Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_createXsDataFileObject_Shp(self):
        """Loads a 1d cross section gis file and checks the contents get setup."""

        test_list = [[
            'Section1.csv', 'Section2.csv', 'Section3.csv', 'Section4.csv'
        ], ['xz', 'xz', 'xz', 'xz'], ['', '', '', ''],
                     ['Section1', 'Section2', 'Section3', 'Section4'],
                     ['', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', ''],
                     ['', '', '', ''], ['', '', '', ''], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                     [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0, 1, 2, 3]]

        # First test for Shapefile
        gis_path = os.path.join(self.curd,
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(gis_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = GisFile(1, gis_path, hex_hash, 3, 'Read MI Table Links')
        gis = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        self.assertIsInstance(gis, XsDataObject,
                              'Factory create XsDataObject fail - SHP')
        self.assertEqual(hex_hash, gis.path_holder.hex_hash,
                         'Hex_hash equality fail - SHP')
        self.assertEqual('Read MI Table Links', gis.path_holder.command,
                         'Command equality fail - SHP')

        row_list = gis.row_collection.getRowDataAsList()
        self.assertListEqual(test_list, row_list,
                             'List contents not equal fail - SHP')

        # Then for MapInfo file
        gis_path = os.path.join(self.curd,
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(gis_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = GisFile(1, gis_path, hex_hash, 3, 'Read MI Table Links')
        gis = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        self.assertIsInstance(gis, XsDataObject,
                              'Factory create XsDataObject fail - MIF')
        self.assertEqual(hex_hash, gis.path_holder.hex_hash,
                         'Hex_hash equality fail - MIF')
        self.assertEqual('Read MI Table Links', gis.path_holder.command,
                         'Command equality fail - MIF')

        row_list = gis.row_collection.getRowDataAsList()
        self.assertListEqual(test_list, row_list,
                             'List contents not equal fail - MIF')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_MatCsvGetPrintableContents(self):
        """Check the contents of Materials csv file ok"""
        mat_path = os.path.join(
            self.curd, r'tests\test_data\materials_csv\Materials_CSV.csv')
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(mat_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = DataFile(1, mat_path, hex_hash, 3, 'Read Materials File')
        mat = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        test_contents = [
            "Material ID, Manning's n, Infiltration Parameters, Land Us Hazard ID, ! Description",
            '1,"0.030,0.100,0.100,0.060","5.000, 2.000",,!Pasture',
            '2,0.022,"0.000, 2.000",,!Roads',
            '3,"0.030,0.020,0.100,3.000","0.000, 2.000",,!Buildings',
            '4,0.030,"5.000, 2.000",,!Ponds and other water',
            '10,0.080,"5.000, 2.000",,!Vegetated creek',
            '11,"0.030,0.100,0.100,0.040","5.000, 2.000",,!Maintained Grass',
            '20,Otherfile.csv | Depth | light values,"0.000, 0.000",,!Subfile light test',
            '21,Otherfile.csv | Depth | heavy values,"0.000, 0.000",,!Subfile heavy test',
            '30,Anotherfile.csv | < 50mm,"0.000, 0.000",,!Anotherfile under 50 test',
            '31,Anotherfile.csv | 50mm - 150mm,"0.000, 0.000",,!Anotherfile over 50 test',
            '40,Onlyname.csv,"0.000, 0.000",,!Onlyname test'
        contents = mat._getPrintableContents()
        self.assertListEqual(test_contents, contents,
                             'Output contents match fail')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_createBcDataFileObject(self):
        """Loads a boundary condition csv file and checks that it is setup properly"""

        bc_path = os.path.join(self.curd,
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(bc_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = DataFile(1, bc_path, hex_hash, 3, 'BC Database')
        bc = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        self.assertIsInstance(bc, BcDataObject,
                              'Factory create BcDataObject fail')
        self.assertEqual(hex_hash, bc.path_holder.hex_hash,
                         'Hex_hash equality fail')
        self.assertEqual('BC Database', bc.path_holder.command,
                         'Command equality fail')

        test_list = [['Name1', 'Name2', 'Name3'],
                     ['Name1.csv', 'Name2.csv', 'Name2.csv'],
                     ['time', 'time', 'time'], ['Downstream', 'Flow', 'Dummy'],
                     ['', '', ''], ['', '', ''], ['', '', ''], ['', '', ''],
                     ['', '', ''],
                         'Name', 'Source', 'Column1_or_Time',
                         'Column2_or_Value_or_ID', 'TimeAdd', 'ValueMult',
                         'ValueAdd', 'IMultF', 'IAddF'
                     ], [0, 1, 2]]

        row_list = bc.row_collection.getRowDataAsList()
        self.assertListEqual(test_list, row_list,
                             'List contents not equal fail')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_XsGetPrintableContents(self):
        """Check that this is not implemented."""
        gis_path = os.path.join(self.curd,
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(gis_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = GisFile(1, gis_path, hex_hash, 3, 'Read MI Table Links')
        gis = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

