Exemplo n.º 1
def test_serialization4():
    from siconos.kernel import LagrangianLinearTIDS, NewtonImpactNSL, \
        LagrangianLinearTIR, Interaction, NonSmoothDynamicalSystem, \
        MoreauJeanOSI, TimeDiscretisation, LCP, TimeStepping

    from numpy import array, eye, empty

    t0 = 0  # start time
    T = 10  # end time
    h = 0.005  # time step
    r = 0.1  # ball radius
    g = 9.81  # gravity
    m = 1  # ball mass
    e = 0.9  # restitution coeficient
    theta = 0.5  # theta scheme

    # dynamical system
    x = array([1, 0, 0])  # initial position
    v = array([0, 0, 0])  # initial velocity
    mass = eye(3)  # mass matrix
    mass[2, 2] = 3. / 5 * r * r

    # the dynamical system
    ball = LagrangianLinearTIDS(x, v, mass)

    # set external forces
    weight = array([-m * g, 0, 0])

    # Interactions

    # ball-floor
    H = array([[1, 0, 0]])

    nslaw = NewtonImpactNSL(e)
    relation = LagrangianLinearTIR(H)
    inter = Interaction(nslaw, relation)

    # Model
    first_bouncingBall = NonSmoothDynamicalSystem(t0, T)

    # add the dynamical system to the non smooth dynamical system

    # link the interaction and the dynamical system
    first_bouncingBall.link(inter, ball)

    # Simulation

    # (1) OneStepIntegrators
    OSI = MoreauJeanOSI(theta)

    # (2) Time discretisation --
    t = TimeDiscretisation(t0, h)

    # (3) one step non smooth problem
    osnspb = LCP()

    # (4) Simulation setup with (1) (2) (3)
    s = TimeStepping(first_bouncingBall, t)

    # end of model definition

    # save and load data from xml and .dat
    from siconos.io.io_base import save, load
    save(s, "bouncingBall.xml")

    s = load("bouncingBall.xml")
    bouncingBall = s.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()
    ball = bouncingBall.dynamicalSystem(ball.number())
    inter = bouncingBall.interaction(inter.number())

    # the number of time steps
    N = int((T - t0) / h + 1)

    # Get the values to be plotted
    # ->saved in a matrix dataPlot

    dataPlot = empty((N, 5))

    # numpy pointers on dense Siconos vectors
    q = ball.q()
    v = ball.velocity()
    p = ball.p(1)
    lambda_ = inter.lambda_(1)

    # initial data
    dataPlot[0, 0] = t0
    dataPlot[0, 1] = q[0]
    dataPlot[0, 2] = v[0]
    dataPlot[0, 3] = p[0]
    dataPlot[0, 4] = lambda_[0]

    k = 1

    # time loop
    while (s.hasNextEvent()):

        dataPlot[k, 0] = s.nextTime()
        dataPlot[k, 1] = q[0]
        dataPlot[k, 2] = v[0]
        dataPlot[k, 3] = p[0]
        dataPlot[k, 4] = lambda_[0]

        k += 1

    # comparison with the reference file
    from siconos.kernel import SimpleMatrix, getMatrix
    from numpy.linalg import norm

    ref = getMatrix(SimpleMatrix(os.path.join(working_dir, "data/result.ref")))

    assert (norm(dataPlot - ref) < 1e-12)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_serialization4():
    from siconos.kernel import LagrangianLinearTIDS, NewtonImpactNSL, \
        LagrangianLinearTIR, Interaction, NonSmoothDynamicalSystem, \
        MoreauJeanOSI, TimeDiscretisation, LCP, TimeStepping

    from numpy import array, eye, empty

    t0 = 0       # start time
    T = 10       # end time
    h = 0.005    # time step
    r = 0.1      # ball radius
    g = 9.81     # gravity
    m = 1        # ball mass
    e = 0.9      # restitution coeficient
    theta = 0.5  # theta scheme

    # dynamical system
    x = array([1, 0, 0])  # initial position
    v = array([0, 0, 0])  # initial velocity
    mass = eye(3)         # mass matrix
    mass[2, 2] = 3./5 * r * r

    # the dynamical system
    ball = LagrangianLinearTIDS(x, v, mass)

    # set external forces
    weight = array([-m * g, 0, 0])

    # Interactions

    # ball-floor
    H = array([[1, 0, 0]])

    nslaw = NewtonImpactNSL(e)
    relation = LagrangianLinearTIR(H)
    inter = Interaction(nslaw, relation)

    # Model
    first_bouncingBall = NonSmoothDynamicalSystem(t0, T)

    # add the dynamical system to the non smooth dynamical system

    # link the interaction and the dynamical system
    first_bouncingBall.link(inter, ball)

    # Simulation

    # (1) OneStepIntegrators
    OSI = MoreauJeanOSI(theta)

    # (2) Time discretisation --
    t = TimeDiscretisation(t0, h)

    # (3) one step non smooth problem
    osnspb = LCP()

    # (4) Simulation setup with (1) (2) (3)
    s = TimeStepping(first_bouncingBall, t)

    # end of model definition

    # save and load data from xml and .dat
    from siconos.io.io_base import save, load
    save(s, "bouncingBall.xml")

    s = load("bouncingBall.xml")
    bouncingBall = s.nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()
    ball = bouncingBall.dynamicalSystem(ball.number())
    inter = bouncingBall.interaction(inter.number())

    # the number of time steps
    N = int((T-t0)/h+1)

    # Get the values to be plotted
    # ->saved in a matrix dataPlot

    dataPlot = empty((N, 5))

    # numpy pointers on dense Siconos vectors
    q = ball.q()
    v = ball.velocity()
    p = ball.p(1)
    lambda_ = inter.lambda_(1)

    # initial data
    dataPlot[0, 0] = t0
    dataPlot[0, 1] = q[0]
    dataPlot[0, 2] = v[0]
    dataPlot[0, 3] = p[0]
    dataPlot[0, 4] = lambda_[0]

    k = 1

    # time loop

        dataPlot[k, 0] = s.nextTime()
        dataPlot[k, 1] = q[0]
        dataPlot[k, 2] = v[0]
        dataPlot[k, 3] = p[0]
        dataPlot[k, 4] = lambda_[0]

        k += 1

    # comparison with the reference file
    from siconos.kernel import SimpleMatrix, getMatrix
    from numpy.linalg import norm

    ref = getMatrix(SimpleMatrix(os.path.join(working_dir,

    assert (norm(dataPlot - ref) < 1e-12)