def checkExtent(self, metaExtent, checkExtent, operation):
        @summary: checks polygons against operation
        @param metaExtent: list in the format [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
        @param checkExtent: list in the format [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
        metaExtent = [float(x) for x in metaExtent]
        checkExtent = [float(x) for x in checkExtent]

        metaPoly = Polygon(
            ((metaExtent[0], metaExtent[1]), (metaExtent[0], metaExtent[3]),
             (metaExtent[2], metaExtent[3]), (metaExtent[2], metaExtent[1])))
        checkPoly = Polygon(
            ((checkExtent[0], checkExtent[1]), (checkExtent[0],
             (checkExtent[2], checkExtent[3]), (checkExtent[2],

        if operation == "Contains":
            return checkPoly.contains(metaPoly)
        if operation == "Intersects":
            return checkPoly.intersects(metaPoly)
        if operation == "Equals":
            return checkPoly.equals(metaPoly)
        if operation == "Touches":
            return checkPoly.touches(metaPoly)
        if operation == "Within":
            return checkPoly.within(metaPoly)
        if operation == "Outside":
            return checkPoly.disjoint(metaPoly)
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_intersection_demo():
    calculating area of polygon inside region
    a = Point(1, 1).buffer(1.5)
    b = Point(2, 1).buffer(1.5)
    c = a.intersection(b)
    print("intersect area (circles): ", c.area)

    a = Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)])
    b = Polygon([(0.5, 0.5), (1.5, 1.5), (1.5, 0.5)])
    c = a.intersection(b)
    print("intersect area (polygons): ", c.area)
    # poly = Polygon(list(zip(X[0], Y[0])))

    # a = box(0, 0, 3, 3)  # patch
    b = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 2), (2, 0)])  # roi
    c = Polygon([(0.5, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0), (1.5, 0.5), (1.0, 0.0)])  # polygon
    d = c.intersection(b)
    print("poly area", c.area)
    print("intersect area (poly, roi): ", d.area)
    # WITHIN:
    # object's boundary and interior intersect only with the interior of the other
    # (not its boundary or exterior)
    print("poly within roi: ", c.within(b))
    # CROSSES:
    # interior of the object intersects the interior of the other but does not contain it...
    print("poly crosses roi: ", c.crosses(b))
    # DISJOINT: boundary and interior of the object do not intersect at all
    print("poly does not intersect roi: ", c.disjoint(b))
Exemplo n.º 3
def plateau_to_building(data):

    if "building_limits" not in data:
        raise ValueError("Building limits does not exist.")
    if "height_plateaus" not in data:
        raise ValueError("Height plateaus does not exist.")

    building_coors = data["building_limits"]["features"][0]["geometry"][
    building_obj = Polygon(building_coors)

    if "building_and_height" in data:
        return "Building limits with heights already exist"
        data["building_and_height"] = {
            "type": "FeatureCollection",
            "features": []

    total_area = 0.0
    plateau_intersec = Polygon(
    for i in range(len(data["height_plateaus"]["features"])):
        plateau_coors = data["height_plateaus"]["features"][i]["geometry"][
        elevation = data["height_plateaus"]["features"][i]["properties"][
        plateau_obj = Polygon(plateau_coors)
        if i > 0:
            if plateau_intersec.crosses(plateau_obj):
                raise ValueError(
                    "There is an overlapping between height plateaus coordinates"
            if plateau_intersec.disjoint(plateau_obj):
                raise ValueError(
                    "There is a gap between height plateaus coordinates")
        total_area += plateau_obj.area
        plateau_intersec = plateau_intersec.union(plateau_obj)

        building_plateau = list(
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [building_plateau],
                "type": "Polygon"
            "properties": {
                "elevation": elevation
            "type": "Feature"
    if not plateau_intersec.contains(building_obj):
        raise ValueError("Height plateaus does not cover building limits")

