType']

            row['Skill'] = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_general',row['GeneralType'],'SkillId')
            SoldierType = row['TakeTypeDefense']
            SoldierLevel = SoldierTechs.get( SoldierType )
            row['SoldierType'] = SoldierType
            row['SoldierLevel'] = SoldierLevel
            key = (SoldierType,SoldierLevel)
            SoldierNum = row['LeaderValue']*kLeader
            cfg_soldier = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_soldier_up',key)
            if cfg_soldier:
                #row['Life'] = cfg_soldier['Life']* row['LeaderValue']*kLeader
                #row['Attack'] = cfg_soldier['Attack']*row['LeaderValue']*kLeader
                #row['Denfense'] = cfg_soldier['Defense']
                row['Life'] = F.getArmyLife(cfg_soldier['Life'], SoldierNum)
                row['Attack'] = F.getArmyAttack(
                                               generalType = row['GeneralType'],
                                               soldierType = row['SoldierType'],
                                               landForm = 4,
                                               soldierAttack = cfg_soldier['Attack'],
                                               soldierNum = SoldierNum,
                                               forceValue = row['ForceValue'],
                row['Denfense'] = F.defenseAdd( cfg_soldier['Defense'],row['SpeedValue'],row['GeneralType']) 
                row['Life'] = 0
                row['Attack'] = 0
                row['Denfense'] = 0
            row['InWall'] = row['GeneralId'] in InListGeneral #是否在布防中
#            del row['ForceValue']
#            del row['WitValue']
#            del row['SpeedValue']
#            del row['LeaderValue']
            del row['TakeType']
            del row['TakeTypeDefense']
        return GeneralList
Exemplo n.º 20
 def GetSignInLog(self, param={}):
     optId = 23006
     data = self.mod.getSigninLog()
     a = list(data['SignInDate'])
     data['SignInDate'] = ','.join(a)
     awards = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_signin_award').values()
     fullWorkAwards = filter(
         lambda dic: dic['AwardId'] >= 3000 and dic['AwardId'] < 4000,
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     data['FullWorkAwardId'] = fullWorkAwards[now.month - 1]['AwardId']
     finalAwards = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_SIGNIN)['FinalAwardId']
     #awards = finalAwards.split(',')
     awards = finalAwards
     signCount = data['SignInCount']
     n = signCount / 30 % len(awards)
     if signCount % 30 == 0:
         n -= 1
     awardId = int(awards[n])
     data['FinalAwardId'] = awardId
     signCount = signCount % 30
         'SignInDays'] = signCount if signCount else 30  #用于前台显示当前周期内的天数,30天一周期
     data['Refill'] = 5 - data['Refill']
     return Gcore.out(optId, data)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def login(self,loginIp=None,loginMode=None):
        now = time.time()
        sql = "UPDATE tb_user SET LastLoginTime=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),Online=1,LoginTimes=LoginTimes+1 WHERE UserId=%s"%self.uid
        #if not self.uid in Gcore.StorageUser: #缓存基础用户信息
        if 1: # fixed by zhoujingjiang

        UserType = Gcore.getUserData(self.uid,'UserType')   
#         loginLogTB = 'tb_log_login201306'
        loginLogTB = self.tb_log_login()
        data = {'UserId':self.uid,'LoginTime':now,'UserType':UserType,
        self.logId = self.db.insert(loginLogTB,data)
        print self.uid,'login get logId:%s at %s'%(self.logId,now)
        key = Gcore.redisKey(self.uid)
        UserLevel = self.getUserLevel()
        if UserLevel>=Gcore.loadCfg(9301).get('FightLevel'):
            row = {}
Exemplo n.º 22
 def GetMyClub(self,p={}):
     optId = 15062
     clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId()
     clubInfo = {'BaseInfo':0,'MemberNum':0,
     if not clubId:
         return Gcore.out(optId,clubInfo)#没有军团
     ClubInfo = self.mod.getClubInfo(clubId)#军团基础信息
     #by Lizr 前台没有这些值,,抽取
     del ClubInfo['ClubTotalExp']
     del ClubInfo['ClubLevelTotalExp']
     del ClubInfo['CreatDate']
     clubInfo['BaseInfo'] = ClubInfo
     clubInfo['MemberNum'] = self.mod.getClubMemberNum(clubId)#军团成员数量
     clubInfo['DevoteValue'] = self.mod.getTodayDevote(clubId,2)#当天贡献值
     clubInfo['LeaderInfo'] = self.mod.getClubLeader(clubId)#团长信息
     clubInfo['MyInfo'] = self.mod.getMemberInfo(clubId,self.uid,['DevoteCurrent','DevoteTotal'])
     clubInfo['HasClub'] = 1
     clubInfo['DevoteLogs'] = com.list2dict(self.mod.getDevoteLogs(clubId), 1)
     clubInfo['DevoteBase'] = Gcore.loadCfg(defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB).get('ClubGiveBase')
     return Gcore.out(optId,clubInfo)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def ModifyClub(self, p={}):
     optId = 15065
     logoId = p.get('LogoId')
     clubNotice = p.get('ClubNotice')
     allowState = p.get('AllowState')
     building = self.mod.getClubBuildingInfo()
     if building is None:
         return Gcore.error(optId, -15065901)  #外史院建筑不存在
     cfgClub = Gcore.loadCfg(defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB)
     noticeLimit = cfgClub.get('ClubNoticeLimit')
     flag = com.filterInput(clubNotice, 0, noticeLimit)
     if flag == -1:
         return Gcore.error(optId, -15065993)  #长度不符合要求
     elif flag == -2:
         return Gcore.error(optId, -15065992)  #不能含有敏感字符
     if logoId not in range(1, 7):
         return Gcore.error(optId, -15065999)  #参数错误
     clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId()
     if not clubId:
         return Gcore.error(optId, -15065920)  #军团不存在
     clubLeader = self.mod.getClubLeader(clubId)
     if self.uid != clubLeader.get('UserId'):
         return Gcore.error(optId, -15065998)  #非法权限
     data = {
         'ClubLogoId': logoId,
         'ClubNotice': clubNotice,
         'AllowState': allowState
     self.mod.modifyClub(clubId, data)
     return Gcore.out(optId, data)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def CancelBuilding(self, param={}):
        optId = 15003

        BuildingId = param["BuildingId"]
        TimeStamp = param['ClientTime']

