def relax_primal_loss(primal_var, dual_var, beta, lamb): """ Loss to minimize in the primal iteration of the DCA algorithm """ alpha = torch.sum(primal_var, 1) g = lamb * sinkhorn._KL(alpha, beta, primal_var) h_relax = torch.sum(primal_var * dual_var) return g - h_relax
def eval(net, y, beta, lamb=1, niter_sink=5, err_threshold=1e-4, size_batch=100000, rp=0, eta=10000): """ Evaluate the true loss by sampling with a larger batch size and removing the smoothing parameters. """ distrib = torch.distributions.Exponential(torch.tensor(1.)) input = torch.zeros((size_batch, 1), requires_grad=True) samples = distrib.sample((size_batch, 1)) = samples.clone() ###### Compute loss matrix ### C = LazySecondPriceLoss(net, input, y, size_batch, distribution="exponential", rp=rp, eta=eta) ###### Sinkhorn loss ######### alpha = net.alpha() _, gamma, _, _ = sinkhorn.sinkhorn_loss_primal( alpha, C, beta, y, lamb, niter=niter_sink, cost="matrix", err_threshold=err_threshold, verbose=False) true_alpha = torch.sum(gamma, dim=1) p_loss = sinkhorn._KL(true_alpha, beta, gamma, epsilon=0) u_loss = torch.sum(gamma*C) loss = u_loss + lamb*p_loss return loss, gamma, C, p_loss, u_loss
def train_dc(net, y, beta, lamb=1, max_time=10, err_threshold=1e-4, cost=sinkhorn._squared_distances, dual_iter=100, debug=False, learning_rate=0.01, experiment=0, verbose=False, verbose_freq=100, device="cpu", **kwargs): """ learn a discrete distribution (gamma) with a prior (beta, y) using DCA algorithm. """ actionstr = "_actions{}".format( net.nactions) if (net.nactions != y.size(0) + 2) else "" fold = '{}_lamb{}{}_k{}_dim{}_dualiter{}_lr{}_dc_{}'.format( experiment, lamb, actionstr, y.size(0), y.size(1), dual_iter, learning_rate, device) if experiment != 0: os.system('mkdir experiments/dc/' + fold) one = torch.FloatTensor([1]).to(device) iterations = 0 loss_profile = [] time_profile = [] start_time = timeit.default_timer() running_time = 0 while running_time < max_time: # --------------------------- # Optimize over net # --------------------------- time = timeit.default_timer() # gamma is the parameter to optimize ( # the best x for a given gamma is automatically computed here) gamma, x = net(one) dual_var =, y.t()) # dual iteration of DCA # primal iteration of DCA gamma_it = solve_relaxed_primal(dual_var, beta, gamma, lamb=lamb, max_iter=dual_iter, learning_rate=learning_rate, err_threshold=err_threshold, debug=debug, device=device) # reasons explained in train_sinkhorn running_time += (timeit.default_timer() - time) time_profile.append(running_time) alpha = torch.sum(gamma_it, 1) # C = cost(x, y, **kwargs) # loss = torch.sum( gamma_it * C ) + lamb*sinkhorn._KL(alpha, beta, gamma_it) loss = lamb*sinkhorn._KL(alpha, beta, gamma_it) - \ torch.sum(gamma_it*dual_var) # acurate loss loss_profile.append(loss.cpu().detach().numpy()) net.gamma = gamma_it iterations += 1 if verbose: if iterations % verbose_freq == 0: print('iterations=' + str(iterations)) if verbose: t_expe = (timeit.default_timer() - start_time) print('done in {0} s'.format(t_expe)) print('total running time: {0} s'.format(running_time)) if experiment != 0: # save data, 'experiments/dc/' + fold + '/network')'experiments/dc/' + fold + '/losses.npy', loss_profile)'experiments/dc/' + fold + '/time.npy', time_profile) return loss_profile
def train_sinkhorn(net, y, beta, lamb=1, niter_sink=1, max_time=10, cost=sinkhorn._squared_distances, experiment=0, differentiation="analytic", learning_rate=0.1, err_threshold=1e-4, verbose=False, verbose_freq=100, device="cpu", optim="descent", warm_restart=False, **kwargs): """ learn a discrete distribution (alpha, x) with a prior (beta, y) """ momentum = kwargs.get('momentum', 0) momstring = "_{}".format(momentum) if momentum != 0 else "" restart_string = "_warm" if warm_restart else "" actionstr = "_actions{}".format( net.nactions) if (net.nactions != y.size(0) + 2) else "" # if experiment !+0, save the simulation fold = '{}_lamb{}_k{}{}_dim{}_sinkiter{}_lr{}'.format( experiment, lamb, y.size(0), actionstr, y.size(1), niter_sink, learning_rate) fold += '_sinkhorn_{}_{}_{}{}{}'.format(device, optim, differentiation, momstring, restart_string) if experiment != 0: os.system('mkdir experiments/sinkhorn/' + fold) # optimizer choice if optim == "SGD": optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) elif optim == "adam": optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) elif optim == "rms": optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) else: print('Invalid choice of optimizer.') return None one = torch.FloatTensor([1]).to(device) iterations = 0 loss_profile = [] # evolution of the loss time_profile = [] # evolution of the training time if verbose: u_profile = [] v_profile = [] # evolution of u and v (sinkhorn dual variables) iteration_profile = [] # number of iterations per sinkhorn call alpha_profile = [] x_profile = [] start_time = timeit.default_timer() running_time = 0 # convergence of Sinkhorn is assumed if we use analytic differentiation conv = (differentiation == "analytic") while running_time < max_time: # remains time to train # --------------------------- # Optimize