def clear_subtitles_cache(lang_codes=None, locale_root=LOCALE_ROOT):
    Language codes will be converted to django format (e.g. en_US)
    lang_codes = lang_codes or os.listdir(locale_root)
    for lang_code in lang_codes:
        lang_code = lcode_to_ietf(lang_code)

        # Clear the status file
        lm_file = get_lang_map_filepath(lang_code)
        with open(lm_file, "r") as fp:
            download_status = json.load(fp)
        for key in download_status:
            download_status[key] = {
                u"downloaded": False,
                u"last_success": u"",
                u"last_attempt": u"",
                u"api_response": u"",
        with open(lm_file, "w") as fp:
            json.dump(download_status, fp)

        # Delete all srt files
        srt_path = get_srt_path(lang_code)
        if os.path.exists(srt_path):
def zip_language_packs(lang_codes=None):
    """Zip up and expose all language packs

    converts all into ietf

    lang_codes = lang_codes or os.listdir(LOCALE_ROOT)
    lang_codes = [lcode_to_ietf(lc) for lc in lang_codes]"Zipping up %d language pack(s)" % len(lang_codes))

    for lang_code_ietf in lang_codes:
        lang_code_django = lcode_to_django_dir(lang_code_ietf)
        lang_locale_path = os.path.join(LOCALE_ROOT, lang_code_django)

        if not os.path.exists(lang_locale_path):
            logging.warn("Unexpectedly skipping missing directory: %s" % lang_code_django)
        elif not os.path.isdir(lang_locale_path):
            logging.error("Skipping language where a file exists where a directory was expected: %s" % lang_code_django)

        # Create a zipfile for this language
        zip_filepath = get_language_pack_filepath(lang_code_ietf)
        ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(zip_filepath))"Creating zip file in %s" % zip_filepath)
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filepath, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

        # Get every single file in the directory and zip it up
        for metadata_file in glob.glob('%s/*.json' % lang_locale_path):
            z.write(os.path.join(lang_locale_path, metadata_file), arcname=os.path.basename(metadata_file))

        srt_dirpath = get_srt_path(lang_code_django)
        for srt_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(srt_dirpath, "*.srt")):
            z.write(srt_file, arcname=os.path.join("subtitles", os.path.basename(srt_file)))
def move_srts(lang_code):
    Srts live in the locale directory, but that's not exposed at any URL.  So instead,
    we have to move the srts out to /static/subtitles/[lang_code]/
    lang_code_ietf = lcode_to_ietf(lang_code)
    lang_code_django = lcode_to_django_dir(lang_code)

    subtitles_static_dir = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, "subtitles")
    src_dir = os.path.join(LOCALE_ROOT, lang_code_django, "subtitles")
    dest_dir = get_srt_path(lang_code_django)

    lang_subtitles = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_dir, "*.srt"))"Moving %d subtitles from %s to %s" % (len(lang_subtitles), src_dir, dest_dir))

    for fil in lang_subtitles:
        srt_dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(fil))
        if os.path.exists(srt_dest_path):
        shutil.move(fil, srt_dest_path)

    if os.listdir(src_dir):
        logging.warn("%s is not empty; will not remove.  Please check that all subtitles were moved." % src_dir)
    else:"Removing empty source directory (%s)." % src_dir)
def store_new_counts(lang_code, data_path=SUBTITLES_DATA_ROOT, locale_root=LOCALE_ROOT):
    """Write a new dictionary of srt file counts in respective download folders"""
    language_subtitle_count = {}
    subtitles_path = get_srt_path(lang_code)
    lang_name = get_language_name(lang_code)

        count = len(glob.glob("%s/*.srt" % subtitles_path))

        language_subtitle_count[lang_name] = {}
        language_subtitle_count[lang_name]["count"] = count
        language_subtitle_count[lang_name]["code"] = lang_code
    except LanguageNameDoesNotExist as ldne:
        count = 0
        count = 0"%-4s subtitles for %-20s" % ("No", lang_name))

    # Always write to disk.
    write_count_to_json(language_subtitle_count, data_path)

    return count
def download_if_criteria_met(
    videos, lang_code, force, response_code, date_since_attempt, frequency_to_save, *args, **kwargs
    """Execute download of subtitle if it meets the criteria specified by the command line args

    Note: videos are a dict; keys=youtube_id, values=data
    Note: lang_code is in IETF format.
    date_specified = convert_date_input(date_since_attempt)

    # Filter up front, for efficiency (& reporting's sake)
    n_videos = len(videos)
        "There are (up to) %s total videos with subtitles for language '%s'.  Let's go get them!"
        % (n_videos, lang_code)

    # Filter based on response code
    if response_code and response_code != "all":"Filtering based on response code (%s)..." % response_code)
        response_code_filter = partial(lambda vid, rcode: rcode == vid["api_response"], rcode=response_code)
        videos = dict([(k, v) for k, v in videos.iteritems() if response_code_filter(v)])
            "%4d of %4d videos match your specified response code (%s)" % (len(videos), n_videos, response_code)

    if date_specified:"Filtering based on date...")
        videos_copy = copy.deepcopy(videos)
        for k, v in videos.items():
            if not v["last_attempt"] or datetime.datetime.strptime(v["last_attempt"], "%Y-%m-%d") < date_specified:
                del videos_copy[k]

        videos = videos_copy
            "%4d of %4d videos need refreshing (last refresh more recent than %s)"
            % (len(videos), n_videos, date_specified)

