Exemplo n.º 1
                times,yeastRawData,params = simulateYeastOscillator([0,time],T,         \
                speciesData.append(yeastRawData[:7, -1])
                derivsData.append(yeastRawData[-7:, -1])
            else:  # 7.25.2012 keep all timepoints
                times,yeastRawData,params = simulateYeastOscillator([0,maxTime],T,      \
        if True:
            speciesData = (scipy.transpose(speciesData)[:numSpecies]).T
            derivsData = (scipy.transpose(derivsData)[:numSpecies]).T
            speciesData = speciesData[:numSpecies]
            derivsData = derivsData[:numSpecies]
        save((speciesData, derivsData), dataFilename)

        # 7.19.2012 try using all data from single IC
        #speciesData = yeastRawData[:numSpecies]
        #derivsData = yeastRawData[-7:(-7+numSpecies)]

    offset = 10  # 8.22.2012 staying away from zero is better?
    indepParamsList = ICsList + offset
    speciesData = speciesData + 10

    # (one data point for each IC)
    sigmas = 0.1 * scipy.ones_like(speciesData)
    fittingData =       [ dict( zip( visibleSpeciesNames,                         \
        [ dict( [(randTime,(data,sigma))] )                                       \
                  for data,sigma in zip(dataRow,sigmaRow)] ) )                    \
              for randTime,dataRow,sigmaRow in zip(randTimes,speciesData,sigmas) ]
Exemplo n.º 2
def yeastData(numPoints,timeInterval,                                   \
              numICs,useDerivs=True,includedIndices=range(7),           \
              timesSeed=3,noiseSeed=4,ICseed=5,                         \
              multiplicativeErrorBar=0.1,upperRangeMultiple=1.,         \
              randomX=True,inputVars=None,nonzeroMin=True,              \
    upperRangeMultiple (1.)         : Each range of initial conditions is
                                      expanded by this factor by increasing
                                      the upper limit.
    nonzeroMin (True)               : Use the lower limit for initial
                                      conditions given in SchValJen11;
                                      otherwise use 0. as lower limit.
    usePreloadedData = True  #<<<<<<<*******************

    allNames = scipy.array(['S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'N2', 'A3', 'S4ex'])
    names = allNames[includedIndices]
    varList = names

    defaultTemperature = 286.5  #changed 10.16.2013 (was 288 K before)

    # Table 2 of RuoChrWol03
    defaultICs = scipy.array([1.187, 0.193, 0.050, 0.115, 0.077, 2.475,
                              0.077])  # mM

    # choose input variable(s)
    if False:  # use temp. as input
        inputVars = ['Temperature']
        inputList = [[278], [288], [293]]
        inputDescriptors = [inputs[0] for inputs in inputList]
    elif False:  # only a single temperature value
        inputVars = ['Temperature']
        inputList = [[defaultTemperature]]
        inputDescriptors = [inputs[0] for inputs in inputList]
    elif inputVars is None:  # use varying initial conditions on all 7 species
        inputVars = [name + "_init" for name in names]
        print "inputVars =", inputVars
        # taken from SchValJen11 Table 2
        ICranges = scipy.array(                                             \
                   [[0.15,1.60],[0.19,2.16],                                \
                    [0.04,0.20],[0.10,0.35],                                \
                    [0.08,0.30],[0.14,2.67],[0.05,0.10]] )[includedIndices] # mM

        # as I vary the number of ICs, I want the same sequence of random ICs
        randICmults = []
        for i in range(numICs):

        #randomICs = scipy.rand(numICs,len(includedIndices))*                \
        #    (ICranges[:,1]-ICranges[:,0]) + ICranges[:,0]
        randomICs = scipy.array(randICmults)*upperRangeMultiple*             \
            (ICranges[:,1]-nonzeroMin*ICranges[:,0]) + nonzeroMin*ICranges[:,0]
        inputList = randomICs
        inputDescriptors = range(len(inputList))
        raise Exception, "Changing inputVars not yet implemented"

    # as I vary the number of ICs, I want the same sequence of lists of times
    timesRandList = []
    for i in range(numICs):

    # all other random stuff is done now except for the noise
    # as I vary the number of ICs, I want the same sequence of noise

