Exemplo n.º 1
    def _test_sceneToNormalShowNames(self, name, expected):
        result = sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(name)
        self.assertTrue(len(set(expected).intersection(set(result))) == len(expected))

        dot_result = sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(name.replace(' ','.'))
        dot_expected = [x.replace(' ','.') for x in expected]
        self.assertTrue(len(set(dot_expected).intersection(set(dot_result))) == len(dot_expected))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _test_sceneToNormalShowNames(self, name, expected):
        result = sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(name)
            len(set(expected).intersection(set(result))) == len(expected))

        dot_result = sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(name.replace(
            ' ', '.'))
        dot_expected = [x.replace(' ', '.') for x in expected]
            len(set(dot_expected).intersection(set(dot_result))) == len(
Exemplo n.º 3
def processFile(fileName, downloadDir=None, nzbName=None, multi_file=False):

    returnStr = ''

    folderName = None
    if downloadDir != None:
        folderName = downloadDir.split(os.path.sep)[-1]

    returnStr += logHelper(u"Processing file "+fileName+" (with folder name "+str(folderName)+" and NZB name "+str(nzbName)+")", logger.DEBUG)

    finalNameList = []

    for curName in (fileName, folderName, nzbName):
        if curName != None:
            for curSceneName in sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(curName):
                if curSceneName not in finalNameList:

    showResults = None
    result = None

    tvdb_id = None
    season = None
    episodes = []

    # first try looking up every name in our history
    for curName in finalNameList:

        historyResult = findInHistory(curName)
        if historyResult:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Result from history: "+str(historyResult)+" from "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            (tvdb_id, season, episodes) = historyResult
            showResults = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)

    # if we're parsing a multi-file folder then the folder name doesn't reflect the correct episode so ignore it
    if multi_file and episodes:
        returnStr += logHelper(u"Multi-file dir "+downloadDir+" doesn't reflect all episode names, only using name & season", logger.DEBUG)
        episodes = []

    # if that didn't work then try manually parsing and searching them on TVDB
    for curName in finalNameList:

        # if we already have the info from the history then don't bother with this
        if tvdb_id != None and season != None and episodes != []:

        # if we're doing a multi-file dir and we already got the tvdb_id/season but no episodes then assume it's right and carry it forward 
        # otherwise, reset it every time
        if not (tvdb_id and season and not episodes and multi_file):
            tvdb_id = None
            season = None
        episodes = []

            returnStr += logHelper(u"Attempting to parse name "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            myParser = FileParser(curName)
            result = myParser.parse()

            season = result.seasonnumber if result.seasonnumber != None else 1
            episodes = result.episodenumbers

            returnStr += logHelper(u"Ended up with season "+str(season)+" and episodes "+str(episodes), logger.DEBUG)

        except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not result.seriesname:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Filename "+curName+" has no series name, unable to use this name for processing", logger.DEBUG)

        if not episodes:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Unable to find an episode number in the filename "+curName+", skipping", logger.DEBUG)

        # reverse-lookup the scene exceptions
        returnStr += logHelper(u"Checking scene exceptions for "+result.seriesname, logger.DEBUG)
        sceneID = None
        for exceptionID in sceneExceptions:
            for curException in sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                if result.seriesname == curException:
                    sceneID = exceptionID
            if sceneID:
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id "+str(sceneID)+", using that", logger.DEBUG)

        if sceneID:
            tvdb_id = sceneID

        showObj = None
            t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)