        BuildingInfo = self.mod.getBuildingById(BuildingId, 
        if not BuildingInfo:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15003003) #用户没有该建筑
        #BuildingType < 100 是建筑;大于100是装饰;
        if BuildingInfo['BuildingType'] < 100 and \
        BuildingInfo['BuildingState'] == 0:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15003004) #建筑已建造或升级完成,不能取消。
        BuildingType = BuildingInfo['BuildingType']
        CostValue = BuildingInfo["BuildingPrice"]
        CostType = BuildingInfo["CoinType"]
        CancelReturn = Gcore.loadCfg(
            Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING)["CancelReturn"] #返还比例
        modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin', self.uid)
        classMethod = '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, 
        gain = modCoin.GainCoin(optId, CostType, 
                                int(CostValue * CancelReturn), 
                                classMethod, param)
        if gain < 0:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15003005) #增加货币失败

        #建筑正在建造 :如果是装饰,删掉。
        if BuildingInfo['BuildingType'] > 100 or \
        BuildingInfo['BuildingState'] == 1:
            UpInfo = {}
            UpInfo['CompleteTime'] = TimeStamp
            UpInfo['BuildingLevel'] = BuildingInfo['BuildingRealLevel']
            UpInfo['LastOptType'] = 2
            self.mod.updateBuildingById(UpInfo, BuildingId)
        # + todo
        if BuildingType in (6, 7, 8): #校场 兵营 工坊:计算士兵
            modCamp = Gcore.getMod('Building_camp', self.uid)
            if BuildingType in (6, 8): #兵营 工坊 回复生产
                update_dic = {'LastChangedTime':TimeStamp, 
                modCamp.updateProcessById(update_dic, BuildingId)
        return Gcore.out(optId, 
                          "RetValue":int(CostValue * CancelReturn)})
Exemplo n.º 25
    def buyActPoint(self, point=0):
        @param point: 增加的点数'''
        print 'ps buyActPoint'
        if not point:
            point = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('PerBuyAddPoint')
        row = self.recoverActPoint(point, 1)
        #        if row:
        #            todaytime = Gcore.common.today0time()
        #            sql = "UPDATE tb_war_action SET ActPoint=ActPoint+%s WHERE UserId=%s AND LastWarTime>=%s" \
        #            %(point,self.uid,todaytime)
        #            self.db.execute(sql) #如果今日有打过 就修正累计记录
        #            print 'buyActPoint',sql

        sql = "UPDATE tb_user SET BuyActPoint=BuyActPoint+%s WHERE UserId=%s" % (
            point, self.uid)
        AddResult = self.db.execute(sql)

        try:  #可购买上限
            sql = "UPDATE tb_log_buy_act SET Times = Times+1 WHERE UserId=%s AND BuyDate = CURDATE()" % self.uid
            result = self.db.execute(sql)
            if not result:  #无影响行数
                sql = "INSERT INTO tb_log_buy_act (UserId,Times,BuyDate) VALUES(%s,1,CURDATE())" % self.uid
                result = self.db.execute(sql)
            return AddResult
Exemplo n.º 26
    def GetMyClub(self, p={}):
        optId = 15062
        clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId()
        clubInfo = {
            'BaseInfo': 0,
            'MemberNum': 0,
            'DevoteValue': 0,
            'LeaderInfo': 0,
            'HasClub': 0,
            'MyInfo': 0
        if not clubId:
            return Gcore.out(optId, clubInfo)  #没有军团
        ClubInfo = self.mod.getClubInfo(clubId)  #军团基础信息

        #by Lizr 前台没有这些值,,抽取
        del ClubInfo['ClubTotalExp']
        del ClubInfo['ClubLevelTotalExp']
        del ClubInfo['CreatDate']

        clubInfo['BaseInfo'] = ClubInfo
        clubInfo['MemberNum'] = self.mod.getClubMemberNum(clubId)  #军团成员数量
        clubInfo['DevoteValue'] = self.mod.getTodayDevote(clubId, 2)  #当天贡献值
        clubInfo['LeaderInfo'] = self.mod.getClubLeader(clubId)  #团长信息
        clubInfo['MyInfo'] = self.mod.getMemberInfo(
            clubId, self.uid, ['DevoteCurrent', 'DevoteTotal'])
        clubInfo['HasClub'] = 1
        clubInfo['DevoteLogs'] = com.list2dict(self.mod.getDevoteLogs(clubId),
        clubInfo['DevoteBase'] = Gcore.loadCfg(

        return Gcore.out(optId, clubInfo)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def MailList(self,param={}):   
        @param param['MailType']=1 表示收件箱
               param['MailType']=2 表示发件箱 
        optId = 18003
        mailType = int(param['MailType'])
        page = int(param['Page']) #页码
        if not page: #默认为第一页
            page = 1
        if mailType not in (1,2):
            return Gcore.error(optId,-18003999)   #MailType值不对
        mailCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_MAIL)
        pagePerNum  = int(mailCfg['MailShowPerPageMax'])  #每页的邮件数
        mailCount = int(self.mod.mailCountByType(mailType)) #收件箱/发件箱中邮件总数
        mailDatas = self.mod.getMailList(mailType,page,pagePerNum)   #每页显示的邮件数据

        subjShowMax  = mailCfg['SubjectShowMax'] #邮件主题显示最大长度
        totalPage = int(math.ceil(1.0*mailCount/pagePerNum))
        body = {'mailDatas':mailDatas,'page':page,'mailCount':mailCount,'totalpage':totalPage}
        return Gcore.out(optId, body = body)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def getActPoint(self):
        '''获得 剩余行动点数/最大行动点数'''
        BuyActPoint = self.getUserInfo('BuyActPoint')
        row = self._lastActRecord()
        MaxPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point', self.getUserLevel(),
        if not row:
            RestPoint = MaxPoint + BuyActPoint
            nowtime = Gcore.common.nowtime()
            PerIncrTime = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('ActPointRecoverTime', 1200)
            if Gcore.TEST and self.uid in [1001, 43953]:
                PerIncrTime = testPerIncrTime
            if row['ActPoint'] >= MaxPoint:  #已满,不恢复
                RestPoint = row['ActPoint']
                AccuTime = row['AccuTime'] + (nowtime - row['LastWarTime'])
                incrTimes = AccuTime // PerIncrTime  #回复一点需要多长时间 20分钟
                #print 'incrTimes',incrTimes
                print 'getActPoint.上次剩余', row['ActPoint']
                print 'getActPoint.至已经恢复了', incrTimes
                ActPoint = row['ActPoint'] + incrTimes
                if ActPoint > MaxPoint:
                    ActPoint = MaxPoint
                    print 'getActPoint.剩余+累计越出上限,设为上限', ActPoint

