Exemplo n.º 1
    def recParent( self, pop, off, parent, ploidy ):
        nEvents = sim.getRNG().randPoisson( self.rate )
        srcIdx = sim.getRNG().randInt( 2 )

        if nEvents == 0:
            self.copier.copyChromosomes(parent, srcIdx , off, ploidy)
            seen = set()
            while len(seen) < nEvents:
                seen.add( sim.getRNG().randInt( self.chromLen ) )
            breaks = list(seen)
            parent_ploidy = [ ((srcIdx + i) % 2) for i in range( nEvents + 1) ]

            for (x,y,z) in izip(parent.genotype(0), parent.genotype(1), pop.individual(0, pop.subPopByName( 'metadata' )).genotype(0)):
                if x == y or parent_ploidy[ bisect(breaks,z) ] == 0:
                    off.setAllele( x, lociIdx, ploidy=ploidy)
                    off.setAllele( y, lociIdx, ploidy=ploidy)

                lociIdx += 1
                if lociIdx >= pop.dvars().max_locus:

        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
 def func():
     if sim.getRNG().randUniform() < selCoef[0]:
         return selCoef[1], selCoef[4]
     while True:
         s = sim.getRNG().randGamma(selCoef[2], selCoef[3])
         if s > selCoef[5] and s < selCoef[6]:
             return s, selCoef[4]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _newS(self, loc, alleles):
     if self.p > 0 and sim.getRNG().randUniform() < self.p:
         return self.a
     while True:
         s = sim.getRNG().randGamma(self.k, self.theta)
         if s >= self.lower and s <= self.upper:
             return s, self.h
Exemplo n.º 4
    def recParent( self, pop, off, parent, ploidy ):
        nEvents = sim.getRNG().randPoisson( self.rate )
        srcIdx = sim.getRNG().randInt( 2 )

        self.copier.copyChromosomes(parent, srcIdx , off, ploidy)
        if nEvents != 0:
            seen = set()
            while len(seen) < nEvents:
                seen.add( sim.getRNG().randInt( self.chromLen ) )
            breaks = list(seen)
            parent_ploidy = [ ((srcIdx + i) % 2) for i in range( nEvents + 1) ]

            # This loop iterates over all possible loci which have a variable allele
            # The list of loci padded to be larger than the expected number of loci (segregation sites)
            # In effect, we iterate over a longer list than is actually necessary
            # Therefore, we slice off the portion of the list after the last locus to have a non-zero allele
            # Although, the benefit of this 'early breaking' may be limited, if the number of segregations
            # sites approaches the padded size
            # It may be more efficient, in general, to simply assume that the padding will always be 'small'
            #  (ie. we have chosen the padding size such that it only increases the amount of work by a small
            #   amount)
            # Therefore iterating over the padded portion, although unnecessary, is more efficient because
            # it removes any additional conditional checking performed to determine 'early break' case
            for lociIdx,(x,y,z) in enumerate(islice(izip(parent.genotype((srcIdx % 2)), parent.genotype((srcIdx + 1) % 2), pop.dvars().variable_sites), 0, pop.dvars().max_locus)):

                # skip locus if the locus is free (z == 0) or parent is homozygous at locus (x == y)
                if z == 0 or x == y:

                # if the allele falls within a recombination region not from the source chromosome
                if parent_ploidy[ bisect(breaks,z) ] != srcIdx:
                    off.setAllele( y, lociIdx, ploidy=ploidy)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
def myParentChooser(pop, subPop):
    psize = pop.subPopSize(subPop)
    while True:
        rank1 = sim.getRNG().randInt(psize)
        rank2 = sim.getRNG().randInt(psize)

        while rank2 == rank1:
            rank2 = sim.getRNG().randInt(psize)

        yield pop.individual(rank1, subPop), pop.individual(rank2, subPop)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _newS(self):
     if self.p > 0 and sim.getRNG().randUniform() < self.p:
         return self.a
     s = sim.getRNG().randGamma(self.k, self.theta)
     if s >= self.lower and s <= self.upper:
         return s
     elif s < self.lower:
         return self.lower, self.h
         return self.upper, self.h
Exemplo n.º 7
        def mutate(self, pop):
            """Add mutations to organisms."""
            rng = simu.getRNG()

