Exemplo n.º 1
def test():
    print('Testing Vector class...')
    a = Vector(1, 1, 1)
    b = Vector(2, 2, 2)
    c = Vector(1, 1, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(a.getArray(), np.array([1, 1, 1]))
    assert a == c
    alen = a.mag()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alen, 1.73205, decimal=5)
    anorm = a.norm()
    bnorm = b.norm()
    assert anorm == bnorm
    acrossb = a.cross(b)
    assert acrossb == Vector(0, 0, 0)
    adotb = a.dot(b)
    assert adotb == 6
    aplusb = a + b
    print('Passed Vector class tests.')
Exemplo n.º 2
def test():
    print('Testing Vector class...')
    a = Vector(1, 1, 1)
    b = Vector(2, 2, 2)
    c = Vector(1, 1, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(a.getArray(), np.array([1, 1, 1]))
    assert a == c
    alen = a.mag()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alen, 1.73205, decimal=5)
    anorm = a.norm()
    bnorm = b.norm()
    assert anorm == bnorm
    acrossb = a.cross(b)
    assert acrossb == Vector(0, 0, 0)
    adotb = a.dot(b)
    assert adotb == 6
    aplusb = a + b
    print('Passed Vector class tests.')
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_distance(methods, lat, lon, dep, source, use_median_distance=True):
    Calculate distance using any one of a number of distance measures.
    One of quadlist OR hypo must be specified. The following table gives
    the allowed distance strings and a description of each. 

    | String | Description                                              |
    | repi   | Distance to epicenter.                                   |
    | rhypo  | Distance to hypocenter.                                  |
    | rjb    | Joyner-Boore distance; this is closest distance to the   |
    |        | surface projection of the rupture plane.                 |
    | rrup   | Rupture distance; closest distance to the rupture plane. |
    | rx     | Strike-normal distance; same as GC2 coordiante T.        |
    | ry     | Strike-parallel distance; same as GC2 coordiante U, but  |
    |        | with a shift in origin definition. See Spudich and Chiou |
    |        | (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20151028.            |
    | ry0    | Horizontal distance off the end of the rupture measured  |
    |        | parallel to strike. Can only be zero or positive. We     |
    |        | compute this as a function of GC2 coordinate U.          |
    | U      | GC2 coordinate U.                                        |
    | T      | GC2 coordinate T.                                        |

    :param methods:
        List of strings (or just a string) of distances to compute.
    :param lat:
       A numpy array of latitudes.
    :param lon:
       A numpy array of longidues.
    :param dep:
       A numpy array of depths (km).
    :param source:
       source instance.
    :param use_median_distance:
        Boolean; only used if GMPE requests fault distances and not fault is
        availalbe. Default is True, meaning that point-source distances are
        adjusted based on magnitude to get the median fault distance.
       dictionary of numpy array of distances, size of lon.shape
    fault = source.getFault()
    hypo = source.getHypo()
    if fault is not None:
        quadlist = fault.getQuadrilaterals()
        quadlist = None

    # Dictionary for holding the distances
    distdict = dict()

    if not isinstance(methods, list):
        methods = [methods]

    methods_available = set(
        ['repi', 'rhypo', 'rjb', 'rrup', 'rx', 'ry', 'ry0', 'U', 'T'])
    if not set(methods).issubset(methods_available):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'One or more requested distance method is not '
            'valid or is not implemented yet')

    if (lat.shape == lon.shape) and (lat.shape == dep.shape):
        raise ShakeMapException('lat, lon, and dep must have the same shape.')

    oldshape = lon.shape

    if len(oldshape) == 2:
        newshape = (oldshape[0] * oldshape[1], 1)
        newshape = (oldshape[0], 1)

    if ('rrup' in methods) or ('rjb' in methods):
        x, y, z = latlon2ecef(lat, lon, dep)
        x.shape = newshape
        y.shape = newshape
        z.shape = newshape
        sites_ecef = np.hstack((x, y, z))

    # Define a projection that spands sites and fault
    if fault is None:
        all_lat = lat
        all_lon = lon
        all_lat = np.append(lat, fault.getLats())
        all_lon = np.append(lon, fault.getLons())

    west = np.nanmin(all_lon)
    east = np.nanmax(all_lon)
    south = np.nanmin(all_lat)
    north = np.nanmax(all_lat)
    proj = get_orthographic_projection(west, east, north, south)

    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Distances that do not require loop over quads
    # ---------------------------------------------

    if ('repi' in methods) or \
       (('rjb' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('rrup' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('ry0' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('rx' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('T' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('U' in methods) and (quadlist is None)):
        if hypo is None:
            raise ShakeMapException('Cannot calculate epicentral distance '
                                    'without a point object')
        repidist = geodetic.distance(hypo.longitude, hypo.latitude, 0.0, lon,
                                     lat, dep)
        repidist = repidist.reshape(oldshape)
        distdict['repi'] = repidist

    if ('rhypo' in methods) or \
       (('rrup' in methods) and (quadlist is None)):
        if hypo is None:
            raise ShakeMapException('Cannot calculate epicentral distance '
                                    'without a point object')
        rhypodist = geodetic.distance(hypo.longitude, hypo.latitude,
                                      hypo.depth, lon, lat, dep)
        rhypodist = rhypodist.reshape(oldshape)
        distdict['rhypo'] = rhypodist