                #查看的时候 不更新累计时间 tb_war_action.AccuTime
                RestPoint = ActPoint

        #print '剩余次数    最大次数',RestPoint,MaxPoint, 前台显示的是: 剩余次数/最大次数
        return (RestPoint, MaxPoint)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def buyActPoint(self,point=0):
        @param point: 增加的点数'''
        print 'ps buyActPoint'
        if not point:
            point = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('PerBuyAddPoint')
        row = self.recoverActPoint(point,1)
#        if row:
#            todaytime = Gcore.common.today0time()
#            sql = "UPDATE tb_war_action SET ActPoint=ActPoint+%s WHERE UserId=%s AND LastWarTime>=%s" \
#            %(point,self.uid,todaytime)
#            self.db.execute(sql) #如果今日有打过 就修正累计记录
#            print 'buyActPoint',sql
        sql = "UPDATE tb_user SET BuyActPoint=BuyActPoint+%s WHERE UserId=%s"%(point,self.uid)
        AddResult = self.db.execute(sql)
        try: #可购买上限
            sql ="UPDATE tb_log_buy_act SET Times = Times+1 WHERE UserId=%s AND BuyDate = CURDATE()"%self.uid
            result = self.db.execute(sql)
            if not result: #无影响行数
                sql = "INSERT INTO tb_log_buy_act (UserId,Times,BuyDate) VALUES(%s,1,CURDATE())"%self.uid
                result = self.db.execute(sql)
            return AddResult    
Exemplo n.º 30
    def OnlineLottory(self, param={}):
        optId = 23011
        self.mod.refreashTime()  #更新操作时间
        lastLottery = self.mod.getOnlineLottery()
        #timeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_limit')
        timeCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_ONLINE_LIMIT)
        dt = lastLottery['DayOnlineTime']
        less = 0
        lottoryNum = len(timeCfg.keys())
        #         for i in range(1, len(timeCfg.values())+1):
        #             if dt >= timeCfg[i]['NeedTime']:
        #                 less += 1
        #                 dt -= timeCfg[i]['NeedTime']
        for i in xrange(1, lottoryNum + 1):
            if dt >= timeCfg[str(i)]:
                less += 1
                dt -= timeCfg[str(i)]
        less -= lastLottery['LotteryCount']
        if less <= 0:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -23011001)  #可抽奖次数不足

        typeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_type').values()
        typeCfg = filter(lambda dic: dic['Ratio'] != 0, typeCfg)  #暂时不随机到宝物和兵书
        types = []
        level = 3
        typeValue = random.randint(2, 3)  #如果等级是3则在铜钱和军资中随即一个
        for i in range(0, 3):
            theType = common.Choice(typeCfg)
            for j in range(0, len(types)):
                if theType['TypeId'] == types[j]:
                    level -= 1
                    typeValue = theType['TypeId']

        awards = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_award', (typeValue, level))

        award = random.choice(awards)
        modReward = Gcore.getMod('Reward', self.uid)
        award['Gain'] = modReward.reward(optId, param, award['AwardType'],
                                         award['GoodsId'], award['GoodsNum'])

        lastLottery['AwardId'] = award['AwardId']
        lastLottery['LotteryCount'] += 1
        lastLottery['AwardType'] = award['AwardType']
        lastLottery['GoodsId'] = award['GoodsId']
        lastLottery['GoodsNum'] = award['GoodsNum']
        types = [str(t) for t in types]
        lastLottery['LotteryInfo'] = str.join(',', types)
        return Gcore.out(optId, {
            'LotteryInfo': lastLottery['LotteryInfo'],
            'Award': award
Exemplo n.º 31
 def getBagSize(self):
     maxSize = self.db.out_field('tb_bag_expand', 'MAX(ExpandNum)',
                                 'UserId=%s' % self.uid)
     if maxSize is None:
         maxSize = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_PLAYER_BAG).get(
             'InitNum')  #初始格仔数
     return maxSize
Exemplo n.º 32
 def addUserExp(self,getWay,amount=0,optId=0):
     @param getWay: 用户获得经验方式0:直接加经验,1-99:消耗加经验 101-199: 事件加经验
     @param amount: if getWay==0:amount='增加的经验值';elif 1<1getWay<99:amount='消耗货币量';
     @return: 返回主角经验等级,当前经验
     expCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_exp_get',getWay)
     fields = ['UserLevel','UserExp']
     userInfo = self.db.out_fields('tb_user',fields,'UserId=%s'%self.uid)
     userLevel = userInfo['UserLevel']
     userExp = userInfo['UserExp']
     getExp = 0
     if expCfg:#动作增加经验方式
         segment = getWay/100#判断是消耗还是事件      
         if segment==0:#消耗
             factor1 = expCfg.get('Factor1',0)
             factor2 = expCfg.get('Factor2',0)
             getExp = int(factor1*amount+factor2*userLevel)
         elif segment==1 and self._getLimitOfEvent(getWay):#事件
             baseExp = expCfg.get('BaseExp',0)
             getExp = int(baseExp*(userLevel+1)*(1+userLevel/200.0)+1)
     elif getWay==0:#直接加经验
     if getExp>0:
         updateExp = self._calUserLevel(userLevel, userExp+getExp)
         newLevel = updateExp.get('UserLevel')
         logData = {'UserId':self.uid,'GetWay':getWay,'OptId':optId,
         if newLevel>userLevel:
             mMod = Gcore.getMod('Mission',self.uid)
             Gcore.setUserData(self.uid, {'UserLevel':newLevel}) #更新缓存中的用户等级  Lizr
             Gcore.getMod('War',self.uid).touchActPoint(userLevel,newLevel) #更新行动力
             modActivity.growUpAward(newLevel, userLevel)#成长奖励活动Yew
             if newLevel >= Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_RANK_FIGHT).get('RankFightOpenLevel',20):
                 Gcore.getMod('RankFight',self.uid).joinRankFight() #每次升级都尝试加入排行榜 防止有漏
         return updateExp
         return userInfo   
Exemplo n.º 33
    def CancelBuilding(self, param={}):
        optId = 15003

        BuildingId = param["BuildingId"]
        TimeStamp = param['ClientTime']

        BuildingInfo = self.mod.getBuildingById(BuildingId, 
        if not BuildingInfo:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15003003) #用户没有该建筑
        #BuildingType < 100 是建筑;大于100是装饰;
        if BuildingInfo['BuildingType'] < 100 and \
        BuildingInfo['BuildingState'] == 0:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15003004) #建筑已建造或升级完成,不能取消。
        BuildingType = BuildingInfo['BuildingType']
        CostValue = BuildingInfo["BuildingPrice"]
        CostType = BuildingInfo["CoinType"]
        CancelReturn = Gcore.loadCfg(
            Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING)["CancelReturn"] #返还比例
        modCoin = Gcore.getMod('Coin', self.uid)
        classMethod = '%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, 
        gain = modCoin.GainCoin(optId, CostType, 
                                int(CostValue * CancelReturn), 
                                classMethod, param)
        if gain < 0:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15003005) #增加货币失败

