Exemplo n.º 1
def _premerge(repo, toolconf, files, labels=None):
    tool, toolpath, binary, symlink = toolconf
    if symlink:
        return 1
    a, b, c, back = files

    ui = repo.ui

    validkeep = ['keep', 'keep-merge3']

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
        premerge = _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not binary)
    except error.ConfigError:
        premerge = _toolstr(ui, tool, "premerge").lower()
        if premerge not in validkeep:
            _valid = ', '.join(["'" + v + "'" for v in validkeep])
            raise error.ConfigError(
                _("%s.premerge not valid "
                  "('%s' is neither boolean nor %s)") %
                (tool, premerge, _valid))

    if premerge:
        if premerge == 'keep-merge3':
            if not labels:
                labels = _defaultconflictlabels
            if len(labels) < 3:
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True, label=labels)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(" premerge successful\n")
            return 0
        if premerge not in validkeep:
            util.copyfile(back, a)  # restore from backup and try again
    return 1  # continue merging
Exemplo n.º 2
def _premerge(repo, toolconf, files, labels=None):
    tool, toolpath, binary, symlink = toolconf
    if symlink:
        return 1
    a, b, c, back = files

    ui = repo.ui

    validkeep = ['keep', 'keep-merge3']

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
        premerge = _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not binary)
    except error.ConfigError:
        premerge = _toolstr(ui, tool, "premerge").lower()
        if premerge not in validkeep:
            _valid = ', '.join(["'" + v + "'" for v in validkeep])
            raise error.ConfigError(_("%s.premerge not valid "
                                      "('%s' is neither boolean nor %s)") %
                                    (tool, premerge, _valid))

    if premerge:
        if premerge == 'keep-merge3':
            if not labels:
                labels = _defaultconflictlabels
            if len(labels) < 3:
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True, label=labels)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(" premerge successful\n")
            return 0
        if premerge not in validkeep:
            util.copyfile(back, a) # restore from backup and try again
    return 1 # continue merging
Exemplo n.º 3
def _premerge(repo, toolconf, files):
    tool, toolpath, binary, symlink = toolconf
    a, b, c, back = files

    ui = repo.ui

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
        premerge = _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not (binary or symlink))
    except error.ConfigError:
        premerge = _toolstr(ui, tool, "premerge").lower()
        valid = 'keep'.split()
        if premerge not in valid:
            _valid = ', '.join(["'" + v + "'" for v in valid])
            raise error.ConfigError(
                _("%s.premerge not valid "
                  "('%s' is neither boolean nor %s)") %
                (tool, premerge, _valid))

    if premerge:
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(" premerge successful\n")
            return 0
        if premerge != 'keep':
            util.copyfile(back, a)  # restore from backup and try again
    return 1  # continue merging
Exemplo n.º 4
def _premerge(repo, toolconf, files):
    tool, toolpath, binary, symlink = toolconf
    if symlink:
        return 1
    a, b, c, back = files

    ui = repo.ui

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
        premerge = _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not binary)
    except error.ConfigError:
        premerge = _toolstr(ui, tool, "premerge").lower()
        valid = 'keep'.split()
        if premerge not in valid:
            _valid = ', '.join(["'" + v + "'" for v in valid])
            raise error.ConfigError(_("%s.premerge not valid "
                                      "('%s' is neither boolean nor %s)") %
                                    (tool, premerge, _valid))

    if premerge:
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(" premerge successful\n")
            return 0
        if premerge != 'keep':
            util.copyfile(back, a) # restore from backup and try again
    return 1 # continue merging
Exemplo n.º 5
def _imerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca, toolconf, files):
    Uses the internal non-interactive simple merge algorithm for merging
    files. It will fail if there are any conflicts and leave markers in
    the partially merged file."""
    r = _premerge(repo, toolconf, files)
    if r:
        a, b, c, back = files

        ui = repo.ui

        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=['local', 'other'])
        return True, r
    return False, 0
Exemplo n.º 6
def _imerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca, toolconf, files):
    Uses the internal non-interactive simple merge algorithm for merging
    files. It will fail if there are any conflicts and leave markers in
    the partially merged file."""
    r = _premerge(repo, toolconf, files)
    if r:
        a, b, c, back = files

