class TestSiamCiAdapterProxyDataAsync(SiamCiTestCase):

    # increase timeout for Trial tests
    timeout = 120

    def setUp(self):
        yield self._start_container(sysname=sysname)

        self.siamci = SiamCiAdapterProxy(,
        yield self.siamci.start()

    def tearDown(self):
        yield self.siamci.stop()
        yield self._stop_container()

    def test_acquisition_start_verify_data(
            self, receiver_service_name='test_acquisition_start_verify_data'):
        - start receiver service and set expected publish id
        - start acquisition
        - get expected elements with some timeout
        - verify all exptected were received.
        Note that this test does not stop the acquisition. Unless this is explicitly stopped 
        by a caller (see next test), the receiver service will shutdown during tearDown, but
        also note that the SIAM-CI service will also eventually stop sending the notifications
        because they won't be delivered successfully anymore.

        receiver_client = yield self._start_receiver_service(

        # @todo: capture channel from some parameter?
        channel = "val"

        # @todo: more robust assignment of publish IDs
        publish_id = "data_acquisition;port=" + SiamCiTestCase.port + ";channel=" + channel

        # prepare to receive result:
        yield receiver_client.expect(publish_id)

        ret = yield self.siamci.execute_StartAcquisition(
            publish_stream=sysname + "." + receiver_service_name)
        self.assertEquals(ret.result, OK)

        # check that all expected were received
        expected = yield receiver_client.getExpected(timeout=30)
        self.assertEquals(len(expected), 0)

        # actual response should indicate OK:
        response = yield receiver_client.getAccepted(publish_id)
        self.assertEquals(response.result, OK)

        defer.returnValue((receiver_client, channel, publish_id))

    def test_acquisition_start_wait_stop(self):
        - start acquisition by calling test_acquisition_start_verify_data
        - wait for a few seconds
        - stop acquisition

        receiver_service_name = 'test_acquisition_start_wait_stop'

        # start acquisition
        (receiver_client, channel, publish_id) = \
            yield self.test_acquisition_start_verify_data(receiver_service_name)

        # wait for a few samples to be notified to the receiver service
        yield pu.asleep(20)

        # stop acquisition
        ret = yield self.siamci.execute_StopAcquisition(
            publish_stream=sysname + "." + receiver_service_name)
        self.assertEquals(ret.result, OK)
Exemplo n.º 2
class SiamInstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    Instrument driver interface to a SIAM enabled instrument.
    Main operations are supported by the core class SiamCiAdapterProxy.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Creates an instance of the driver. This instance will be initially
        unconfigured (ie., with no specific instrument associated) until
        the configure operation is called and completed.
        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("\nSiamDriver __init__: spawn_args = " +str(self.spawn_args))
        A flag indicating whether notifications to self.proc_supid should be sent
        when entering states. It is assigned the value returned by 
        self.spawn_args.get('notify_agent', False).
            This is to avoid "ERROR:Process does not define op=driver_event_occurred" messages
            when self.proc_supid does not correspond to an instrument agent.
            There might be a more appropriate way to accomplish this behavior. I'm using this
            mechanism in to include the corresponding spawn arg.
        self.notify_agent = self.spawn_args.get('notify_agent', False)
        Used to connect to the SIAM-CI adapter service. More specifically, this is
        the routing key (queue) where the SIAM-CI adapter service (java) is listening
        for requests.
        """ = None
        Instrument port. A concrete instrument in the SIAM node is identified by its
        corresponding port.
        self.port = None
        Will be a SiamCiAdapterProxy(pid, port) instance upon configuration
        self.siamci = None

        Used in certain operations to enable handling of notifications from the
        SIAM-CI adapter service in lieu of InstrumentAgent
        self.publish_stream = None

        Instrument state handlers.
        Note, I have followed SBE37_driver to some extent here but this is
        very preliminary in general.
        self.state_handlers = {
            SiamDriverState.UNCONFIGURED : self.state_handler_unconfigured,
            SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED : self.state_handler_disconnected,
            SiamDriverState.CONNECTING : self.state_handler_connecting,
            SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTING : self.state_handler_disconnecting,
            SiamDriverState.CONNECTED : self.state_handler_connected,
#            SiamDriverState.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE : self.state_handler_acquire_sample,
#            SiamDriverState.UPDATE_PARAMS : self.state_handler_update_params,
#            SiamDriverState.SET : self.state_handler_set,
#            SiamDriverState.AUTOSAMPLE : self.state_handler_autosample
        Instrument state machine.
        self.fsm = InstrumentFSM(SiamDriverState, SiamDriverEvent, self.state_handlers,
                                 SiamDriverEvent.ENTER, SiamDriverEvent.EXIT)
    # <state handlers>
    def state_handler_unconfigured(self,event,params):
        Event handler for STATE_UNCONFIGURED.
        Events handled:
        EVENT_ENTER: Reset communication parameters to null values.
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.
        EVENT_CONFIGURE: Set communication parameters and switch to
                STATE_DISCONNECTED if successful.
        EVENT_INITIALIZE: Reset communication parameters to null values.
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("state_handler_unconfigured: event = " +str(event) + "\n\t\t params = " + str(params))

        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None
        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:
            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.                        
                content = {'type':SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,'transducer':SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,


        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.INITIALIZE:
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONFIGURE:
            if self._configure(params):
                next_state = SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED
            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE
        return (success,next_state)

    def state_handler_disconnected(self,event,params):
        Event handler for STATE_DISCONNECTED.
        Events handled:
        EVENT_ENTER: Pass.
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.        
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("state_handler_disconnected: event = " +str(event) + "\n\t\t params = " + str(params))

