Exemplo n.º 1
    def _compute(self, start_dt, end_dt):
        previous_tick = self._storage.load_previous_tick(start_dt)

        if previous_tick is None:
            previous_tick_end = self._params['start']
            previous_tick_end = previous_tick.name

        # Calculate ticks from the previous ticks until the interval that we are currently interested in
        request = [FeatureRequest.from_feature(self)]
        if previous_tick_end != start_dt:
            self._runner.compute_dataframes(request, previous_tick_end, start_dt)
        new_previous_tick = self._storage.load_previous_tick(start_dt)

        if new_previous_tick is None or new_previous_tick.empty:
            new_previous_tick = previous_tick

        # Should be up-to-date now, so get the updated latest tick
        # If there is still no previous tick then we have to start from the beginning
        if new_previous_tick is None:
            start = self._params['start']
        elif new_previous_tick.empty:
            raise ValueError('This should not be possible')
            start = new_previous_tick.name + dt.timedelta(microseconds=1)

        return self._compute_recursion(previous_tick, start, end_dt)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _compute(self, start_dt, end_dt):

        if end_dt < self._params['start']:
            msg = 'Can''t calculate this range as {} is before the clock start {}'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(end_dt, self._params['start']))

        previous_tick = self._storage.load_previous_tick(start_dt)

        if previous_tick is None:
            previous_tick_end = self._params['start']
            previous_tick_end = previous_tick.name + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1)

        # Calculate ticks from the previous ticks until the interval that we are currently interested in
        request = [FeatureRequest.from_feature(self)]
        if previous_tick_end != start_dt:
            self._runner.compute_dataframes(request, previous_tick_end, start_dt)
        new_previous_tick = self._storage.load_previous_tick(start_dt)
        if new_previous_tick is None or new_previous_tick.empty:
            new_previous_tick = previous_tick
            new_previous_tick = previous_tick

        # Should be up-to-date now, so get the updated latest tick

        # If there is still no previous tick then we have to start from the beginning
        if new_previous_tick is None:
            start = self._params['start']
        elif new_previous_tick.empty:
            raise ValueError('This should not be possible')
            start = new_previous_tick.name + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1)

        clock = self._clock_feature(start, end_dt)
        if len(clock) == 0:
            # There are no ticks in this range, so nothing to do
            return None

        input = self._input_feature(clock.iloc[0]['previous'], clock.iloc[-1].name)
        clock['tick'] = clock.index.to_series(keep_tz=True)

        merged_data = pd.merge_asof(input, clock.set_index('previous', drop=False),
                                    left_index=True, right_index=True)

        ticks = []
        for tick, df in merged_data.groupby('tick'):
            clock_tick = clock.loc[tick]
            new_previous_tick = pd.Series(self._compute_recursive_tick(clock_tick, new_previous_tick, df),

        return pd.DataFrame([t for t in ticks if end_dt > t.name >= start_dt])