Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_all_data_for_two_reach():
    num_networks = 1000
    sims_per_network = 25
    high_reach = 60
    low_reach = 30
    contracted_reach = 20
    sim_len_cap = 1000
    disease = Disease(4, .3)
    lazy_networks = [
            make_random_spatial_configuration((500, 500), 500,
        for seed in tqdm(range(num_networks))

    # TODO: add flicker and run
    behaviors = ((lambda reach, mknet, rng: no_update, 'Static Network'),
                 (lambda reach, mknet, rng: SimplePressureBehavior(
                     mknet(reach), rng, 2, .5),
                  'SimplePressure(radius=2, flicker_prob=.5)'),
                 (lambda reach, mknet, rng: SpatialContraction(
                     mknet(reach), mknet(contracted_reach), 2, .5, rng),
                  'SpatialContraction(radius=2, contraction_prob=.5)'))
    all_data = RawDataCSV(f'spatial nets\nsim_len={sim_len_cap} {disease}', {})
    for mkbeh, beh_name in behaviors:
        temp_data = two_reach_sim(lazy_networks, sims_per_network, disease,
                                  high_reach, low_reach, sim_len_cap, mkbeh,
        all_data = RawDataCSV.union(all_data.title, all_data, temp_data)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test():
    name = 'test'
    diseases = [Disease(1, .69)]

    def new_network():
        return Network(nx.connected_caveman_graph(10, 10), community_size=10)

    flicker_config = RandomFlickerConfig(.5, 'test_rand_config')
    rng = np.random.default_rng(66)
    run_inf_prob_vs_perc_sus(name, diseases, new_network, flicker_config, 10,
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, encoding_to_network: Callable[[np.ndarray], Network], rand) -> None:
     This objective is problematic because there is so much variance in how
     much a disease spreads.
     self._enc_to_G = encoding_to_network
     self._rand = rand
     self._disease = Disease(4, .2)
     self._sim_len = 100
     self._n_sims = 100
     self._decay_func = DecayFunction(.5)
Exemplo n.º 4
def ba_pressure_vs_none_entry_point():
    rng = np.random.default_rng(0xbeefee)
    num_trials = 1000
    disease = Disease(4, .4)
    N = 500
    m = 3
    make_ba = MakeBarabasiAlbert(N, m, 0xbeefee)
    pressure_configurations = [
        SimplePressureConfig(radius, prob, rng)
        for radius, prob in it.product((1, 2, 3), (.25, .5, .75))
    pressure_experiment(make_ba, pressure_configurations, disease, num_trials,
def poisson_entry_point():
    """Run experiments on connected community networks with a poisson degree distribution."""
    print('Running poisson connected community experiments')
    N_comm = 10  # agents per community
    num_comms = 50  # number of communities
    num_trials = 100
    rand = np.random.default_rng(420)
    lam = 8  # this is lambda for both the inner and outer degree distributions
    configuration = PoissonConfiguration(rand, lam, lam, num_comms, N_comm)
    disease = Disease(4, .2)

    safe_run_trials(configuration.name, run_connected_community_trial,
                    (configuration, disease, rand), num_trials)
Exemplo n.º 6
def agent_generated_entry_point(seed=1337):
    print('Running agent generated experiments')
    num_trials = 100
    rand = np.random.default_rng(seed)
    disease = Disease(4, .2)
    N = 500
    behaviors = [
        TimeBasedBehavior(N, lb_connection, ub_connection, steps_to_stability,
        for lb_connection, ub_connection, steps_to_stability in [(
            4, 6, 5), (4, 6, 10), (4, 6, 20)]
    for agent_behavior in behaviors:
        safe_run_trials(agent_behavior.name, run_agent_generated_trial,
                        (disease, agent_behavior, N, rand), num_trials)
def uniform_entry_point():
    """Run experiments on connected community networks with a unifrom degree distribution."""
    print('Running uniform connected community experiments')

    num_trials = 100
    disease = Disease(4, .2)
    rand = np.random.default_rng(0)
    configurations = [UniformConfiguration(rand, inner_bounds, outer_bounds, N_comm, num_comms)
                      for inner_bounds, outer_bounds, N_comm, num_comms
                      in [((10, 16), (2, 5), 25, 20),
                          ((10, 16), (5, 11), 25, 20),
                          ((5, 9), (2, 5), 10, 50),
                          ((5, 9), (5, 9), 10, 50)]]