        #建筑正在建造 :如果是装饰,删掉。
        if BuildingInfo['BuildingType'] > 100 or \
        BuildingInfo['BuildingState'] == 1:
            UpInfo = {}
            UpInfo['CompleteTime'] = TimeStamp
            UpInfo['BuildingLevel'] = BuildingInfo['BuildingRealLevel']
            UpInfo['LastOptType'] = 2
            self.mod.updateBuildingById(UpInfo, BuildingId)
        # + todo
        if BuildingType in (6, 8): #校场 兵营 工坊:计算士兵
            modCamp = Gcore.getMod('Building_camp', self.uid)
            modCamp.updateStorage(BuildingId, last_changed_time=TimeStamp, last_cal_time=TimeStamp)
        return Gcore.out(optId, 
                          "RetValue":int(CostValue * CancelReturn)})
Exemplo n.º 34
    def CreateRole(self,p={}):
        '''注册用户 by zhanggh'''
        AccountId = p.get('TotalServiceId') 
        nickName = p.get('NickName')
        camp = p.get('UserCamp')
        userIcon = p.get('UserIcon')
        OldAccount = p.get('OldAccount') #是否老用户

        if (not AccountId) or (not nickName) or (not camp) or (not userIcon):
            return -10002999 #参数错误
        PlayerCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_PLAYER)
        nickNameMin = PlayerCfg.get('NickNameMin')
        nickNameMax = PlayerCfg.get('NickNameMax')
        if flag==-1:
            return -10002993#字数字数限制
        elif flag==-2:
            return -10002991#特殊字符
        elif flag==-3:
            return -10002992#敏感字
        if camp not in [1,2,3]:
            return -10002004#阵营不正确
        if userIcon not in [1,2,3,4,5]:
            return -10002005#头像不正确
        print 'CheckNickName',flag
        UserId = self.getUserIdByAccount(AccountId)
        if not UserId:#没有用户注册一个,建立AccountId与Uid关系,创建用户
            hasSameName = self.db.out_field('tb_user','Count(1)',"NickName='%s'"%nickName)
            if hasSameName:
                return -10002001#用户昵称已存在
            UserId = self.CreateUser(p)
            if not UserId:
                return -10002002#注册失败

            mod_play = Gcore.getMod('Player', uid=UserId) 
            userData = mod_play.PlayerInfo()
                Gcore.getMod('Request', UserId).CreatedPlayer(AccountId)
            except Exception,e:
                print '通知总服已创建号失败',e
        except Exception, e:
            userData = {}
            print '登陆失败,', e
            return -10002003
Exemplo n.º 35
    def CreateRole(self, p={}):
        '''注册用户 by zhanggh'''
        AccountId = p.get('TotalServiceId')
        nickName = p.get('NickName')
        camp = p.get('UserCamp')
        userIcon = p.get('UserIcon')
        OldAccount = p.get('OldAccount')  #是否老用户

        if (not AccountId) or (not nickName) or (not camp) or (not userIcon):
            return -10002999  #参数错误

        PlayerCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_PLAYER)
        nickNameMin = PlayerCfg.get('NickNameMin')
        nickNameMax = PlayerCfg.get('NickNameMax')

        flag = filterInput(nickName, nickNameMin, nickNameMax)
        if flag == -1:
            return -10002993  #字数字数限制
        elif flag == -2:
            return -10002991  #特殊字符
        elif flag == -3:
            return -10002992  #敏感字

        if camp not in [1, 2, 3]:
            return -10002004  #阵营不正确

        if userIcon not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
            return -10002005  #头像不正确

        print 'CheckNickName', flag

        UserId = self.getUserIdByAccount(AccountId)
        if not UserId:  #没有用户注册一个,建立AccountId与Uid关系,创建用户
            hasSameName = self.db.out_field('tb_user', 'Count(1)',
                                            "NickName='%s'" % nickName)
            if hasSameName:
                return -10002001  #用户昵称已存在
            UserId = self.CreateUser(p)
            if not UserId:
                return -10002002  #注册失败

            mod_play = Gcore.getMod('Player', uid=UserId)
            userData = mod_play.PlayerInfo()

                Gcore.getMod('Request', UserId).CreatedPlayer(AccountId)
            except Exception, e:
                print '通知总服已创建号失败', e

        except Exception, e:
            userData = {}
            print '登陆失败,', e
            return -10002003
Exemplo n.º 36
 def RankFightInfo(self,para={}):
     '''比武主界面 和 排名奖励界面 所需数据'''
     optId = 24001
     UserLevel = Gcore.getUserData(self.uid,'UserLevel')
     OpenLevel = Gcore.loadCfg(2401).get('RankFightOpenLevel')
     if UserLevel<OpenLevel:
         return Gcore.error(optId,-24001001)
     RankFightInfo = self.mod.getRankFightInfo()
     RankReward = self.mod.getRankReward()
     return Gcore.out(optId,{'RankFightInfo':RankFightInfo,'RankReward':RankReward})
Exemplo n.º 37
 def validApplyInterval(self):
     applyInterval = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB).get('ApplyInterval')
     applyLimitTime = time.time()-applyInterval
     where = 'UserId=%s AND MemberState=3 AND TimeExit>%s'%(self.uid,applyLimitTime)
     flag = self.db.out_field('tb_club_member','UserId',where)
     if flag:
         return False
         return True
Exemplo n.º 38
    def OpenBox(self, p={}):
        optId = 15082
        boxType = p['BoxType']
        boxCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB).get('BoxCost')
        boxTypes = [int(i) for i in boxCfg.keys()]
        if boxType not in boxTypes:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15082999)  #参数错误
        building = self.mod.getClubBuildingInfo()
        if building is None:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15082901)  #外史院建筑不存在
        clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId()
        if not clubId:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15082920)  #军团不存在

        cost = boxCfg.get(str(boxType))
        left = self.mod.payDevote(clubId, cost)
        #         left = 1

        if left >= 0:
            goodsCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_club_box', boxType)
            lucky = com.Choice(goodsCfg)
            rType = lucky.get('RewardType')
            goodsId = lucky['GoodsId']
            goodsNum = lucky['GoodsNum']
            body = {
                'Left': left,
                'RewardType': rType,
                'GoodsId': goodsId,
                'GoodsNum': goodsNum
            equipIds = []
            #             if rType in [1,2,3]:#装备,道具,资源
            ids = Gcore.getMod('Reward',
                               self.uid).reward(optId, p, rType, goodsId,
            if rType == 1:
                if isinstance(ids, list):
                    equipIds = ids