            dvars = pop.dvars()
            rep = dvars.rep
            gen = dvars.gen - burnin

            for ind in pop.individuals():
                for locus in range(loci):
                    for ploidy in range(2):
                        if rng.randUniform() < m_rate[locus]:
                                idx = self.available[rep][locus].pop()
                            except IndexError:
                                if self.reclaim(pop, rep, locus):
                                    idx = self.available[rep][locus].pop()
                                        '[ERROR] rep={}, gen={}: available sites exhausted.\n'.
                                        format(rep, gen - burnin))
                                    return False

                            # A site is represented by 1 bit.  An
                            # ancestral state is always represented by
                            # 0, and mutated state is therefore always
                            # 1.
                            ind.setAllele(1, idx, ploidy=ploidy)
            return True
Exemplo n.º 8
        def mutate(self, pop):
            """Add mutations to organisms."""
            rng = simu.getRNG()

            dvars = pop.dvars()
            rep = dvars.rep
            gen = dvars.gen - burnin

            for ind in pop.individuals():
                for locus in range(loci):
                    for ploidy in range(2):
                        if rng.randUniform() < m_rate[locus]:
                                idx = self.available[rep][locus].pop()
                            except IndexError:
                                if self.reclaim(pop, rep, locus):
                                    idx = self.available[rep][locus].pop()
                                        '[ERROR] rep={}, gen={}: available sites exhausted.\n'
                                        .format(rep, gen - burnin))
                                    return False

                            # A site is represented by 1 bit.  An
                            # ancestral state is always represented by
                            # 0, and mutated state is therefore always
                            # 1.
                            ind.setAllele(1, idx, ploidy=ploidy)
            return True
Exemplo n.º 9
def trait(geno):
    Define a quantitative trait model. geno is the genotype of each individual
    passed by pyQuanTrait. Note that this population is in mutational space so
    geno is the location instead of value of mutants. 0 values should be ignored.
    # get number of mutants
    count = len(geno) - geno.count(0)
    # N(count, 1) using simuPOP's random number generator.
    return sim.getRNG().randNormal(count, 1)
Exemplo n.º 10
def myDist(loc):
    '''Define a function that return fitness parameter of newly arising
    if loc % 3 != 2:
        # h = 0.5 for an additive model
        return sim.getRNG().randGamma(0.184, 0.160), 0.5
        # the last nucleotide of a condo is not selected
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, rate, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize Mutator object.

        rate: mutation rates.  All loci share the same rate.
        *args, **kwargs: pass to PyOperator.

        self._rate = rate
        self._unif = sim.getRNG().randUniform
        sim.PyOperator.__init__(self, func = self.mutate, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 12
def myDist():
    '''Define a function that return fitness parameter of newly arising
    rng = sim.getRNG()
    # positive selection
    if rng.randUniform() < 0.2:
        return -rng.randUniform() / 1000.
    # purifying selection
        return rng.randGamma(0.184, 0.160)
Exemplo n.º 13
def infSitesMutate(pop, param):
    (startPos, endPos, rate) = param

    # determine the number of mutation events occurring in this generation
    nEvents = sim.getRNG().randPoisson( rate )

#    print "Generating %d mutation events" % nEvents
    max_size = pop.popSize()
    if len( pop.dvars().variable_sites ) == 0:
        pop.dvars().variable_sites = [0] * pop.totNumLoci()

    lociset=set( pop.dvars().variable_sites )
    while nEvents > 0:
        nEvents -= 1
        # select an individual at random
        next_avail_idx = 0
            next_avail_idx = pop.dvars().variable_sites.index(0)
        except ValueError:
            print('Insufficient loci allocated %d; %d; %d' % (pop.totNumLoci(), pop.ancestralGens(), nEvents) )

        offset = sim.getRNG().randInt( max_size )   # randInt range: [0, max_size)

        indIdx = offset / pop.ploidy()
        pIdx= offset % pop.ploidy()
        loc = sim.getRNG().randInt( endPos ) + 1    # generate the location of a mutation event; range: [1, endPos]
        while loc in lociset:                       # generate a new location if mutation at location already mutated in population
            loc = sim.getRNG().randInt( endPos ) + 1

        pop.individual( indIdx ).setAllele( 1, next_avail_idx, ploidy=pIdx )