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # Loop over quadlist for those distances that require loop
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    if 'rrup' in methods:
        minrrup = np.ones(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype) * 1e16
    if 'rjb' in methods:
        minrjb = np.ones(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype) * 1e16
    if ('rx' in methods) or ('ry' in methods) or \
       ('ry0' in methods) or ('U' in methods) or ('T' in methods):
        totweight = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype)
        GC2T = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype)
        GC2U = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype)

        if quadlist is not None:
            # For these distances, we need to sort out strike discordance and
            # nominal strike prior to starting the loop if there is more than
            # one segment.

            segind = fault._getSegmentIndex()
            segindnp = np.array(segind)
            uind = np.unique(segind)
            nseg = len(uind)

            # The first thing we need to worry about is finding the coordinate
            # shift. U's origin is " selected from the two endpoints most
            # distant from each other."

            if nseg > 1:
                # Need to get index of first and last quad
                # for each segment
                iq0 = np.zeros(nseg, dtype='int16')
                iq1 = np.zeros(nseg, dtype='int16')
                for k in uind:
                    ii = [i for i, j in enumerate(segind) if j == uind[k]]
                    iq0[k] = int(np.min(ii))
                    iq1[k] = int(np.max(ii))

                # This is an iterator for each possible combination of segments
                # including segment orientations (i.e., flipped).

                it_seg = it.product(it.combinations(uind, 2),
                                    it.product([0, 1], [0, 1]))

                # Placeholder for the segment pair/orientation that gives the
                # largest distance.
                dist_save = 0

                for k in it_seg:
                    s0ind = k[0][0]
                    s1ind = k[0][1]
                    p0ind = k[1][0]
                    p1ind = k[1][1]
                    if p0ind == 0:
                        P0 = quadlist[iq0[s0ind]][0]
                        P0 = quadlist[iq1[s0ind]][1]
                    if p1ind == 0:
                        P1 = quadlist[iq1[s1ind]][0]
                        P1 = quadlist[iq0[s1ind]][1]

                    dist = geodetic.distance(P0.longitude, P0.latitude, 0.0,
                                             P1.longitude, P1.latitude, 0.0)
                    if dist > dist_save:
                        dist_save = dist
                        A0 = P0
                        A1 = P1

                # A0 and A1 are the furthest two segment endpoints, but we still
                # need to sort out which one is the "origin".

                # Primate fixes the trend of the trial a vector.
                primate = -1
                while primate < 0:
                    A0.depth = 0
                    A1.depth = 0
                    p_origin = Vector.fromPoint(A0)
                    a0 = Vector.fromPoint(A0)
                    a1 = Vector.fromPoint(A1)
                    ahat = (a1 - a0).norm()

                    # Loop over traces
                    e_j = np.zeros(nseg)
                    b_prime = [None] * nseg
                    for j in range(nseg):
                        P0 = quadlist[iq0[j]][0]
                        P1 = quadlist[iq1[j]][1]
                        P0.depth = 0
                        P1.depth = 0
                        p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)
                        p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
                        b_prime[j] = p1 - p0
                        e_j[j] = ahat.dot(b_prime[j])
                    E = np.sum(e_j)

                    # List of discordancy
                    dc = [np.sign(a) * np.sign(E) for a in e_j]
                    b = Vector(0, 0, 0)
                    for j in range(nseg):
                        b.x = b.x + b_prime[j].x * dc[j]
                        b.y = b.y + b_prime[j].y * dc[j]
                        b.z = b.z + b_prime[j].z * dc[j]
                    bhat = b.norm()
                    primate = bhat.dot(ahat)
                    if primate < 0:
                        tmpA0 = copy.copy(A0)
                        tmpA1 = copy.copy(A1)
                        A0 = tmpA1
                        A1 = tmpA0

    if quadlist is not None:
        # Length of prior segments
        s_i = 0.0
        l_i = np.zeros(len(quadlist))
        for i in range(len(quadlist)):
            P0, P1, P2, P3 = quadlist[i]

            if 'rrup' in methods:
                rrupdist = _calc_rupture_distance(P0, P1, P2, P3, sites_ecef)
                minrrup = np.minimum(minrrup, rrupdist)

            if 'rjb' in methods:
                S0 = copy.deepcopy(P0)
                S1 = copy.deepcopy(P1)
                S2 = copy.deepcopy(P2)
                S3 = copy.deepcopy(P3)
                S0.depth = 0.0
                S1.depth = 0.0
                S2.depth = 0.0
                S3.depth = 0.0
                rjbdist = _calc_rupture_distance(S0, S1, S2, S3, sites_ecef)
                minrjb = np.minimum(minrjb, rjbdist)

            if ('rx' in methods) or ('ry' in methods) or \
               ('ry0' in methods) or ('U' in methods) or ('T' in methods):
                # Rx, Ry, and Ry0 are all computed if one is requested since
                # they all require similar information for the weights. This
                # isn't necessary for a single segment fault though.
                # Note, we are basing these calculations on GC2 coordinates U
                # and T as described in:
                # Spudich and Chiou (2015)
                # http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20151028.