        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None
        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:
            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.            
                content = {'type':SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,'transducer':SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.INITIALIZE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.UNCONFIGURED         
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONNECT:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.CONNECTING         
        # not in sbe37    
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT_COMPLETE:
            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE
        return (success,next_state)
    def state_handler_connecting(self,event,params):
        Event handler for STATE_CONNECTING.
        Events handled:
        EVENT_ENTER: Attemmpt to establish connection.
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.        
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("state_handler_connecting: event = " +str(event) + "\n\t\t params = " + str(params))
        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None
        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:
            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.            
                content = {'type':SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,'transducer':SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONNECTION_COMPLETE:
#            next_state = SiamDriverState.UPDATE_PARAMS
            next_state = SiamDriverState.CONNECTED
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONNECTION_FAILED:
            # Error message to agent here.
            next_state = SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED

            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

        return (success,next_state)

    def state_handler_connected(self,event,params):
        Event handler for STATE_CONNECTED.
        EVENT_ENTER: Notifies agent if instructed so
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.        
        EVENT_COMMAND_RECEIVED: If a command is queued, switch to command
        specific state for handling.
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("state_handler_connected: event = " +str(event) + "\n\t\t params = " + str(params))
        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None

        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:
            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.            
                content = {'type':SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,'transducer':SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONNECTION_COMPLETE:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTING
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.SET:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.SET
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.AUTOSAMPLE
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.TEST:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.TEST
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CALIBRATE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.CALIBRATE
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.RESET:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.RESET
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.DATA_RECEIVED:
            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

        return (success,next_state)

    def state_handler_disconnecting(self,event,params):
        Event handler for STATE_DISCONNECTING.
        Events handled:
        EVENT_ENTER: Attempt to close connection to instrument.
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.        
        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None
        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:
            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.            
                content = {'type':SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,'transducer':SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT_COMPLETE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED

            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

        return (success,next_state)
    # </state handlers>
    def _initialize(self):
        Set the configuration to an initialized, unconfigured state.
        """ = None
        self.port = None

    # <Process lifecycle methods>
    def plc_init(self):
        Process lifecycle initialization.
        # Set initial state.
        log.debug("SiamDriver plc_init: FSM started with state UNCONFIGURED")

    def plc_terminate(self):
        log.debug("SiamDriver plc_terminate")
        Process lifecycle termination.

    # </Process lifecycle methods>

    def op_get_state(self, content, headers, msg):
        cur_state = self.fsm.current_state
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, cur_state)

    def op_initialize(self, content, headers, msg):
        Restore driver to a default, unconfigured state.
        @param content A dict with optional timeout: {'timeout':timeout}.
        @retval A reply message with a dict {'success':success,'result':None}.
        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout',None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert(isinstance(timeout,int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert(timeout>0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        # Set up the reply and fire an EVENT_INITIALIZE.
        reply = {'success':None,'result':None}         
        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.INITIALIZE)
        # Set success and send reply. Unsuccessful initialize means the
        # event is not handled in the current state.
        if not success:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)
    def op_configure(self, content, headers, msg):
        assert(isinstance(content, dict)), 'Expected dict content.'
        params = content.get('params', None)
        assert(isinstance(params, dict)), 'Expected dict params.'
        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert(isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert(timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        # Set up the reply message and validate the configuration parameters.
        # Reply with the error message if the parameters not valid.
        reply = {'success':None, 'result':params}
        reply['success'] = self._validate_configuration(params)
        if InstErrorCode.is_error(reply['success']):
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)
        # Fire EVENT_CONFIGURE with the validated configuration parameters.
        # Set the error message if the event is not handled in the current
        # state.
        reply['success'] = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.CONFIGURE,params)

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('op_configure: complete. success = %s' % (reply['success']))
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def _configure(self, params):
        # Validate configuration.
        success = self._validate_configuration(params)
        if InstErrorCode.is_error(success):
            return False

        # Set configuration parameters. = params['pid']
        self.port = params['port']

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("_configure: pid = '" + \
                      str( + "' port = '" + str(self.port) + "'")
        self.siamci = SiamCiAdapterProxy(, self.port)
        return True
    def _validate_configuration(self, params):
        # Get required parameters.
        pid = params.get('pid', None)
        port = params.get('port', None)

        # fail if missing a required parameter.
        if not pid or not port:
            return InstErrorCode.REQUIRED_PARAMETER
        return InstErrorCode.OK

    def op_connect(self, content, headers, msg):
        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout',None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert(isinstance(timeout,int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert(timeout>0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.CONNECT) 
        reply = {'success':success,'result':None}
        if InstErrorCode.is_error(reply['success']):
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)
        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.CONNECTION_COMPLETE)
        reply['success'] = success
        There is no actual "connect"/"disconnect" as the driver interacts 
        via messaging with the SIAM-CI adapter service. 
        We just start our proxy:
        yield self.siamci.start()
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('op_connect: SiamCiProxy started')
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_disconnect(self, content, headers, msg):
        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout',None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert(isinstance(timeout,int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert(timeout>0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT) 
        reply = {'success':success,'result':None}
        if InstErrorCode.is_error(reply['success']):
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT_COMPLETE)
        reply['success'] = success
        @TODO: why calling ''yield self.siamci.stop()'' to stop (terminate) the 
        SiamCiProxy process causes errors?  Here are some of the errors if this
        call is included when running 
            [process        :780] WARNING:Process bootstrap RPC conv-id=carueda_46740.7#29 timed out!
            [state_object   :113] ERROR:ERROR in StateObject process(event=deactivate)
            [receiver       :169] ERROR:Receiver error: Illegal state change
            [state_object   :132] ERROR:Subsequent ERROR in StateObject error(), ND-ND
#        yield self.siamci.stop()

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('op_disconnect: complete. success = %s' % (reply['success']))
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)               

    def op_get_status(self, content, headers, msg):
        log.debug('In SiamDriver op_get_status')
        assert(isinstance(content,dict)), 'Expected dict content.'
        params = content.get('params',None)
        For 'params', how is that a list, eg., [('all','all)], passed from
        the client gets converted to a tuple here, eg.,  (('all', 'all'),) ?
        assert(isinstance(params,(list,tuple))), \
            'Expected list or tuple params in op_get_status'
        assert(all(map(lambda x:isinstance(x,tuple),params))), \
            'Expected tuple elements in params list'
        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout',None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert(isinstance(timeout,int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert(timeout>0), 'Expected positive timeout'
        # @todo: Do something with the new possible argument 'timeout'

        response = yield self.siamci.get_status(params=params)
        result = response.result
        reply = {'success':InstErrorCode.OK,'result':result}

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_get(self, content, headers, msg):
        assert(isinstance(content,dict)),'Expected dict content.'
        params = content.get('params',None)
        assert(isinstance(params,(list,tuple))),'Expected list or tuple params.'