                          lambda: gis._getPrintableContents())
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: gis.saveData())
Exemplo n.º 5
def tuflowFileExample():
    """Find all gis and bc database files referenced by a tuflow model.
    Uses a .tcf file to load a tuflow model and find all of the gis files and
    BC Database files referenced by it. Also identifies any additional files
    referenced by the BC Database files.
    # Load the tuflow model with a tcf file
    tcf_file = r'C:\path\to\a\tuflow\tcffile.tcf'
    loader = fl.FileLoader()
    tuflow_model = loader.loadFile(tcf_file)
    # Get file names and absolute paths of all gis files referenced by the model
    # First we get all GIS type files in the TuflowModel and to avoid getting the
    # same type twice, caused by the same GIS file referenced in two locations
    # in the model control files, we set no_duplicates=True.
    gis_files = tuflow_model.getFiles(file_type=ft.GIS, no_duplicates=True)
    names = []
    paths = []
    for g in gis_files:

    gis_combined = dict(zip(names, paths))
    # Get the data files objs referenced by the model.
    # These are files that point to additional data (tmf, bcdbase, 1d_xs, etc)
    bc_combined = []
    data_objs = tuflow_model.getFiles(file_type=ft.DATA, no_duplicates=True)
    # Loop through the data_objs and extract the names and file sources for 
    # each of the BC Database type files
    for data in data_objs:
        if data.command.upper() == 'BC DATABASE':
            bc = dfl.loadDataFile(data)
            names = bc.getDataEntryAsList(bc.keys.NAME)
            sources = bc.getDataEntryAsList(bc.keys.SOURCE)
            bc_combined.append((data.getFileNameAndExtension(), dict(zip(names, sources))))
    print 'GIS files in model:'
    for name, path in gis_combined.items(): 
        print name + ':\n' + path
    print '\nBC Database files in model:'
    for b in bc_combined:
        print b[0]
        for x in b[1].values(): print x
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_MatCsvSubfileGetPrintableContents(self):
        """Checks the contents of subfile is working properly"""
        mat_path = os.path.join(
            self.curd, r'tests\test_data\materials_csv\Materials_CSV.csv')
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(mat_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = DataFile(1, mat_path, hex_hash, 3, 'Read Materials File')
        mat = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        test_contents = [
            'Depth, light values, heavy values, , ',
            'y (m) ,      n ,      n ,       ,      ',
            ' 0.030000, 0.480000, 0.800000, , ',
            ' 0.060000, 0.310000, 0.600000, , Some other text that noone cares about',
            ' 0.090000, 0.194000, 0.360000, , '
        contents = mat.subfiles[0]._getPrintableContents()
        self.assertListEqual(test_contents, contents,
                             'Output contents match fail')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_BcGetPrintableContents(self):
        bc_path = os.path.join(self.curd,
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(bc_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = DataFile(1, bc_path, hex_hash, 3, 'BC Database')
        bc = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        test_contents = [
            'Name, Source, Column1_or_Time, Column2_or_Value_or_ID, TimeAdd, ValueMult, ValueAdd, IMultF, IAddF',
            'Name1, Name1.csv, time, Downstream, , , , , ',
            'Name2, Name2.csv, time, Flow, , , , , ',
            'Name3, Name2.csv, time, Dummy, , , , , '
        contents = bc._getPrintableContents()
        self.assertListEqual(test_contents, contents,
                             'Output contents match fail')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_TmfGetPrintableContents(self):
        mat_path = os.path.join(self.curd,
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(mat_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = DataFile(1, mat_path, hex_hash, 3, 'Read Materials File')
        mat = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        test_contents = [
            '! Materials file test.', '!', '! Some comments at the top', '',
            '1, 0.060, , , , , , , , ,  ! Open pasture',
            '2, 0.025, , , , , , , , ,  ! Roads and Paths',
            '3, 0.040, , , , , , , , ,  ! Tracks',
            '4, 0.080, , , , , , , , ,  ! Trees',
            '5, 0.300, , , , , , , , ,  ! Buildings',
            '6, 0.100, , , , , , , , ,  ! Inland water',
            '7, 0.080, , , , , , , , ,  ! Gardens', ''
        contents = mat._getPrintableContents()
        self.assertListEqual(test_contents, contents,
                             'Output contents match fail')
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_createTmfDataFileObject(self):
        """Loads a .tmf file and checks that it is setup properly"""