    # set up preloaded data dict
    if yeastSavedDataFile is None:
        yeastSavedDataFile = "yeastExampleData.fittingData"
    yeastDict = {}
    if usePreloadedData:
            #yeastTimes,loadedICs,yeastRawData =                             \
            #    simplePickle.load(yeastDataFilename)
            yeastDict = simplePickle.load(yeastSavedDataFile)
        except IOError:
            print "yeastData: Could not load " + yeastSavedDataFile
            usePreloadedData = False

    yeastOscillatorData = {}
    yeastOscillatorDataDerivs = {}
    for inputs, inputDescriptor, timesRand in zip(inputList, inputDescriptors,
        stopAfterRunningMATLAB = False

        # deal with independent parameters
        # if it's temperature (only)
        if inputVars is ['Temperature']:
            temperature = inputs[0]
            temperature = defaultTemperature

        initialConditions = copy.deepcopy(defaultICs)
        for inputVar, input in zip(inputVars, inputs):
            # if it's initial conditions
            if inputVar[-5:] == "_init":
                index = pylab.find(allNames == inputVar[:-5])[0]
                initialConditions[index] = input
        print "initialConditions =", initialConditions

        eps = (timeInterval[1] - timeInterval[0]
               ) / 1000.  #1e-3 #1e-4 # (minutes) resolution of timepoints
        integratorTimes = scipy.arange(timeInterval[0], timeInterval[1] + eps,
        if not randomX:
            desiredTimes = scipy.linspace(timeInterval[0], timeInterval[1],
            desiredTimes = timesRand * (timeInterval[1]-timeInterval[0])        \
                + timeInterval[0]

        yeastDataKey = copy.deepcopy(                                           \

        runMATLAB = not usePreloadedData
        if usePreloadedData:
            if yeastDict.has_key(yeastDataKey):
                yeastTimes, loadedICs, yeastRawData = yeastDict[yeastDataKey]
                if not scipy.all(loadedICs == initialConditions):
                    print "loadedICs =", loadedICs
                    print "initialConditions =", initialConditions
                    raise Exception, "loadedICs != initialConditions"
                print "yeastData: "+yeastSavedDataFile+" does not "         \
                    "contain the necessary data."
                runMATLAB = True
        if runMATLAB:
            print "yeastData: Running simulateYeastOscillator."
            yeastTimes,yeastRawData,yeastParams =                               \
                simulateYeastOscillator(integratorTimes,temperature,            \
            # the integrator returns more timepoints than I want
            desiredIndices = [ pylab.find(abs(yeastTimes-time)<eps/2)[0]        \
                              for time in desiredTimes ]
            yeastRawData = yeastRawData[:, desiredIndices]
            yeastTimes = yeastTimes[:, desiredIndices]

            yeastDict[yeastDataKey] = (yeastTimes, initialConditions,

        if False:  # OLD! use temp. as input, calculate v1 as output, mult. error bars
            S1data = yeastRawData[0]
            A3data = yeastRawData[5]
            k1, K1, q = yeastParams[1], yeastParams[10], yeastParams[9]
            v1data = k1 * S1data * A3data / (1. + (A3data / K1)**q)
            yeastOscillatorData[inputDescriptor] = {}
            yeastOscillatorData[inputDescriptor]['v1'] =                        \
                dict( zip(times, zip(v1data,multiplicativeErrorBar*v1data)) )
            varList = ['v1']

        if useDerivs:  # use derivatives as output (7-dimensional), const. error bars
            # 2.22.2012 from Table 2 of SchValJen11
            # 11.29.2012 using these even though they are stddevs of values, not derivs
            stddevs = [0.4872, 0.6263, 0.0503, 0.0814, 0.0379, 0.7478,
                       0.0159]  # mM
            stddevs = scipy.array(stddevs)[includedIndices]

            #derivNames = [ 'ddt_'+name for name in names ]
            derivDataList = yeastRawData[7:][includedIndices]
            yeastOscillatorDataDerivs[inputDescriptor] = {}
            for derivName, derivData, stddev in zip(names, derivDataList,
                constErrorBar = multiplicativeErrorBar * stddev
                yeastOscillatorDataDerivs[inputDescriptor][derivName] =         \
                    dict( zip(yeastTimes,                                         \
                              zip(derivData,scipy.ones_like(derivData)*constErrorBar)) )
        #varList = names

        # 10.3.2011
        if True:  # use all species as output (7-dimensional), const. error bars
            # 2.22.2012 from Table 2 of SchValJen11
            stddevs = [0.4872, 0.6263, 0.0503, 0.0814, 0.0379, 0.7478,
                       0.0159]  # mM