    with portalocker.Lock(OUTPUT_JSON_PATH, 'w+') as f:
        json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
        return "Success. Json file saved in {}".format(OUTPUT_PATH)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _calculate_position_between_objects(self, boxA: BoundBox,
                                         boxB: BoundBox):
     polygon = Polygon(self.convert_top_bottom_to_polygon(boxA))
     other_polygon = Polygon(self.convert_top_bottom_to_polygon(boxB))
     vsName = boxA.label + ' vs ' + boxB.label
     positions = {vsName: {}}
     # positions[vsName]
     if polygon.crosses(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['crosses'] = polygon.crosses(other_polygon)
     if polygon.contains(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['contains'] = polygon.contains(other_polygon)
     if polygon.disjoint(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['disjoint'] = polygon.disjoint(other_polygon)
     if polygon.intersects(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['intersects'] = polygon.intersects(other_polygon)
     if polygon.overlaps(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['overlaps'] = polygon.overlaps(other_polygon)
     if polygon.touches(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['touches'] = polygon.touches(other_polygon)
     if polygon.within(other_polygon):
         positions[vsName]['within'] = polygon.within(other_polygon)
     return positions
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_prepared_predicates():
    # check prepared predicates give the same result as regular predicates
    polygon1 = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)])
    polygon2 = Polygon([(0.5, 0.5), (1.5, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.5)])
    point2 = Point(0.5, 0.5)
    polygon_empty = Polygon()
    prepared_polygon1 = PreparedGeometry(polygon1)
    for geom2 in (polygon2, point2, polygon_empty):
        assert polygon1.disjoint(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.disjoint(geom2)
        assert polygon1.touches(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.touches(geom2)
        assert polygon1.intersects(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.intersects(
        assert polygon1.crosses(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.crosses(geom2)
        assert polygon1.within(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.within(geom2)
        assert polygon1.contains(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.contains(geom2)
        assert polygon1.overlaps(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.overlaps(geom2)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _pastePolyToPoly(self, bgMk: List[Dict], fgMk: Dict,
                         frSize: Tuple) -> List[Dict]:
        paste foreground polygon on background polygon at `pos` position

            frame size of the image
        fgPol = Polygon(fgMk['param'])  # foreground polygon
        frPol = box(0, 0, frSize[0], frSize[1])  # image frame polygon
        resMk = []

        # ignore any foreground that is out side of image frame or
        # background makring that is empty
        ## NOTE: a.difference(b) is slower compare to binary predicates
        if not (frPol.disjoint(fgPol) or frPol.touches(fgPol) or bgMk is None):
            if frPol.overlaps(fgPol):
                # partial of foreground is outside of frame
                fgPol = frPol.intersection(fgPol)
            for mk in bgMk:
                bgPol = Polygon(mk['param'])
                obj_cp = None  # object that needs copy
                if fgPol.disjoint(bgPol) or fgPol.touches(bgPol):
                    # completely isolate or outer_cut
                    obj_cp = bgPol
                elif fgPol.contains(bgPol):
                    # foreground cover background completely
                    obj_cp = fgPol
                    obj_cp = bgPol.difference(fgPol)

                if isinstance(obj_cp, Polygon):
                    obj_cp = [obj_cp]
                for geo in obj_cp:
                    param = numpy.array(geo.exterior.coords)
                    if len(geo.interiors) > 0:
                        param = numpy.append([param], geo.interiors)
                    resMk.append({'param': param, 'type': 'polygon'})
            resMk.append({'param': fgMk['param'], 'type': 'polygon'})
        elif bgMk is not None:
            return copy.deepcopy(bgMk)

        return resMk
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_prepared_predicates():
    # check prepared predicates give the same result as regular predicates
    polygon1 = Polygon([
        (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)
    polygon2 = Polygon([
        (0.5, 0.5), (1.5, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.5)
    point2 = Point(0.5, 0.5)
    polygon_empty = Polygon()
    prepared_polygon1 = PreparedGeometry(polygon1)
    for geom2 in (polygon2, point2, polygon_empty):
        assert polygon1.disjoint(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.disjoint(geom2)
        assert polygon1.touches(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.touches(geom2)
        assert polygon1.intersects(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.intersects(geom2)
        assert polygon1.crosses(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.crosses(geom2)
        assert polygon1.within(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.within(geom2)
        assert polygon1.contains(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.contains(geom2)
        assert polygon1.overlaps(geom2) == prepared_polygon1.overlaps(geom2)
Exemplo n.º 8
def cut_map_tiles(src_name, queue, ul, ur, lr, ll, max_zoom):
    coords = [Coordinate(0, 0, 0)]
    radius = pi * 6378137

    map_bounds = Polygon([(ul.x, ul.y), (ur.x, ur.y), (lr.x, lr.y),
                          (ll.x, ll.y), (ul.x, ul.y)])

    while coords:
        coord = coords.pop(0)
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = coord2bbox(coord)
        tile_bounds = Polygon([(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin),
                               (xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax)])

        if tile_bounds.disjoint(map_bounds):

        tilename = join(
            'tile-%(zoom)d-%(column)d-%(row)d.tif' % coord.__dict__)