                # Compute u_i and t_i for this segment
                t_i = __calc_t_i(P0, P1, lat, lon, proj)
                u_i = __calc_u_i(P0, P1, lat, lon, proj)

                # Quad length
                l_i[i] = get_quad_length(quadlist[i])

                # Weight of segment, three cases
                # Case 3: t_i == 0 and 0 <= u_i <= l_i
                w_i = np.zeros_like(t_i)
                # Case 1:
                ix = t_i != 0
                w_i[ix] = (1.0 / t_i[ix]) * (np.arctan(
                    (l_i[i] - u_i[ix]) / t_i[ix]) -
                                             np.arctan(-u_i[ix] / t_i[ix]))
                # Case 2:
                ix = (t_i == 0) & ((u_i < 0) | (u_i > l_i[i]))
                w_i[ix] = 1 / (u_i[ix] - l_i[i]) - 1 / u_i[ix]

                totweight = totweight + w_i
                GC2T = GC2T + w_i * t_i
                if nseg == 1:
                    GC2U = GC2U + w_i * (u_i + s_i)
                    if i == 0:
                        qind = np.array(range(len(quadlist)))
                        l_kj = 0
                        s_ij_1 = 0
                        l_kj = l_i[(segindnp == segindnp[i]) & (qind < i)]
                        s_ij_1 = np.sum(l_kj)

                    p1 = Vector.fromPoint(quadlist[iq0[segind[i]]][0])
                    s_ij_2 = (
                        (p1 - p_origin) * dc[segind[i]]).dot(ahat) / 1000.0
                    # This is implemented with GC2N, for GC2T use:
                    #                    s_ij_2 = (p1 - p_origin).dot(bhat) / 1000.0

                    s_ij = s_ij_1 + s_ij_2
                    GC2U = GC2U + w_i * (u_i + s_ij)
                s_i = s_i + l_i[i]

        # Collect distances from loop into the distance dict
        if 'rjb' in methods:
            minrjb = minrjb.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['rjb'] = minrjb

        if ('rx' in methods) or ('ry' in methods) or \
           ('ry0' in methods) or ('U' in methods) or ('T' in methods):
            # Normalize by sum of quad weights
            GC2T = GC2T / totweight
            GC2U = GC2U / totweight
            distdict['T'] = copy.deepcopy(GC2T).reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['U'] = copy.deepcopy(GC2U).reshape(oldshape)

            # Take care of Rx
            Rx = copy.deepcopy(GC2T)  # preserve sign (no absolute value)
            Rx = Rx.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['rx'] = Rx

            # Ry
            Ry = GC2U - s_i / 2.0
            Ry = Ry.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['ry'] = Ry

            # Ry0
            Ry0 = np.zeros_like(GC2U)
            ix = GC2U < 0
            Ry0[ix] = np.abs(GC2U[ix])
            if nseg > 1:
                s_i = s_ij + l_i[-1]
            ix = GC2U > s_i
            Ry0[ix] = GC2U[ix] - s_i
            Ry0 = Ry0.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['ry0'] = Ry0

        if 'rrup' in methods:
            minrrup = minrrup.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['rrup'] = minrrup

        if 'rjb' in methods:
            if use_median_distance:
                    'No fault; Replacing rjb with median rjb given M and repi.'
                cdir, tmp = os.path.split(__file__)

                # -------------------
                # Sort out file names
                # -------------------
                mech = source.getEventParam('mech')
                if not hasattr(source, '_tectonic_region'):
                    rf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    vf = os.path.join(cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                elif source._tectonic_region == 'Active Shallow Crust':
                    if mech == 'ALL':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'RS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'NM':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'SS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                elif source._tectonic_region == 'Stable Shallow Crust':
                    if mech == 'ALL':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'RS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'NM':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'SS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        'Unsupported tectonic region; using coefficients for unknown'
                        'tectonic region.')
                    rf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    vf = os.path.join(cdir, "data", "ps2ff",

                # -----------------
                # Start with ratios
                # -----------------
                repi2rjb_ratios_tbl = pd.read_csv(rf, comment='#')
                r2rrt_cols = repi2rjb_ratios_tbl.columns[1:]
                mag_list = []
                for column in (r2rrt_cols):
                    if re.search('R\d+\.*\d*', column):
                        magnitude = float(
                            re.findall('R(\d+\.*\d*)', column)[0])
                mag_list = np.array(mag_list)
                dist_list = np.log(np.array(repi2rjb_ratios_tbl['Repi_km']))
                repi2rjb_grid = repi2rjb_ratios_tbl.values[:, 1:]
                repi2rjb_obj = spint.RectBivariateSpline(dist_list,

                def repi2rjb_tbl(repi, M):
                    ratio = repi2rjb_obj.ev(np.log(repi), M)
                    rjb = repi * ratio
                    return rjb