        ui = repo.ui

        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=['local', 'other'])
        return True, r
    return False, 0
def _imerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca, toolconf, files):
    Uses the internal non-interactive simple merge algorithm for merging
    files. It will fail if there are any conflicts and leave markers in
    the partially merged file."""
    tool, toolpath, binary, symlink = toolconf
    if symlink:
        repo.ui.warn(_("warning: internal:merge cannot merge symlinks " "for %s\n") % fcd.path())
        return False, 1

    r = _premerge(repo, toolconf, files)
    if r:
        a, b, c, back = files

        ui = repo.ui

        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=["local", "other"])
        return True, r
    return False, 0
Exemplo n.º 8
def _imerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca, toolconf, files, labels=None):
    Uses the internal non-interactive simple merge algorithm for merging
    files. It will fail if there are any conflicts and leave markers in
    the partially merged file. Markers will have two sections, one for each side
    of merge."""
    tool, toolpath, binary, symlink = toolconf
    if symlink:
        repo.ui.warn(_('warning: internal :merge cannot merge symlinks '
                       'for %s\n') % fcd.path())
        return False, 1
    r = _premerge(repo, toolconf, files, labels=labels)
    if r:
        a, b, c, back = files

        ui = repo.ui

        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=labels)
        return True, r
    return False, 0
Exemplo n.º 9
def _imerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca, toolconf, files, labels=None):
    Uses the internal non-interactive simple merge algorithm for merging
    files. It will fail if there are any conflicts and leave markers in
    the partially merged file."""
    tool, toolpath, binary, symlink = toolconf
    if symlink:
            _('warning: internal:merge cannot merge symlinks '
              'for %s\n') % fcd.path())
        return False, 1
    r = _premerge(repo, toolconf, files, labels=labels)
    if r:
        a, b, c, back = files

        ui = repo.ui

        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=labels, no_minimal=True)
        return True, r
    return False, 0
Exemplo n.º 10
def filemerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca):
    """perform a 3-way merge in the working directory

    mynode = parent node before merge
    orig = original local filename before merge
    fco = other file context
    fca = ancestor file context
    fcd = local file context for current/destination file

    def temp(prefix, ctx):
        pre = "%s~%s." % (os.path.basename(ctx.path()), prefix)
        (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=pre)
        data = repo.wwritedata(ctx.path(), ctx.data())
        f = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
        return name

    def isbin(ctx):
            return util.binary(ctx.data())
        except IOError:
            return False

    if not fco.cmp(fcd.data()): # files identical?
        return None

    ui = repo.ui
    fd = fcd.path()
    binary = isbin(fcd) or isbin(fco) or isbin(fca)
    symlink = 'l' in fcd.flags() + fco.flags()
    tool, toolpath = _picktool(repo, ui, fd, binary, symlink)
    ui.debug(_("picked tool '%s' for %s (binary %s symlink %s)\n") %
               (tool, fd, binary, symlink))

    if not tool or tool == 'internal:prompt':
        tool = "internal:local"
        if ui.prompt(_(" no tool found to merge %s\n"
                       "keep (l)ocal or take (o)ther?") % fd,
                     (_("&Local"), _("&Other")), _("l")) != _("l"):
            tool = "internal:other"
    if tool == "internal:local":
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:other":
        repo.wwrite(fd, fco.data(), fco.flags())
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:fail":
        return 1

    # do the actual merge
    a = repo.wjoin(fd)
    b = temp("base", fca)
    c = temp("other", fco)
    out = ""
    back = a + ".orig"
    util.copyfile(a, back)

    if orig != fco.path():
        ui.status(_("merging %s and %s to %s\n") % (orig, fco.path(), fd))
        ui.status(_("merging %s\n") % fd)

    ui.debug(_("my %s other %s ancestor %s\n") % (fcd, fco, fca))

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
    if _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not (binary or symlink)):
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(_(" premerge successful\n"))
            return 0
        util.copyfile(back, a) # restore from backup and try again

    env = dict(HG_FILE=fd,
               HG_MY_ISLINK='l' in fcd.flags(),
               HG_OTHER_ISLINK='l' in fco.flags(),
               HG_BASE_ISLINK='l' in fca.flags())

    if tool == "internal:merge":
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=['local', 'other'])
    elif tool == 'internal:dump':
        a = repo.wjoin(fd)
        util.copyfile(a, a + ".local")
        repo.wwrite(fd + ".other", fco.data(), fco.flags())
        repo.wwrite(fd + ".base", fca.data(), fca.flags())
        return 1 # unresolved
        args = _toolstr(ui, tool, "args", '$local $base $other')
        if "$output" in args:
            out, a = a, back # read input from backup, write to original
        replace = dict(local=a, base=b, other=c, output=out)
        args = re.sub("\$(local|base|other|output)",
                      lambda x: '"%s"' % replace[x.group()[1:]], args)
        r = util.system(toolpath + ' ' + args, cwd=repo.root, environ=env)

