def scaleCubicSuper(self, cspath, scaleFactor, scaleFrom):

        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = simpletransform.refinedBBox(cspath)

        if (scaleFrom == 'topLeft'):
            oldOrigin = [xmin, ymin]
        elif (scaleFrom == 'topRight'):
            oldOrigin = [xmax, ymin]
        elif (scaleFrom == 'bottomLeft'):
            oldOrigin = [xmin, ymax]
        elif (scaleFrom == 'bottomRight'):
            oldOrigin = [xmax, ymax]
        else:  #if(scaleFrom == 'center'):
            oldOrigin = [xmin + (xmax - xmin) / 2., ymin + (ymax - ymin) / 2.]

        newOrigin = [oldOrigin[0] * scaleFactor, oldOrigin[1] * scaleFactor]

        for subpath in cspath:
            for bezierPt in subpath:
                for i in range(0, len(bezierPt)):

                    bezierPt[i] = [
                        bezierPt[i][0] * scaleFactor,
                        bezierPt[i][1] * scaleFactor

                    bezierPt[i][0] += (oldOrigin[0] - newOrigin[0])
                    bezierPt[i][1] += (oldOrigin[1] - newOrigin[1])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def effect(self):

        # get user-entered params
        x_scale = self.options.x_scale
        y_scale = self.options.y_scale

        t_start = self.options.t_start
        t_end = self.options.t_end
        n_steps = self.options.n_steps
        fps = self.options.fps
        dt = self.options.dt

        x_eqn = self.options.x_eqn
        y_eqn = self.options.y_eqn

        x_size_eqn = self.options.x_size_eqn
        y_size_eqn = self.options.y_size_eqn

        theta_eqn = self.options.theta_eqn

        # get doc root
        svg = self.document.getroot()
        doc_w = self.unittouu(svg.get('width'))
        doc_h = self.unittouu(svg.get('height'))

        # get selected items and validate
        selected = pathmodifier.zSort(self.document.getroot(),

        if not selected:
                'Exactly two objects must be selected: a rect and a template. See "help" for details.'
        elif len(selected) != 2:
                'Exactly two objects must be selected: a rect and a template. See "help" for details.'

        # rect
        rect = self.selected[selected[0]]

        if not rect.tag.endswith('rect'):
            inkex.errormsg('Bottom object must be rect. See "help" for usage.')

        # object
        obj = self.selected[selected[1]]

        if not (obj.tag.endswith('path') or obj.tag.endswith('g')):
                'Template object must be path or group of paths. See "help" for usage.'
        if obj.tag.endswith('g'):
            children = obj.getchildren()
            if not all([ch.tag.endswith('path') for ch in children]):
                msg = 'All elements of group must be paths, but they are: '
                msg += ', '.join(['{}'.format(ch) for ch in children])
            objs = children
            is_group = True
            objs = [obj]
            is_group = False

        # get rect params
        w = float(rect.get('width'))
        h = float(rect.get('height'))

        x_rect = float(rect.get('x'))
        y_rect = float(rect.get('y'))

        # lower left corner
        x_0 = x_rect
        y_0 = y_rect + h

        # get object path(s)
        obj_ps = [simplepath.parsePath(obj_.get('d')) for obj_ in objs]
        n_segs = [len(obj_p_) for obj_p_ in obj_ps]
        obj_p = sum(obj_ps, [])

        # compute travel parameters
        if not n_steps:
            # compute dt
            if dt == 0:
                dt = 1. / fps
            ts = np.arange(t_start, t_end, dt)
            ts = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, n_steps)

        # compute xs, ys, stretches, and rotations in arbitrary coordinates
        xs = np.nan * np.zeros(len(ts))
        ys = np.nan * np.zeros(len(ts))
        x_sizes = np.nan * np.zeros(len(ts))
        y_sizes = np.nan * np.zeros(len(ts))
        thetas = np.nan * np.zeros(len(ts))

        for ctr, t in enumerate(ts):
            xs[ctr] = eval(x_eqn)
            ys[ctr] = eval(y_eqn)
            x_sizes[ctr] = eval(x_size_eqn)
            y_sizes[ctr] = eval(y_size_eqn)
            thetas[ctr] = eval(theta_eqn) * pi / 180