    # Loop over videos needing refreshing
    n_loops = 0
    srt_count = None
    for youtube_id, entry in videos.items():
        previously_downloaded = entry.get("downloaded")

        if previously_downloaded and not force:
  "Already downloaded %s/%s. To redownload, run again with -f." % (lang_code, youtube_id))

        logging.debug("Attempting to download subtitle for lang: %s and YouTube ID: %s" % (lang_code, youtube_id))
        response = download_subtitle(youtube_id, lang_code, format="srt")
        time_of_attempt = unicode(

        if response == "client-error" or response == "server-error":
            # Couldn't download
  "%s/ Updating JSON file to record error (%s)." % (lang_code, youtube_id, response))
            update_json(youtube_id, lang_code, previously_downloaded, response, time_of_attempt)

            dirpath = get_srt_path(lang_code)
            fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, youtube_id + ".srt")

            logging.debug("Writing file to %s" % fullpath)
            with open(fullpath, "w") as fp:

  "%s/ Updating JSON file to record success." % (lang_code, youtube_id))
            update_json(youtube_id, lang_code, True, "success", time_of_attempt)

        # Update srt availability mapping
        n_loops += 1
        if n_loops % frequency_to_save == 0 or n_loops == len(videos.keys()):
            srt_count = store_new_counts(lang_code=lang_code)
                "%s: On loop %d / %d, stored: subtitle count = %d." % (lang_code, n_loops, len(videos), srt_count)

    # Summarize output
    if srt_count is None:
        # only none if nothing was done."Nothing was done.")
            "We now have %d subtitles (amara thought they had %d) for language '%s'!" % (srt_count, n_videos, lang_code)
Exemplo n.º 6
def stamp_availability_on_video(video, format="mp4", force=False, stamp_urls=True, videos_path=settings.CONTENT_ROOT):
    Stamp all relevant urls and availability onto a video object (if necessary), including:
    * whether the video is available (on disk or online)
    def compute_video_availability(youtube_id, format, videos_path=settings.CONTENT_ROOT):
        return {"on_disk": is_video_on_disk(youtube_id, format, videos_path=videos_path)}

    def compute_video_metadata(youtube_id, format):
        return {"stream_type": "video/%s" % format}

    def compute_video_urls(youtube_id, format, lang_code, on_disk=None, thumb_format="png", videos_path=settings.CONTENT_ROOT):
        if on_disk is None:
            on_disk = is_video_on_disk(youtube_id, format, videos_path=videos_path)

        if on_disk:
            video_base_url = settings.CONTENT_URL + youtube_id
            stream_url = video_base_url + ".%s" % format
            thumbnail_url = video_base_url + ".png"
        elif settings.BACKUP_VIDEO_SOURCE and lang_code == "en":
            dict_vals = {"youtube_id": youtube_id, "video_format": format, "thumb_format": thumb_format }
            stream_url = settings.BACKUP_VIDEO_SOURCE % dict_vals
            thumbnail_url = settings.BACKUP_THUMBNAIL_SOURCE % dict_vals if settings.BACKUP_THUMBNAIL_SOURCE else None
            return {}  # no URLs
        return {"stream": stream_url, "thumbnail": thumbnail_url}

    video_availability = video.get("availability", {}) if not force else {}
    en_youtube_id = get_youtube_id(video["id"], None)
    video_map = get_id2oklang_map(video["id"]) or {}

    if not "on_disk" in video_availability:
        for lang_code, youtube_id in video_map.iteritems():
            video_availability[lang_code] = compute_video_availability(youtube_id, format=format, videos_path=videos_path)
        video_availability["en"] = video_availability.get("en", {"on_disk": False})  # en should always be defined

        # Summarize status
        any_on_disk = any([lang_avail["on_disk"] for lang_avail in video_availability.values()])
        any_available = any_on_disk or bool(settings.BACKUP_VIDEO_SOURCE)

    if stamp_urls:
        # Loop over all known dubbed videos
        for lang_code, youtube_id in video_map.iteritems():
            urls = compute_video_urls(youtube_id, format, lang_code, on_disk=video_availability[lang_code]["on_disk"], videos_path=videos_path)
            if urls:
                # Only add properties if anything is available.
                video_availability[lang_code].update(compute_video_metadata(youtube_id, format))

        # Get the (english) subtitle urls
        subtitle_lang_codes = get_langs_with_subtitle(en_youtube_id)
        subtitles_tuple = [(lc, get_srt_url(en_youtube_id, lc)) for lc in subtitle_lang_codes if os.path.exists(get_srt_path(lc, en_youtube_id))]
        subtitles_urls = dict(subtitles_tuple)
        video_availability["en"]["subtitles"] = subtitles_urls

    # now scrub any values that don't actually exist
    for lang_code in video_availability.keys():
        if not video_availability[lang_code]["on_disk"] and len(video_availability[lang_code]) == 1:
            del video_availability[lang_code]

    # Now summarize some availability onto the video itself
    video["availability"] = video_availability
    video["on_disk"]   = any_on_disk
    video["available"] = any_available

    return video