        # variable_sites serves a dual purpose
        # 1) it is a list of the genetic positions which have mutant alleles within the population
        # 2) those indices which are '0' in the list amount to 'free' loci within the population which can
        #    be used for new alleles
        pop.dvars().variable_sites[ next_avail_idx ] = loc

    return True
Exemplo n.º 14
def infSitesMutate(pop, param):
    (startPos, endPos, rate) = param

    # determine the number of mutation events occurring in this generation
    nEvents = sim.getRNG().randPoisson( rate )

#    print "Generating %d mutation events" % nEvents
    main_pop_idx = pop.subPopByName( "pop" )
    sites_ind = pop.individual( 0, pop.subPopByName( "metadata" ) )

    max_size = pop.subPopSize( main_pop_idx ) * pop.ploidy()
    while nEvents > 0:
        nEvents -= 1
        # select an individual at random
        next_avail_idx = 0
            next_avail_idx = sites_ind.genotype(0).index(0)
        except ValueError:
            print('Insufficient loci allocated %d; %d; %d' % (pop.totNumLoci(), pop.ancestralGens(), nEvents) )

        offset = sim.getRNG().randInt( max_size )   # randInt range: [0, max_size)

        indIdx = offset / pop.ploidy()
        pIdx= offset % pop.ploidy()
        loc = sim.getRNG().randInt( endPos ) + 1    # generate the location of a mutation event; range: [1, endPos]
        while loc in lociset:                       # generate a new location if mutation at location already mutated in population
            loc = sim.getRNG().randInt( endPos ) + 1

        pop.individual( indIdx, main_pop_idx ).setAllele( 1, next_avail_idx, ploidy=pIdx )

        sites_ind.setAllele( loc, next_avail_idx, ploidy=0) # use metadata population individual as a 'free list' tracker
        if( next_avail_idx >= pop.dvars().max_locus ):
            pop.dvars().max_locus = next_avail_idx + 1

    return True
Exemplo n.º 15
def expandPop(logger):
    # Evolve the population to a population of 50,000 individuals, without a disease model.
    # > simuGWAS.py --initPop=ex1_init.pop --DPL=[] --filename=ex1_expanded_1.pop --scale=1 --optimized --dumpRec=rec.log --haploCount='(0,100)'
    # > simuGWAS.py --initPop=ex1_init.pop --DPL=[] --expandSize=25000 --filename=ex1_expanded_2.pop --scale=2 --optimized --dumpRec=rec2.log --haploCount='(0,100)'
    # > simuGWAS.py --initPop=ex1_init.pop --DPL=[] --expandSize=10000 --filename=ex1_expanded_5.pop --scale=5 --optimized --dumpRec=rec5.log --haploCount='(0,100)'
    # > simuGWAS.py --initPop=ex1_init.pop --DPL=[] --expandSize=50000 --filename=ex1_expanded_55.pop --scale=5 --optimized --dumpRec=rec55.log --haploCount='(0,100)'
    from simuPOP import getRNG
    for scale, popSize, name in [(1, 50000, '1'), (2, 25000, '2'),
                                 (5, 10000, '5'), (5, 50000, '55')]:
        filename = 'ex1_expanded_%s.pop' % name
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            if logger:
                    '%s already exists. Please remove this file if you would like to regenerate an expanded population.'
                    % filename)
            if logger:
                    'Simulating an expanded population with scaling factor %d and ending population size %d'
                    % (scale, popSize))
        pop = loadPopulation('ex1_init.pop')
        pars = simuOpt.Params(simuGWAS.options,
                              dumpRec='rec%d.log' % scale,
                              haploCount=(0, 100))
        pop = simuGWAS.simuGWAS(pars, pop, logger=logger)
        if logger:
            logger.info('Saving expanded population to %s' % filename)
Exemplo n.º 16
        def mutate(self, pop):
            """Add mutations to organisms."""
            rng = simu.getRNG()