    if not r and _toolbool(ui, tool, "checkconflicts"):
        if re.match("^(<<<<<<< .*|=======|>>>>>>> .*)$", fcd.data()):
            r = 1

    if not r and _toolbool(ui, tool, "checkchanged"):
        if filecmp.cmp(repo.wjoin(fd), back):
            if ui.prompt(_(" output file %s appears unchanged\n"
                "was merge successful (yn)?") % fd,
                (_("&Yes"), _("&No")), _("n")) != _("y"):
                r = 1

    if _toolbool(ui, tool, "fixeol"):
        _matcheol(repo.wjoin(fd), back)

    if r:
        ui.warn(_("merging %s failed!\n") % fd)

    return r
Exemplo n.º 11
def filemerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca):
    """perform a 3-way merge in the working directory

    mynode = parent node before merge
    orig = original local filename before merge
    fco = other file context
    fca = ancestor file context
    fcd = local file context for current/destination file
    def temp(prefix, ctx):
        pre = "%s~%s." % (os.path.basename(ctx.path()), prefix)
        (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=pre)
        data = repo.wwritedata(ctx.path(), ctx.data())
        f = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
        return name

    def isbin(ctx):
            return util.binary(ctx.data())
        except IOError:
            return False

    if not fco.cmp(fcd.data()):  # files identical?
        return None

    if fca == fco:  # backwards, use working dir parent as ancestor
        fca = fcd.parents()[0]

    ui = repo.ui
    fd = fcd.path()
    binary = isbin(fcd) or isbin(fco) or isbin(fca)
    symlink = 'l' in fcd.flags() + fco.flags()
    tool, toolpath = _picktool(repo, ui, fd, binary, symlink)
    ui.debug("picked tool '%s' for %s (binary %s symlink %s)\n" %
             (tool, fd, binary, symlink))

    if not tool or tool == 'internal:prompt':
        tool = "internal:local"
        if ui.promptchoice(
                _(" no tool found to merge %s\n"
                  "keep (l)ocal or take (o)ther?") % fd,
            (_("&Local"), _("&Other")), 0):
            tool = "internal:other"
    if tool == "internal:local":
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:other":
        repo.wwrite(fd, fco.data(), fco.flags())
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:fail":
        return 1

    # do the actual merge
    a = repo.wjoin(fd)
    b = temp("base", fca)
    c = temp("other", fco)
    out = ""
    back = a + ".orig"
    util.copyfile(a, back)

    if orig != fco.path():
        ui.status(_("merging %s and %s to %s\n") % (orig, fco.path(), fd))
        ui.status(_("merging %s\n") % fd)

    ui.debug("my %s other %s ancestor %s\n" % (fcd, fco, fca))

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
    if _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not (binary or symlink)):
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(" premerge successful\n")
            return 0
        util.copyfile(back, a)  # restore from backup and try again

    env = dict(HG_FILE=fd,
               HG_MY_ISLINK='l' in fcd.flags(),
               HG_OTHER_ISLINK='l' in fco.flags(),
               HG_BASE_ISLINK='l' in fca.flags())

    if tool == "internal:merge":
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=['local', 'other'])
    elif tool == 'internal:dump':
        a = repo.wjoin(fd)
        util.copyfile(a, a + ".local")
        repo.wwrite(fd + ".other", fco.data(), fco.flags())
        repo.wwrite(fd + ".base", fca.data(), fca.flags())
        return 1  # unresolved
        args = _toolstr(ui, tool, "args", '$local $base $other')
        if "$output" in args:
            out, a = a, back  # read input from backup, write to original
        replace = dict(local=a, base=b, other=c, output=out)
        args = re.sub(
            lambda x: '"%s"' % util.localpath(replace[x.group()[1:]]), args)
        r = util.system(toolpath + ' ' + args, cwd=repo.root, environ=env)

    if not r and _toolbool(ui, tool, "checkconflicts"):
        if re.match("^(<<<<<<< .*|=======|>>>>>>> .*)$", fcd.data()):
            r = 1