over net # --------------------------- time = timeit.default_timer() optimizer.zero_grad() # if decreasing_rate: # for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: # param_group['lr'] = learning_rate/(iterations+1) alpha, x = net(one) # output of the net (parameters to optimize) ###### Sinkhorn loss ######### if iterations == 0: # compute the loss z = sinkhorn.sinkhorn_loss_primal(alpha, x, beta, y, lamb, niter=niter_sink, verbose=verbose, cost=cost, convergence=conv, err_threshold=err_threshold, warm_restart=warm_restart) else: # compute the loss z = sinkhorn.sinkhorn_loss_primal(alpha, x, beta, y, lamb, niter=niter_sink, verbose=verbose, cost=cost, convergence=conv, err_threshold=err_threshold, warm_restart=warm_restart, u=u, v=v) # if verbose: # loss, _, u, v, sink_iter = z # else: loss, _, u, v = z loss.backward(one) # automatic differentiation optimizer.step() # gradient descent step # if projected gradient if net.proj: net.projection() # for the sinkhorn method, it takes some time to compute the accurate # loss from the estimated loss in the training running_time += (timeit.default_timer() - time) # because we need to do sinkhorn algorithm with more iterations # (as niter_sink is small). In this case, we compute the true loss # for the plot but it does not count in the running time time_profile.append(running_time) # compute the true loss for plots and does not count in running time # 100 is enough with the chosen parameters in the experiments _, gamma, _, _ = sinkhorn.sinkhorn_loss_primal(alpha, x, beta, y, lamb, niter=100, cost=cost, err_threshold=1e-4) loss_p = torch.sum(gamma*cost(x, y)) + lamb * \ sinkhorn._KL(alpha, beta, gamma, epsilon=0) # print(gamma.shape) # print(torch.sum(gamma)) loss_profile.append(loss_p.cpu().detach().numpy()) iterations += 1 if verbose: u_profile.append(u.detach().numpy()) v_profile.append(v.detach().numpy()) iteration_profile.append(sink_iter) alpha_profile.append(alpha.detach().numpy()) x_profile.append(x.detach().numpy()) if iterations % verbose_freq == 0: print('iterations=' + str(iterations)) if verbose: t_expe = (timeit.default_timer() - start_time) print('done in {0} s'.format(t_expe)) print('total running time: {0} s'.format(running_time)) if experiment != 0: # save data, 'experiments/sinkhorn/' + fold + '/network')'experiments/sinkhorn/' + fold + '/losses.npy', loss_profile)'experiments/sinkhorn/' + fold + '/time.npy', time_profile) if verbose: u_profile = np.array(u_profile) v_profile = np.array(v_profile) iteration_profile = np.array(iteration_profile) alpha_profile = np.array(alpha_profile) x_profile = np.array(x_profile) return (loss_profile, time_profile, u_profile, v_profile, iteration_profile, x_profile, alpha_profile) else: return loss_profile
def train_descent(net, y, beta, lamb=1, max_time=10, cost=sinkhorn._squared_distances, learning_rate=0.1, experiment=0, verbose=False, verbose_freq=100, device="cpu", optim="descent", **kwargs): """ learn a discrete distribution (gamma, x) with a prior (beta, y) using gradient descent on (gamma, x). Similar structure than train_sinkhorn """ momentum = kwargs.get('momentum', 0) momstring = "_{}".format(momentum) if momentum != 0 else "" actionstr = "_actions{}".format( net.nactions) if (net.nactions != y.size(0) + 2) else "" fold = '{}_lamb{}{}_k{}_dim{}_lr{}_descent_{}_{}{}'.format( experiment, lamb, actionstr, y.size(0), y.size(1), learning_rate, device, optim, momstring) if experiment != 0: os.system('mkdir experiments/descent/' + fold) # optimizer choice if optim == "SGD": optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) elif optim == "adam": optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) elif optim == "rms": optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) else: print('Invalid choice of optimizer.') return None one = torch.FloatTensor([1]).to(device) iterations = 0 loss_profile = [] time_profile = [] start_time = timeit.default_timer() running_time = 0 while running_time < max_time: # --------------------------- # Optimize over net # --------------------------- time = timeit.default_timer() optimizer.zero_grad() gamma, x = net(one) # output of the network. Parameters to optimize alpha = torch.sum(gamma, dim=1) ###### Total loss ######### C = cost(x, y) loss = torch.sum(gamma * C) + lamb * \ sinkhorn._KL(alpha, beta, gamma) # loss loss.backward(one) # autodiff optimizer.step() # gradient descent step if net.proj: # for projected gradient net.projection() # reasons explained in train_sinkhorn running_time += (timeit.default_timer() - time) time_profile.append(running_time) # here the training loss is accurate loss_profile.append(loss.cpu().detach().numpy()) iterations += 1 if verbose: if iterations % verbose_freq == 0: print('iterations=' + str(iterations)) if verbose: t_expe = (timeit.default_timer() - start_time) print('done in {0} s'.format(t_expe)) print('total running time: {0} s'.format(running_time)) if experiment != 0: # save data, 'experiments/descent/' + fold + '/network')'experiments/descent/' + fold + '/losses.npy', loss_profile)'experiments/descent/' + fold + '/time.npy', time_profile) return loss_profile