            dvars = pop.dvars()
            rep = dvars.rep
            gen = dvars.gen - burnin

            for i, ind in enumerate(pop.individuals()):
                for locus in range(loci):
                    for ploidy in range(2):
                        if  rng.randUniform() < m_rate[locus]:
                            ind.setAllele(self.idx[rep][locus], locus, ploidy=ploidy)
                            self.idx[rep][locus] += 1
            return True
Exemplo n.º 17
        def mutate(self, pop):
            """Add mutations to organisms."""
            rng = simu.getRNG()

            dvars = pop.dvars()
            rep = dvars.rep
            gen = dvars.gen - burnin

            for i, ind in enumerate(pop.individuals()):
                for locus in range(loci):
                    for ploidy in range(2):
                        if rng.randUniform() < m_rate[locus]:
                            self.idx[rep][locus] += 1
            return True
Exemplo n.º 18
def simuAssortativeMatingWithFitness(constant_pop_size, a, aa_fitness,
                                     aa_homogamy, deafness_freq, generations):
        constant_pop_size   population size, which remains constant throughout.
        a                   starting frequency of the a allele.
        aa_fitness          _relative_ fitness of deaf (aa) individuals.
        aa_homogamy         the percent of assortative mating between
                            deaf individuals.
        deafness_freq       overall frequency of deaf individuals at the time of
                            reproductive age, including from causes other than
                            connexin 26.
        generations         number of generations.

        Returns a dict containing the results from each gen of the simulation:
        gen                 generation number.
        A                   frequency of the A allele.
        a                   frequency of the a allele.
        AA                  frequency of AA individuals.
        Aa                  frequency of Aa individuals.
        aa                  frequency of aa individuals.
        AA_size             size of the AA subpopulation.
        Aa_size             size of the Aa subpopulation.
        aa_size             size of the aa subpopulation.
        F                   calculated inbreeding coefficient.
        num_deaf            size of the deaf subpopulation (incl adventitious).
        homogamy            calculated actual homogamy.

        Adopted from: http://simupop.sourceforge.net/Cookbook/AssortativeMating
    pop = sim.Population(constant_pop_size*1000, loci=[1])
    pop.dvars().constant_pop_size   = constant_pop_size
    pop.dvars().a                   = a
    pop.dvars().aa_fitness          = aa_fitness
    pop.dvars().aa_homogamy         = aa_homogamy
    pop.dvars().deafness_freq       = deafness_freq
    pop.dvars().generations         = generations
    pop.dvars().headers             = []
    pop.dvars().row                 = []
        initOps= [sim.InitSex(),
                  # Assigns individuals randomly to be male or female.
                  # This can result in slightly more males or females,
                  # which can cause errors if the wrong mating scheme is
                  # selected.
                  sim.InitGenotype(freq=[1-a, a])
        matingScheme = sim.HomoMating(
                        chooser = sim.PyParentsChooser(customChooser),
                        generator = sim.OffspringGenerator(sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter())),
        postOps = [sim.Stat(alleleFreq=[0], genoFreq=[0]),
                   sim.PyExec(r"headers += ['gen','A', 'a',"\
                               "'AA', 'Aa', 'aa',"\
                               "'AA_size', 'Aa_size', 'aa_size',"\
                               "'F', 'nm_deaf', 'homogmy']"),
                   sim.PyExec(r"F = 1.0-((genoFreq[0][(0,1)]+genoFreq[0][(1,0)])/" # F          \
                              "if alleleFreq[0][0] != 0.0 and alleleFreq[0][1]"\
                              "!= 0.0 else 0.0"),
                   sim.PyExec(r"row += [gen, "\
                               "alleleFreq[0][0],"                             # A          \
                               "alleleFreq[0][1],"                             # a          \
                               "genoFreq[0][(0,0)],"                           # AA         \
                               "genoFreq[0][(0,1)]+genoFreq[0][(1,0)],"        # Aa         \
                               "genoFreq[0][(1,1)],"                           # aa         \
                               "genoNum[0][(0,0)],"                            # AA_size    \
                               "genoNum[0][(0,1)]+genoNum[0][(1,0)],"          # Aa_size    \
                               "genoNum[0][(1,1)],"                            # aa_size    \
                               "F if F>0.0 else 0.0,"                          # F          \
                               "num_deaf,"                                      # nm_deaf    \
                               "homogamy]")                                     # homogmy
        gen = generations
    return {'headers':pop.dvars().headers, 'row':pop.dvars().row}
Exemplo n.º 19
def simuAssortativeMatingWithFitness(e):
        e               an Experiment object.

