def geneticOptimizer(ws, create, numGenerations, numSeeds, numChildrenPerSeed, maxNumRandNodes, maxNumRandTubes, weightMultiplier, maxDispOfAnyTargetNode, maxAvgDisp, maxWeight): global webPrintOut global timeLeft # Plotting parameters # ---------------------------- finalDisplacementScaling = 15 # ---------------------------- end = "false" currentDateTime = workingDir = os.getcwd() simFolderPath = "%s\\sim\\static\\results\\%i" % (workingDir, int(ws.room_name)) if os.path.isdir(simFolderPath) is False: os.mkdir(simFolderPath) consOutPath = "%s\\consoleOutput.txt" % simFolderPath consoleOutput = open(consOutPath, "w") def timeRemaining(left): global timeLeft timeLeft = '%.1f' % left def printOut(line): consoleOutput.write(line) consoleOutput.write("\n") global webPrintOut webPrintOut += (line + "\n") def printFile(line): consoleOutput.write(line) consoleOutput.write("\n") printFile("--PARAMETERS--") printFile("\nNumber of Generations: %i" % numGenerations) printFile("Number of Surviving Seeds Per Generation: %i" % numSeeds) printFile("Number of Children Per Seed Per Generation: %i" % numChildrenPerSeed) numFramesAnalyzed = numGenerations * numSeeds * numChildrenPerSeed printOut("\nYou have elected to analyze %i frames" % numFramesAnalyzed) printOut("across %i generations (i.e. %i per generation)" % (numGenerations, int(numFramesAnalyzed / numGenerations))) printFile("\nMaximum number of mutated tubes per individual: %i" % maxNumRandTubes) printFile("Maximum number of mutated nodes per individual: %i" % maxNumRandNodes) printFile( "\nMaximum displacement allowed for any target node: %.5f inches" % maxDispOfAnyTargetNode) printFile( "Maximum average displacement allowed for all target nodes: %.5f inches" % maxAvgDisp) printFile("Maximum weight allowed: %.3f pounds" % maxWeight) printFile("\nFrame mass is weighted at %f in the objective function" % weightMultiplier) def sortingKey(elem): return elem[0] # Time the simulation start = time.time() # Set up graphs (change size of figure's window using the first line below) plt.tight_layout() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 3), dpi=100) grid = plt.GridSpec(1, 6, wspace=1) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(grid[:, 0:2], title="Score/Weight vs Generations") ax1.set_ylabel('Objective Function Score') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(grid[:, 2:4], title="Avg Displacement vs Generations") ax2.set_ylabel('Inches') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(grid[:, 4:6], title="Weight vs Generations") ax3.set_ylabel('Pounds') fig3D = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 7), dpi=100) ax4 = fig3D.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') ax4.view_init(azim=-135, elev=35) ax1.grid() ax2.grid() ax3.grid() ax4.xaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)) ax4.yaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)) ax4.zaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)) ax4.xaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0) ax4.yaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0) ax4.zaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0) # Initialize variables maxScorePerWeight = 0 averageDisp = 0 maxScoresPerWeight = [] weights = [] averageDisps = [] iterations = [] baseFrame = createFrame(create) baseFrameScorePerWeight, dispList, baseFrameAvgDisp = baseFrame.solveAllLoadCases( weightMultiplier) printOut("\nBase Frame Weight: %.3f" % baseFrame.weight) printOut("Base Frame Score: %.3f" % baseFrameScorePerWeight) printOut("Base Frame Avg. Disp.: %.5f" % baseFrameAvgDisp) printOut("Base Frame Max Disp of A Target Node: %.5f" % max(dispList)) maxScoresPerWeight.append(baseFrameScorePerWeight) weights.append(baseFrame.weight) averageDisps.append(baseFrameAvgDisp) iterations.append(0) maxFrame = baseFrame errorFlag = False seeds = [] for i in range(numSeeds): seeds.append(maxFrame) ax1.plot(iterations, maxScoresPerWeight) ax2.plot(iterations, averageDisps) ax3.plot(iterations, weights) maxFrame.plotAni(ax4) # Sends live sim data to webpage figHTML = fig_to_html(fig, figid="plot2D") sp = figHTML.split('<script>') div = sp[0].split('</style>') figDiv = div[1] script = sp[1].split('</script>') figScript = script[0] path = "%s\\sim\\static\\results\\%i" % (workingDir, int(ws.room_name)) if os.path.isdir(path) is False: os.mkdir(path) imgPath = path + "\\images" if os.path.isdir(imgPath) is False: os.mkdir(imgPath) fig3DPath = path + "\\images\\fig3D-%i.png" % 0 fig3D.savefig(fig3DPath, pad_inches=0) webPrintOut = textile.textile(webPrintOut, html_type="xhtml") ws.send(text_data=json.dumps({ 'end': end, 'iter': '0', 'figDiv': figDiv, 'figScript': figScript, 'webPrintOut': webPrintOut, 'timeLeft': timeLeft })) webPrintOut = "" printFile("\n--START--") for gen in range(1, numGenerations + 1): # Generate generation individuals if gen is 1: startOneGen = time.time() individuals = [] for seed in seeds: theSameInd = copy.deepcopy(seed) individuals.append(theSameInd) for i in range(1, numChildrenPerSeed): individual = copy.deepcopy(seed) randomizeThicknessNotGeometry = random.choice((True, False)) if randomizeThicknessNotGeometry: numRandTubes = random.randint(1, maxNumRandTubes) for j in range(numRandTubes): individual.randomizeThicknessOfRandomTube() else: numRandNodes = random.randint(1, maxNumRandNodes) for j in range(numRandNodes): individual.randomizeLocationOfRandomNode() individuals.append(individual) # Solve generation individuals sortingList = [] for i in range(len(individuals)): individual = individuals.__getitem__(i) scorePerWeight, dispList, avgDisp = individual.solveAllLoadCases( weightMultiplier) if (individual.weight < maxWeight and maxDispOfAnyTargetNode > max(dispList) and maxAvgDisp > avgDisp): tuple = (scorePerWeight, avgDisp, individual) sortingList.append(tuple) if len(sortingList) is 0: printOut("--ERROR--") printOut( "Check that your maxWeight, maxDispOfAnyTargetNode and maxAvgDisp are not set too low" ) errorFlag = True break sortingList.sort(key=sortingKey, reverse=True) seeds.clear() for i in range(numSeeds): seeds.append(sortingList.__getitem__(i)[2]) bestInd = sortingList.__getitem__(0) bestIndScore = bestInd[0] bestIndAvgDisp = bestInd[1] bestIndFrame = bestInd[2] if maxScorePerWeight < sortingList.__getitem__(0)[0]: maxScorePerWeight = bestIndScore averageDisp = bestIndAvgDisp maxFrame = bestIndFrame maxScoresPerWeight.append(maxScorePerWeight) averageDisps.append(averageDisp) iterations.append(gen) weights.append(maxFrame.weight) ax1.plot(iterations, maxScoresPerWeight) ax2.plot(iterations, averageDisps) ax3.plot(iterations, weights) maxFrame.plotAni(ax4) if gen is 1: endOneGen = time.time() minutesPerGen = (endOneGen - startOneGen) / 60 print( "\nSimulation will take an estimated %.1f minutes to complete" % (minutesPerGen * (numGenerations + 1))) printOut("\n") printOut("Generation No. %i" % gen) printOut("Max Score Per Weight:\t\t%.3f" % maxScorePerWeight) printOut("Avg Disp. of Target Nodes:\t%.5f" % averageDisp) printOut("Total Weight:\t\t\t%.3f" % maxFrame.weight) timeToGo = (minutesPerGen * numGenerations) - (minutesPerGen * (gen - 1)) timeRemaining(timeToGo) print("\n~%.1f minutes remaining..." % timeToGo) # Sends live sim data to webpage figHTML = fig_to_html(fig, figid="plot2D") sp = figHTML.split('<script>') div = sp[0].split('</style>') figDiv = div[1] script = sp[1].split('</script>') figScript = script[0] path = "%s\\sim\\static\\results\\%i" % (workingDir, int(ws.room_name)) if os.path.isdir(path) is False: os.mkdir(path) fig3DPath = path + "\\images\\fig3D-%i.png" % gen fig3D.savefig(fig3DPath, pad_inches=0) webPrintOut = textile.textile(webPrintOut, html_type="xhtml") ws.send(text_data=json.dumps({ 'end': end, 'iter': str(gen), 'figDiv': figDiv, 'figScript': figScript, 'webPrintOut': webPrintOut, 'timeLeft': timeLeft })) webPrintOut = "" ax1.plot(iterations, maxScoresPerWeight) ax2.plot(iterations, averageDisps) ax3.plot(iterations, weights) maxFrame.plotAni(ax4) maxFrame.toTextFile(simFolderPath + "\createFrame.txt") if not errorFlag: printOut("\n--FINISHED--") printOut("\n--STATS--") end = time.time() minutesTaken = (end - start) / 60 printOut("\nMinutes taken for simulation to complete: %.1f" % minutesTaken) printOut("That's %.2f frames per second!" % (numFramesAnalyzed / (minutesTaken * 60))) printOut("\nTotal Number of Frames Analyzed: %i" % numFramesAnalyzed) printOut("\nThe best frame's score was %.3f" % (maxScorePerWeight - baseFrameScorePerWeight)) printOut("better than the original seed frame") printOut("\nThe weight of the best frame was") printOut("%.2f pounds less than the original seed frame" % (baseFrame.weight - maxFrame.weight)) printOut( "\nThe avg. displacement of all target nodes for the best frame was" ) printOut("%.5f inches less than the original seed frame" % (baseFrameAvgDisp - averageDisp)) # Plot graphs and frame/displacements figPath = '%s\\graph.png' % simFolderPath fig.savefig(figPath, pad_inches=0) for loadCase in LoadCases.listLoadCases: maxFrame.setLoadCase(loadCase) figPath = '%s\\%s.png' % (simFolderPath, maxFrame.solve(weightMultiplier) maxFrame.plot(finalDisplacementScaling, figPath) plt.close(fig) end = "true" timeLeft = 0 ws.send(text_data=json.dumps({'end': end, 'timeLeft': timeLeft})) consoleOutput.close() import smtplib, ssl smtp_server = "" port = 587 # For starttls sender_email = "*****@*****.**" password = '******' # Create a secure SSL context context = ssl.create_default_context() # Try to log in to server and send email try: server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, port) server.ehlo() # Can be omitted server.starttls(context=context) # Secure the connection server.ehlo() # Can be omitted server.login(sender_email, password) sender_email = "*****@*****.**" receiver_email = "*****@*****.**" message = "Frame Simulation Complete!" server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, message) except Exception as e: # Print any error messages to stdout print(e) finally: server.quit()
ax1.grid() ax2.grid() ax3.grid() # Initialize variables maxScorePerWeight = 0 averageDisp = 0 maxScoresPerWeight = [] weights = [] averageDisps = [] iterations = [] if useOriginalBaseFrame: baseFrame = createBaseFrame() else: baseFrame = createFrame() baseFrameScorePerWeight, dispList, baseFrameAvgDisp = baseFrame.solveAllLoadCases(weightMultiplier) printOut("\nBase Frame Weight: %.3f" % baseFrame.weight) printOut("Base Frame Score: %.3f" % baseFrameScorePerWeight) printOut("Base Frame Avg. Disp.: %.5f" % baseFrameAvgDisp) printOut("Base Frame Max Disp of A Target Node: %.5f" % max(dispList)) maxScoresPerWeight.append(baseFrameScorePerWeight) weights.append(baseFrame.weight) averageDisps.append(baseFrameAvgDisp) iterations.append(0) maxFrame = baseFrame errorFlag = False seeds = [] for i in range(numSeeds):
def frameToNodeString(create): frame = createFrame(create) return textile.textile(frame.toString('nodes'), html_type="xhtml")