    if not r and _toolbool(ui, tool, "checkchanged"):
        if filecmp.cmp(repo.wjoin(fd), back):
            if ui.promptchoice(
                    _(" output file %s appears unchanged\n"
                      "was merge successful (yn)?") % fd,
                (_("&Yes"), _("&No")), 1):
                r = 1

    if _toolbool(ui, tool, "fixeol"):
        _matcheol(repo.wjoin(fd), back)

    if r:
        ui.warn(_("merging %s failed!\n") % fd)

    return r
Exemplo n.º 12
def filemerge(repo, fw, fd, fo, wctx, mctx):
    """perform a 3-way merge in the working directory

    fw = original filename in the working directory
    fd = destination filename in the working directory
    fo = filename in other parent
    wctx, mctx = working and merge changecontexts

    def temp(prefix, ctx):
        pre = "%s~%s." % (os.path.basename(ctx.path()), prefix)
        (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=pre)
        data = repo.wwritedata(ctx.path(), ctx.data())
        f = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
        return name

    def isbin(ctx):
            return util.binary(ctx.data())
        except IOError:
            return False

    fco = mctx.filectx(fo)
    if not fco.cmp(wctx.filectx(fd).data()): # files identical?
        return None

    ui = repo.ui
    fcm = wctx.filectx(fw)
    fca = fcm.ancestor(fco) or repo.filectx(fw, fileid=nullrev)
    binary = isbin(fcm) or isbin(fco) or isbin(fca)
    symlink = fcm.islink() or fco.islink()
    tool, toolpath = _picktool(repo, ui, fw, binary, symlink)
    ui.debug(_("picked tool '%s' for %s (binary %s symlink %s)\n") %
               (tool, fw, binary, symlink))

    if not tool:
        tool = "internal:local"
        if ui.prompt(_(" no tool found to merge %s\n"
                       "keep (l)ocal or take (o)ther?") % fw,
                     _("[lo]"), _("l")) != _("l"):
            tool = "internal:other"
    if tool == "internal:local":
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:other":
        repo.wwrite(fd, fco.data(), fco.fileflags())
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:fail":
        return 1

    # do the actual merge
    a = repo.wjoin(fd)
    b = temp("base", fca)
    c = temp("other", fco)
    out = ""
    back = a + ".orig"
    util.copyfile(a, back)

    if fw != fo:
        repo.ui.status(_("merging %s and %s\n") % (fw, fo))
        repo.ui.status(_("merging %s\n") % fw)
    repo.ui.debug(_("my %s other %s ancestor %s\n") % (fcm, fco, fca))

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
    if _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not (binary or symlink)):
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(a, b, c, quiet=True)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(_(" premerge successful\n"))
            return 0
        util.copyfile(back, a) # restore from backup and try again

    env = dict(HG_FILE=fd,

    if tool == "internal:merge":
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(a, b, c, label=['local', 'other'])
        args = _toolstr(ui, tool, "args", '$local $base $other')
        if "$output" in args:
            out, a = a, back # read input from backup, write to original
        replace = dict(local=a, base=b, other=c, output=out)
        args = re.sub("\$(local|base|other|output)",
                      lambda x: '"%s"' % replace[x.group()[1:]], args)
        r = util.system(toolpath + ' ' + args, cwd=repo.root, environ=env)

    if not r and _toolbool(ui, tool, "checkconflicts"):
        if re.match("^(<<<<<<< .*|=======|>>>>>>> .*)$", fcm.data()):
            r = 1

    if not r and _toolbool(ui, tool, "checkchanged"):
        if filecmp.cmp(repo.wjoin(fd), back):
            if ui.prompt(_(" output file %s appears unchanged\n"
                "was merge successful (yn)?") % fd,
                _("[yn]"), _("n")) != _("y"):
                r = 1

    if _toolbool(ui, tool, "fixeol"):
        _matcheol(repo.wjoin(fd), back)

    if r:
        repo.ui.warn(_("merging %s failed!\n") % fd)

    return r
Exemplo n.º 13
def filemerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca):
    """perform a 3-way merge in the working directory

    mynode = parent node before merge
    orig = original local filename before merge
    fco = other file context
    fca = ancestor file context
    fcd = local file context for current/destination file
    def temp(prefix, ctx):
        pre = "%s~%s." % (os.path.basename(ctx.path()), prefix)
        (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=pre)
        data = repo.wwritedata(ctx.path(), ctx.data())
        f = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
        return name