            body['EIDS'] = equipIds
            self.mod.insertBoxLog(clubId, boxType, lucky)

            body['Logs'] = self.mod.getBoxLogList(1,
            recordData = {'uid': self.uid, 'ValType': 0, 'Val': 1}  #成就,任务记录

            return Gcore.out(optId, body, mission=recordData)
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15082002)  # 支付失败
Exemplo n.º 39
    def OnlineLottory(self, param={}):
        optId = 23011
        lastLottery = self.mod.getOnlineLottery()
        #timeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_limit')
        timeCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_ACT_ONLINE_LIMIT)
        dt = lastLottery['DayOnlineTime']
        less = 0
        lottoryNum = len(timeCfg.keys())
#         for i in range(1, len(timeCfg.values())+1):
#             if dt >= timeCfg[i]['NeedTime']:
#                 less += 1
#                 dt -= timeCfg[i]['NeedTime']
        for i in xrange(1, lottoryNum + 1):
            if dt >= timeCfg[str(i)]:
                less += 1
                dt -= timeCfg[str(i)]
        less -= lastLottery['LotteryCount']
        if less <= 0:
            return  Gcore.error(optId, -23011001)#可抽奖次数不足
        typeCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_type').values()
        typeCfg = filter(lambda dic:dic['Ratio']!=0, typeCfg)#暂时不随机到宝物和兵书
        types = []
        level = 3
        typeValue = random.randint(2, 3)#如果等级是3则在铜钱和军资中随即一个
        for i in range(0, 3):
            theType = common.Choice(typeCfg)
            for j in range(0, len(types)):
                if theType['TypeId'] == types[j]:
                    level -= 1
                    typeValue = theType['TypeId']
        awards = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_act_online_award', (typeValue, level))
        award = random.choice(awards)
        modReward = Gcore.getMod('Reward', self.uid)
        award['Gain'] = modReward.reward(optId, param, award['AwardType'], award['GoodsId'], award['GoodsNum'])
        lastLottery['AwardId'] = award['AwardId']
        lastLottery['LotteryCount'] += 1
        lastLottery['AwardType'] = award['AwardType']
        lastLottery['GoodsId'] = award['GoodsId']
        lastLottery['GoodsNum'] = award['GoodsNum']
        types = [str(t) for t in types]
        lastLottery['LotteryInfo'] = str.join(',',types)
        return Gcore.out(optId, {'LotteryInfo': lastLottery['LotteryInfo'], 'Award': award})
Exemplo n.º 40
    def collectCoin(self,optId,BuildingType,BuildingId,CollectTimeStamp=None,StorageReq=None,param=''):
        @param optId:协议号
        @param BuildingType:建筑类型
        @param BuildingId:建筑ID
        @param CollectTimeStamp:计算时间
        @param StorageReq:请求收集资源(大于后台时候以后台计算为准)
            {}: 成功收集
        coinMod = Gcore.getMod('Coin',self.uid)
        CoinType = 2 if BuildingType == 2 else 3
        MyCoin = coinMod.getCoinNum(CoinType)#获取我的储量
        CoinVol = self.buildingMod.cacStorageSpace(CoinType)#查询资源容量
        MyCoin = CoinVol if MyCoin>CoinVol else MyCoin#当已有资源大于容量时候,将拥有数目设置为最大
        CollectTimeStamp = time.time() if CollectTimeStamp is None else CollectTimeStamp
        StorageInfo = self.touchBuildingStorage(BuildingId,CollectTimeStamp)
        StorageCal = StorageInfo.get('Storage')
        if StorageCal==0:#没可收集资源
            return {'Remain':StorageCal,'Diff':0,'CNum':0,'NowCoin':MyCoin}
        elif StorageCal<=0:#修复中
            return -1
        if not StorageReq:
            diff = 0
            diff = StorageCal-StorageReq
            StorageCal = StorageReq if 0<StorageReq<=StorageCal else StorageCal#消除误差,前台计算总比后台少
        hasHolder = Gcore.getMod('Building_hold',self.uid).hasHolder()
        collectRatio = (1-Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_HOLD).get('GiveRatio',0.05)) if hasHolder else 1
        storageReduce = StorageCal*collectRatio
        if (MyCoin+storageReduce)>CoinVol:
            CollectNum = CoinVol-MyCoin
            Remain = StorageCal-math.ceil(CollectNum/collectRatio)
            Remain = 0
            CollectNum = storageReduce    
#         Remain = MyCoin+StorageCal-CoinVol
#         Remain = 0 if Remain <0 else Remain
#         CollectNum = StorageCal-Remain#收集数量
        flag = coinMod.GainCoin(optId,CoinType,CollectNum,'Building_resoureUI.CollectCoin',param)
        if flag:
        return {'Remain':Remain,'Diff':diff,'CNum':CollectNum,'NowCoin':MyCoin+CollectNum,'Storage':Remain}
Exemplo n.º 41
    def ChangeSoldierNum(self, param={}):
        optId = 15103

        GeneralId = param['GeneralId']
        SoldierNum = param['SoldierNum']
        SoldierType = param['SoldierType']
        TimeStamp = param['ClientTime']

        modGeneral = Gcore.getMod('General', self.uid)
        Generals = modGeneral.getLatestGeneralInfo(TimeStamp=TimeStamp)
        GeneralsOnEmbattle = [
            General for General in Generals if General["PosId"] != 0

        GeneralInfo = None
        SoldierOnEmbattle = 0
        for GeneralOnEmbattle in GeneralsOnEmbattle:
            if GeneralOnEmbattle['GeneralId'] == GeneralId:
                GeneralInfo = GeneralOnEmbattle
            if GeneralOnEmbattle['TakeType'] == SoldierType:
                SoldierOnEmbattle += GeneralOnEmbattle['TakeNum']

        kLeader = Gcore.loadCfg(
            Gcore.defined.CFG_BATTLE)["kLeaderAddNum"]  #每统帅带兵数
        if not GeneralInfo:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15103001)  #该武将没上阵或没有该武将
        if SoldierNum > (GeneralInfo['LeaderValue'] * kLeader):  #需要改成读配置
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15103002)  #带兵数量过大

        modCamp = Gcore.getMod('Building_camp', self.uid)
        Soldiers = modCamp.getSoldierNum(TimeStamp)

        SoldierFree = Soldiers.get('Soldier%s' % SoldierType,
                                   0) - SoldierOnEmbattle

        if SoldierNum <= GeneralInfo['TakeNum']:
            TakeNum = SoldierNum
            TakeNum = min(SoldierNum, GeneralInfo['TakeNum'] + SoldierFree)