                repis = distdict['repi']
                mags = np.ones_like(repis) * source.getEventParam('mag')
                rjb_hat = repi2rjb_tbl(repis, mags)
                distdict['rjb'] = rjb_hat
                # -------------------
                # Additional Variance
                # -------------------
                repi2rjbvar_ratios_tbl = pd.read_csv(vf, comment='#')
                repi2rjbvar_grid = repi2rjbvar_ratios_tbl.values[:, 1:]
                repi2rjbvar_obj = spint.RectBivariateSpline(dist_list,
                rjbvar = repi2rjbvar_obj.ev(np.log(repis), mags)
                distdict['rjbvar'] = rjbvar
                warnings.warn('No fault; Replacing rjb with repi')
                distdict['rjb'] = distdict['repi']
        if 'rrup' in methods:
            if use_median_distance:
                    'No fault; Replacing rrup with median rrup given M and repi.'
                cdir, tmp = os.path.split(__file__)

                # -------------------
                # Sort out file names
                # -------------------
                rake = source._event_dict.get('rake')
                mech = rake_to_mech(rake)
                if not hasattr(source, '_tectonic_region'):
                    rf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    vf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                elif source._tectonic_region == 'Active Shallow Crust':
                    if mech == 'ALL':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'RS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'NM':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'SS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                elif source._tectonic_region == 'Stable Shallow Crust':
                    if mech == 'ALL':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'RS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'NM':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    elif mech == 'SS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                        'Unsupported tectonic region; using coefficients for unknown'
                        'tectonic region.')
                    rf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff",
                    vf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff",

                # -----------------
                # Start with ratios
                # -----------------
                repi2rrup_ratios_tbl = pd.read_csv(rf, comment='#')
                r2rrt_cols = repi2rrup_ratios_tbl.columns[1:]
                mag_list = []
                for column in (r2rrt_cols):
                    if re.search('R\d+\.*\d*', column):
                        magnitude = float(
                            re.findall('R(\d+\.*\d*)', column)[0])
                mag_list = np.array(mag_list)
                dist_list = np.log(np.array(repi2rrup_ratios_tbl['Repi_km']))
                repi2rrup_grid = repi2rrup_ratios_tbl.values[:, 1:]
                repi2rrup_obj = spint.RectBivariateSpline(dist_list,

                def repi2rrup_tbl(repi, M):
                    ratio = repi2rrup_obj.ev(np.log(repi), M)
                    rrup = repi * ratio
                    return rrup

                repis = distdict['repi']
                mags = np.ones_like(repis) * source.getEventParam('mag')
                rrup_hat = repi2rrup_tbl(repis, mags)
                distdict['rrup'] = rrup_hat

                # -------------------
                # Additional Variance
                # -------------------
                repi2rrupvar_ratios_tbl = pd.read_csv(vf, comment='#')
                repi2rrupvar_grid = repi2rrupvar_ratios_tbl.values[:, 1:]
                repi2rrupvar_obj = spint.RectBivariateSpline(dist_list,
                rrupvar = repi2rrupvar_obj.ev(np.log(repis), mags)
                distdict['rrupvar'] = rrupvar
                warnings.warn('No fault; Replacing rrup with rhypo')
                distdict['rrup'] = distdict['rhypo']
        if 'rx' in methods:
            warnings.warn('No fault; Setting Rx to zero.')
            distdict['rx'] = np.zeros_like(distdict['repi'])
        if 'ry0' in methods:
            warnings.warn('No fault; Replacing ry0 with repi')
            distdict['ry0'] = distdict['repi']
        if 'ry' in methods:
            warnings.warn('No fault; Replacing ry with repi')
            distdict['ry'] = distdict['repi']

    return distdict
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_distance(methods, lat, lon, dep, source,
    Calculate distance using any one of a number of distance measures.
    One of quadlist OR hypo must be specified. The following table gives
    the allowed distance strings and a description of each. 

    | String | Description                                              |
    | repi   | Distance to epicenter.                                   |
    | rhypo  | Distance to hypocenter.                                  |
    | rjb    | Joyner-Boore distance; this is closest distance to the   |
    |        | surface projection of the rupture plane.                 |
    | rrup   | Rupture distance; closest distance to the rupture plane. |
    | rx     | Strike-normal distance; same as GC2 coordiante T.        |
    | ry     | Strike-parallel distance; same as GC2 coordiante U, but  |
    |        | with a shift in origin definition. See Spudich and Chiou |
    |        | (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20151028.            |
    | ry0    | Horizontal distance off the end of the rupture measured  |
    |        | parallel to strike. Can only be zero or positive. We     |
    |        | compute this as a function of GC2 coordinate U.          |
    | U      | GC2 coordinate U.                                        |
    | T      | GC2 coordinate T.                                        |