        Returns a dict containing the results from each gen of the simulation:
        gen             generation number.
        A               frequency of the A allele.
        a               frequency of the a allele.
        AA              frequency of AA individuals.
        Aa              frequency of Aa individuals.
        aa              frequency of aa individuals.
        deaf            frequency of deaf individuals (incl adventitious).
        AA_size         size of the AA subpopulation.
        Aa_size         size of the Aa subpopulation.
        aa_size         size of the aa subpopulation.
        deaf_size       size of the deaf subpopulation (incl adventitious).
        homogamy        calculated actual homogamy.
        F               calculated inbreeding coefficient.

        Adopted from: http://simupop.sourceforge.net/Cookbook/AssortativeMating
    pop = sim.Population(e.constant_pop_size * 1000, loci=[1])
    # These variables need to be set in order to be available to customChooser().
    # There appears to be no way to directly pass variables to customChooser().
    pop.dvars().constant_pop_size = e.constant_pop_size
    pop.dvars().a = e.a
    pop.dvars().aa_fitness = e.aa_fitness
    pop.dvars().aa_homogamy = e.aa_homogamy
    pop.dvars().deaf = e.deaf
    pop.dvars().adv_deaf_target = int(
        round((e.deaf - e.a**2) * e.constant_pop_size * 1000))

    # These will hold the final data
    pop.dvars().headers = []
    pop.dvars().row = []
        initOps= [sim.InitGenotype(freq=[1-e.a, e.a])],
        matingScheme = sim.HomoMating(
                    chooser = sim.PyParentsChooser(customChooser),
                    generator = sim.OffspringGenerator(sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter())),
        postOps = [sim.Stat(alleleFreq=[0], genoFreq=[0]),
                   sim.PyExec(r"headers += ['gen','A', 'a',"\
                               "'AA', 'Aa', 'aa', 'deaf', 'AA_size', 'Aa_size', " \
                               "'aa_size',  'deaf_size', 'homogamy', 'F'] \n" \
                               "F = 1.0-((genoFreq[0][(0,1)]+genoFreq[0][(1,0)])/" # F          \
                               "(2.0*alleleFreq[0][0]*alleleFreq[0][1])) "\
                               "if alleleFreq[0][0]*alleleFreq[0][1] > 0. "\
                               "else 0. \n" \
                               "deaf_size = min(genoNum[0][(1,1)] + adv_deaf_target, constant_pop_size*1000) \n"\
                               "row += [gen, "                           # generation \
                               "alleleFreq[0][0], "                      # A          \
                               "alleleFreq[0][1], "                      # a          \
                               "genoFreq[0][(0,0)],"                     # AA         \
                               "genoFreq[0][(0,1)]+genoFreq[0][(1,0)], " # Aa         \
                               "genoFreq[0][(1,1)], "                    # aa         \
                               "deaf_size/(constant_pop_size*1000.), "   # deaf       \
                               "genoNum[0][(0,0)], "                     # AA_size    \
                               "genoNum[0][(0,1)]+genoNum[0][(1,0)], "   # Aa_size    \
                               "genoNum[0][(1,1)], "                     # aa_size    \
                               "deaf_size, "                             # deaf_size  \
                               "homogamy, "                              # homogamy   \
                               "F if F>0. else 0.]")                     # F          \
        gen = e.generations
    return {'headers': pop.dvars().headers, 'row': pop.dvars().row}
Exemplo n.º 20
def run(args):
    """Run simulations with appropriate parameters.

    args: Namespace object generated by argparse.