        # ensure no Infs
        if np.any(np.isinf(xs)):
            raise Exception('Inf detected in x(t), please remove.')
        if np.any(np.isinf(ys)):
            raise Exception('Inf detected in y(t), please remove.')
        if np.any(np.isinf(x_sizes)):
            raise Exception('Inf detected in x_size(t), please remove.')
        if np.any(np.isinf(y_sizes)):
            raise Exception('Inf detected in y_size(t), please remove.')
        if np.any(np.isinf(thetas)):
            raise Exception('Inf detected in theta(t), please remove.')

        # convert to screen coordinates
        xs *= (w / x_scale)
        xs += x_0

        ys *= (-h / y_scale)  # neg sign to invert y for inkscape screen
        ys += y_0

        # get obj center
        b_box = simpletransform.refinedBBox(
        c_x = 0.5 * (b_box[0] + b_box[1])
        c_y = 0.5 * (b_box[2] + b_box[3])

        # get rotation anchor
        if any([k.endswith('transform-center-x') for k in obj.keys()]):
            k_r_x = [
                k for k in obj.keys() if k.endswith('transform-center-x')
            k_r_y = [
                k for k in obj.keys() if k.endswith('transform-center-y')
            r_x = c_x + float(obj.get(k_r_x))
            r_y = c_y - float(obj.get(k_r_y))
            r_x, r_y = c_x, c_y

        paths = []

        # compute new paths
        for x, y, x_size, y_size, theta in zip(xs, ys, x_sizes, y_sizes,

            path = deepcopy(obj_p)

            # move to origin
            simplepath.translatePath(path, -x_0, -y_0)

            # move rotation anchor accordingly
            r_x_1 = r_x - x_0
            r_y_1 = r_y - y_0

            # scale
            simplepath.scalePath(path, x_size, y_size)

            # scale rotation anchor accordingly
            r_x_2 = r_x_1 * x_size
            r_y_2 = r_y_1 * y_size

            # move to final location
            simplepath.translatePath(path, x, y)

            # move rotation anchor accordingly
            r_x_3 = r_x_2 + x
            r_y_3 = r_y_2 + y

            # rotate
            simplepath.rotatePath(path, -theta, cx=r_x_3, cy=r_y_3)


        parent = self.current_layer
        group = inkex.etree.SubElement(parent, inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'), {})

        for path in paths:

            if is_group:
                group_ = inkex.etree.SubElement(group, inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'),
                path_components = split(path, n_segs)

                for path_component, child in zip(path_components, children):
                    attribs = {k: child.get(k) for k in child.keys()}

                    attribs['d'] = simplepath.formatPath(path_component)

                    child_copy = inkex.etree.SubElement(
                        group_, child.tag, attribs)

                attribs = {k: obj.get(k) for k in obj.keys()}

                attribs['d'] = simplepath.formatPath(path)

                obj_copy = inkex.etree.SubElement(group, obj.tag, attribs)
Exemplo n.º 3
	def compute_bbox(self, node, transform=True, use_cache=False):
		Compute the bounding box of a element in its parent coordinate system,
		or in its own coordinate system if "transform" is False.

		Uses a cache to not compute the bounding box multiple times for
		elements like referenced symbols.

		Returns [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

		Enhanced version of simpletransform.computeBBox()

		Warning: Evaluates "transform" attribute for symbol tags, which is
		wrong according to SVG spec, but matches Inkscape's behaviour.
		import cubicsuperpath
		from simpletransform import boxunion, parseTransform, applyTransformToPath, formatTransform
			from simpletransform import refinedBBox
			from simpletransform import roughBBox as refinedBBox

		d = None
		recurse = False
		node_bbox = None

		if transform:
			transform = node.get('transform', '')
			transform = ''

		if use_cache and node in self.bbox_cache:
			node_bbox = self.bbox_cache[node]
		elif node.tag in [ svg_use, 'use' ]:
			x, y = float(node.get('x', 0)), float(node.get('y', 0))
			refid = node.get(xlink_href)
			refnode = self.getElementById(refid[1:])

