Exemplo n.º 1
def structure_hmsvm_bmrm(m_data_dict=data_dict):
    from shogun.Features import RealMatrixFeatures
    from shogun.Loss import HingeLoss
    from shogun.Structure import HMSVMLabels, HMSVMModel, Sequence, TwoStateModel, SMT_TWO_STATE
    from shogun.Evaluation import StructuredAccuracy
    from shogun.Structure import DualLibQPBMSOSVM

    labels_array = m_data_dict['label'][0]

    idxs = numpy.nonzero(labels_array == -1)
    labels_array[idxs] = 0

    labels = HMSVMLabels(labels_array, 250, 500, 2)
    features = RealMatrixFeatures(m_data_dict['signal'].astype(float), 250,

    loss = HingeLoss()
    model = HMSVMModel(features, labels, SMT_TWO_STATE, 4)

    sosvm = DualLibQPBMSOSVM(model, loss, labels, 5000.0)

    print sosvm.get_w()

    predicted = sosvm.apply()
    evaluator = StructuredAccuracy()
    acc = evaluator.evaluate(predicted, labels)

    print('Accuracy = %.4f' % acc)
Exemplo n.º 2
dim = 2

X, y = gen_data()

cnt = 250

X2, y2 = fill_data(cnt, np.min(X), np.max(X))

labels = MulticlassSOLabels(y)
features = RealFeatures(X.T)

model = MulticlassModel(features, labels)
loss = HingeLoss()

lambda_ = 1e1
sosvm = DualLibQPBMSOSVM(model, loss, labels, lambda_)

)  # number of iterations that cutting plane has to be inactive for to be removed
sosvm.set_cleanICP(True)  # enables inactive cutting plane removal feature
sosvm.set_TolRel(0.001)  # set relative tolerance
sosvm.set_verbose(True)  # enables verbosity of the solver
sosvm.set_cp_models(16)  # set number of cutting plane models
sosvm.set_solver(BMRM)  # select training algorithm


res = sosvm.get_result()