        cmd = 'gdalwarp -r cubicspline -dstalpha -ts 256 256'.split()
        cmd += ('-te %(xmin).6f %(ymin).6f %(xmax).6f %(ymax).6f' %
        cmd += [src_name, tilename]  #'-overwrite',
        #print "%s"%cmd
        cmd = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

        if cmd.returncode != 0:
            raise Exception('Error in gdalwarp')

        queue.put((coord, tilename))

        if coord.zoom < max_zoom:
Exemplo n.º 9
def cut_map_tiles(src_name, queue, ul, ur, lr, ll, max_zoom):
    coords = [Coordinate(0, 0, 0)]
    radius = pi * 6378137
    map_bounds = Polygon([(ul.x, ul.y), (ur.x, ur.y), (lr.x, lr.y), (ll.x, ll.y), (ul.x, ul.y)])
    while coords:
        coord = coords.pop(0)
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = coord2bbox(coord)
        tile_bounds = Polygon([(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax)])
        if tile_bounds.disjoint(map_bounds):
        tilename = join(dirname(src_name), 'tile-%(zoom)d-%(column)d-%(row)d.tif' % coord.__dict__)

        cmd = 'gdalwarp -r cubicspline -dstalpha -ts 256 256'.split()
        cmd += ('-te %(xmin).6f %(ymin).6f %(xmax).6f %(ymax).6f' % locals()).split()
        cmd += [src_name, tilename] #'-overwrite',
        #print "%s"%cmd
        cmd = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        if cmd.returncode != 0:
            raise Exception('Error in gdalwarp')
        queue.put((coord, tilename))
        if coord.zoom < max_zoom:
Exemplo n.º 10
 def checkExtent(self, metaExtent, checkExtent, operation):
     @summary: checks polygons against operation
     @param metaExtent: list in the format [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
     @param checkExtent: list in the format [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
     metaExtent = [float(x) for x in metaExtent]
     checkExtent = [float(x) for x in checkExtent]
     metaPoly = Polygon(((metaExtent[0],metaExtent[1]), (metaExtent[0],metaExtent[3]), (metaExtent[2],metaExtent[3]), (metaExtent[2],metaExtent[1])))
     checkPoly = Polygon(((checkExtent[0],checkExtent[1]), (checkExtent[0],checkExtent[3]), (checkExtent[2],checkExtent[3]), (checkExtent[2],checkExtent[1])))
     if operation == "Contains":
         return checkPoly.contains(metaPoly)   
     if operation == "Intersects":
         return checkPoly.intersects(metaPoly)
     if operation == "Equals":
         return checkPoly.equals(metaPoly)
     if operation == "Touches":
         return checkPoly.touches(metaPoly)
     if operation == "Within":            
         return checkPoly.within(metaPoly)
     if operation == "Outside":
         return checkPoly.disjoint(metaPoly)                    
Exemplo n.º 11
    def create_polygon(self,points, k=3):
        print("Current k %s"%k)
        self.point_list = []
        dataset = []

        for pnt in points:
        self.point_count = len(self.point_list)

        if self.point_count<3:
            return None
        if k>self.point_count:
            return None

        firstPoint = self.find_min_y_point(self.point_list)

        hull = []
        currentPoint = firstPoint
        previousPoint = firstPoint
        step = 2
        cutoff = math.floor(float(len(self.point_list))/2)

        print("Number k: %s"%(k))
        while ((currentPoint != firstPoint) or (step==2)) and (len(self.point_list)>0):
            if step >1000000:
                print("loop kept going")
                return None
            print("Step %s" %(step))

            if step == 5:
            kNearestPoints = self.get_nearest_neighbors(self.point_list,currentPoint,k)

            cpoints = self.sort_by_angle(kNearestPoints,currentPoint,previousPoint)
            #print len(cpoints)
            cpoint = None
            its = True
            if len(hull) >= 2:
                for cpoint in cpoints:
                    newEdge = LineString([currentPoint,cpoint])
                    startHull = 0
                    if firstPoint.equals(cpoint):
                        print("cpoint equals firstpoint, length of pointList %s"%len(self.point_list))
                        startHull +=1
                    crosses = False
                    for i in range(startHull,len(hull),1):
                        if i == len(hull)-1:
                            #print "last check"
                            tempLine =LineString([hull[i],hull[0]])
                            crosses = newEdge.crosses(tempLine)
                            #print "Crosses back %s"%crosses
                        tempLine =LineString([hull[i],hull[i+1]])
                        crosses = newEdge.crosses(tempLine)
                        #print "Crosses %s"%(crosses)
                        if crosses == True:
                            #if cpoint.disjoint(tempLine) == True:
                                #print "Not on Edge"
                                #print "On Edge"
                            #print "error in crosses check"