        UpGeneralInfo = {"TakeNum": TakeNum, "TakeType": SoldierType}
        modGeneral.updateGeneralById(UpGeneralInfo, GeneralId)

        recordData = {'uid': self.uid, 'ValType': 0, 'Val': 1}  #成就、任务记录
        return Gcore.out(optId,
                             "TakeNum": TakeNum,
                             "TakeType": SoldierType
Exemplo n.º 42
    def InsMessage(self,param={}):
        import sys;reload(sys);sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
        toUserNickNames = param['ToUserNickNames']    #收件人昵称字符串
        mailCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_MAIL)
        subjectMin = mailCfg['SubjectMin'] #主题最小字符数
        subjectMax = mailCfg['SubjectMax'] #主题最大字符数
        contentMin = mailCfg['ContentMin']
        contentMax = mailCfg['ContentMax']
        toUserMax = mailCfg['MailSendMax'] #同时发送邮件最大数量
        toUserNickNames = escapeSplit(toUserNickNames) #解析昵称字符串
        inexistUserNickNames = self.mod.inexistNickName(toUserNickNames)  #过滤收件人
        toUserIds = self.mod.getToUserId(toUserNickNames) #根据昵称,得到玩家id
        numToUserId = len(toUserIds)
        if numToUserId>toUserMax:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -18006001)
        subject=filterInput(subject,subjectMin,subjectMax,b_Replace=True,b_chat = True)
        if subject==-1:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -18006993)#长度不符合要求
        if subject==-2:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -18006991)#特殊字符
        content=filterInput(content,contentMin,contentMax,b_Replace=True,b_chat = True)
        if content==-1:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -18006993)#长度不符合要求
        if content==-2:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -18006991)#特殊字符
#        if not filterInput(subject,subjectMin,subjectMax) and not filterInput(content,contentMin,contentMax):
#            return Gcore.error(optId, -18006002) #不满足要求,长度,特殊字符,敏感字符'
        if self.uid in toUserIds:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -18006002)#不能发信息给自己
        param['ToUserIds'] = toUserIds
#        body ={'result':result,'inexistUserId':inexistUserId}        
        body = {'result':result,'InexistNames':inexistUserNickNames}
        recordData = {'uid':self.uid,'ValType':numToUserId,'Val':1}#成就,任务记录
        return Gcore.out(optId, body = body,mission=recordData)
Exemplo n.º 43
    def getWarDetail(self, StoryId):
        assert isinstance(StoryId, (int, long))

        ProcessWarId = self.getUserInfo('ProcessWarId')
        if ProcessWarId == 0:
            ProcessWarId = 101
        #curStoryId = self.db.out_field('tb_cfg_pve','StoryId',"WarId='%s'"%ProcessWarId)

        rows = self.db.out_rows('tb_cfg_pve', ['WarId', 'StoryId'],
                                "StoryId='%s'" % StoryId)

        StoryWar = {}
        fields = []
        for row in rows:
            fields.append('War%s' % row.get('WarId'))
            StoryWar[row.get('WarId')] = row.get('StoryId')

        sql = "SELECT count(1) AS count,WarId FROM tb_war_log WHERE UserId=%s AND RecordDate=CURDATE() Group by WarId" % self.uid
        rows = self.db.fetchall(sql)
        warlogDict = {}
        for row in rows:
            warlogDict[row['WarId']] = row['count']

        GradeInfo = self.db.out_fields('tb_war_star', fields,
                                       "UserId=%s" % self.uid)
        if not GradeInfo:
            self.db.insert('tb_war_star', {"UserId": self.uid})
            GradeInfo = self.db.out_fields('tb_war_star', fields,
                                           "UserId=%s" % self.uid)
        #print GradeInfo

        warInfo = []
        for WarId, StoryId in StoryWar.iteritems():
            WarCell = {
                'warId': WarId,
                'count': warlogDict.get(WarId, 0),
                'star': GradeInfo.get('War%s' % WarId),
                'storyId': StoryId,
                'fight': 1 if WarId <= ProcessWarId else 0,
                #'open': 0 if WarId>ProcessWarId else 1,
                #'current': 1 if WarId == ProcessWarId else 0,

        data = {}
        data['maxCount'] = self.getUserInfo('WarTimes')
        #data['curStoryId'] = curStoryId
        data['curWarId'] = ProcessWarId
        data['warInfo'] = warInfo
        sweepedTimes = self._getSweepTimes()
        data['sweepRestTime'] = Gcore.loadCfg(9001).get(
            'sweepTimesLimit') - sweepedTimes
        return data
Exemplo n.º 44
    def warSweepNew(self, warId, SweepTimes):
        result = {}
        UserData = self.getUserInfo(['ProcessWarId'])
        ProcessWarId = UserData['ProcessWarId']

        rowStar = self.db.out_fields('tb_war_star', '*',
                                     'UserId=%s' % self.uid)
        RestPoint, MaxPoint = self.getActPoint()
        if warId > ProcessWarId or not rowStar.get('War%s' % warId):
            return False

        if RestPoint < Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_pve', warId,
                                    'ActPointNeed') * SweepTimes:
            return False
            Gcore.setUserData(self.uid, {'Sweeping': True})

            #@todo 自动补兵
            for i in xrange(SweepTimes):
                restTimes = SweepTimes - i - 1
                if not Gcore.getUserData(self.uid, 'Sweeping'):  #用户落线也会停止
                        Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('SweepSleep'))  #每场间隔3秒 读配置

                modBattle = Gcore.getMod('Battle', self.uid, True)
                initWarResult = modBattle.initWar(warId, 1)  #定义为扫荡战役
                if not initWarResult:
                    print '初始化战斗失败'
                re = modBattle.endBattle({"resultType": 5})
                #print '战斗结果',re
                result[warId] = re  #结构不能更改 需要和前台一样
                            Result=re.get('Result', 0))  #@todo 添加更完整战役结果

