def volume_path(self, with_no_wait=False):
        Return the device path pf a volume which is the actual
        location of the device such as /dev/scinia, or
        :param with_no_wait: Whether wait for the volume occures in host
                             device list
        :return: Device path of volume
        if self.full_device_path and os.path.exists(self.full_device_path):
            return self.full_device_path

        tries = 1
        disk_device = ''

        if with_no_wait:
            disk_device = self._find_volume_device(LOCAL_DEVICES_PATH)
            if disk_device:
                LOG.debug('Found ScaleIO device path %s', disk_device)
                return os.path.join(LOCAL_DEVICES_PATH, disk_device)
                LOG.debug('No ScaleIO device path for volume %s',
                return None

        while not disk_device and tries <= MAX_HOST_DEVICE_RENEWAL_CHECKS:
            disk_device = self._find_volume_device(LOCAL_DEVICES_PATH)
            if not disk_device:
                tries += 1

        if not disk_device:
            LOG.warn('Could not find ScaleIO device path for volume %s',
            raise exceptions.VolumeNotMapped(
                "Device path is not found for volume '%s'" %

        LOG.debug('Found ScaleIO device path %s', disk_device)
        self.full_device_path = os.path.join(LOCAL_DEVICES_PATH, disk_device)
        return self.full_device_path
    def _unmap_volume(self, volume_id, sdc_guid=None, unmap_all=False):
        Private method unmaps a volume from one or all SDCs.
        :param volume_id: ScaleIO volume ID
        :param sdc_guid: Unique SDC identifier
        :param unmap_all: True, unmap from all SDCs, False only unmap from
                          local SDC
        :return: Nothing

        if not unmap_all:
            if not sdc_guid:
                raise ValueError(
                    'sdc_guid must be specified or unmap_all must be True')
                LOG.debug('Using ScaleIO SDC client GUID %s for '
                          'unmap operation.' % sdc_guid)

        if unmap_all:  # unmap from all sdcs
            params = {'allSdcs': ''}
        else:  # only unmap from local sdc
            params = {'guid': sdc_guid}

        r_uri = '/api/instances/Volume::' + \
            volume_id + '/action/removeMappedSdc'
        req = self._post(r_uri, params=params)
        if req.status_code == 200:  # success
            LOG.debug('Unmapped volume %s successfully', volume_id)
        elif req.json().get('errorCode') == VOLUME_NOT_MAPPED_ERROR:
            LOG.warn('Volume %s cannot be unmapped: %s',
                     volume_id, req.json().get('message'))
            raise exceptions.VolumeNotMapped("Volume '%s' is not mapped"
                                             % volume_id)
            raise exceptions.Error("Error unmapping volume '%s': %s"
                                   % (volume_id, req.json().get('message')))