Exemplo n.º 1
def check_truncate(screen_width, name):
    if screen_width >= 640 and screen_width < 800:
        name = truncate_name(name, 50)
    if screen_width >= 800 and screen_width < 1024:
        name = truncate_name(name, 81)
    if screen_width >= 1024 and screen_width < 1280:
        name = truncate_name(name, 115)
    if screen_width >= 1280:
        name = truncate_name(name, 140)
    return name
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_truncate(screen_width, name):
    if screen_width >= 640 and screen_width < 800:
        name = truncate_name(name, 43)
    if screen_width >= 800 and screen_width < 1024:
        name = truncate_name(name, 68)
    if screen_width >= 1024 and screen_width < 1280:
        name = truncate_name(name, 103)
    if screen_width >= 1280:
        name = truncate_name(name, 133)
    return name
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: thumb.py Projeto: rkulla/imgv
def check_truncate(width, name):
    if width <= 20:
        name = truncate_name(name, 1)
    if width <= 50 and width > 20:
        name = truncate_name(name, 5)
    elif width <= 100 and width > 50:
        name = truncate_name(name, 10)
    elif width <= 200 and width > 100:
        name = truncate_name(name, 15)
        name = truncate_name(name, 5)
    return name
Exemplo n.º 4
def check_truncate(screen_width, name):
    if screen_width <= 300:
        name = truncate_name(name, 5)
    if screen_width < 640 and screen_width > 300:
        name = truncate_name(name, 10)
    if screen_width >= 640 and screen_width < 800:
        name = truncate_name(name, 30)
    if screen_width >= 800 and screen_width < 1024:
        name = truncate_name(name, 50)
    if screen_width >= 1024 and screen_width < 1280:
        name = truncate_name(name, 80)
    if screen_width >= 1280:
        name = truncate_name(name, 100)
    return name
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_truncate(screen_width, name, rest_size):
    allow = (screen_width - rest_size) / 6 - 15  # 6 = hardcoded value of how many pixels wide a char is font.size'd
    name = truncate_name(name, allow)
    return name
Exemplo n.º 6
def show_dirs(screen, num_imgs, file):
    if platform == 'win32':
            os.chdir(gl.DRIVE + ":")
            pass # Probably an OSError from not having a cd in the drive
    slash, get_curdir = os.sep, os.getcwd()
    fg_color = gl.SILVER
    font_size = 10
    font = pygame.font.Font(gl.FONT_NAME, font_size)
    font.set_bold(1) # very important
    line = 55
    name_max = 16 # dir name max
    menu_items = []
    if get_curdir[-1] == slash:
        curdir = get_curdir 
        curdir = get_curdir + slash
    paint_screen(screen, gl.BLACK)
    screen_height = screen.get_height()

    if not gl.BEEN_THERE_DONE_THAT:
        show_message(screen, "You can type in a directory number or shortcut (L/T/A/D/C/V/S/Q) instead of clicking: _", "bottom", 11)
        show_message(screen, "Directory number or shortcut: _", "bottom", 11)

    curdir_msg = check_truncate(screen.get_width(), curdir)
    all_files = os.listdir('.')
    n_dirs = len([d for d in all_files if os.path.isdir(d)])
    all_files = [f for f in all_files if not os.path.isdir(f)]
    n_files = len(all_files)
    all_images = get_imgs(os.getcwd(), 0)
    n_images = len(all_images)
    get_movies = lambda x, y: [i.upper().endswith(y) for i in all_images].count(True)
    n_movies = get_movies(all_images, ".MPG") + get_movies(all_images, ".MPEG")
    dirs_text = "Directories"
    files_text = "Files"
    images_text = "Images"
    movies_text = "MPEGs"
    if n_dirs == 1: dirs_text = "Directory" # unplural
    if n_files == 1: files_text = "File"
    if n_images == 1: images_text = "Image"
    if n_movies == 1: movies_text = "MPEG"
    files_msg = "[%d %s. %d %s. %d %s. %d %s]" % (n_dirs, dirs_text, n_files, files_text, n_images - n_movies, images_text, n_movies, movies_text)
    curdir_msg_wpos = (screen.get_width() / 2 - font.size(curdir_msg)[0] / 2) - font.size(files_msg)[0] / 2 + 10
    files_msg_wpos = screen.get_width() / 2 + font.size(curdir_msg)[0] / 2 - font.size(files_msg)[0] / 2 + 20