    if not fco.cmp(fcd):  # files identical?
        return None

    ui = repo.ui
    fd = fcd.path()
    binary = fcd.isbinary() or fco.isbinary() or fca.isbinary()
    symlink = 'l' in fcd.flags() + fco.flags()
    tool, toolpath = _picktool(repo, ui, fd, binary, symlink)
    ui.debug("picked tool '%s' for %s (binary %s symlink %s)\n" %
             (tool, fd, binary, symlink))

    if not tool or tool == 'internal:prompt':
        tool = "internal:local"
        if ui.promptchoice(
                _(" no tool found to merge %s\n"
                  "keep (l)ocal or take (o)ther?") % fd,
            (_("&Local"), _("&Other")), 0):
            tool = "internal:other"
    if tool == "internal:local":
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:other":
        repo.wwrite(fd, fco.data(), fco.flags())
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:fail":
        return 1

    # do the actual merge
    a = repo.wjoin(fd)
    b = temp("base", fca)
    c = temp("other", fco)
    out = ""
    back = a + ".orig"
    util.copyfile(a, back)

    if orig != fco.path():
        ui.status(_("merging %s and %s to %s\n") % (orig, fco.path(), fd))
        ui.status(_("merging %s\n") % fd)

    ui.debug("my %s other %s ancestor %s\n" % (fcd, fco, fca))

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
        premerge = _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not (binary or symlink))
    except error.ConfigError:
        premerge = _toolstr(ui, tool, "premerge").lower()
        valid = 'keep'.split()
        if premerge not in valid:
            _valid = ', '.join(["'" + v + "'" for v in valid])
            raise error.ConfigError(
                _("%s.premerge not valid "
                  "('%s' is neither boolean nor %s)") %
                (tool, premerge, _valid))

    if premerge:
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(" premerge successful\n")
            return 0
        if premerge != 'keep':
            util.copyfile(back, a)  # restore from backup and try again

    env = dict(HG_FILE=fd,
               HG_MY_ISLINK='l' in fcd.flags(),
               HG_OTHER_ISLINK='l' in fco.flags(),
               HG_BASE_ISLINK='l' in fca.flags())

    if tool == "internal:merge":
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=['local', 'other'])
    elif tool == 'internal:dump':
        a = repo.wjoin(fd)
        util.copyfile(a, a + ".local")
        repo.wwrite(fd + ".other", fco.data(), fco.flags())
        repo.wwrite(fd + ".base", fca.data(), fca.flags())
        return 1  # unresolved
        args = _toolstr(ui, tool, "args", '$local $base $other')
        if "$output" in args:
            out, a = a, back  # read input from backup, write to original
        replace = dict(local=a, base=b, other=c, output=out)
        args = util.interpolate(r'\$', replace, args,
                                lambda s: '"%s"' % util.localpath(s))
        r = util.system(toolpath + ' ' + args,

    if not r and (_toolbool(ui, tool, "checkconflicts")
                  or 'conflicts' in _toollist(ui, tool, "check")):
        if re.search("^(<<<<<<< .*|=======|>>>>>>> .*)$", fcd.data(),
            r = 1

    checked = False
    if 'prompt' in _toollist(ui, tool, "check"):
        checked = True
        if ui.promptchoice(
                _("was merge of '%s' successful (yn)?") % fd,
            (_("&Yes"), _("&No")), 1):
            r = 1

    if not r and not checked and (_toolbool(ui, tool, "checkchanged") or
                                  'changed' in _toollist(ui, tool, "check")):
        if filecmp.cmp(repo.wjoin(fd), back):
            if ui.promptchoice(
                    _(" output file %s appears unchanged\n"
                      "was merge successful (yn)?") % fd,
                (_("&Yes"), _("&No")), 1):
                r = 1

    if _toolbool(ui, tool, "fixeol"):
        _matcheol(repo.wjoin(fd), back)

    if r:
        if tool == "internal:merge":
                _("merging %s incomplete! "
                  "(edit conflicts, then use 'hg resolve --mark')\n") % fd)
            ui.warn(_("merging %s failed!\n") % fd)

    return r
Exemplo n.º 14
def filemerge(repo, mynode, orig, fcd, fco, fca):
    """perform a 3-way merge in the working directory

    mynode = parent node before merge
    orig = original local filename before merge
    fco = other file context
    fca = ancestor file context
    fcd = local file context for current/destination file