        mat_path = os.path.join(self.curd,
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(mat_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = DataFile(1, mat_path, hex_hash, 3, 'Read Materials File')
        mat = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        self.assertIsInstance(mat, TmfDataObject,
                              'Factory create TmfDataObject fail')
        self.assertEqual(hex_hash, mat.path_holder.hex_hash,
                         'Hex_hash equality fail')
        self.assertEqual('Read Materials File', mat.path_holder.command,
                         'Command equality fail')

        test_list = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
                     [0.06, 0.025, 0.04, 0.08, 0.3, 0.1, 0.08],
                     ['', '', '', '', '', '',
                      ''], ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
                     ['', '', '', '', '', '',
                      ''], ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
                     ['', '', '', '', '', '',
                      ''], ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
                     ['', '', '', '', '', '',
                      ''], ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
                     ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
                         'Open pasture', 'Roads and Paths', 'Tracks', 'Trees',
                         'Buildings', 'Inland water', 'Gardens'
                     ], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]

        row_list = mat.row_collection.getRowDataAsList()
        self.assertListEqual(test_list, row_list,
                             'List contents not equal fail')
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_createMatCsvDataFileObject(self):
        """Loads a Materials.csv file and checks setup"""

        mat_path = os.path.join(
            self.curd, r'tests\test_data\materials_csv\Materials_CSV.csv')
        hex_hash = hashlib.md5(mat_path.encode())
        hex_hash = hex_hash.hexdigest()
        datafile = DataFile(1, mat_path, hex_hash, 3, 'Read Materials File')
        mat = datafileloader.loadDataFile(datafile)

        self.assertIsInstance(mat, MatCsvDataObject,
                              'Factory create MatCsvDataObject fail')
        self.assertEqual(hex_hash, mat.path_holder.hex_hash,
                         'Hex_hash equality fail')
        self.assertEqual('Read Materials File', mat.path_holder.command,
                         'Command equality fail')

        test_list = [
            ['1', '2', '3', '4', '10', '11', '20', '21', '30', '31', '40'],
            ['', 0.022, '', 0.03, 0.08, '', '', '', '', '', ''],
            [0.03, '', 0.03, '', '', 0.03, '', '', '', '', ''],
            [0.1, '', 0.02, '', '', 0.1, '', '', '', '', ''],
            [0.1, '', 0.1, '', '', 0.1, '', '', '', '', ''],
            [0.06, '', 3.0, '', '', 0.04, '', '', '', '', ''],
                '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Otherfile.csv', 'Otherfile.csv',
                'Anotherfile.csv', 'Anotherfile.csv', 'Onlyname.csv'
                '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Depth', 'Depth', '< 50mm',
                '50mm - 150mm', ''
                '', '', '', '', '', '', 'light values', 'heavy values', '', '',
            ], [5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
                '! Description', '!Pasture', '!Roads', '!Buildings',
                '!Ponds and other water', '!Vegetated creek',
                '!Maintained Grass', '!Subfile light test',
                '!Subfile heavy test', '!Anotherfile under 50 test',
                '!Anotherfile over 50 test', '!Onlyname test'
                'Material ID', "Manning's n", '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
                'Infiltration Parameters', '', 'Land Us Hazard ID'
            ], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
        row_list = mat.row_collection.getRowDataAsList()
        self.assertListEqual(test_list, row_list,
                             'List contents not equal fail')
         Check that the sub files loaded properly as well
        sub_extract = {}
        for sub in mat.subfiles:
            sub_extract[sub.file_name] = sub.row_collection.getRowDataAsList()
            i = 0

        name1 = 'Otherfile'
        otherfile_testlist = [
            [0.03, 0.06, 0.09], [0.48, 0.31, 0.194], [0.8, 0.6, 0.36],
            ['', '', ''], ['', 'Some other text that noone cares about', ''],
            ['Depth', 'light values', 'heavy values', '', ''], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

        name2 = 'Onlyname'
        onlyname_testlist = [[0.002, 0.00309, 0.00331],
                             [0.400786, 0.074916, 0.056848],
                             ['Random header', ''], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]

        name3 = 'Anotherfile'
        anotherfile_testlist = [[0.0477, 0.0077, 0.0132, 0.0277, 0.036],
                                [0.88, 0.765, 0.666, 0.646, 0.626],
                                ['', '', '', '', ''],
                                [0.0155, 0.0177, 0.0277, 0.0377, 0.0527],
                                [0.753, 0.74, 0.666, 0.631, 0.5947],
                                ['< 50mm', '', '', '50mm - 150mm', ''],
                                [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]

        self.assertListEqual(otherfile_testlist, sub_extract[name1],
                             'Otherfile data fail')
        self.assertListEqual(onlyname_testlist, sub_extract[name2],
                             'Onlyname data fail')
        self.assertListEqual(anotherfile_testlist, sub_extract[name3],
                             'Anotherfile data fail')