			if refnode is None:
				return None

			if 'width' in node.attrib and 'height' in node.attrib and 'viewBox' in refnode.attrib:
				mat = parseViewBox(refnode.get('viewBox'), node.get('width'), node.get('height'))
				transform += ' ' + formatTransform(mat)

			refbbox = self.compute_bbox(refnode, True, True)
			if refbbox is not None:
				node_bbox = [refbbox[0] + x, refbbox[1] + x, refbbox[2] + y, refbbox[3] + y]

		elif node.get('d'):
			d = node.get('d')
		elif node.get('points'):
			d = 'M' + node.get('points')
		elif node.tag in [ svg_rect, 'rect', svg_image, 'image' ]:
			d = 'M' + node.get('x', '0') + ',' + node.get('y', '0') + \
				'h' + node.get('width') + 'v' + node.get('height') + \
				'h-' + node.get('width')
		elif node.tag in [ svg_line, 'line' ]:
			d = 'M' + node.get('x1') + ',' + node.get('y1') + \
				' ' + node.get('x2') + ',' + node.get('y2')
		elif node.tag in [ svg_circle, 'circle', svg_ellipse, 'ellipse' ]:
			rx = node.get('r')
			if rx is not None:
				ry = rx
				rx = node.get('rx')
				ry = node.get('ry')
			rx, ry = float(rx), float(ry)
			cx = float(node.get('cx', '0'))
			cy = float(node.get('cy', '0'))
			node_bbox = [cx - rx, cx + rx, cy - ry, cy + ry]
			a = 0.555
			d = 'M %f %f C' % (cx-rx, cy) + ' '.join('%f' % c for c in [
				cx-rx,   cy-ry*a, cx-rx*a, cy-ry,   cx,    cy-ry,
				cx+rx*a, cy-ry,   cx+rx,   cy-ry*a, cx+rx, cy,
				cx+rx,   cy+ry*a, cx+rx*a, cy+ry,   cx,    cy+ry,
				cx-rx*a, cy+ry,   cx-rx,   cy+ry*a, cx-rx, cy,
		elif node.tag in [ svg_text, 'text', svg_tspan, 'tspan' ]:
			# very rough estimate of text bounding box
			x = node.get('x', '0').split()
			y = node.get('y', '0').split()
			if len(x) == 1 and len(y) > 1:
				x = x * len(y)
			elif len(y) == 1 and len(x) > 1:
				y = y * len(x)
			d = 'M' + ' '.join('%f' % self.unittouu(c) for xy in zip(x, y) for c in xy)
			recurse = True
		elif node.tag in [ svg_g, 'g', svg_symbol, 'symbol', svg_svg, 'svg' ]:
			recurse = True

		if d is not None:
			p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)
			node_bbox = refinedBBox(p)

		if recurse:
			for child in node:
				child_bbox = self.compute_bbox(child, True, use_cache)
				node_bbox = boxunion(child_bbox, node_bbox)

		self.bbox_cache[node] = node_bbox

		if transform.strip() != '' and node_bbox != None:
			mat = parseTransform(transform)
			p = [[[	[node_bbox[0], node_bbox[2]],
					[node_bbox[0], node_bbox[3]],
					[node_bbox[1], node_bbox[2]],
					[node_bbox[1], node_bbox[3]]]]]
			applyTransformToPath(mat, p)
			x, y = zip(*p[0][0])
			node_bbox = [min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)]

		return node_bbox
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compute_bbox(self, node, transform=True, use_cache=False):
		Compute the bounding box of a element in its parent coordinate system,
		or in its own coordinate system if "transform" is False.

		Uses a cache to not compute the bounding box multiple times for
		elements like referenced symbols.