        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout',None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert(isinstance(timeout,int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert(timeout>0), 'Expected positive timeout'
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('In SiamDriver op_get: params = ' +\
                      str(params)+ "  publish_stream=" +str(self.publish_stream))
        if self.publish_stream is None: 
            successFail = yield self.siamci.fetch_params(params)
            successFail = yield self.siamci.fetch_params(params, publish_stream=self.publish_stream)
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('In SiamDriver op_get successFail --> ' + str(successFail))
        # initialize reply assuming OK
        reply = {'success':InstErrorCode.OK, 'result':None}
        if successFail.result != OK:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.GET_DEVICE_ERR
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
        result = {}
        for it in successFail.item:
            # logging does not have a TRACE level!
#            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.TRACE:
#                log.trace('In SiamDriver op_get item --> ' + str(it))
            chName = it.pair.first
            value = it.pair.second
            key = (SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT, chName)
            result[key] = (InstErrorCode.OK, value)
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('In SiamDriver op_get result --> ' + str(result))

        reply['result'] = result
        yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)        
    def op_set(self, content, headers, msg):
        log.debug('In SiamDriver op_set')
        assert(isinstance(content,dict)), 'Expected dict content.'
        # params should be of the form:
        #    {(chan_arg,param_arg):value,...,(chan_arg,param_arg):value}
        params = content.get('params',None)
        assert(isinstance(params,dict)), 'Expected dict params.'

        assert(all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x,(list,tuple)),
                       params.keys()))), 'Expected list or tuple dict keys.'
        assert(all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x,str),
                       params.values()))), 'Expected string dict values.'
        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout',None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert(isinstance(timeout,int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert(timeout>0), 'Expected positive timeout'
        reply = {'success':None,'result':None}
        # TODO accept the format of the params as indicated above. For the
        # moment, we convert the input:
        #     {(chan_arg,param_arg):value,...,(chan_arg,param_arg):value}
        # into
        #     {param_arg:value,..., param_arg:value}
        # while checking that all chan_arg in the input are equal to
        # SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT.
        params_for_proxy = {}
        for (chan,param) in params.keys():
            if SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT != chan:
                reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
                errmsg = "Only " +str(SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT) + \
                        " accepted for channel; given: " + chan
                reply['result'] = errmsg
                log.warning("op_set: " +errmsg)
                yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
            val = params[(chan,param)]
            params_for_proxy[param] = val
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("params_for_proxy = " + str(params_for_proxy) + \
                      "  **** siamci = " + str(self.siamci))
        response = yield self.siamci.set_params(params_for_proxy)
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('In SiamDriver op_set_params --> ' + str(response))
        if response.result == OK:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = params_for_proxy    # just informative
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.SET_DEVICE_ERR
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)
    def op_set_publish_stream(self, content, headers, msg):
        self.publish_stream = content.get('publish_stream', None)
        reply = {'success':InstErrorCode.OK, 'result':self.publish_stream}
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("op_set_publish_stream = " + str(self.publish_stream))

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)
    def op_execute(self, content, headers, msg):
        Execute a driver command. Commands may be
        common or specific to the device, with specific commands known through
        knowledge of the device or a previous get_capabilities query.
        @param content A dict with channels and command lists and optional
        @retval A reply message with a dict
        assert(isinstance(content,dict)), 'Expected dict content.'

        # Set up reply dict, get required parameters from message content.
        reply = {'success':None,'result':None}
        command = content.get('command',None)
        channels = content.get('channels',None)
        timeout = content.get('timeout',None)

        # Fail if required parameters absent.
        if not command:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.REQUIRED_PARAMETER
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
        if not channels:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.REQUIRED_PARAMETER
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)

        assert(all(map(lambda x:isinstance(x,str),command)))
        assert(all(map(lambda x:isinstance(x,str),channels)))
        if timeout != None:
            assert(isinstance(timeout,int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert(timeout>0), 'Expected positive timeout'
        # Fail if command or channels not valid for siam driver.
        if not SiamDriverCommand.has(command[0]):
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.UNKNOWN_COMMAND
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
        # get the actual instrument channels:
        successFail = yield self.siamci.get_channels()
        if successFail.result != OK:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
            errmsg = "Error retrieving channels"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("op_execute: " +errmsg)
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
        instrument_channels = [it.str for it in successFail.item]
        # NOTE: special channel name SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT only 
        # accepted in a singleton channels list.
        if len(channels) == 0 or (len(channels) == 1 and  
            SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT == channels[0]):
            # ok, this means all channels for various operations.
            # verify the explicit requested channels are valid
            for chan in channels:
                if SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT == chan:
                    reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
                    errmsg = "Can only use '" + \
                            str(SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT) + \
                            "' for a singleton channels list"
                    reply['result'] = errmsg
                    log.warning("op_execute: " +errmsg)
                    yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
                if not chan in instrument_channels:
                    reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.UNKNOWN_CHANNEL
                    errmsg = "instrument does not have channel named '" +str(chan)+ "'"
                    reply['result'] = errmsg
                    log.warning("op_execute: " +errmsg)
                    yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)

        drv_cmd = command[0]
        # dispatch the given command:
        # GET_CHANNELS ##############################################
        if drv_cmd == SiamDriverCommand.GET_CHANNELS:
            # we already have the channels from the general preparation above
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = instrument_channels
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug("op_execute GET_CHANNELS to reply: " + str(reply))
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
        # GET_LAST_SAMPLE ##############################################
        if drv_cmd == SiamDriverCommand.GET_LAST_SAMPLE:
            yield self.__get_last_sample(channels, reply)
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug("op_execute GET_LAST_SAMPLE to reply: " + str(reply))
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
        # START_AUTO_SAMPLING ##############################################
        if drv_cmd == SiamDriverCommand.START_AUTO_SAMPLING:
            yield self.__start_sampling(channels, reply)
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug("op_execute START_AUTO_SAMPLING to reply: " + str(reply))
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)