    if not gl.REFRESH_IMG_COUNT and gl.CACHE_DIR_OK:
        dirs = gl.CACHE_DIRS
        gl.REFRESH_IMG_COUNT = 1
        show_message(screen, curdir_msg, (curdir_msg_wpos, 4), 10, ("bold"))
        show_message(screen, files_msg, (files_msg_wpos, 4), 10)
        show_message(screen, curdir_msg, (curdir_msg_wpos, 4), 10, ("bold"))
        show_message(screen, files_msg, (files_msg_wpos, 4), 10)
        dirs = os.listdir(curdir)
        dirs = strip_dirs(dirs)
        # ensure the root dir and last dir items go at top
        dirs.insert(0, "..")
        dirs.insert(0, slash)
        gl.CACHE_DIRS = dirs
    ren_load_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (L)oad ", 0, 18, "topleft")
    ren_load_subdirs_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Subdirs (T)oo ", 62, 18, "topleft")
    if platform == 'win32':
        ren_drive_rect = imgv_button(screen, " Change (D)rive ", 271, 18, "topleft")
    dirpl_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (A)dd To Playlist ", 160, 18, "topleft")
    untag_all_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (C)lear Tags ", 380, 18, "topleft")
    view_tagged_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (V)iew Tags ", 472, 18, "topleft")
    filter_rect = imgv_button(screen, " (S)earch ", 559, 18, "topleft")
    col = 10
    show_message(screen, "Right-Click directories to tag multiple directories to load. Ctrl+Left-Click to untag.", (10, 40), 10)
    if gl.MULT_DIRS != []:
        show_message(screen, "[Dirs tagged: %s]" % len(gl.MULT_DIRS), (440, 40), 10, "bold")

    if gl.FILTER_COMMAND != {}:
        show_message(screen, "[Filter: on]", (560, 40), 10, "bold")

    # add numbers to directory names
    if gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS == 0 and dirs[0] != '*':
        gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 1
        for i, d in enumerate(dirs):
            dirs[i] = '*' + str(i) + gl.DIRNUMSEP + d
    for d in dirs:
        d = d[1:] # strip out the '*' marker
        if d[3:] == slash:
            if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS:
                dmsg = d
                ren = font.render(d, 1, gl.MSG_COLOR)
            if len(d) > name_max:
                if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS:
                    dmsg = truncate_name(d, name_max)
                    ren = font.render(truncate_name(d, name_max), 1, gl.MSG_COLOR)
                if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS:
                    dmsg = d + slash
                    ren = font.render(d + slash, 1, gl.MSG_COLOR)
        # print directory names on screen, wrapping if necessary
        font_height = font.size(' '.join(d.split(' ')[1:]))[1]
        if (line + font_height) >= (screen_height - 10):
            line = 55 # reset to beginning of screen
            col = col + (name_max + 130) # go to next column

        if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS:
            before_color = gl.MSG_COLOR
            if gl.MSG_COLOR == gl.SILVER:
                gl.MSG_COLOR = (142, 142, 142)
                gl.MSG_COLOR = gl.SILVER
            if before_color == gl.WHITE:
                ren_rect = show_message(screen, dmsg, (col, line), font_size, ("bold"), (len(dmsg[:dmsg.index(gl.DIRNUMSEP) + 1]), gl.SILVER))
                ren_rect = show_message(screen, dmsg, (col, line), font_size, ("bold"), (len(dmsg[:dmsg.index(gl.DIRNUMSEP) + 1]), before_color))
            ren_rect = ren.get_rect()
            ren_rect[0] = col
            ren_rect[1] = line
            screen.blit(ren, ren_rect)
        line = line + 12
        menu_items.append((ren_rect, d))
        if gl.DIRNUM_COLORS:
            gl.MSG_COLOR = before_color