            #includeNoise = False #True # <<<<****** 12.5.2012 to avoid negative values
            verbose = True

            dataList = scipy.array(yeastRawData)[:7][includedIndices]
            stddevs = scipy.array(stddevs)[includedIndices]

            # 11.17.2011 reorder stuff
            #names,dataList = names[::-1],dataList[::-1]

            yeastOscillatorData[inputDescriptor] = {}
            for name, data, stddev in zip(names, dataList, stddevs):
                #constErrorBar = multiplicativeErrorBar*scipy.mean(data) #*data[0]
                constErrorBar = multiplicativeErrorBar * stddev
                if includeNoise:
                    noise = scipy.random.normal(scale=constErrorBar,
                    data = data + noise
                yeastOscillatorData[inputDescriptor][name] =                    \
                    dict( zip(yeastTimes,                                         \
                              zip(data,scipy.ones_like(data)*constErrorBar )) )

    #if usePreloadedData:
    # save data for future use via usePreloadedData
    simplePickle.save(yeastDict, yeastSavedDataFile)


    if (not usePreloadedData) and stopAfterRunningMATLAB: die

    fittingData = [yeastOscillatorData[d] for d in inputDescriptors]
    if useDerivs:
        fittingDataDerivs = [
            yeastOscillatorDataDerivs[d] for d in inputDescriptors
        fittingDataDerivs = None
    return fittingData, fittingDataDerivs, inputVars, inputList
def yeastData(numPoints,timeInterval,                                   \
              numICs,useDerivs=True,includedIndices=range(7),           \
              timesSeed=3,noiseSeed=4,ICseed=5,                         \
              multiplicativeErrorBar=0.1,upperRangeMultiple=1.,         \
              randomX=True,inputVars=None,nonzeroMin=True,              \
    upperRangeMultiple (1.)         : Each range of initial conditions is
                                      expanded by this factor by increasing
                                      the upper limit.
    nonzeroMin (True)               : Use the lower limit for initial
                                      conditions given in SchValJen11;
                                      otherwise use 0. as lower limit.
    usePreloadedData = True #<<<<<<<*******************
    allNames = scipy.array(['S1','S2','S3','S4','N2','A3','S4ex']) 
    names = allNames[includedIndices]
    varList = names
    defaultTemperature = 286.5 #changed 10.16.2013 (was 288 K before)
    # Table 2 of RuoChrWol03
    defaultICs = scipy.array([1.187,0.193,0.050,0.115,0.077,2.475,0.077]) # mM
    # choose input variable(s)
    if False: # use temp. as input
        inputVars = ['Temperature']
        inputList = [[278],[288],[293]]
        inputDescriptors = [inputs[0] for inputs in inputList]
    elif False: # only a single temperature value
        inputVars = ['Temperature']
        inputList = [[defaultTemperature]]
        inputDescriptors = [inputs[0] for inputs in inputList]
    elif inputVars is None: # use varying initial conditions on all 7 species
        inputVars = [name+"_init" for name in names]  
        print "inputVars =",inputVars      
        # taken from SchValJen11 Table 2
        ICranges = scipy.array(                                             \
                   [[0.15,1.60],[0.19,2.16],                                \
                    [0.04,0.20],[0.10,0.35],                                \
                    [0.08,0.30],[0.14,2.67],[0.05,0.10]] )[includedIndices] # mM
        # as I vary the number of ICs, I want the same sequence of random ICs
        randICmults = []
        for i in range(numICs):
        #randomICs = scipy.rand(numICs,len(includedIndices))*                \
        #    (ICranges[:,1]-ICranges[:,0]) + ICranges[:,0]
        randomICs = scipy.array(randICmults)*upperRangeMultiple*             \
            (ICranges[:,1]-nonzeroMin*ICranges[:,0]) + nonzeroMin*ICranges[:,0]
        inputList = randomICs
        inputDescriptors = range(len(inputList))
        raise Exception, "Changing inputVars not yet implemented"
    # as I vary the number of ICs, I want the same sequence of lists of times
    timesRandList = []
    for i in range(numICs):
    # all other random stuff is done now except for the noise
    # as I vary the number of ICs, I want the same sequence of noise
    # set up preloaded data dict
    if yeastSavedDataFile is None:
        yeastSavedDataFile = "yeastExampleData.fittingData"
    yeastDict = {}
    if usePreloadedData:
            #yeastTimes,loadedICs,yeastRawData =                             \
            #    simplePickle.load(yeastDataFilename)
            yeastDict = simplePickle.load(yeastSavedDataFile)
        except IOError:
            print "yeastData: Could not load "+yeastSavedDataFile
            usePreloadedData = False