        # STOP_AUTO_SAMPLING ##############################################
        if drv_cmd == SiamDriverCommand.STOP_AUTO_SAMPLING:
            yield self.__stop_sampling(channels, reply)
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug("op_execute STOP_AUTO_SAMPLING to reply: " + str(reply))
            yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)

        # Else: INVALID_COMMAND
        reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_COMMAND
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("op_execute INVALID_COMMAND to reply: " + str(reply))
        yield self.reply_ok(msg,reply)
    def __get_last_sample(self, channels, reply):
        log.debug('In SiamDriver __get_last_sample')
        response = yield self.siamci.get_last_sample()
        if response.result != OK:
            # TODO: some more appropriate error code
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
        result = {}
        for it in response.item:
            ch = it.pair.first
            val = it.pair.second
            result[ch] = val
        reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
        reply['result'] = result
    def __start_sampling(self, channels, reply):
        If successful, 
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = {'channel':channel, 'publish_stream':self.publish_stream }
        where channel is the channel in the singleton channels list

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('__start_sampling channels = ' +str(channels) + \
                      " notify_agent = " + str(self.notify_agent) + \
                      " publish_stream = " + str(self.publish_stream))
        if len(channels) != 1:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
            errmsg = "Can only be one channel for the START_AUTO_SAMPLING operation"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__start_sampling: " +errmsg)
        # the actual channel we will be sampling on
        channel = channels[0]
        if SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT == channel:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
            errmsg = "Has to be a specific channel, not '" + \
                    str(SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT) + "'"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__start_sampling: " +errmsg)
        # either publish_stream is given OR notify_agent is True, with
        # publish_stream having precedence just because this was the first
        # implemented functionality (but in general, not both properties
        # would be indicated at the same time).
        if self.publish_stream is not None:
            response = yield self.siamci.execute_StartAcquisition(channel, self.publish_stream)
            if response.result != OK:
                log.warning("execute_StartAcquisition failed: " +str(response))
                # TODO: some more appropriate error code
                reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = {'channel':channel, 'publish_stream':self.publish_stream }
        # if we are interacting with an Instrument Agent, we need to notify it
        # whenever we get data from the instrument.
        if self.notify_agent:
            @TODO: implement.  This could probably be done as follows: use a
            customized receiver service; set the publish_stream accordingly; and
            call self.siamci.execute_StartAcquisition(channel, publish_stream) as
            above. The customized receiver would send the notifications to the
            agent. Alternatively, do the execute_StartAcquisition thing as above
            but providing more information such that the java side does the
            notifications directly to the agent (however, by looking at
  , seems like the operation (op_publish in this
            case, I think) requires the sender to be a child process, which
            wouldn't be the case for the external SIAM-CI adapter service...)
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
            errmsg = "Notification of data to the agent not implemented yet"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__start_sampling: " +errmsg)
        # TODO: perhaps a more appropriate error code for this situation
        reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
        errmsg = "associated agent or publish_stream required for this operation"
        reply['result'] = errmsg
        log.warning("__start_sampling: " +errmsg)
    def __stop_sampling(self, channels, reply):
        Request to stop sampling
        if len(channels) != 1:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
            errmsg = "Can only be one channel for the START_AUTO_SAMPLING operation"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__stop_sampling: " +errmsg)
        # the actual channel we will be sampling on
        channel = channels[0]
        if SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT == channel:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
            errmsg = "Has to be a specific channel, not '" + \
                    str(SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT) + "'"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__stop_sampling: " +errmsg)
        # either publish_stream is given OR notify_agent is True, with
        # publish_stream having precedence just because this was the first
        # implemented functionality (but in general, not both properties
        # would be indicated at the same time).
        if self.publish_stream is not None:
            response = yield self.siamci.execute_StopAcquisition(channel, self.publish_stream)
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug('In SiamDriver __stop_sampling --> ' + str(response))  
            if response.result != OK:
                # TODO: some more appropriate error code
                reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = {'channel':channel, 'publish_stream':self.publish_stream }
        # if we are interacting with an Instrument Agent, we need to notify it
        # that data acqusition is to stop.
        if self.notify_agent:
            @TODO: implement. See __start_sampling.
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
            errmsg = "Notification of data to the agent not implemented yet"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__stop_sampling: " +errmsg)

        # TODO: perhaps a more appropriate error code for this situation
        reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
        errmsg = "associated agent or publish_stream required for this operation"
        reply['result'] = errmsg
        log.warning("__stop_sampling: " +errmsg)
Exemplo n.º 3
class SiamInstrumentDriver(InstrumentDriver):
    Instrument driver interface to a SIAM enabled instrument.
    Main operations are supported by the core class SiamCiAdapterProxy.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Creates an instance of the driver. This instance will be initially
        unconfigured (ie., with no specific instrument associated) until
        the configure operation is called and completed.