    # Set model parameters
    factors = args.factor
    if factors is not None:
    pop_sizes = args.pop_sizes
    init_genealogies(sum(pop_sizes), [AUTOSOME,

    if factors is not None:
        # Neutral markers without incompatibility factors.
        len_factors = len(factors)
        if args.female_recombination is None or args.male_recombination is None:
            raise SizeError(len_factors, 0)
            female_recomb_rate = args.female_recombination
            male_recomb_rate = args.male_recombination
            if len(female_recomb_rate) != len_factors:
                raise SizeError(len_factors, len(female_recomb_rate))
            if len(male_recomb_rate) != len_factors:
                raise SizeError(len_factors, len(male_recomb_rate))
    female_mig_rates = args.female_migration
    male_mig_rates = args.male_migration
    sex_ratio = args.sex_ratio
    if args.male_selection is None:
        female_sel = None
        male_sel = None
        female_sel = args.female_selection
        male_sel = args.male_selection

        if len_factors != len(female_sel):
            raise SizeError(len_factors, len(female_sel))
        if len_factors != len(male_sel):
            raise SizeError(len_factors, len(male_sel))

    # Define basic mode of genetic transmission as the standard
    # diploid model.
    matingOps = [sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(),
                 sim.MitochondrialGenoTransmitter(chroms = 3)]

    # Define locations and rates of recombination.  Recombination only
    # occurs between a neutral marker locus and an incompatibility
    # factor.  In other words, there is no intro-locus recombination.
    # Moreover, choromosome Y and mitochondria do not recombine.
    for c in [AUTOSOME, CHROMOSOME_X]:
        if factors is not None and c in factors:
            index = factors.index(c)
                sim.Recombinator(rates = male_recomb_rate[index],
                                 # No neutral mutation to consider
                                 loci = 0,
                                 subPops = [(0, 0), (1, 0)])
                sim.Recombinator(rates = female_recomb_rate[index],
                                 # No neutral mutation to consider
                                 loci = 0,
                                 subPops =[(0, 1), (1, 1)])

    # Specify sex-ratio of offsprings.  Because the sequence, from
    # which sex of offspring is determined, is ordered such that first
    # all males offspring then all female offspring, it is important
    # to realize that the correct sex-ratio is only achieved when
    # local population size is multple of the sequence.
    if sex_ratio == 50:
        sex_mode = [sim.MALE, sim.FEMALE]
    elif not sex_ratio % 25:
        times = sex_ratio / 25
        sex_mode = [sim.MALE] * times + [sim.FEMALE] * (4 - times)
    elif not sex_ratio % 20:
        times = sex_ratio / 20
        sex_mode = [sim.MALE] * times + [sim.FEMALE] * (5 - times)
    elif not sex_ratio % 10:
        times = sex_ratio / 10
        sex_mode = [sim.MALE] * times + [sim.FEMALE] * (10 - times)
    elif not sex_ratio % 5:
        times = sex_ratio / 5
        sex_mode = [sim.MALE] * times + [sim.FEMALE] * (20 - times)
    elif not sex_ratio % 2:
        times = sex_ratio / 2
        sex_mode = [sim.MALE] * times + [sim.FEMALE] * (50 - times)
        sex_mode = [sim.MALE] * sex_ratio + [sim.FEMALE] * (100 - sex_ratio)

    # Test if population size is multiple of the sequence of
    # offspring.  If not, terminate the simulation as there is no way
    # to gurantee the correct sex-ratio.
    if False in [not p % len(sex_mode) for p in pop_sizes]:
        raise SizeError(p, len(sex_mode))

    sex_mode = tuple([sim.GLOBAL_SEQUENCE_OF_SEX] + sex_mode)

    # If seed is given, we perform only as much number of runs as the
    # number of supplied seed.  This is intended to generate
    # reproducible results.

