class PullRequest(Type): number = int title = str body_text = str author = Actor created_at = DateTime last_edited_at = DateTime closed = bool closed_at = DateTime milestone = Milestone state = PullRequestState url = str labels = Field(LabelConnection, args=connection_args()) assignees = Field(ActorConnection, args=connection_args()) comments = Field(IssueCommentConnection, args=connection_args()) project_cards = Field(ProjectCardConnection, args=connection_args()) additions = int deletions = int head_ref_name = str merged = bool merged_at = DateTime reviews = Field(PullRequestReviewConnection, args=connection_args(states=list_of( non_null(PullRequestReviewState)), ))
class Query(Type): node = Field(Node, args={'id': non_null(id)}) repository = Field(Repository, args={ 'name': non_null(str), 'owner': non_null(str), })
class Query(Type): facilities = Field(FacilitiesConnection) metric_labels = Field(non_null(list_of(non_null(MetricLabel))), graphql_name="metricLabels") metric_data = Field( MetricDataConnection, graphql_name="metricData", args={ "source_id": Arg(non_null(str), graphql_name="sourceId", default=None), "label": Arg(non_null(str), graphql_name="label", default=None), }, )
class NestedThing(Input): __schema__ = schema nested_value = Field(String) nested_enum = Field(TestEnum) @staticmethod def create(nested_value, nested_enum): return NestedThing(json_data={k: v for k, v in { 'nested_value': nested_value.__to_internal_json_value__() if getattr(nested_value, '__to_internal_json_value__', None) else nested_value, 'nested_enum': nested_enum.__to_internal_json_value__() if getattr(nested_enum, '__to_internal_json_value__', None) else nested_enum, }.items() if k and v})
class Issue(Type, Node): number = int title = str body_text = str author = Actor created_at = DateTime last_edited_at = DateTime closed = bool closed_at = DateTime milestone = Milestone state = IssueState url = str labels = Field(LabelConnection, args=connection_args()) assignees = Field(ActorConnection, args=connection_args()) comments = Field(IssueCommentConnection, args=connection_args()) project_cards = Field(ProjectCardConnection, args=connection_args())
class Query(Type): plan = Field(Plan, args={ 'from': Location, 'to': Location, 'num_itineraries': int })
class Facility(Type, Node): id = Field(non_null(Int), graphql_name="id") name = Field(non_null(String), graphql_name="name") slug = Field(non_null(String), graphql_name="slug") address = Field(String, graphql_name="address") city = Field(String, graphql_name="city") state = Field(String, graphql_name="state") zip = Field(String, graphql_name="zip") timezone_name = Field(String, graphql_name="timezoneName")
class PullRequestReview(Type): author = Actor body_text = str created_at = DateTime last_edited_at = DateTime state = PullRequestReviewState url = str comments = Field(PullRequestReviewCommentConnection, args=connection_args())
class InputThing(Input): __schema__ = schema nest = Field(NestedThing) @staticmethod def create(nest): return InputThing(json_data={k: v for k, v in { 'nest': nest.__to_internal_json_value__() if getattr(nest, '__to_internal_json_value__', None) else nest, }.items() if k and v})
class Repository(Type, Node): issues = Field(IssueConnection, args=connection_args( labels=list_of(non_null(str)), order_by=IssueOrder, states=list_of(non_null(IssueState)), )) pull_requests = Field(PullRequestConnection, args=connection_args( labels=list_of(non_null(str)), order_by=IssueOrder, states=list_of(non_null(PullRequestState)), )) labels = Field(LabelConnection, args=connection_args()) milestones = Field(MilestoneConnection, args=connection_args()) projects = Field(ProjectConnection, args=connection_args()) isPrivate = bool name = str name_with_owner = str url = str
class Home(Type): id = ID current_subscription = Field(Subscription)
class Subscription(Type): price_info = Field(PriceInfo)
class PriceInfo(Type): current = Field(Price) today = list_of(Price) tomorrow = list_of(Price)
class Query(Type): # GraphQL's root repository = Field(Repository, args={'owner': str, 'name': str})
class Repository(Type): issues = Field(IssueConnection, args=connection_args())
class CreateFacilityInput(Input): facility = Field(non_null("FacilityInput"), graphql_name="facility")
class CreateFacilityPayload(Type): facility = Field("Facility", graphql_name="facility")
class Mutation(Type): create_facility = Field( CreateFacilityPayload, graphql_name="createFacility", args={"input": Arg(non_null(CreateFacilityInput))}, )
class MetricData(Type, Node): time = non_null(str) source_id = Field(non_null(str), graphql_name="sourceId") label = str data = str metadata = str
class Query(Type): missions = Field(MissionNode)
class Viewer(Type): homes = list_of(Home) home = Field(Home)
class User(Type): following = Field(FollowingConnection, args=connection_args()) followers = Field(FollowersConnection, args=connection_args())
class Query(Type): """Subset of Graphql query type.""" phraseGroup = Field(PhraseGroup, args=ArgDict(eid=str))
class Query(Type): # GraphQL's root user = Field(User, args={'login': str}) viewer = Field(Viewer)
class Query(Type): # GraphQL's root viewer = Field(Viewer)
class Query(Type): __schema__ = schema thing = Field(String, args=ArgDict((('param_value', Arg(InputThing)),)))