        InstrumentDriver.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("\nSiamDriver __init__: spawn_args = " +
        A flag indicating whether notifications to self.proc_supid should be sent
        when entering states. It is assigned the value returned by 
        self.spawn_args.get('notify_agent', False).
            This is to avoid "ERROR:Process does not define op=driver_event_occurred" messages
            when self.proc_supid does not correspond to an instrument agent.
            There might be a more appropriate way to accomplish this behavior. I'm using this
            mechanism in to include the corresponding spawn arg.
        self.notify_agent = self.spawn_args.get('notify_agent', False)
        Used to connect to the SIAM-CI adapter service. More specifically, this is
        the routing key (queue) where the SIAM-CI adapter service (java) is listening
        for requests.
        """ = None
        Instrument port. A concrete instrument in the SIAM node is identified by its
        corresponding port.
        self.port = None
        Will be a SiamCiAdapterProxy(pid, port) instance upon configuration
        self.siamci = None
        Used in certain operations to enable handling of notifications from the
        SIAM-CI adapter service in lieu of InstrumentAgent
        self.publish_stream = None
        Instrument state handlers.
        Note, I have followed SBE37_driver to some extent here but this is
        very preliminary in general.
        self.state_handlers = {
            SiamDriverState.UNCONFIGURED: self.state_handler_unconfigured,
            SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED: self.state_handler_disconnected,
            SiamDriverState.CONNECTING: self.state_handler_connecting,
            SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTING: self.state_handler_disconnecting,
            SiamDriverState.CONNECTED: self.state_handler_connected,
            #            SiamDriverState.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE : self.state_handler_acquire_sample,
            #            SiamDriverState.UPDATE_PARAMS : self.state_handler_update_params,
            #            SiamDriverState.SET : self.state_handler_set,
            #            SiamDriverState.AUTOSAMPLE : self.state_handler_autosample
        Instrument state machine.
        self.fsm = InstrumentFSM(SiamDriverState, SiamDriverEvent,
                                 self.state_handlers, SiamDriverEvent.ENTER,

    # <state handlers>

    def state_handler_unconfigured(self, event, params):
        Event handler for STATE_UNCONFIGURED.
        Events handled:
        EVENT_ENTER: Reset communication parameters to null values.
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.
        EVENT_CONFIGURE: Set communication parameters and switch to
                STATE_DISCONNECTED if successful.
        EVENT_INITIALIZE: Reset communication parameters to null values.

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("state_handler_unconfigured: event = " + str(event) +
                      "\n\t\t params = " + str(params))

        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None

        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:

            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.
                content = {
                    'type': SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,
                    'transducer': SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,
                    'value': SiamDriverState.UNCONFIGURED
                self.send(self.proc_supid, 'driver_event_occurred', content)


        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.INITIALIZE:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONFIGURE:
            if self._configure(params):
                next_state = SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED

            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

        return (success, next_state)

    def state_handler_disconnected(self, event, params):
        Event handler for STATE_DISCONNECTED.
        Events handled:
        EVENT_ENTER: Pass.
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.        

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("state_handler_disconnected: event = " + str(event) +
                      "\n\t\t params = " + str(params))

        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None

        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:

            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.
                content = {
                    'type': SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,
                    'transducer': SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,
                    'value': SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED
                self.send(self.proc_supid, 'driver_event_occurred', content)

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.INITIALIZE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.UNCONFIGURED

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONNECT:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.CONNECTING

        # not in sbe37
        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT_COMPLETE:

            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

        return (success, next_state)

    def state_handler_connecting(self, event, params):
        Event handler for STATE_CONNECTING.
        Events handled:
        EVENT_ENTER: Attemmpt to establish connection.
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.        

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("state_handler_connecting: event = " + str(event) +
                      "\n\t\t params = " + str(params))

        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None

        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:

            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.
                content = {
                    'type': SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,
                    'transducer': SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,
                    'value': SiamDriverState.CONNECTING
                self.send(self.proc_supid, 'driver_event_occurred', content)

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONNECTION_COMPLETE:
            #            next_state = SiamDriverState.UPDATE_PARAMS
            next_state = SiamDriverState.CONNECTED

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONNECTION_FAILED:
            # Error message to agent here.
            next_state = SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED

            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

        return (success, next_state)

    def state_handler_connected(self, event, params):
        Event handler for STATE_CONNECTED.
        EVENT_ENTER: Notifies agent if instructed so
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.        
        EVENT_COMMAND_RECEIVED: If a command is queued, switch to command
        specific state for handling.

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("state_handler_connected: event = " + str(event) +
                      "\n\t\t params = " + str(params))

        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None

        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:

            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.
                content = {
                    'type': SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,
                    'transducer': SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,
                    'value': SiamDriverState.CONNECTED
                self.send(self.proc_supid, 'driver_event_occurred', content)

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CONNECTION_COMPLETE:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTING

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.SET:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.SET

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.ACQUIRE_SAMPLE

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.START_AUTOSAMPLE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.AUTOSAMPLE

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.TEST:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.TEST

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.CALIBRATE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.CALIBRATE

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.RESET:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.RESET

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.DATA_RECEIVED:

            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

        return (success, next_state)

    def state_handler_disconnecting(self, event, params):
        Event handler for STATE_DISCONNECTING.
        Events handled:
        EVENT_ENTER: Attempt to close connection to instrument.
        EVENT_EXIT: Pass.        

        success = InstErrorCode.OK
        next_state = None

        if event == SiamDriverEvent.ENTER:

            if self.notify_agent:
                # Announce the state change to agent.
                content = {
                    'type': SiamDriverAnnouncement.STATE_CHANGE,
                    'transducer': SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT,
                    'value': SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED
                self.send(self.proc_supid, 'driver_event_occurred', content)

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.EXIT:

        elif event == SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT_COMPLETE:
            next_state = SiamDriverState.DISCONNECTED

            success = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

        return (success, next_state)

    # </state handlers>

    def _initialize(self):
        Set the configuration to an initialized, unconfigured state.
        """ = None
        self.port = None

    # <Process lifecycle methods>

    def plc_init(self):
        Process lifecycle initialization.