                    111, self.uid, {
                        'result': result,
                        'restPoint': RestPoint,
                        'restTimes': restTimes
                if not re.get('Result'):
                    RestPoint -= 1

            return True
Exemplo n.º 45
 def getWarDetail(self,StoryId):
     assert isinstance(StoryId, (int,long))
     ProcessWarId = self.getUserInfo('ProcessWarId')
     if ProcessWarId==0:
     #curStoryId = self.db.out_field('tb_cfg_pve','StoryId',"WarId='%s'"%ProcessWarId)
     rows = self.db.out_rows('tb_cfg_pve',['WarId','StoryId'],"StoryId='%s'"%StoryId)
     StoryWar = {}
     fields = []
     for row in rows:
         StoryWar[ row.get('WarId') ] = row.get('StoryId')
     sql = "SELECT count(1) AS count,WarId FROM tb_war_log WHERE UserId=%s AND RecordDate=CURDATE() Group by WarId"%self.uid
     rows = self.db.fetchall(sql)
     warlogDict = {}
     for row in rows:
         warlogDict[row['WarId']] = row['count']
     GradeInfo = self.db.out_fields('tb_war_star',fields,"UserId=%s"%self.uid)
     if not GradeInfo:
         GradeInfo = self.db.out_fields('tb_war_star',fields,"UserId=%s"%self.uid)
     #print GradeInfo
     warInfo = []
     for WarId,StoryId in StoryWar.iteritems():
         WarCell = {
                     'fight': 1 if WarId<=ProcessWarId else 0,
                     #'open': 0 if WarId>ProcessWarId else 1,
                     #'current': 1 if WarId == ProcessWarId else 0,
     data = {}  
     data['maxCount'] = self.getUserInfo('WarTimes')
     #data['curStoryId'] = curStoryId
     data['curWarId'] = ProcessWarId
     data['warInfo'] = warInfo
     sweepedTimes = self._getSweepTimes()
     data['sweepRestTime'] = Gcore.loadCfg(9001).get('sweepTimesLimit') - sweepedTimes
     return data
Exemplo n.º 46
 def getDefeaters(self, TimeStamp=None):
     TimeStamp = TimeStamp if TimeStamp else time.time()
     HoldConfig = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_HOLD)
     ExpireTime = HoldConfig["ExpireTime"] #过期时间
     LimitCnt = HoldConfig["LimitCount"] #手下败将的最大个数
     table = 'tb_battle_record'
     fields = ['PeerUID', 'PeerSID', 'PeerName', 'PeerVipLevel',
               'PeerCamp', 'PeerIcon', 'PeerLevel', 'MAX(CreateTime) as CreateTime']
     where = """UserId="%s" AND BattleResult=1 AND CreateTime>="%s" AND
                BattleType IN (1,2)
              GROUP BY UserId, PeerUID, PeerSID LIMIT %s""" \
             % (self.uid, TimeStamp - ExpireTime, LimitCnt)
     res = self.db.out_rows(table, fields, where)
     return res   
Exemplo n.º 47
    def GetBoxLogs(self, p={}):
        @param ListView: 显示列表 1:军团所有成员 2:玩家自己3:军团内两条记录
        optId = 15083
        listView = p['ListView']
        pageNum = p['PageNum']
        clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId()
        if not clubId:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15083920)  #军团不存在
        pageSize = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB).get('BoxPS')
        logNum = self.mod.getBoxLogNum(listView, clubId)

        maxPage = int(math.ceil(float(logNum) / pageSize))
        if 0 < maxPage < pageNum:
            pageNum = maxPage
        if pageNum < 1:
            pageNum = 1
        offset = (pageNum - 1) * pageSize
        myLog = []
        if logNum > 0:
            if listView == 1:
                logs = self.mod.getBoxLogList(listView, clubId, offset,
                if pageNum == 1:  #第二页不需显示
                    myLog = self.mod.getBoxLogList(2, clubId, 0, 1)

            elif listView == 2:
                logs = self.mod.getBoxLogList(listView, clubId, offset,
                myLog = [logs[0]]

            elif listView == 3:
                logs = self.mod.getBoxLogList(1, clubId, 0, 2)

                logs = []
            logs = []

        return Gcore.out(
            optId, {
                'BoxLogs': logs,
                'PageNum': pageNum,
                'MaxPage': maxPage,
                'MyLog': myLog
Exemplo n.º 48
    def OpenBox(self,p={}):
        optId = 15082
        boxType = p['BoxType']
        boxCfg = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_CLUB).get('BoxCost')
        boxTypes = [int(i) for i in boxCfg.keys()]
        if boxType not in boxTypes:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15082999)#参数错误
        building = self.mod.getClubBuildingInfo()
        if building is None:
            return  Gcore.error(optId,-15082901)#外史院建筑不存在
        clubId = self.mod.getUserClubId()
        if not clubId:
            return Gcore.error(optId,-15082920)#军团不存在
        cost = boxCfg.get(str(boxType))
        left = self.mod.payDevote(clubId,cost)
#         left = 1
        if left>=0:
            goodsCfg = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_club_box',boxType)
            lucky = com.Choice(goodsCfg)
            rType = lucky.get('RewardType')
            goodsId = lucky['GoodsId']
            goodsNum = lucky['GoodsNum']
            body ={'Left':left,'RewardType':rType,
            equipIds = []
#             if rType in [1,2,3]:#装备,道具,资源
            ids = Gcore.getMod('Reward',self.uid).reward(optId,p,rType,goodsId,goodsNum)
            if rType==1:
                if isinstance(ids,list):
                    equipIds = ids
            body['EIDS'] = equipIds
            body['Logs'] = self.mod.getBoxLogList(1,clubId,offset=0,pageSize=2,timeLimit=False)
            recordData = {'uid':self.uid,'ValType':0,'Val':1}#成就,任务记录
            return Gcore.out(optId,body,mission=recordData)
            return Gcore.error(optId,-15082002)# 支付失败
Exemplo n.º 49
    def ChangeSoldierNum(self, param={}):
        optId = 15103
        GeneralId = param['GeneralId']
        SoldierNum = param['SoldierNum']
        SoldierType = param['SoldierType']
        TimeStamp = param['ClientTime']
        modGeneral = Gcore.getMod('General', self.uid)
        Generals = modGeneral.getLatestGeneralInfo(TimeStamp=TimeStamp)
        GeneralsOnEmbattle = [General for General in Generals 
                              if General["PosId"] != 0]
        GeneralInfo = None
        SoldierOnEmbattle = 0
        for GeneralOnEmbattle in GeneralsOnEmbattle:
            if GeneralOnEmbattle['GeneralId'] == GeneralId:
                GeneralInfo = GeneralOnEmbattle
            if GeneralOnEmbattle['TakeType'] == SoldierType:
                SoldierOnEmbattle += GeneralOnEmbattle['TakeNum']
        kLeader = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BATTLE)["kLeaderAddNum"] #每统帅带兵数
        if not GeneralInfo:
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15103001) #该武将没上阵或没有该武将   
        if SoldierNum > (GeneralInfo['LeaderValue'] * kLeader): #需要改成读配置
            return Gcore.error(optId, -15103002) #带兵数量过大