            # get the tvdb object from either the scene exception ID or the series name
            if tvdb_id:
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Looking up ID "+str(tvdb_id)+" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[tvdb_id]
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Looking up name "+result.seriesname+" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[result.seriesname]

            returnStr += logHelper(u"Got tvdb_id "+str(showObj["id"])+" and series name "+showObj["seriesname"].decode('utf-8')+" from TVDB", logger.DEBUG)

            showInfo = (int(showObj["id"]), showObj["seriesname"])

        except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

            returnStr += logHelper(u"Unable to look up show on TVDB: "+str(e).decode('utf-8'), logger.DEBUG)
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Looking up show in DB instead", logger.DEBUG)
            showInfo = helpers.searchDBForShow(result.seriesname)

        if showInfo:
            tvdb_id = showInfo[0]

        if showInfo and season == None:
            myDB = db.DBConnection()
            numseasonsSQlResult = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT season) as numseasons FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? and season != 0", [tvdb_id])
            numseasons = numseasonsSQlResult[0][0]
            if numseasons == 1 and season == None:
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Don't have a season number, but this show appears to only have 1 season, setting seasonnumber to 1...", logger.DEBUG)
                season = 1

        # if it is an air-by-date show and we successfully found it on TVDB, convert the date into a season/episode
        if season == -1 and showObj:
            returnStr += logHelper(u"Looks like this is an air-by-date show, attempting to parse...", logger.DEBUG)
                epObj = showObj.airedOn(episodes[0])[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound, e:
                returnStr += logHelper(u"Unable to find episode with date "+str(episodes[0])+" for show "+showObj["seriesname"]+", skipping", logger.DEBUG)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.
        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name "+repr(name))
        to_return = (None, None, [])
        if not name:
            return to_return
        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
        self._log("Parsed "+name+" into "+str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'), logger.DEBUG)

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers 

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)
        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(parse_result.series_name)

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)
        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search('(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)', parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None
        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on "+cur_name, logger.DEBUG)
            for exceptionID in common.sceneExceptions:
                # for each exception name
                for curException in common.sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                    if cur_name.lower() in (curException.lower(), sceneHelpers.sanitizeSceneName(curException).lower().replace('.',' ')):
                        self._log(u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id "+str(exceptionID)+u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                        return (exceptionID, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up "+cur_name+u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                self._log(u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id "+str(db_result[0]), logger.DEBUG)
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes)
        # see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)
                self._log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception), e:
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **ltvdb_api_parms)

                    self._log(u"Looking up name "+cur_name+u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

Exemplo n.º 5
def processFile(fileName, downloadDir=None, nzbName=None):

    returnStr = ''

    folderName = None
    if downloadDir != None:
        folderName = downloadDir.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
    returnStr += logHelper("Processing file "+fileName+" (with folder name "+str(folderName)+" and NZB name "+str(nzbName)+")", logger.DEBUG)

    finalNameList = []

    for curName in (fileName, folderName, nzbName):
        if curName != None:
            for curSceneName in sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(curName):
                if curSceneName not in finalNameList:

    showResults = None
    result = None
    tvdb_id = None
    season = None
    episodes = []
    # first try looking up every name in our history
    for curName in finalNameList:

        historyResult = findInHistory(curName)
        if historyResult:
            returnStr += logHelper("Result from history: "+str(historyResult)+" from "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            (tvdb_id, season, episode) = historyResult
            episodes = [episode]
            showResults = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id)

    # if that didn't work then try manually parsing and searching them on TVDB
    for curName in finalNameList:
        # if we already have the info from the history then don't bother with this
        if tvdb_id != None and season != None and episodes != []:

        # set all search stuff to defaults so we don't carry results over from the last iteration
        tvdb_id = None
        season = None
        episodes = []
            returnStr += logHelper("Attempting to parse name "+curName, logger.DEBUG)
            myParser = FileParser(curName)
            result = myParser.parse()

            season = result.seasonnumber
            episodes = result.episodenumbers
        except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to parse the filename "+curName+" into a valid episode", logger.DEBUG)

        if not result.seriesname:
            returnStr += logHelper("Filename "+curName+" has no series name, unable to use this name for processing", logger.DEBUG)

        if not episodes:
            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to find an episode number in the filename "+curName+", skipping", logger.DEBUG)

