Exemplo n.º 1
# "MAIN"

# 1. Choose and instantiate the Cluster that we want to simulate

print "\nSNAPSim run with Simian PDES Engine\nVersion =", version
#cluster = clusters.MiniTrinity(simianEngine)
cluster = clusters.SingleCielo(simianEngine)

# determine number of cores on each node and the total number of cores
cores = cluster.cores  # Is a dictionary {node_id: number of cores}
total_cores = 0
for node_id in cores:
    total_cores += cores[node_id]

# print the computational resources used
print "\nNodes =", cluster.num_nodes, "\nCores =", total_cores, "\n" \
 "Cores per node =", cores, "\n\n", \
 "Begin SNAPSim loops\n--------------------------------"

# 2. Create a Snap Handler Service on each node
simianEngine.attachService(nodes.Node, "SNAP_CN_Handler", SNAP_CN_Handler)

# 3. Create Master Node
# This in turn creates and starts the main process	snapsim_master_process
simianEngine.addEntity("Master", MasterNode, 0)

# 4. Run simx
Exemplo n.º 2
    def result(self, data, tx, txId):
        self.out.write("Time " + str(self.engine.now) + ": Got " + str(data) +
                       " from " + tx + "[" + str(txId) + "]\n")

def sqrt(self, data, tx, txId):
    self.reqService(10, "result", math.sqrt(data), tx, txId)

for i in xrange(count):
        "Alice", Alice,
        i)  #Additional arguments, if given are passed to Alice.__init__()
    simianEngine.addEntity("Bob", Bob, i)

#Example showing how to attach services to klasses and instances at runtime
    Alice, "square", square)  #Attach square service at runtime to klass Alice
for i in xrange(count):  #Attach sqrt service at runtime to all Bob instances
    entity = simianEngine.getEntity("Bob", i)
    if entity:
        entity.attachService("sqrt", sqrt)

for i in xrange(count):
    simianEngine.schedService(0, "generate", None, "Alice", i)
    simianEngine.schedService(50, "generate", None, "Bob", i)

Exemplo n.º 3
    print "Computed time is ", time
    print "PolyBench app", simName, ", Input n_x, n_y, n_z: ", n_x, n_y, n_z, \
        " Cluster Mustang, serial run, predicted runtime (s): ", simianEngine.now

def os_handler(self, arg, *args):
    self.createProcess("Twomm", TwommSim)
    self.startProcess("Twomm", TwommSim, arg)

# "MAIN"

# 1. Choose and instantiate the Cluster that we want to simulate
cluster = clusters.Mustang(simianEngine, 1)  # Single node Mustang

# 2. Create a OS Service Service on each node
simianEngine.attachService(nodes.Node, "os_handler", os_handler)

# 3. Schedule OS Handler with arguments for PolyBench app
arg = [0, N_X, N_Y, N_Z]  # Node id 0
simianEngine.schedService(0.0, "os_handler", arg, "Node", 0)

# 4. Run simx