                    if crosses == False:
                        its = False

                its = False
                cpoint = cpoints[0]
            if its == True:
                print("Intersects, probably should increase k")
                poly = self.createPolygon(points,newk)
                return poly
            previousPoint = currentPoint
            currentPoint = cpoint
            #for i in range(0,hull.count):
                #print "%s,%s"%(hull[i].X,hull[i].Y)
        hullPolygon = Polygon(sum(map(list, (p.coords for p in hull)), []))
        #print ("Part count %s" % list(hullPolygon.interior.coords))
        #if len(list(hullPolygon.interior.coords)) > 1:
            #print("Not all points contained increasing k")
            #if newk > len(points)-1:
                #return None
            #poly = self.create_polygon(points,newk)
            #return poly
        contains = True
        #within = True
        #touches = True
        disj = False
        for pnt in dataset:
            contains = hullPolygon.contains(pnt)
            #within = pnt.within(hullPolygon)
            #touches = hullPolygon.touches(pnt)
            disj = hullPolygon.disjoint(pnt)
            #print contains
            if disj==True:
                print("Not all points contained increasing k")
                if newk > len(points)-1:
                    print("Exceeds the number of points")
                    return hullPolygon
                poly = self.create_polygon(points,newk)
                return poly

        return hullPolygon
Exemplo n.º 12
def preprocessing(grids, window_time,filename):
    import json
    ncols  = len(grids)

    index_c = -1     # Index of the current instante T
    labels = ["instante"] + [i for i in xrange(1,ncols+1)]
    zeros  = np.zeros(ncols).tolist()
    jam_grids = pd.DataFrame([], columns=labels)  # Partial result

    #West Longitude,South Latitude,East Longitude,North Latitude,IDgrid,Valid
    WEST  = 0
    SOUTH = 1
    EAST  = 2
    NORTH = 3
    VALID = 5

    div_y = grids[0][NORTH] - grids[0][SOUTH]
    div_x = grids[0][EAST]  - grids[0][WEST]
    init_x = grids[0][WEST]
    init_y = grids[0][SOUTH]
    #print "div_y:{}  and div_x:{}".format(div_y,div_x)

    for i, line in  enumerate(open(filename,'r')):
            record = json.loads(line)
            points = record['line']
            currentTime = record['pubMillis']["$numberLong"]
            currentTime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(currentTime)/ 1000.0)
            currentTime = group_datetime(currentTime, window_time)

            index_c = jam_grids['instante'].loc[jam_grids['instante'] == str(currentTime)].index.tolist()

            if index_c == []:
                row = [ [str(currentTime)] + zeros ]
                index_c = len(jam_grids)
                jam_grids = jam_grids.append(pd.DataFrame(row, columns=labels, index=[index_c]))
                index_c = index_c[0]

            if (i% 10000 == 0):
                print "Line {} at {}".format(i,currentTime)

            line = [ (float(pair['y']), float(pair['x']))  for pair in points]
            shapely_line = LineString(line)

            #pruning the list of grids
            bound = shapely_line.bounds
            miny, minx, maxy, maxx = bound
            #print "LINE: miny {} and maxy {}".format(miny,maxy)

            p = abs(miny - init_y)
            i_min = int(p/div_y)*50
            p = abs(maxy - init_y)
            i_max = int(p/div_y)*50+49

            if i_min>=ncols:
                print "Line #{} - ({},{}]".format(i, i_min,i_max)
                i_min = ncols-1
            if i_max>=ncols:
                print "Line #{} - ({},{}]".format(i, i_min,i_max)
                i_max = ncols-1

            #print "GRID miny {}  and GRID maxy {}".format(grids[i_min][SOUTH],grids[i_max][NORTH])
            #print "Checking  ({},{}) in {} grids".format(i_min,i_max ,i_max-i_min +1)

            for col in xrange(i_min, i_max+1):
                row     = grids[col] #0 to 2499
                if row[VALID]:
                    polygon = Polygon([ (row[SOUTH], row[WEST]),
                                        (row[NORTH], row[WEST]),
                                        (row[NORTH], row[EAST]),
                                        (row[SOUTH], row[EAST])

                    shapely_poly = Polygon(polygon)
                    intersection_line = not shapely_poly.disjoint(shapely_line)
                    if intersection_line:
                        jam_grids.ix[index_c, col] += 1

        except Exception as e:
            print "Error at Line #{}. Skipping this line: {}".format(i,line)
            print e

    return jam_grids