    :param methods:
        List of strings (or just a string) of distances to compute.
    :param lat:
       A numpy array of latitudes.
    :param lon:
       A numpy array of longidues.
    :param dep:
       A numpy array of depths (km).
    :param source:
       source instance.
    :param use_median_distance:
        Boolean; only used if GMPE requests fault distances and not fault is
        availalbe. Default is True, meaning that point-source distances are
        adjusted based on magnitude to get the median fault distance.
       dictionary of numpy arrays of distances, size of lon.shape
       IMPORTANT: If a finite fault is not supplied, and the distance
       measures requested include rx, ry, ry0, U, or T, then zeros will
       be returned; if rjb is requested, repi will be returned; if rrup
       is requested, rhypo will be returned.
    fault = source.getFault()
    hypo = source.getHypo()
    if fault is not None:
        quadlist = fault.getQuadrilaterals()
        # Need a copy for GC2 since order of verticies/quads needs to be modivied.
        quadgc2 = copy.deepcopy(quadlist)
        quadlist = None

    # Dictionary for holding the distances
    distdict = dict()

    if not isinstance(methods, list):
        methods = [methods]

    methods_available = set(get_distance_measures())
    if not set(methods).issubset(methods_available):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'One or more requested distance method is not '
            'valid or is not implemented yet')

    if (lat.shape == lon.shape) and (lat.shape == dep.shape):
        raise ShakeMapException('lat, lon, and dep must have the same shape.')

    oldshape = lon.shape

    if len(oldshape) == 2:
        newshape = (oldshape[0] * oldshape[1], 1)
        newshape = (oldshape[0], 1)

    if ('rrup' in methods) or ('rjb' in methods):
        x, y, z = latlon2ecef(lat, lon, dep)
        x.shape = newshape
        y.shape = newshape
        z.shape = newshape
        sites_ecef = np.hstack((x, y, z))

    # Define a projection that spands sites and fault
    if fault is None:
        all_lat = lat
        all_lon = lon
        all_lat = np.append(lat, fault.getLats())
        all_lon = np.append(lon, fault.getLons())

    west = np.nanmin(all_lon)
    east = np.nanmax(all_lon)
    south = np.nanmin(all_lat)
    north = np.nanmax(all_lat)
    proj = get_orthographic_projection(west, east, north, south)

    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Distances that do not require loop over quads
    # ---------------------------------------------

    if ('repi' in methods) or \
       (('rjb' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('rrup' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('ry0' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('rx' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('T' in methods) and (quadlist is None)) or \
       (('U' in methods) and (quadlist is None)):
        # I don't think this error check makes sense any more because hypo
        # is assigned above with source.getHypo() that constructs it from
        # source._event_dict entries. 
        if hypo is None:
            raise ShakeMapException('Cannot calculate epicentral distance '
                                    'without a point object')
        repidist = geodetic.distance(hypo.longitude, hypo.latitude, 0.0,
                                     lon, lat, dep)
        repidist = repidist.reshape(oldshape)
        distdict['repi'] = repidist

    if ('rhypo' in methods) or \
       (('rrup' in methods) and (quadlist is None)):
        if hypo is None:
            raise ShakeMapException('Cannot calculate epicentral distance '
                                    'without a point object')
        rhypodist = geodetic.distance(
            hypo.longitude, hypo.latitude, hypo.depth, lon, lat, dep)
        rhypodist = rhypodist.reshape(oldshape)
        distdict['rhypo'] = rhypodist

    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # Loop over quadlist for those distances that require loop
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    if 'rrup' in methods:
        minrrup = np.ones(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype) * 1e16
    if 'rjb' in methods:
        minrjb = np.ones(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype) * 1e16
    if ('rx' in methods) or ('ry' in methods) or \
       ('ry0' in methods) or ('U' in methods) or ('T' in methods):
        totweight = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype)
        GC2T = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype)
        GC2U = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype)

        if quadlist is not None:
            # For these distances, we need to sort out strike discordance and
            # nominal strike prior to starting the loop if there is more than
            # one segment.

            segind = fault._getSegmentIndex()
            segindnp = np.array(segind)
            uind = np.unique(segind)
            nseg = len(uind)

            # The first thing we need to worry about is finding the coordinate
            # shift. U's origin is " selected from the two endpoints most
            # distant from each other." 

            if nseg > 1:
                # Need to get index of first and last quad
                # for each segment
                iq0 = np.zeros(nseg, dtype='int16')
                iq1 = np.zeros(nseg, dtype='int16')
                for k in uind:
                    ii = [i for i, j in enumerate(segind) if j == uind[k]]
                    iq0[k] = int(np.min(ii))
                    iq1[k] = int(np.max(ii))

                # This is an iterator for each possible combination of segments
                # including segment orientations (i.e., flipped). 

                it_seg = it.product(it.combinations(uind, 2),
                                    it.product([0, 1], [0, 1]))

                # Placeholder for the segment pair/orientation that gives the
                # largest distance. 
                dist_save = 0

                for k in it_seg:
                    s0ind = k[0][0]
                    s1ind = k[0][1]
                    p0ind = k[1][0]
                    p1ind = k[1][1]
                    if p0ind == 0:
                        P0 = quadlist[iq0[s0ind]][0]
                        P0 = quadlist[iq1[s0ind]][1]
                    if p1ind == 0:
                        P1 = quadlist[iq1[s1ind]][0]
                        P1 = quadlist[iq0[s1ind]][1]

                    dist = geodetic.distance(P0.longitude, P0.latitude, 0.0,
                                             P1.longitude, P1.latitude, 0.0)
                    if dist > dist_save:
                        dist_save = dist
                        A0 = P0
                        A1 = P1

                # A0 and A1 are the furthest two segment endpoints, but we still
                # need to sort out which one is the "origin".