        # Set initial state.
        log.debug("SiamDriver plc_init: FSM started with state UNCONFIGURED")

    def plc_terminate(self):
        log.debug("SiamDriver plc_terminate")
        Process lifecycle termination.

    # </Process lifecycle methods>

    def op_get_state(self, content, headers, msg):
        cur_state = self.fsm.current_state
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, cur_state)

    def op_initialize(self, content, headers, msg):
        Restore driver to a default, unconfigured state.
        @param content A dict with optional timeout: {'timeout':timeout}.
        @retval A reply message with a dict {'success':success,'result':None}.

        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert (isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert (timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        # Set up the reply and fire an EVENT_INITIALIZE.
        reply = {'success': None, 'result': None}
        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.INITIALIZE)

        # Set success and send reply. Unsuccessful initialize means the
        # event is not handled in the current state.
        if not success:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INCORRECT_STATE

            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_configure(self, content, headers, msg):

        assert (isinstance(content, dict)), 'Expected dict content.'
        params = content.get('params', None)
        assert (isinstance(params, dict)), 'Expected dict params.'

        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert (isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert (timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        # Set up the reply message and validate the configuration parameters.
        # Reply with the error message if the parameters not valid.
        reply = {'success': None, 'result': params}
        reply['success'] = self._validate_configuration(params)

        if InstErrorCode.is_error(reply['success']):
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        # Fire EVENT_CONFIGURE with the validated configuration parameters.
        # Set the error message if the event is not handled in the current
        # state.
        reply['success'] = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.CONFIGURE, params)

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('op_configure: complete. success = %s' %

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def _configure(self, params):

        # Validate configuration.
        success = self._validate_configuration(params)
        if InstErrorCode.is_error(success):
            return False

        # Set configuration parameters. = params['pid']
        self.port = params['port']

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("_configure: pid = '" + \
                      str( + "' port = '" + str(self.port) + "'")

        self.siamci = SiamCiAdapterProxy(, self.port)

        return True

    def _validate_configuration(self, params):

        # Get required parameters.
        pid = params.get('pid', None)
        port = params.get('port', None)

        # fail if missing a required parameter.
        if not pid or not port:
            return InstErrorCode.REQUIRED_PARAMETER

        return InstErrorCode.OK

    def op_connect(self, content, headers, msg):

        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert (isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert (timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.CONNECT)
        reply = {'success': success, 'result': None}
        if InstErrorCode.is_error(reply['success']):
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.CONNECTION_COMPLETE)
        reply['success'] = success
        There is no actual "connect"/"disconnect" as the driver interacts 
        via messaging with the SIAM-CI adapter service. 
        We just start our proxy:
        yield self.siamci.start()

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('op_connect: SiamCiProxy started')

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_disconnect(self, content, headers, msg):

        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert (isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert (timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT)
        reply = {'success': success, 'result': None}

        if InstErrorCode.is_error(reply['success']):
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        success = self.fsm.on_event(SiamDriverEvent.DISCONNECT_COMPLETE)
        reply['success'] = success
        @TODO: why calling ''yield self.siamci.stop()'' to stop (terminate) the 
        SiamCiProxy process causes errors?  Here are some of the errors if this
        call is included when running 
            [process        :780] WARNING:Process bootstrap RPC conv-id=carueda_46740.7#29 timed out!
            [state_object   :113] ERROR:ERROR in StateObject process(event=deactivate)
            [receiver       :169] ERROR:Receiver error: Illegal state change
            [state_object   :132] ERROR:Subsequent ERROR in StateObject error(), ND-ND
        #        yield self.siamci.stop()

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('op_disconnect: complete. success = %s' %

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_get_status(self, content, headers, msg):
        log.debug('In SiamDriver op_get_status')

        assert (isinstance(content, dict)), 'Expected dict content.'
        params = content.get('params', None)
        For 'params', how is that a list, eg., [('all','all)], passed from
        the client gets converted to a tuple here, eg.,  (('all', 'all'),) ?

        assert(isinstance(params,(list,tuple))), \
            'Expected list or tuple params in op_get_status'
        assert(all(map(lambda x:isinstance(x,tuple),params))), \
            'Expected tuple elements in params list'

        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert (isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert (timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        # @todo: Do something with the new possible argument 'timeout'

        response = yield self.siamci.get_status(params=params)
        result = response.result
        reply = {'success': InstErrorCode.OK, 'result': result}

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_get(self, content, headers, msg):

        assert (isinstance(content, dict)), 'Expected dict content.'
        params = content.get('params', None)
        assert (isinstance(params,
                           (list, tuple))), 'Expected list or tuple params.'

        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert (isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert (timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('In SiamDriver op_get: params = ' +\
                      str(params)+ "  publish_stream=" +str(self.publish_stream))

        if self.publish_stream is None:
            successFail = yield self.siamci.fetch_params(params)
            successFail = yield self.siamci.fetch_params(
                params, publish_stream=self.publish_stream)

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('In SiamDriver op_get successFail --> ' +

        # initialize reply assuming OK
        reply = {'success': InstErrorCode.OK, 'result': None}

        if successFail.result != OK:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.GET_DEVICE_ERR
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        result = {}
        for it in successFail.item:
            # logging does not have a TRACE level!
            #            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.TRACE:
            #                log.trace('In SiamDriver op_get item --> ' + str(it))
            chName = it.pair.first
            value = it.pair.second
            key = (SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT, chName)
            result[key] = (InstErrorCode.OK, value)

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('In SiamDriver op_get result --> ' + str(result))

        reply['result'] = result

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_set(self, content, headers, msg):
        log.debug('In SiamDriver op_set')

        assert (isinstance(content, dict)), 'Expected dict content.'