    # A variable indicating if seed is supplied via command line
    seed_provided = False
    if args.seed is not None:
        reps = args.seed
        seed_provided = True
        reps = range(args.reps)
    print('Pop Size: 0|{} 1|{}, Sex Ratio: F|{} M|{}'.format(
        pop_sizes[0], pop_sizes[1], 100 - sex_ratio, sex_ratio),
          end = '')
    print(', Mig Rate: F.M12|{} F.M21|{} M.M12|{} M.21|{}'.format(
        female_mig_rates[0], female_mig_rates[1],
        male_mig_rates[0], male_mig_rates[1]),
          end = '')
    if factors is not None:
        print(', Factors: {}, Sel Coeff: F|{} M|{}'.format(
            factors, female_sel, male_sel),
              end = '')
        print(', Recomb Rate: F|{} M|{}'.format(
            female_recomb_rate, male_recomb_rate))

    # Let simulation run!
    for r in reps:
        # Define population and genetic structure.
        pop = sim.Population(size = pop_sizes,
                             # 1st locus is the tag to identify which
                             # (ultimate) parent the 2nd locus was
                             # descendent from.
                             # The second locus is the actual locus.
                             # loci = [2] * 4,
                             # Right now, in order to speed up
                             # simulations, mutations are not invoked
                             # during simulation.
                             loci = [1] * 4,
                             # lociNames = ['marker.a', 'marker.a_',
                             #              'marker.X', 'marker.X_',
                             #              'marker.Y', 'marker.Y_',
                             #              'marker.mt', 'marker.mt_']
                             infoFields = ['migrate_to',
        # Add incompatibility factors on appropriate chromosomes.
        # Placing more than one factors on one chromosome is currently
        # not supported.
        if factors is not None:
            factor_pos = [2] * len(factors)
            for f in factors:
                # pop.addLoci(chrom = f, pos = 3)
                # neutral loci are at position 1.
                pop.addLoci(chrom = f, pos = 2)

            sel = SelectorProvider(pop, factors, factor_pos,
                                   female_sel, male_sel)

        # Sex-specific processes (selection and migration) require
        # setting up virtual populations based-on sex.

        # Set up simulator
        s = sim.Simulator(pop)
        if seed_provided:
            seed = r
            seed = sim.getRNG().randInt(2**31)
        sim.getRNG().set(name = 'mt19937', seed = seed)

        preOps = [sim.Migrator(rate = [[0, male_mig_rates[0]],
                                           [male_mig_rates[1], 0]],
                                   mode = sim.BY_PROBABILITY,
                                   subPops = [(0, 0), (1, 0)]),
                      sim.Migrator(rate = [[0, female_mig_rates[0]],
                                           [female_mig_rates[1], 0]],
                                   mode = sim.BY_PROBABILITY,
                                   subPops = [(0, 1), (1, 1)])]
        if 'sel' in locals():
            preOps += sel.setSelector()

            initOps = [sim.InitSex(sex = [sim.MALE, sim.FEMALE],
                                   subPops = 0),
                       sim.InitSex(sex = [sim.MALE, sim.FEMALE],
                                   subPops = 1),
                       InitGenotype(factors = factors, mutation = False)],
            preOps = preOps,

            matingScheme = sim.RandomMating(
                ops = matingOps,
                subPopSize = pop_sizes,
                sexMode = sex_mode),
            postOps = [
                GenealogyTracker([0] * 4,
                InitGenotype(factors = factors, mutation = False),
Exemplo n.º 21
def random_shuffle(x):
    random.shuffle(x, getRNG().randUniform)
def extractRandomSeed(): # Define a function to print the random seed for the simulation
    seed = simuPOP.getRNG().seed()
Exemplo n.º 23
Roger W. Doyle
Two small subpopulations go through an acute bottleneck and other changes
in census number. Pedigrees of all individuals are saved along with their generations, subpopulation
membership and genotypes. (gen_id and sp_id are generation and subpopulation, respectively.)

from simuPOP import *
import simuPOP as sim
gen_evolve = 20  #gens of evolution and retention

#sim.setRNG(seed=12481632) #useful for repeating a simulation run
seed_used = sim.getRNG().seed()
print '\nThe random seed used in the simulation was', seed_used, '\n'

def censuscontrol(gen):
    if gen >= 10 and gen < 13:
        return [10, 20]
    elif gen >= 13 and gen < 15:
        return [20, 40]
    elif gen == 15:
        return [22, 44]
        return [30, 60]

pop = sim.Population(
    size=[8, 16],
    loci=[0, 1, 2],
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _newS(self, loc, alleles):
     return sim.getRNG().randGamma(self.k, self.theta)