    yeastOscillatorData = {}
    yeastOscillatorDataDerivs = {}
    for inputs,inputDescriptor,timesRand in zip(inputList,inputDescriptors,timesRandList):
        stopAfterRunningMATLAB = False
        # deal with independent parameters
        # if it's temperature (only)
        if inputVars is ['Temperature']:
            temperature = inputs[0]
            temperature = defaultTemperature
        initialConditions = copy.deepcopy(defaultICs)
        for inputVar,input in zip(inputVars,inputs):
            # if it's initial conditions
            if inputVar[-5:] == "_init":
                index = pylab.find(allNames==inputVar[:-5])[0]
                initialConditions[index] = input
        print "initialConditions =",initialConditions
        eps = (timeInterval[1]-timeInterval[0])/1000. #1e-3 #1e-4 # (minutes) resolution of timepoints
        integratorTimes = scipy.arange(timeInterval[0],timeInterval[1]+eps,eps)
        if not randomX:
            desiredTimes = scipy.linspace(timeInterval[0],timeInterval[1],numPoints)
            desiredTimes = timesRand * (timeInterval[1]-timeInterval[0])        \
                + timeInterval[0]

        yeastDataKey = copy.deepcopy(                                           \
        runMATLAB = not usePreloadedData
        if usePreloadedData:
                if yeastDict.has_key(yeastDataKey):
                    yeastTimes,loadedICs,yeastRawData = yeastDict[yeastDataKey]
                    if not scipy.all(loadedICs == initialConditions):
                        print "loadedICs =",loadedICs
                        print "initialConditions =",initialConditions
                        raise Exception, "loadedICs != initialConditions"
                    print "yeastData: "+yeastSavedDataFile+" does not "         \
                        "contain the necessary data."
                    runMATLAB = True
        if runMATLAB:
            print "yeastData: Running simulateYeastOscillator."
            yeastTimes,yeastRawData,yeastParams =                               \
                simulateYeastOscillator(integratorTimes,temperature,            \
            # the integrator returns more timepoints than I want
            desiredIndices = [ pylab.find(abs(yeastTimes-time)<eps/2)[0]        \
                              for time in desiredTimes ]
            yeastRawData = yeastRawData[:,desiredIndices]
            yeastTimes = yeastTimes[:,desiredIndices]
            yeastDict[yeastDataKey] = (yeastTimes,initialConditions,yeastRawData)

        if False: # OLD! use temp. as input, calculate v1 as output, mult. error bars
            S1data = yeastRawData[0]
            A3data = yeastRawData[5]
            k1,K1,q = yeastParams[1],yeastParams[10],yeastParams[9]
            v1data = k1*S1data*A3data/(1.+(A3data/K1)**q)
            yeastOscillatorData[inputDescriptor] = {}
            yeastOscillatorData[inputDescriptor]['v1'] =                        \
                dict( zip(times, zip(v1data,multiplicativeErrorBar*v1data)) )
            varList = ['v1']
        if useDerivs: # use derivatives as output (7-dimensional), const. error bars
            # 2.22.2012 from Table 2 of SchValJen11
            # 11.29.2012 using these even though they are stddevs of values, not derivs
            stddevs = [0.4872,0.6263,0.0503,0.0814,0.0379,0.7478,0.0159] # mM
            stddevs = scipy.array(stddevs)[includedIndices]
            #derivNames = [ 'ddt_'+name for name in names ]
            derivDataList = yeastRawData[7:][includedIndices]
            yeastOscillatorDataDerivs[inputDescriptor] = {}
            for derivName,derivData,stddev in zip(names,derivDataList,stddevs):
                constErrorBar = multiplicativeErrorBar*stddev
                yeastOscillatorDataDerivs[inputDescriptor][derivName] =         \
                    dict( zip(yeastTimes,                                         \
                              zip(derivData,scipy.ones_like(derivData)*constErrorBar)) )
        #varList = names
        # 10.3.2011
        if True: # use all species as output (7-dimensional), const. error bars
            # 2.22.2012 from Table 2 of SchValJen11
            stddevs = [0.4872,0.6263,0.0503,0.0814,0.0379,0.7478,0.0159] # mM
            #includeNoise = False #True # <<<<****** 12.5.2012 to avoid negative values
            verbose = True
            dataList = scipy.array(yeastRawData)[:7][includedIndices]
            stddevs = scipy.array(stddevs)[includedIndices]
            # 11.17.2011 reorder stuff 
            #names,dataList = names[::-1],dataList[::-1]
            yeastOscillatorData[inputDescriptor] = {}
            for name,data,stddev in zip(names,dataList,stddevs):
                #constErrorBar = multiplicativeErrorBar*scipy.mean(data) #*data[0]
                constErrorBar = multiplicativeErrorBar*stddev
                if includeNoise:
                    noise = scipy.random.normal(scale=constErrorBar,size=len(data))
                    data = data + noise
                yeastOscillatorData[inputDescriptor][name] =                    \
                    dict( zip(yeastTimes,                                         \
                              zip(data,scipy.ones_like(data)*constErrorBar )) )
    #if usePreloadedData:
    # save data for future use via usePreloadedData
    if (not usePreloadedData) and stopAfterRunningMATLAB: die
    fittingData = [ yeastOscillatorData[d] for d in inputDescriptors ]
    if useDerivs:
        fittingDataDerivs = [ yeastOscillatorDataDerivs[d] for d in inputDescriptors ]
        fittingDataDerivs = None
    return fittingData,fittingDataDerivs,inputVars,inputList
Exemplo n.º 4
def setLock(fileNumString):
    save(1, fileNumString + '_fileLocked.dat')
Exemplo n.º 5
                times, yeastRawData, params = simulateYeastOscillator([0, time], T, initialConditions=initialConditions)
                speciesData.append(yeastRawData[:7, -1])
                derivsData.append(yeastRawData[-7:, -1])
            else:  # 7.25.2012 keep all timepoints
                times, yeastRawData, params = simulateYeastOscillator(
                    [0, maxTime], T, initialConditions=initialConditions
        if True:
            speciesData = (scipy.transpose(speciesData)[:numSpecies]).T
            derivsData = (scipy.transpose(derivsData)[:numSpecies]).T
            speciesData = speciesData[:numSpecies]
            derivsData = derivsData[:numSpecies]
        save((speciesData, derivsData), dataFilename)

        # 7.19.2012 try using all data from single IC
        # speciesData = yeastRawData[:numSpecies]
        # derivsData = yeastRawData[-7:(-7+numSpecies)]

    offset = 10  # 8.22.2012 staying away from zero is better?
    indepParamsList = ICsList + offset
    speciesData = speciesData + 10

    # (one data point for each IC)
    sigmas = 0.1 * scipy.ones_like(speciesData)
    fittingData = [
        dict(zip(visibleSpeciesNames, [dict([(randTime, (data, sigma))]) for data, sigma in zip(dataRow, sigmaRow)]))
        for randTime, dataRow, sigmaRow in zip(randTimes, speciesData, sigmas)
Exemplo n.º 6
def initializeFitAllParallel(fullFittingProblem,
    Creates data structure on disk for keeping track of fitting over increasing
    amounts of data and multiple conditions.
    After initialization, use runFitAllParallelWorker to run fitting.
    Multiple workers can be run at the same time.
    By default, add one timepoint for each independent parameter first,
    then increase the number of timepoints per independent parameter.
    Timepoints are added randomly for each independent parameter.
    Independent parameters are added in the order of indepParamsList.
    The amount of data is always kept equal across each condition.
    If the length of indepParamsList or the number of timepoints per
    independent parameter varies in the original, the total amount of
    data used will be (#conditions)x(minimum number of indepParams per
    condition)x(minimum number of timepoints per indepParam)
    (that is, NOT ALL DATA WILL BE USED).
    fullFittingProblem can be an instance of a FittingProblem or a 
    deltaNumDatapoints (2)      : The change in the number of datapoints
                                  (per condition) between successive fits.
    maxTimesPerIndepParam (None): The maximum number of timepoints used
                                  per independent parameter.
    numIndepParams (None)       : Number of independent parameter
                                  combinations (trials) to use in-sample per
                                  condition.  Defaults to the minimum
                                  number available over conditions.
    # (only one fittingProblem if there are not multiple conditions)
    fittingProblemList = getattr(fullFittingProblem, 'fittingProblemList',

    if fullFittingProblem.saveFilename is not None:
        configString = fullFittingProblem.saveFilename[4:-4]
        configString = ''