    def temp(prefix, ctx):
        pre = "%s~%s." % (os.path.basename(ctx.path()), prefix)
        (fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=pre)
        data = repo.wwritedata(ctx.path(), ctx.data())
        f = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
        return name

    if not fco.cmp(fcd):  # files identical?
        return None

    ui = repo.ui
    fd = fcd.path()
    binary = fcd.isbinary() or fco.isbinary() or fca.isbinary()
    symlink = "l" in fcd.flags() + fco.flags()
    tool, toolpath = _picktool(repo, ui, fd, binary, symlink)
    ui.debug("picked tool '%s' for %s (binary %s symlink %s)\n" % (tool, fd, binary, symlink))

    if not tool or tool == "internal:prompt":
        tool = "internal:local"
        if ui.promptchoice(
            _(" no tool found to merge %s\n" "keep (l)ocal or take (o)ther?") % fd, (_("&Local"), _("&Other")), 0
            tool = "internal:other"
    if tool == "internal:local":
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:other":
        repo.wwrite(fd, fco.data(), fco.flags())
        return 0
    if tool == "internal:fail":
        return 1

    # do the actual merge
    a = repo.wjoin(fd)
    b = temp("base", fca)
    c = temp("other", fco)
    out = ""
    back = a + ".orig"
    util.copyfile(a, back)

    if orig != fco.path():
        ui.status(_("merging %s and %s to %s\n") % (orig, fco.path(), fd))
        ui.status(_("merging %s\n") % fd)

    ui.debug("my %s other %s ancestor %s\n" % (fcd, fco, fca))

    # do we attempt to simplemerge first?
        premerge = _toolbool(ui, tool, "premerge", not (binary or symlink))
    except error.ConfigError:
        premerge = _toolstr(ui, tool, "premerge").lower()
        valid = "keep".split()
        if premerge not in valid:
            _valid = ", ".join(["'" + v + "'" for v in valid])
            raise error.ConfigError(
                _("%s.premerge not valid " "('%s' is neither boolean nor %s)") % (tool, premerge, _valid)

    if premerge:
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, quiet=True)
        if not r:
            ui.debug(" premerge successful\n")
            return 0
        if premerge != "keep":
            util.copyfile(back, a)  # restore from backup and try again

    env = dict(
        HG_MY_ISLINK="l" in fcd.flags(),
        HG_OTHER_ISLINK="l" in fco.flags(),
        HG_BASE_ISLINK="l" in fca.flags(),

    if tool == "internal:merge":
        r = simplemerge.simplemerge(ui, a, b, c, label=["local", "other"])
    elif tool == "internal:dump":
        a = repo.wjoin(fd)
        util.copyfile(a, a + ".local")
        repo.wwrite(fd + ".other", fco.data(), fco.flags())
        repo.wwrite(fd + ".base", fca.data(), fca.flags())
        return 1  # unresolved
        args = _toolstr(ui, tool, "args", "$local $base $other")
        if "$output" in args:
            out, a = a, back  # read input from backup, write to original
        replace = dict(local=a, base=b, other=c, output=out)
        args = util.interpolate(r"\$", replace, args, lambda s: '"%s"' % util.localpath(s))
        r = util.system(toolpath + " " + args, cwd=repo.root, environ=env, out=ui.fout)

    if not r and (_toolbool(ui, tool, "checkconflicts") or "conflicts" in _toollist(ui, tool, "check")):
        if re.search("^(<<<<<<< .*|=======|>>>>>>> .*)$", fcd.data(), re.MULTILINE):
            r = 1

    checked = False
    if "prompt" in _toollist(ui, tool, "check"):
        checked = True
        if ui.promptchoice(_("was merge of '%s' successful (yn)?") % fd, (_("&Yes"), _("&No")), 1):
            r = 1

    if not r and not checked and (_toolbool(ui, tool, "checkchanged") or "changed" in _toollist(ui, tool, "check")):
        if filecmp.cmp(repo.wjoin(fd), back):
            if ui.promptchoice(
                _(" output file %s appears unchanged\n" "was merge successful (yn)?") % fd, (_("&Yes"), _("&No")), 1
                r = 1

    if _toolbool(ui, tool, "fixeol"):
        _matcheol(repo.wjoin(fd), back)

    if r:
        if tool == "internal:merge":
            ui.warn(_("merging %s incomplete! " "(edit conflicts, then use 'hg resolve --mark')\n") % fd)
            ui.warn(_("merging %s failed!\n") % fd)

    return r