                # Goofy while-loop is to adjust the side of the fault where the
                # origin is located
                dummy = -1
                while dummy < 0:
                    A0.depth = 0
                    A1.depth = 0
                    p_origin = Vector.fromPoint(A0)
                    a0 = Vector.fromPoint(A0)
                    a1 = Vector.fromPoint(A1)
                    ahat = (a1 - a0).norm()

                    # Loop over traces
                    e_j = np.zeros(nseg)
                    b_prime = [None] * nseg
                    for j in range(nseg):
                        P0 = quadlist[iq0[j]][0]
                        P1 = quadlist[iq1[j]][1]
                        P0.depth = 0
                        P1.depth = 0
                        p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)
                        p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
                        b_prime[j] = p1 - p0
                        e_j[j] = ahat.dot(b_prime[j])
                    E = np.sum(e_j)

                    # List of discordancy
                    dc = [np.sign(a) * np.sign(E) for a in e_j]
                    b = Vector(0, 0, 0)
                    for j in range(nseg):
                        b.x = b.x + b_prime[j].x * dc[j]
                        b.y = b.y + b_prime[j].y * dc[j]
                        b.z = b.z + b_prime[j].z * dc[j]
                    bhat = b.norm()
                    dummy = bhat.dot(ahat)
                    if dummy < 0:
                        tmpA0 = copy.copy(A0)
                        tmpA1 = copy.copy(A1)
                        A0 = tmpA1
                        A1 = tmpA0

                # To fix discordancy, need to flip quads and rearrange
                # the order of quadgc2

                # 1) flip quads
                for i in range(len(quadgc2)):
                    if dc[segind[i]] < 0: #***************U*UUUUUUUSDFUSDfkjjhakjsdhfljkhn
                        quadgc2[i] = reverse_quad(quadgc2[i])

                # 2) rearrange quadlist to remove discordancy
                qind = np.arange(len(quadgc2))
                segnp = np.array(segind)
                for i in range(nseg):
                    qsel = qind[segnp == uind[i]]
                    if dc[i] < 0:
                        qrev = qsel[::-1]
                        qind[segnp == uind[i]] = qrev

                quadgc2old = copy.deepcopy(quadgc2)
                for i in range(len(qind)):
                    quadgc2[i] = quadgc2old[qind[i]]

    if quadlist is not None:
        # Length of prior segments
        s_i = 0.0
        l_i = np.zeros(len(quadlist))
        for i in range(len(quadlist)):
            P0, P1, P2, P3 = quadlist[i]
            G0, G1, G2, G3 = quadgc2[i]

            if 'rrup' in methods:
                rrupdist = _calc_rupture_distance(P0, P1, P2, P3, sites_ecef)
                minrrup = np.minimum(minrrup, rrupdist)

            if 'rjb' in methods:
                S0 = copy.deepcopy(P0)
                S1 = copy.deepcopy(P1)
                S2 = copy.deepcopy(P2)
                S3 = copy.deepcopy(P3)
                S0.depth = 0.0
                S1.depth = 0.0
                S2.depth = 0.0
                S3.depth = 0.0
                rjbdist = _calc_rupture_distance(S0, S1, S2, S3, sites_ecef)
                minrjb = np.minimum(minrjb, rjbdist)

            if ('rx' in methods) or ('ry' in methods) or \
               ('ry0' in methods) or ('U' in methods) or ('T' in methods):
                # Rx, Ry, and Ry0 are all computed if one is requested since
                # they all require similar information for the weights. This
                # isn't necessary for a single segment fault though.
                # Note, we are basing these calculations on GC2 coordinates U
                # and T as described in:
                # Spudich and Chiou (2015)
                # http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ofr20151028.

                # Compute u_i and t_i for this quad
                t_i = __calc_t_i(G0, G1, lat, lon, proj)
                u_i = __calc_u_i(G0, G1, lat, lon, proj)

                # Quad length
                l_i[i] = get_quad_length(quadlist[i])

                # Weight of segment, three cases
                # Case 3: t_i == 0 and 0 <= u_i <= l_i
                w_i = np.zeros_like(t_i)
                # Case 1:
                ix = t_i != 0
                w_i[ix] = (1.0 / t_i[ix]) * (np.arctan((l_i[i] -
                    u_i[ix]) / t_i[ix]) - np.arctan(-u_i[ix] / t_i[ix]))
                # Case 2:
                ix = (t_i == 0) & ((u_i < 0) | (u_i > l_i[i]))
                w_i[ix] = 1 / (u_i[ix] - l_i[i]) - 1 / u_i[ix]

                totweight = totweight + w_i
                GC2T = GC2T + w_i * t_i
                if nseg == 1:
                    GC2U = GC2U + w_i * (u_i + s_i)
                    if i == 0:
                        qind = np.array(range(len(quadlist)))
                        l_kj = 0
                        s_ij_1 = 0
                        l_kj = l_i[(segindnp == segindnp[i]) & (qind < i)]
                        s_ij_1 = np.sum(l_kj)

                    p1 = Vector.fromPoint(quadgc2[iq0[segind[i]]][0])
                    s_ij_2 = (p1 - p_origin).dot(np.sign(E)*ahat) / 1000.0
                    # Above is GC2N, for GC2T use:
#                    s_ij_2 = (p1 - p_origin).dot(bhat) / 1000.0

                    s_ij = s_ij_1 + s_ij_2
                    GC2U = GC2U + w_i * (u_i + s_ij)
                s_i = s_i + l_i[i]