        modCamp = Gcore.getMod('Building_camp', self.uid)
        Soldiers = modCamp.getSoldierNum(TimeStamp)
        SoldierFree = Soldiers.get('Soldier%s'%SoldierType, 0) - SoldierOnEmbattle
        if SoldierNum <= GeneralInfo['TakeNum']:
            TakeNum = SoldierNum
            TakeNum = min(SoldierNum, GeneralInfo['TakeNum'] + SoldierFree)
        UpGeneralInfo = {"TakeNum":TakeNum, "TakeType":SoldierType}
        modGeneral.updateGeneralById(UpGeneralInfo, GeneralId)
        recordData = {'uid':self.uid,'ValType':0,'Val':1}#成就、任务记录 
        return Gcore.out(optId, body = {"TakeNum":TakeNum, "TakeType":SoldierType},mission=recordData)
Exemplo n.º 50
 def getWallBoxReward(self):
     CfgKey = Gcore.defined.CFG_WALL
     BoxAppearRatio = Gcore.loadCfg(CfgKey).get('BoxAppearRatio')
     from random import randint
     if Gcore.TEST: #开发网100机率获取
         BoxAppearRatio = 100
     if randint(1,100) <= BoxAppearRatio:
         RewardCfgList = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_wall_box').values()
         RewardUnit = Gcore.common.Choice(RewardCfgList,count=1) 
         #e.g. {'GoodsId': 201, 'Ratio': 40, 'GoodsNum': 1, 'RewardId': 5, 'RewardType': 2}
         del RewardUnit['RewardId']
         del RewardUnit['Ratio']
         return RewardUnit
         return {}
Exemplo n.º 51
    def getWallBoxReward(self):
        CfgKey = Gcore.defined.CFG_WALL
        BoxAppearRatio = Gcore.loadCfg(CfgKey).get('BoxAppearRatio')
        from random import randint
        if Gcore.TEST:  #开发网100机率获取
            BoxAppearRatio = 100
        if randint(1, 100) <= BoxAppearRatio:
            RewardCfgList = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_wall_box').values()
            RewardUnit = Gcore.common.Choice(RewardCfgList, count=1)
            #e.g. {'GoodsId': 201, 'Ratio': 40, 'GoodsNum': 1, 'RewardId': 5, 'RewardType': 2}

            del RewardUnit['RewardId']
            del RewardUnit['Ratio']
            return RewardUnit
            return {}
Exemplo n.º 52
 def _GetNextPay(self,AltarType,TimeStamp):
     AltarConfig = Gcore.loadCfg(CFG_BUILDING_ALTAR)  
     AlreadyLotteryCnt = self.GetLotteryCnt({'AltarType':AltarType, 'ClientTime':TimeStamp})
     AlreadyLotteryCnt = AlreadyLotteryCnt.get('body', {}).get('LotteryCount', -1)
     if AltarType==2:
         NextCostType = AltarConfig['LandCoinType']
         NextCost = AltarConfig['LandTimesCost']
         NextCostType = AltarConfig['SkyCoinType']
         NextCost = min(AltarConfig['SkyTimesCost'] * (AlreadyLotteryCnt + 1),50)
         vipLevel = Gcore.getUserData(self.uid, 'VipLevel')
         discount = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_vip_up',vipLevel,'Discount')
         discount = discount if discount else 1
         NextCost = math.ceil(NextCost*discount)
     return NextLoterryPay
Exemplo n.º 53
    def getDefeaters(self, TimeStamp=None):
        TimeStamp = TimeStamp if TimeStamp else time.time()
        HoldConfig = Gcore.loadCfg(Gcore.defined.CFG_BUILDING_HOLD)
        ExpireTime = HoldConfig["ExpireTime"]  #过期时间
        LimitCnt = HoldConfig["LimitCount"]  #手下败将的最大个数

        table = 'tb_battle_record'
        fields = [
            'PeerUID', 'PeerSID', 'PeerName', 'PeerVipLevel', 'PeerCamp',
            'PeerIcon', 'PeerLevel', 'MAX(CreateTime) as CreateTime'
        where = """UserId="%s" AND BattleResult=1 AND CreateTime>="%s" AND
                 GROUP BY UserId, PeerUID, PeerSID LIMIT %s""" \
                % (self.uid, TimeStamp - ExpireTime, LimitCnt)
        res = self.db.out_rows(table, fields, where)
        return res
Exemplo n.º 54
    def clearWallDefense(self):

        where = "LifeRatio=0 AND UserId=%s" % self.uid

        CfgKey = Gcore.defined.CFG_WALL
        DefenseCleanReturn = Gcore.loadCfg(CfgKey).get('DefenseCleanReturn')
        sql = "SELECT SUM(MakeCost*%s) AS CleanReturnTotal FROM %s WHERE %s" \

        row = self.db.fetchone(sql)
        if row:
            CoinValue = row['CleanReturnTotal']
            CoinValue = 0
        if CoinValue:
            self.db.delete(self.tb_wall_defense(), where)
        return CoinValue
Exemplo n.º 55
    def recoverActPoint(self, changePoint=0, flag=1):
        flag: 1增加 0减少
        row = self._lastActRecord()  #没记录就是 {}
        if row:
            MaxPoint = Gcore.getCfg('tb_cfg_action_point', self.getUserLevel(),
            nowtime = Gcore.common.nowtime()
            if row['ActPoint'] >= MaxPoint:  #剩余点数超过最大值  不开始累积时间 !
                AccuTime = 0
                ActPoint = row['ActPoint']
                print '购买+剩余点数超过最大值  不开始累积时间 !'
                PerIncrTime = Gcore.loadCfg(9101).get('ActPointRecoverTime',
                if Gcore.TEST and self.uid in [1001, 43953]:
                    PerIncrTime = testPerIncrTime
                AccuTime = row['AccuTime'] + (nowtime - row['LastWarTime'])
                incrTimes = AccuTime // PerIncrTime  #回复一点需要多长时间 20分钟
                if incrTimes:
                    AccuTime = AccuTime % PerIncrTime
                print 'recoverActPoint.上次剩余', row['ActPoint']
                print 'recoverActPoint.至已经恢复了', incrTimes
                ActPoint = row['ActPoint'] + incrTimes
                if ActPoint >= MaxPoint:
                    ActPoint = MaxPoint
                    AccuTime = 0
            if flag:
                ActPoint += changePoint
                ActPoint -= changePoint
            d = {
                'ActPoint': ActPoint,
                'LastWarTime': nowtime,
                'AccuTime': AccuTime
            self.db.update('tb_war_action', d, 'UserId=%s' % self.uid)
            row['ActPoint'] = ActPoint
            row['LastWarTime'] = nowtime
            row['AccuTime'] = AccuTime

        return row  #返回新的记录