		Returns [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

		Enhanced version of simpletransform.computeBBox()

		Warning: Evaluates "transform" attribute for symbol tags, which is
		wrong according to SVG spec, but matches Inkscape's behaviour.
        import cubicsuperpath
        from simpletransform import boxunion, parseTransform, applyTransformToPath, formatTransform
            from simpletransform import refinedBBox
            from simpletransform import roughBBox as refinedBBox

        d = None
        recurse = False
        node_bbox = None

        if transform:
            transform = node.get('transform', '')
            transform = ''

        if use_cache and node in self.bbox_cache:
            node_bbox = self.bbox_cache[node]
        elif node.tag in [svg_use, 'use']:
            x, y = float(node.get('x', 0)), float(node.get('y', 0))
            refid = node.get(xlink_href)
            refnode = self.getElementById(refid[1:])

            if refnode is None:
                return None

            if 'width' in node.attrib and 'height' in node.attrib and 'viewBox' in refnode.attrib:
                mat = parseViewBox(refnode.get('viewBox'), node.get('width'),
                transform += ' ' + formatTransform(mat)

            refbbox = self.compute_bbox(refnode, True, True)
            if refbbox is not None:
                node_bbox = [
                    refbbox[0] + x, refbbox[1] + x, refbbox[2] + y,
                    refbbox[3] + y

        elif node.get('d'):
            d = node.get('d')
        elif node.get('points'):
            d = 'M' + node.get('points')
        elif node.tag in [svg_rect, 'rect', svg_image, 'image']:
            d = 'M' + node.get('x', '0') + ',' + node.get('y', '0') + \
             'h' + node.get('width') + 'v' + node.get('height') + \
             'h-' + node.get('width')
        elif node.tag in [svg_line, 'line']:
            d = 'M' + node.get('x1') + ',' + node.get('y1') + \
             ' ' + node.get('x2') + ',' + node.get('y2')
        elif node.tag in [svg_circle, 'circle', svg_ellipse, 'ellipse']:
            rx = node.get('r')
            if rx is not None:
                ry = rx
                rx = node.get('rx')
                ry = node.get('ry')
            rx, ry = float(rx), float(ry)
            cx = float(node.get('cx', '0'))
            cy = float(node.get('cy', '0'))
            node_bbox = [cx - rx, cx + rx, cy - ry, cy + ry]
			a = 0.555
			d = 'M %f %f C' % (cx-rx, cy) + ' '.join('%f' % c for c in [
				cx-rx,   cy-ry*a, cx-rx*a, cy-ry,   cx,    cy-ry,
				cx+rx*a, cy-ry,   cx+rx,   cy-ry*a, cx+rx, cy,
				cx+rx,   cy+ry*a, cx+rx*a, cy+ry,   cx,    cy+ry,
				cx-rx*a, cy+ry,   cx-rx,   cy+ry*a, cx-rx, cy,
        elif node.tag in [svg_text, 'text', svg_tspan, 'tspan']:
            # very rough estimate of text bounding box
            x = node.get('x', '0').split()
            y = node.get('y', '0').split()
            if len(x) == 1 and len(y) > 1:
                x = x * len(y)
            elif len(y) == 1 and len(x) > 1:
                y = y * len(x)
            d = 'M' + ' '.join('%f' % self.unittouu(c) for xy in zip(x, y)
                               for c in xy)
            recurse = True
        elif node.tag in [svg_g, 'g', svg_symbol, 'symbol', svg_svg, 'svg']:
            recurse = True

        if d is not None:
            p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)
            node_bbox = refinedBBox(p)

        if recurse:
            for child in node:
                child_bbox = self.compute_bbox(child, True, use_cache)
                node_bbox = boxunion(child_bbox, node_bbox)

        self.bbox_cache[node] = node_bbox

        if transform.strip() != '' and node_bbox != None:
            mat = parseTransform(transform)
            p = [[[[node_bbox[0], node_bbox[2]], [node_bbox[0], node_bbox[3]],
                   [node_bbox[1], node_bbox[2]], [node_bbox[1],
            applyTransformToPath(mat, p)
            x, y = zip(*p[0][0])
            node_bbox = [min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)]

        return node_bbox
Exemplo n.º 5
def getBoundingBox(cspath):
    if (ver == 1.0):
        bbox = cspath.to_path().bounding_box()
        return bbox.left, bbox.right,, bbox.bottom
        return simpletransform.refinedBBox(cspath)
def getCubicBoundingBox(csp):
    if(CommonDefs.inkVer == 1.0):
        bbox = csp.to_path().bounding_box()
        return bbox.left, bbox.right,, bbox.bottom
        return simpletransform.refinedBBox(csp)