        # Collect distances from loop into the distance dict
        if 'rjb' in methods:
            minrjb = minrjb.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['rjb'] = minrjb

        if ('rx' in methods) or ('ry' in methods) or \
           ('ry0' in methods) or ('U' in methods) or ('T' in methods):
            # Normalize by sum of quad weights
            GC2T = GC2T / totweight
            GC2U = GC2U / totweight
            distdict['T'] = copy.deepcopy(GC2T).reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['U'] = copy.deepcopy(GC2U).reshape(oldshape)

            # Take care of Rx
            Rx = copy.deepcopy(GC2T)  # preserve sign (no absolute value)
            Rx = Rx.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['rx'] = Rx

            # Ry
            Ry = GC2U - s_i / 2.0
            Ry = Ry.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['ry'] = Ry

            # Ry0
            Ry0 = np.zeros_like(GC2U)
            ix = GC2U < 0
            Ry0[ix] = np.abs(GC2U[ix])
            if nseg > 1:
                s_i = s_ij + l_i[-1]
            ix = GC2U > s_i
            Ry0[ix] = GC2U[ix] - s_i
            Ry0 = Ry0.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['ry0'] = Ry0

        if 'rrup' in methods:
            minrrup = minrrup.reshape(oldshape)
            distdict['rrup'] = minrrup

        if 'rjb' in methods:
            if use_median_distance:
                    'No fault; Replacing rjb with median rjb given M and repi.')
                cdir, tmp = os.path.split(__file__)

                # -------------------
                # Sort out file names
                # -------------------
                mech = source.getEventParam('mech')
                if not hasattr(source, '_tectonic_region'):
                    rf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechA_ar1p0_seis0_20_Ratios.csv")
                    vf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechA_ar1p0_seis0_20_Var.csv")
                elif source._tectonic_region == 'Active Shallow Crust':
                    if mech == 'ALL':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechA_ar1p7_seis0_20_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechA_ar1p7_seis0_20_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'RS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechR_ar1p7_seis0_20_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechR_ar1p7_seis0_20_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'NM':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechN_ar1p7_seis0_20_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechN_ar1p7_seis0_20_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'SS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechSS_ar1p7_seis0_20_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechSS_ar1p7_seis0_20_Var.csv")
                elif source._tectonic_region == 'Stable Shallow Crust':
                    if mech == 'ALL':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_S14_mechA_ar1p0_seis0_15_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_S14_mechA_ar1p0_seis0_15_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'RS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_S14_mechR_ar1p0_seis0_15_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_S14_mechR_ar1p0_seis0_15_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'NM':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_S14_mechN_ar1p0_seis0_15_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_S14_mechN_ar1p0_seis0_15_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'SS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_S14_mechSS_ar1p0_seis0_15_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_S14_mechSS_ar1p0_seis0_15_Var.csv")
                        'Unsupported tectonic region; using coefficients for unknown'
                        'tectonic region.')
                    rf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechA_ar1p0_seis0_20_Ratios.csv")
                    vf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rjb_WC94_mechA_ar1p0_seis0_20_Var.csv")

                # -----------------
                # Start with ratios
                # -----------------
                repi2rjb_ratios_tbl = pd.read_csv(rf, comment='#')
                r2rrt_cols = repi2rjb_ratios_tbl.columns[1:]
                mag_list = []
                for column in (r2rrt_cols):
                    if re.search('R\d+\.*\d*', column):
                        magnitude = float(re.findall(
                            'R(\d+\.*\d*)', column)[0])
                mag_list = np.array(mag_list)
                dist_list = np.log(np.array(repi2rjb_ratios_tbl['Repi_km']))
                repi2rjb_grid = repi2rjb_ratios_tbl.values[:, 1:]
                repi2rjb_obj = spint.RectBivariateSpline(
                    dist_list, mag_list, repi2rjb_grid, kx=1, ky=1)

                def repi2rjb_tbl(repi, M):
                    ratio = repi2rjb_obj.ev(np.log(repi), M)
                    rjb = repi * ratio
                    return rjb
                repis = distdict['repi']
                mags = np.ones_like(repis) * source.getEventParam('mag')
                rjb_hat = repi2rjb_tbl(repis, mags)
                distdict['rjb'] = rjb_hat
                # -------------------
                # Additional Variance
                # -------------------
                repi2rjbvar_ratios_tbl = pd.read_csv(vf, comment='#')
                repi2rjbvar_grid = repi2rjbvar_ratios_tbl.values[:, 1:]
                repi2rjbvar_obj = spint.RectBivariateSpline(
                    dist_list, mag_list, repi2rjbvar_grid, kx=1, ky=1)
                rjbvar = repi2rjbvar_obj.ev(np.log(repis), mags)
                distdict['rjbvar'] = rjbvar
                warnings.warn('No fault; Replacing rjb with repi')
                distdict['rjb'] = distdict['repi'].copy()
        if 'rrup' in methods:
            if use_median_distance:
                    'No fault; Replacing rrup with median rrup given M and repi.')
                cdir, tmp = os.path.split(__file__)