        # reverse-lookup the scene exceptions
        sceneID = None
        for exceptionID in sceneExceptions:
            if curName == sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                sceneID = exceptionID

            returnStr += logHelper("Looking up name "+result.seriesname+" on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
            t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI, **sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS)

            # get the tvdb object from either the scene exception ID or the series name
            if sceneID:
                showObj = t[sceneID]
                showObj = t[result.seriesname]
            showInfo = (int(showObj["id"]), showObj["seriesname"])
        except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:

            returnStr += logHelper("Unable to look up show on TVDB: "+str(e), logger.DEBUG)
            returnStr += logHelper("Looking up show in DB instead", logger.DEBUG)
            showInfo = helpers.searchDBForShow(result.seriesname)

        if showInfo:
            tvdb_id = showInfo[0]

        # if it is an air-by-date show and we successfully found it on TVDB, convert the date into a season/episode
        if season == -1 and showObj:
                epObj = showObj.airedOn(episodes[0])[0]
                season = int(epObj["seasonnumber"])
                episodes = [int(epObj["episodenumber"])]
            except tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_episodenotfound, e:
                returnStr += logHelper("Unable to find episode with date "+str(episodes[0])+" for show "+showObj["seriesname"]+", skipping", logger.DEBUG)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _analyze_name(self, name, file=True):
        Takes a name and tries to figure out a show, season, and episode from it.
        Returns a (tvdb_id, season, [episodes]) tuple. The first two may be None and episodes may be []
        if none were found.

        logger.log(u"Analyzing name " + repr(name))

        to_return = (None, None, [])

        if not name:
            return to_return

        # parse the name to break it into show name, season, and episode
        np = NameParser(file)
        parse_result = np.parse(name)
            "Parsed " + name + " into " + str(parse_result).decode('utf-8'),

        if parse_result.air_by_date:
            season = -1
            episodes = [parse_result.air_date]
            season = parse_result.season_number
            episodes = parse_result.episode_numbers

        to_return = (None, season, episodes)

        # do a scene reverse-lookup to get a list of all possible names
        name_list = sceneHelpers.sceneToNormalShowNames(

        if not name_list:
            return (None, season, episodes)

        def _finalize(parse_result):
            self.release_group = parse_result.release_group
            if parse_result.extra_info:
                self.is_proper = re.search(
                    '(^|[\. _-])(proper|repack)([\. _-]|$)',
                    parse_result.extra_info, re.I) != None

        # for each possible interpretation of that scene name
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Checking scene exceptions for a match on " + cur_name,
            for exceptionID in common.sceneExceptions:
                # for each exception name
                for curException in common.sceneExceptions[exceptionID]:
                    if cur_name.lower() in (curException.lower(),
                                                    '.', ' ')):
                            u"Scene exception lookup got tvdb id " +
                            str(exceptionID) + u", using that", logger.DEBUG)
                        return (exceptionID, season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name directly in the DB, if so use it
        for cur_name in name_list:
            self._log(u"Looking up " + cur_name + u" in the DB", logger.DEBUG)
            db_result = helpers.searchDBForShow(cur_name)
            if db_result:
                    u"Lookup successful, using tvdb id " + str(db_result[0]),
                return (int(db_result[0]), season, episodes)

        # see if we can find the name with a TVDB lookup
        for cur_name in name_list:
                t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,

                self._log(u"Looking up name " + cur_name + u" on TVDB",
                showObj = t[cur_name]
            except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception), e:
                # if none found, search on all languages
                    # There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
                    # change the language value elsewhere
                    ltvdb_api_parms = sickbeard.TVDB_API_PARMS.copy()

                    ltvdb_api_parms['search_all_languages'] = True
                    t = tvdb_api.Tvdb(custom_ui=classes.ShowListUI,

                        u"Looking up name " + cur_name +
                        u" in all languages on TVDB", logger.DEBUG)
                    showObj = t[cur_name]
                except (tvdb_exceptions.tvdb_exception, IOError), e:
