from simplecv.api import Color, Image
from simplecv.core.drawing.layer import DrawingLayer

img = Image("color.jpg", sample=True)
line_l = DrawingLayer()
a = (20, 20)
b = (20, 100)
c = (100, 100)
d = (100, 20)
line_l.line(a, b, alpha=128, width=5)
line_l.line(b, c, alpha=128)
line_l.line(c, d, antialias=True)
line_l.line(d, a, color=Color.PUCE)
line_l.line(b, d, width=5)
temp = img.apply_layers()
print "line: %s" % temp.save(temp=True)

lines_l = DrawingLayer()
a = (20, 20)
b = (20, 100)
c = (100, 100)
d = (100, 20)
pts = (a, b, c, d, a)
lines_l.lines(pts, alpha=128)
# translate over and down 10
pts = map(lambda x: ((x[0] + 10), (x[1] + 10)), pts)
lines_l.lines(pts, color=Color.BEIGE, width=10)
#translate over and down 10
Exemplo n.º 2
# write the text
layer.text("Just some innocent looking dots", (50, 25), Color.BLACK)
layer.text("Use w/s keys to change intensity", (50, 50), Color.BLACK)
layer.text("a/d keys to change angle", (50, 75), Color.BLACK)

#draw 6 innocent looking dots
layer.circle((125, 200), 25, Color.RED, 1, True)
layer.circle((250, 200), 25, Color.BLUE, 1, True)
layer.circle((375, 200), 25, Color.GREEN, 1, True)
layer.circle((125, 300), 25, Color.YELLOW, 1, True)
layer.circle((250, 300), 25, Color.ORANGE, 1, True)
layer.circle((375, 300), 25, Color.CYAN, 1, True)

# apply layer
img = img.apply_layers()

power = 1
angle = 0
while True:
    key = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if key == -1:
    print chr(key)

    # detect w,a,s,d key presses and modify power, angle
    if key == ord('w'):
        power += 10
        blur = img.motion_blur2(power, angle)