                # -------------------
                # Sort out file names
                # -------------------
                rake = source._event_dict.get('rake')
                mech = rake_to_mech(rake)
                if not hasattr(source, '_tectonic_region'):
                    rf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechA_ar1p0_seis0-20_Ratios.csv")
                    vf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechA_ar1p0_seis0-20_Var.csv")
                elif source._tectonic_region == 'Active Shallow Crust':
                    if mech == 'ALL':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechA_ar1p7_seis0-20_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechA_ar1p7_seis0-20_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'RS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechR_ar1p7_seis0-20_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechR_ar1p7_seis0-20_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'NM':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechN_ar1p7_seis0-20_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechN_ar1p7_seis0-20_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'SS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechSS_ar1p7_seis0-20_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechSS_ar1p7_seis0-20_Var.csv")
                elif source._tectonic_region == 'Stable Shallow Crust':
                    if mech == 'ALL':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_S14_mechA_ar1p0_seis0-15_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_S14_mechA_ar1p0_seis0-15_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'RS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_S14_mechR_ar1p0_seis0-15_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_S14_mechR_ar1p0_seis0-15_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'NM':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_S14_mechN_ar1p0_seis0-15_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_S14_mechN_ar1p0_seis0-15_Var.csv")
                    elif mech == 'SS':
                        rf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_S14_mechSS_ar1p0_seis0-15_Ratios.csv")
                        vf = os.path.join(
                            cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_S14_mechSS_ar1p0_seis0-15_Var.csv")
                        'Unsupported tectonic region; using coefficients for unknown'
                        'tectonic region.')
                    rf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechA_ar1p0_seis0-20_Ratios.csv")
                    vf = os.path.join(
                        cdir, "data", "ps2ff", "Rrup_WC94_mechA_ar1p0_seis0-20_Var.csv")

                # -----------------
                # Start with ratios
                # -----------------
                repi2rrup_ratios_tbl = pd.read_csv(rf, comment='#')
                r2rrt_cols = repi2rrup_ratios_tbl.columns[1:]
                mag_list = []
                for column in (r2rrt_cols):
                    if re.search('R\d+\.*\d*', column):
                        magnitude = float(re.findall(
                            'R(\d+\.*\d*)', column)[0])
                mag_list = np.array(mag_list)
                dist_list = np.log(np.array(repi2rrup_ratios_tbl['Repi_km']))
                repi2rrup_grid = repi2rrup_ratios_tbl.values[:, 1:]
                repi2rrup_obj = spint.RectBivariateSpline(
                    dist_list, mag_list, repi2rrup_grid, kx=1, ky=1)

                def repi2rrup_tbl(repi, M):
                    ratio = repi2rrup_obj.ev(np.log(repi), M)
                    rrup = repi * ratio
                    return rrup
                repis = distdict['repi']
                mags = np.ones_like(repis) * source.getEventParam('mag')
                rrup_hat = repi2rrup_tbl(repis, mags)
                distdict['rrup'] = rrup_hat

                # -------------------
                # Additional Variance
                # -------------------
                repi2rrupvar_ratios_tbl = pd.read_csv(vf, comment='#')
                repi2rrupvar_grid = repi2rrupvar_ratios_tbl.values[:, 1:]
                repi2rrupvar_obj = spint.RectBivariateSpline(
                    dist_list, mag_list, repi2rrupvar_grid, kx=1, ky=1)
                rrupvar = repi2rrupvar_obj.ev(np.log(repis), mags)
                distdict['rrupvar'] = rrupvar
                warnings.warn('No fault; Replacing rrup with rhypo')
                distdict['rrup'] = distdict['rhypo'].copy()
        if 'rx' in methods:
            warnings.warn('No fault; Setting Rx to zero.')
            distdict['rx'] = np.zeros_like(distdict['repi'])
        if 'ry0' in methods:
            warnings.warn('No fault; Setting ry0 to zero')
            distdict['ry0'] = np.zeros_like(distdict['repi'])
        if 'ry' in methods:
            warnings.warn('No fault; Setting ry to zero')
            distdict['ry'] = np.zeros_like(distdict['repi'])
        if 'U' in methods:
            warnings.warn('No fault; Setting U to zero')
            distdict['U'] = np.zeros_like(distdict['repi'])
        if 'T' in methods:
            warnings.warn('No fault; Setting T to zero')
            distdict['T'] = np.zeros_like(distdict['repi'])

    return distdict