    while 1:
        event = pygame.event.poll()
        cursor = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        (esc_rect, close_font) = close_button(screen)
        hover_fx(screen, curdir, menu_items, cursor)
        if platform == 'win32':#
            hover_cursor(cursor, [ren_load_rect, ren_load_subdirs_rect, ren_drive_rect, dirpl_rect, untag_all_rect, view_tagged_rect, filter_rect, esc_rect] + [x[0] for x in menu_items])
        hover_button(ren_load_rect, cursor, screen, " (L)oad ", 0, 18, "topleft")
        hover_button(ren_load_subdirs_rect, cursor, screen, " Subdirs (T)oo ", 62, 18, "topleft")
        if platform == 'win32':
            hover_button(ren_drive_rect, cursor, screen, " Change (D)rive ", 271, 18, "topleft")
        hover_button(dirpl_rect, cursor, screen, " (A)dd To Playlist ", 160, 18, "topleft")
        hover_button(untag_all_rect, cursor, screen, " (C)lear Tags ", 380, 18, "topleft")
        hover_button(view_tagged_rect, cursor, screen, " (V)iew Tags ", 472, 18, "topleft")
        hover_button(filter_rect, cursor, screen, " (S)earch ", 559, 18, "topleft")
        if left_click(event):
            for item in menu_items:
                if item[0].collidepoint(cursor):
                    if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and (pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_LCTRL] or\
                        try: # untag directory
                            gl.MULT_DIRS.remove(os.getcwd() + slash + ' '.join(item[1].split(' ')[1:]))
                            show_message(screen, " " * 30, (440, 40), 10, ("bold"))
                            show_message(screen, "[Dirs tagged: %s]" % len(gl.MULT_DIRS), (440, 40), 10, "bold")
                    else: # (normal mode) change to a single directory and load its images
                        (num_imgs, file) = do_change_dir(screen, num_imgs, file, item[1])
                        return (num_imgs, file)
        if right_click(event):
            for item in menu_items:
                if item[0].collidepoint(cursor):
                    # tag directory
                    if os.getcwd()[-1] != slash:
                        gl.MULT_DIRS.append(os.getcwd() + slash + ' '.join(item[1].split(' ')[1:]))
                        gl.MULT_DIRS.append(os.getcwd() + ' '.join(item[1].split(' ')[1:]))
                    show_message(screen, " " * 30, (440, 40), 10, ("bold"))
                    show_message(screen, "[Dirs tagged: %s]" % len(gl.MULT_DIRS), (440, 40), 10, "bold")
        # allow number keys to be used to change directories
        dirnum = None
        if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key in (K_1, K_2, K_3, K_4, K_5, K_6, K_7, K_8, K_9, K_0, K_KP1, K_KP2, K_KP3, K_KP4, K_KP5, K_KP6, K_KP7, K_KP8, K_KP9, K_KP0):
            dirnum = get_dirnum(screen, event.key)
            if dirnum != 'backspaced':
                for item in menu_items:
                    if item[1].startswith(str(dirnum)):
                        (num_imgs, file) = do_change_dir(screen, num_imgs, file, item[1])
                        return (num_imgs, file)

        if hit_key(event, K_RETURN) or hit_key(event, K_SPACE) or hit_key(event, K_l):
            (num_imgs, file) = do_load_dir()
        if hit_key(event, K_t): # load subdirs on keypress 't'
            (num_imgs, file) = do_subdirs_too()
        if hit_key(event, K_s): # search
           (num_imgs, file) = show_dirs(screen, num_imgs, file)
        if hit_key(event, K_d): # change drives
           if platform == 'win32':
               gl.WAS_IN_CHANGE_DRIVES = 1
               (num_imgs, file) = do_change_drive(screen, num_imgs, file)
               gl.WAS_IN_CHANGE_DRIVES = 0
        if hit_key(event, K_c): # clear tag list
        if hit_key(event, K_v): # view tagged dirs
           do_view_tagged(screen, num_imgs, file)
           break # break main loop to display properly
        if hit_key(event, K_a): # add curdir to playlist
           command_add_to_play_list(screen, curdir)
           return (num_imgs, file) 
        if hit_key(event, K_ESCAPE):
            gl.ESCAPED = 1
            gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0
        if left_click(event):
            if esc_rect.collidepoint(cursor):
                gl.ESCAPED = 1
                gl.ADDED_DIR_NUMS = 0
            if ren_load_rect.collidepoint(cursor): # load current dir
                (num_imgs, file) = do_load_dir()
            if ren_load_subdirs_rect.collidepoint(cursor): # load subdirs too
                (num_imgs, file) = do_subdirs_too()
            if platform == 'win32':
                if ren_drive_rect.collidepoint(cursor):
                    gl.WAS_IN_CHANGE_DRIVES = 1
                    (num_imgs, file) = do_change_drive(screen, num_imgs, file)
                    gl.WAS_IN_CHANGE_DRIVES = 0
            if dirpl_rect.collidepoint(cursor):
                command_add_to_play_list(screen, curdir)
                return (num_imgs, file)
            if untag_all_rect.collidepoint(cursor):
            if view_tagged_rect.collidepoint(cursor): 
                do_view_tagged(screen, num_imgs, file)
                break # break main loop to display properly
            if filter_rect.collidepoint(cursor):
                (num_imgs, file) = show_dirs(screen, num_imgs, file)
    gl.CACHE_DIR_OK = 1 
    return (num_imgs, file)