    for configuration in configurations:
        safe_run_trials(configuration.name, run_connected_community_trial,
                        (configuration, disease, rand), num_trials)
Exemplo n.º 8
def cc_pressure_vs_none_entry_point():
    rng = np.random.default_rng(0xbeefee)
    num_trials = 1000
    disease = Disease(4, .4)
    inner_bounds = 1, 15
    outer_bounds = 1, 5
    community_size = 20
    n_communities = 25
    make_ccn = MakeConnectedCommunity(community_size, inner_bounds,
                                      n_communities, outer_bounds, rng)
    pressure_configurations = [
        SimplePressureConfig(radius, prob, rng)
        for radius, prob in it.product((1, 2, 3), (.25, .5, .75))
    # pressure_experiment(make_ccn, pressure_configurations, disease, num_trials, rng)
    net = make_ccn()
    simulate(net.M, make_starting_sir(net.N, 1, rng), disease,
             pressure_configurations[1].make_behavior(net), 100,
Exemplo n.º 9
def connected_community_entry_point():
    rng = np.random.default_rng(501)
    min_inner, max_inner = 1, 15
    min_outer, max_outer = 1, 5
    community_size = 20
    n_communities = 25
    next_network = MakeConnectedCommunity(community_size,
                                          (min_inner, max_inner),
                                          (min_outer, max_outer), rng)
    base_name = f'Connected Community N_comm={community_size} [{min_inner}, {max_inner}]\n'\
        f'num_comms={n_communities} [{min_outer}, {max_outer}]'
    diseases = [
        Disease(2, trans_prob) for trans_prob in np.linspace(.1, 1.0, 25)
    for flicker_prob in np.linspace(1, .2, 9):
            f'{base_name} flicker_prob={flicker_prob:.2f}', diseases,
            next_network, RandomFlickerConfig(flicker_prob,
                                              rand=rng), 100, rng)
Exemplo n.º 10
def social_circles_entry_point():
    print('Running social circles experiments.')
    num_trials = 100
    rand = np.random.default_rng(0xdeadbeef)
    N = 500
    N_purple = int(N * .1)
    N_blue = int(N * .2)
    N_green = N - N_purple - N_blue
    agents = {
        networkgen.Agent('green', 30): N_green,
        networkgen.Agent('blue', 40): N_blue,
        networkgen.Agent('purple', 50): N_purple
    # grid_dim = (int(N/.005), int(N/.005))  # the denominator is the desired density
    grid_dim = N, N
    disease = Disease(4, .2)
    title = f'Social Circles -- Elitist {grid_dim} {N}'

    safe_run_trials(title, run_social_circles_trial,
                    (agents, grid_dim, disease, rand), num_trials)
Exemplo n.º 11
def entry_point():
    start_time = time.time()
    network_names = ('agent-generated-500', 'annealed-agent-generated-500',
                     'annealed-large-diameter', 'annealed-medium-diameter',
                     'annealed-short-diameter', 'cgg-500',
                     'watts-strogatz-500-4-.1', 'elitist-500',
                     'spatial-network', 'connected-comm-50-10',
    network_paths = ['networks/' + name + '.txt' for name in network_names]
    # verify that all the networks exist
    found_errors = False
    for path in network_paths:
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            print(f'{path} does not exist!')
            found_errors = True
    if found_errors:
        print('Fix errors before continuing')

    flicker_configurations = [
        StaticFlickerConfig((True, ), 'Static'),
        StaticFlickerConfig((True, True, False), 'Two Thirds Flicker'),
        StaticFlickerConfig((True, False), 'One Half Flicker'),
        StaticFlickerConfig((True, False, False), 'One Third Flicker')
    arguments = [(path, 1000, 500, Disease(4, .2), flicker_configurations,
                  flicker_configurations[0].name) for path in network_paths]
    # use a maximum of 10 cores
    with Pool(min(len(arguments), 10)) as p:
        expirement_results = p.map(run_experiments, arguments)  # type: ignore

    results_dir = 'experiment results'
    if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
    for result in expirement_results:
        if result is not None:

    print(f'Finished simulations ({time.time()-start_time}).')
Exemplo n.º 12
def main():
    n_trials = 100
    max_steps = 100
    rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
    disease = Disease(4, .2)
    names = ('elitist-500', 'cavemen-50-10', 'spatial-network', 'cgg-500',
    paths = fio.network_names_to_paths(names)
    behavior_configs = (RandomFlickerConfig(.5, 'Random .5', rng),
                        StaticFlickerConfig((True, False), 'Static .5'))

    for net_name, path in zip(names, paths):
        net = fio.read_network(path)
        to_flicker = tuple((u, v) for u, v in net.edges
                           if net.communities[u] != net.communities[v])
        proportion_flickering = len(to_flicker) / net.E
        social_good = rate_social_good(net)
        trial_to_pf = tuple(proportion_flickering for _ in range(n_trials))
        trial_to_sg = tuple(social_good for _ in range(n_trials))
        print(f'Running simulations for {net_name}.')
        for config in behavior_configs:
            behavior = config.make_behavior(net.M, to_flicker)
            sim_results = [
                             make_starting_sir(net.N, 1, rng),
                             rng=rng)) for _ in tqdm(range(n_trials))
            results = BasicExperimentResult(f'{net_name} {config.name}',
                                            sim_results, trial_to_pf,
Exemplo n.º 13
def pressure_test_entry_point():
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    net = fio.read_network('networks/cavemen-50-10.txt')
    simulate(net.M, make_starting_sir(net.N, (0, ), rng), Disease(4, 0.3),
             SimplePressureBehavior(net, 1), 200, None, rng)