        # params should be of the form:
        #    {(chan_arg,param_arg):value,...,(chan_arg,param_arg):value}
        params = content.get('params', None)
        assert (isinstance(params, dict)), 'Expected dict params.'

        assert (all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, (list, tuple)),
                        params.keys()))), 'Expected list or tuple dict keys.'
        assert (all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, str),
                        params.values()))), 'Expected string dict values.'

        # Timeout not implemented for this op.
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)
        if timeout != None:
            assert (isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert (timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        reply = {'success': None, 'result': None}

        # TODO accept the format of the params as indicated above. For the
        # moment, we convert the input:
        #     {(chan_arg,param_arg):value,...,(chan_arg,param_arg):value}
        # into
        #     {param_arg:value,..., param_arg:value}
        # while checking that all chan_arg in the input are equal to
        # SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT.

        params_for_proxy = {}
        for (chan, param) in params.keys():
            if SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT != chan:
                reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
                errmsg = "Only " +str(SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT) + \
                        " accepted for channel; given: " + chan
                reply['result'] = errmsg
                log.warning("op_set: " + errmsg)
                yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

            val = params[(chan, param)]
            params_for_proxy[param] = val

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("params_for_proxy = " + str(params_for_proxy) + \
                      "  **** siamci = " + str(self.siamci))

        response = yield self.siamci.set_params(params_for_proxy)
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('In SiamDriver op_set_params --> ' + str(response))

        if response.result == OK:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = params_for_proxy  # just informative
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.SET_DEVICE_ERR

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_set_publish_stream(self, content, headers, msg):
        self.publish_stream = content.get('publish_stream', None)
        reply = {'success': InstErrorCode.OK, 'result': self.publish_stream}

        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("op_set_publish_stream = " + str(self.publish_stream))

        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def op_execute(self, content, headers, msg):
        Execute a driver command. Commands may be
        common or specific to the device, with specific commands known through
        knowledge of the device or a previous get_capabilities query.
        @param content A dict with channels and command lists and optional
        @retval A reply message with a dict

        assert (isinstance(content, dict)), 'Expected dict content.'

        # Set up reply dict, get required parameters from message content.
        reply = {'success': None, 'result': None}
        command = content.get('command', None)
        channels = content.get('channels', None)
        timeout = content.get('timeout', None)

        # Fail if required parameters absent.
        if not command:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.REQUIRED_PARAMETER
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)
        if not channels:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.REQUIRED_PARAMETER
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        assert (isinstance(command, (list, tuple)))
        assert (all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, str), command)))
        assert (isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)))
        assert (all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, str), channels)))
        if timeout != None:
            assert (isinstance(timeout, int)), 'Expected integer timeout'
            assert (timeout > 0), 'Expected positive timeout'

        # Fail if command or channels not valid for siam driver.
        if not SiamDriverCommand.has(command[0]):
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.UNKNOWN_COMMAND
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        # get the actual instrument channels:
        successFail = yield self.siamci.get_channels()
        if successFail.result != OK:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
            errmsg = "Error retrieving channels"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("op_execute: " + errmsg)
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)
        instrument_channels = [it.str for it in successFail.item]

        # NOTE: special channel name SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT only
        # accepted in a singleton channels list.

        if len(channels) == 0 or (len(channels) == 1 and
                                  SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT == channels[0]):
            # ok, this means all channels for various operations.
            # verify the explicit requested channels are valid
            for chan in channels:
                if SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT == chan:
                    reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
                    errmsg = "Can only use '" + \
                            str(SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT) + \
                            "' for a singleton channels list"
                    reply['result'] = errmsg
                    log.warning("op_execute: " + errmsg)
                    yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

                if not chan in instrument_channels:
                    reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.UNKNOWN_CHANNEL
                    errmsg = "instrument does not have channel named '" + str(
                        chan) + "'"
                    reply['result'] = errmsg
                    log.warning("op_execute: " + errmsg)
                    yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        drv_cmd = command[0]

        # dispatch the given command:

        # GET_CHANNELS ##############################################
        if drv_cmd == SiamDriverCommand.GET_CHANNELS:
            # we already have the channels from the general preparation above
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = instrument_channels
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug("op_execute GET_CHANNELS to reply: " + str(reply))
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        # GET_LAST_SAMPLE ##############################################
        if drv_cmd == SiamDriverCommand.GET_LAST_SAMPLE:
            yield self.__get_last_sample(channels, reply)
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug("op_execute GET_LAST_SAMPLE to reply: " + str(reply))
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        # START_AUTO_SAMPLING ##############################################
        if drv_cmd == SiamDriverCommand.START_AUTO_SAMPLING:
            yield self.__start_sampling(channels, reply)
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug("op_execute START_AUTO_SAMPLING to reply: " +
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        # STOP_AUTO_SAMPLING ##############################################
        if drv_cmd == SiamDriverCommand.STOP_AUTO_SAMPLING:
            yield self.__stop_sampling(channels, reply)
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug("op_execute STOP_AUTO_SAMPLING to reply: " +
            yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

        # Else: INVALID_COMMAND
        reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_COMMAND
        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug("op_execute INVALID_COMMAND to reply: " + str(reply))
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, reply)

    def __get_last_sample(self, channels, reply):
        log.debug('In SiamDriver __get_last_sample')

        response = yield self.siamci.get_last_sample()

        if response.result != OK:
            # TODO: some more appropriate error code
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR

        result = {}
        for it in response.item:
            ch = it.pair.first
            val = it.pair.second
            result[ch] = val

        reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
        reply['result'] = result

    def __start_sampling(self, channels, reply):
        If successful, 
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = {'channel':channel, 'publish_stream':self.publish_stream }
        where channel is the channel in the singleton channels list


        if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
            log.debug('__start_sampling channels = ' +str(channels) + \
                      " notify_agent = " + str(self.notify_agent) + \
                      " publish_stream = " + str(self.publish_stream))

        if len(channels) != 1:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
            errmsg = "Can only be one channel for the START_AUTO_SAMPLING operation"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__start_sampling: " + errmsg)