    # The length of fittingProblemList[0].fittingData is len(indepParamsList).

    # N is the number of datapoints per condition.

    # calculate maxN, the total number of datapoints per condition
    numIndepParamsList, numTimepointsList = [], []
    for fittingProblem in fittingProblemList:
        for d in fittingProblem.fittingData:
    if numIndepParams is None:
        numIndepParams = min(numIndepParamsList)
    elif numIndepParams > min(numIndepParamsList):
        raise Exception
    minNumTimepoints = min(numTimepointsList)
    if maxTimesPerIndepParam is not None:
        minNumTimepoints = min(minNumTimepoints, maxTimesPerIndepParam)
    maxN = numIndepParams * minNumTimepoints

    Nlist = range(deltaNumDatapoints, maxN, deltaNumDatapoints)
    Nlist = Nlist + [maxN]

    createDirectoryStructure(fileNumString, len(fittingProblemList), Nlist)

    # () With each increasing amount of data, make a copy of the fullFittingProblem
    #    that includes only that data.
    fitProbData = {}
    for N in Nlist:
        fitProbDataList = []
        for i, fittingProblem in enumerate(fittingProblemList):
            fittingData = fittingProblem.fittingData
            fittingDataSubset = dataSubset(fittingData,
                                           seed=timeOrderSeed + i,
            indepParamsListSubset = \

            newFittingProblem = copy.deepcopy(fittingProblem)
            newFittingProblem.setData(fittingDataSubset, indepParamsListSubset,
            newFittingProblem.saveKey = N

            # store each full fittingProblem in separate file
            fitProbDict = {N: newFittingProblem}
            dirPrefix = directoryPrefix(fileNumString, i, N)
                 dirPrefix + fileNumString + configString + '.dat')

            # in fitProbData, store only info necessary to decide which
            # fittingProblem to work on next
            fitProb = newFittingProblem
            fittingStateDictInitial = \
                dict( [ (name,'unstarted') for name in fitProb.fittingModelNames ])
            pData = {
                'logLikelihoodDict': fitProb.logLikelihoodDict,
                'fittingStateDict': fittingStateDictInitial,
                'fittingModelNames': fitProb.fittingModelNames,
                'stopFittingN': fitProb.stopFittingN,
                'saveFilename': fitProb.saveFilename,
                'saveKey': N,

        p = fullFittingProblem
        cp = copy.deepcopy
        pDataMultiple = {
            'logLikelihoodDict': cp(p.logLikelihoodDict),
            'fitAllDone': cp(p.fitAllDone),
            'fittingModelNames': cp(p.fittingModelNames),
            'fitProbDataList': cp(fitProbDataList),
            'stopFittingN': cp(p.stopFittingN),
            'saveFilename': cp(p.saveFilename),
            'saveKey': cp(p.saveKey),
        fitProbData[N] = pDataMultiple
        save(fitProbData, fileNumString + '_fitProbData.dat')

        if verbose:
            print "initializeFitAllParallel: Done initializing N =", N
Exemplo n.º 7
def saveFitProbData(fitProbData, fileNumString):
        save(fitProbData, fileNumString + '_fitProbData.dat')
    except IOError:
        print "saveFitProbData: WARNING Unable to save fitProbData file."
Exemplo n.º 8
def saveFitProb(fitProb, saveFilename, fileNumString, conditioni,
    dirPrefix = directoryPrefix(fileNumString, conditioni, numTimepoints)
    fitProbDict = {numTimepoints: fitProb}
    save(fitProbDict, dirPrefix + saveFilename)
Exemplo n.º 9
def combineFitProbs(fileNumString,
    Combine fittingProblems from multiple conditions saved in the 
    parallel file structure into a single fittingProblemDict.
    Currently only includes data from models that have been fit to
    all conditions.
    saveCombined (True) : Overwrites any current top-level fitProbDict file
                          with a combined fitProbDict containing all 
                          numTimepoints.  Set to False to minimize memory use.
    combinedLean (True) : Combined fpd is saved without models to save memory.
    reset (False)       : If True, overwrite or delete any existing combined 
                          fitProbDicts.  This erases any existing 
                          outOfSampleCost information.
    fitProbData = loadFitProbData(fileNumString)
    saveFilename = fitProbData.values()[0]['saveFilename']

    if saveCombined: fpdMultiple = {}

    fitSubsets = subsetsWithFits(fileNumString)
    subsetsToCombine = subsetsWithFits(fileNumString, onlyNew=not reset)

    for numTimepoints in fitSubsets:

