Exemplo n.º 1
    def read_data(self):
        r""" Read DOS, as calculated and written by VASP

        E : numpy.ndarray
            energy points (in eV)
        DOS : numpy.ndarray
            DOS points (in 1/eV)
        # read first line
        line = self.readline()  # NIONS, NIONS, JOBPAR_, WDES%INCDIJ
        line = self.readline()  # AOMEGA, LATT_CUR%ANORM(1:3) *1e-10, POTIM * 1e-15
        line = self.readline()  # TEMP
        line = self.readline()  # ' CAR '
        line = self.readline()  # name
        line = self.readline().split()
        Emax = float(line[0])
        Emin = float(line[1])
        NE = int(line[2])
        Ef = float(line[3])

        E = np.empty([NE], np.float32)
        # Determine output
        line = arrayf(self.readline().split())
        ns = (len(line) - 1) // 2
        DOS = np.empty([ns, NE], np.float32)
        E[0] = line[0]
        DOS[:, 0] = line[1:ns+1]
        for ie in range(1, NE):
            line = arrayf(self.readline().split())
            E[ie] = line[0]
            DOS[:, ie] = line[1:ns+1]
        return E - Ef, DOS
Exemplo n.º 2
        def _voronoi_hirshfeld_charges():
            """ Read output from Voronoi/Hirshfeld charges """
            nonlocal pd

            # Expecting something like this:
            # Voronoi Atomic Populations:
            # Atom #     dQatom  Atom pop         S        Sx        Sy        Sz  Species
            #      1   -0.02936   4.02936   0.00000  -0.00000   0.00000   0.00000  C

            # Define the function that parses the charges
            def _parse_charge(line):
                atom_idx, *vals, symbol = line.split()
                # assert that this is a proper line
                # this should catch cases where the following line of charge output
                # is still parseable
                atom_idx = int(atom_idx)
                return list(map(float, vals))

            # first line is the header
            header = (
                self.readline().replace("dQatom", "dq")  # dQatom in master
                .replace(" Qatom", " dq")  # Qatom in 4.1
                .replace("Atom pop", "e")  # not found in 4.1

            # We have found the header, prepare a list to read the charges
            atom_charges = []
            line = ' '
            while line != "":
                    line = self.readline()
                    charge_vals = _parse_charge(line)
                    # We already have the charge values and we reached a line that can't be parsed,
                    # this means we have reached the end.
            if pd is None:
                # not as_dataframe
                return _a.arrayf(atom_charges)

            # determine how many columns we have
            # this will remove atom indices and species, so only inside
            ncols = len(atom_charges[0])
            assert ncols == len(header)

            # the precision is limited, so no need for double precision
            return pd.DataFrame(atom_charges,
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _empty_charge():
     # return for single value with nan values
     return _a.arrayf([[None]])