        # the actual channel we will be sampling on
        channel = channels[0]
        if SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT == channel:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
            errmsg = "Has to be a specific channel, not '" + \
                    str(SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT) + "'"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__start_sampling: " + errmsg)

        # either publish_stream is given OR notify_agent is True, with
        # publish_stream having precedence just because this was the first
        # implemented functionality (but in general, not both properties
        # would be indicated at the same time).

        if self.publish_stream is not None:
            response = yield self.siamci.execute_StartAcquisition(
                channel, self.publish_stream)
            if response.result != OK:
                log.warning("execute_StartAcquisition failed: " +
                # TODO: some more appropriate error code
                reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR

            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = {
                'channel': channel,
                'publish_stream': self.publish_stream

        # if we are interacting with an Instrument Agent, we need to notify it
        # whenever we get data from the instrument.
        if self.notify_agent:
            @TODO: implement.  This could probably be done as follows: use a
            customized receiver service; set the publish_stream accordingly; and
            call self.siamci.execute_StartAcquisition(channel, publish_stream) as
            above. The customized receiver would send the notifications to the
            agent. Alternatively, do the execute_StartAcquisition thing as above
            but providing more information such that the java side does the
            notifications directly to the agent (however, by looking at
  , seems like the operation (op_publish in this
            case, I think) requires the sender to be a child process, which
            wouldn't be the case for the external SIAM-CI adapter service...)
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
            errmsg = "Notification of data to the agent not implemented yet"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__start_sampling: " + errmsg)

        # TODO: perhaps a more appropriate error code for this situation
        reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
        errmsg = "associated agent or publish_stream required for this operation"
        reply['result'] = errmsg
        log.warning("__start_sampling: " + errmsg)

    def __stop_sampling(self, channels, reply):
        Request to stop sampling

        if len(channels) != 1:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
            errmsg = "Can only be one channel for the START_AUTO_SAMPLING operation"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__stop_sampling: " + errmsg)

        # the actual channel we will be sampling on
        channel = channels[0]
        if SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT == channel:
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.INVALID_CHANNEL
            errmsg = "Has to be a specific channel, not '" + \
                    str(SiamDriverChannel.INSTRUMENT) + "'"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__stop_sampling: " + errmsg)

        # either publish_stream is given OR notify_agent is True, with
        # publish_stream having precedence just because this was the first
        # implemented functionality (but in general, not both properties
        # would be indicated at the same time).

        if self.publish_stream is not None:
            response = yield self.siamci.execute_StopAcquisition(
                channel, self.publish_stream)
            if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                log.debug('In SiamDriver __stop_sampling --> ' + str(response))

            if response.result != OK:
                # TODO: some more appropriate error code
                reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR

            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.OK
            reply['result'] = {
                'channel': channel,
                'publish_stream': self.publish_stream

        # if we are interacting with an Instrument Agent, we need to notify it
        # that data acqusition is to stop.
        if self.notify_agent:
            @TODO: implement. See __start_sampling.
            reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED
            errmsg = "Notification of data to the agent not implemented yet"
            reply['result'] = errmsg
            log.warning("__stop_sampling: " + errmsg)

        # TODO: perhaps a more appropriate error code for this situation
        reply['success'] = InstErrorCode.EXE_DEVICE_ERR
        errmsg = "associated agent or publish_stream required for this operation"
        reply['result'] = errmsg
        log.warning("__stop_sampling: " + errmsg)
class TestSiamCiAdapterProxyDataAsync(SiamCiTestCase):
    # increase timeout for Trial tests
    timeout = 120
    def setUp(self):
        yield self._start_container(sysname=sysname)

        self.siamci = SiamCiAdapterProxy(, SiamCiTestCase.port)
        yield self.siamci.start()

    def tearDown(self):
        yield self.siamci.stop()
        yield self._stop_container()

    def test_acquisition_start_verify_data(self, receiver_service_name='test_acquisition_start_verify_data'):
        - start receiver service and set expected publish id
        - start acquisition
        - get expected elements with some timeout
        - verify all exptected were received.
        Note that this test does not stop the acquisition. Unless this is explicitly stopped 
        by a caller (see next test), the receiver service will shutdown during tearDown, but
        also note that the SIAM-CI service will also eventually stop sending the notifications
        because they won't be delivered successfully anymore.

        receiver_client = yield self._start_receiver_service(receiver_service_name)
        # @todo: capture channel from some parameter?
        channel = "val"
        # @todo: more robust assignment of publish IDs
        publish_id = "data_acquisition;port=" + SiamCiTestCase.port + ";channel=" + channel
        # prepare to receive result:
        yield receiver_client.expect(publish_id);
        ret = yield self.siamci.execute_StartAcquisition(channel=channel,
                                                         publish_stream=sysname + "." + receiver_service_name)
        self.assertEquals(ret.result, OK)
        # check that all expected were received
        expected = yield receiver_client.getExpected(timeout=30)
        self.assertEquals(len(expected), 0)
        # actual response should indicate OK: 
        response = yield receiver_client.getAccepted(publish_id)
        self.assertEquals(response.result, OK)
        defer.returnValue((receiver_client, channel, publish_id))

    def test_acquisition_start_wait_stop(self):
        - start acquisition by calling test_acquisition_start_verify_data
        - wait for a few seconds
        - stop acquisition

        # start acquisition
        (receiver_client, channel, publish_id) = \
            yield self.test_acquisition_start_verify_data(receiver_service_name)
        # wait for a few samples to be notified to the receiver service
        yield pu.asleep(20)
        # stop acquisition
        ret = yield self.siamci.execute_StopAcquisition(channel=channel,
                                                         publish_stream=sysname + "." + receiver_service_name)
        self.assertEquals(ret.result, OK)