        Nfilename = directoryPrefixNonly(fileNumString,
                                         numTimepoints) + '/' + saveFilename
        fileExists = os.path.exists(Nfilename)

        if fileExists and reset:
            # then an old combined file exists -- erase it to reset
            fileExists = False
            print "combineFitProbs: Reset removed file for numTimepoints =", numTimepoints

        if numTimepoints in subsetsToCombine:  # combine
            oldOutOfSampleCostDict = {}
            if fileExists:  # grab any out-of-sample cost data
                fpMultiple = load(Nfilename)
                if hasattr(fpMultiple, 'outOfSampleCostDict'):
                    oldOutOfSampleCostDict = fpMultiple.outOfSampleCostDict

            p = fitProbData[numTimepoints]

            fpList = []
            for conditioni in range(len(p['fitProbDataList'])):
                fp = loadFitProb(saveFilename, fileNumString, conditioni,
            # make new multiple condition fitting problem by starting
            # with an empty fitting problem and inserting the fittingProblemList
            saveKey = p['saveKey']
            fp.stopFittingN = p['stopFittingN']
            fpMultiple = FittingProblemMultipleCondition([], [],
            fpMultiple.fittingProblemList = fpList
            fpMultiple.outOfSampleCostDict = oldOutOfSampleCostDict

            # Populate the logLikelihoodDict, etc by running fitAll.

            if saveCombined: fpdMultiple[numTimepoints] = fpMultiple

            save(fpMultiple, Nfilename)

            print "combineFitProbs: Done with numTimepoints =", numTimepoints

        else:  # no new fits to combine; just load from file

            if saveCombined: fpdMultiple[numTimepoints] = load(Nfilename)
            print "combineFitProbs: Done with numTimepoints =", numTimepoints

    if saveCombined:
        if combinedLean:
        save(fpdMultiple, saveFilename[:-4] + '_combined.dat')
Exemplo n.º 10
    # Get results from remaining worker processes
    while num_completed < work_size: #-1
        results, status = pypar.receive(source=pypar.any_source, tag=pypar.any_tag, return_status=True)
        # save results
        result_index = results.pop()
        allOutputsDict[result_index] = results
        num_completed += 1
    # Shut down worker processes
    for proc in range(1, num_processors):
        print "Stopping worker process " + str(proc)
        pypar.send(-1, proc, tag=DIE_TAG)
    # Write data to file

    ### Worker Processes ###
    continue_working = True
    while continue_working:
        work_index, status =  pypar.receive(                        \
            source=MASTER_PROCESS, tag=pypar.any_tag,               \
        if status.tag == DIE_TAG:
            continue_working = False
            work_array, status = pypar.receive(                     \
                source=MASTER_PROCESS, tag=pypar.any_tag,           \
    # Get results from remaining worker processes
    while num_completed < work_size: #-1
        results, status = pypar.receive(source=pypar.any_source, tag=pypar.any_tag, return_status=True)
        # save results
        result_index = results.pop()
        allOutputsDict[result_index] = results
        num_completed += 1
    # Shut down worker processes
    for proc in range(1, num_processors):
        print "Stopping worker process " + str(proc)
        pypar.send(-1, proc, tag=DIE_TAG)
    # Write data to file

    ### Worker Processes ###
    continue_working = True
    while continue_working:
        work_index, status =  pypar.receive(                        \
            source=MASTER_PROCESS, tag=pypar.any_tag,               \
        if status.tag == DIE_TAG:
            continue_working = False
            work_array, status = pypar.receive(                     \
                source=MASTER_PROCESS, tag=pypar.any_tag,           \
Exemplo n.º 12
                'file_data': file_data

        # get results
        for worker in range(1, num_procs):
            msg = comm.recv(source=worker)
            print("mpi_test: Worker {} said {}".format(worker, msg))
            file_data['test_output'] = msg

        # stop workers
        for worker in range(1, num_procs):
            comm.send(SystemExit(), dest=worker)

        save(file_data, file_data['output_filename'])

    while my_rank != 0:
        # worker process

        # Wait for a message
        message = comm.recv(source=0)

        if isinstance(message, SystemExit):

        command, msg_locals = message

        result = eval(command)
        comm.send(result, dest=0)