Exemplo n.º 1
def test_fdf_gz(sisl_files):
    f = sisl_files(osp.join(_dir, 'fdf'), 'main.fdf.gz')
    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f)

    # read from gzipped file
    assert fdf.get("Main.Foo") == "hello"
    assert fdf.get("Main.Bar") == "world"

    # read from included non-gzipped file
    assert fdf.get("Lvl2.Foo") == "world"
    assert fdf.get("Lvl2.Bar") == "hello"

    # read from nested included gzipped file
    assert fdf.get("Lvl3.Foo") == "world3"
    assert fdf.get("Lvl3.Bar") == "hello3"

    f = sisl_files(osp.join(_dir, 'fdf'), 'level2.fdf')
    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f)

    # read from non-gzipped file
    assert fdf.get("Lvl2.Foo") == "world"
    assert fdf.get("Lvl2.Bar") == "hello"

    # read from included gzipped file
    assert fdf.get("Lvl3.Foo") == "world3"
    assert fdf.get("Lvl3.Bar") == "hello3"
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_fdf_argumentparser(sisl_tmp):
    f = sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('Flag1 date\n')
        fh.write('Flag1 not-date\n')
        fh.write('Flag1 not-date-2\n')
        fh.write('Flag3 true\n')

Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_fdf2(self):
        f = osp.join(self.d, 'gr.fdf')
        self.g.write(fdfSileSiesta(f, 'w'))
        g = fdfSileSiesta(f).read_geom()

        # Assert they are the same
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.cell, self.g.cell))
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.xyz, self.g.xyz))
        for ia in g:
            assert_true(g.atom[ia] == self.g.atom[ia])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_fdf2(self):
        f = osp.join(self.d, "gr.fdf")
        self.g.write(fdfSileSiesta(f, "w"))
        g = fdfSileSiesta(f).read_geom()

        # Assert they are the same
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.cell, self.g.cell))
        assert_true(np.allclose(g.xyz, self.g.xyz))
        for ia in g:
            assert_true(g.atom[ia] == self.g.atom[ia])
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_fdf2(sisl_tmp, sisl_system):
    f = sisl_tmp('gr.fdf', _dir)
    sisl_system.g.write(fdfSileSiesta(f, 'w'))
    g = fdfSileSiesta(f).read_geometry()

    # Assert they are the same
    assert np.allclose(g.cell, sisl_system.g.cell)
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, sisl_system.g.xyz)
    for ia in g:
        assert g.atoms[ia].Z == sisl_system.g.atoms[ia].Z
        assert g.atoms[ia].tag == sisl_system.g.atoms[ia].tag
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_supercell_fail(sisl_tmp):
    f = sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)
    lines = [
        '%block Latticevectors',
        ' 1. 1. 1.',
        ' 0. 0. 1.',
        ' 1. 0. 1.',
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_fdf_units(sisl_tmp, sisl_system):
    f = sisl_tmp('gr.fdf', _dir)
    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f, 'w')
    g = sisl_system.g

    for unit in ['bohr', 'ang', 'fractional', 'frac']:
        fdf.write_geometry(g, unit=unit)
        g2 = fdfSileSiesta(f).read_geometry()
        assert np.allclose(g.cell, g2.cell)
        assert np.allclose(g.xyz, g2.xyz)
        for ia in g:
            assert g.atoms[ia].Z == g2.atoms[ia].Z
            assert g.atoms[ia].tag == g2.atoms[ia].tag
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_xv_preference(sisl_tmp):
    g = geom.graphene()
    g.write(sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir))
    g.xyz[0, 0] += 1.
    g.write(sisl_tmp('siesta.XV', _dir))

    g2 = fdfSileSiesta(sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)).read_geometry(True)
    assert np.allclose(g.cell, g2.cell)
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, g2.xyz)

    g2 = fdfSileSiesta(sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)).read_geometry(order=['fdf'])
    assert np.allclose(g.cell, g2.cell)
    g2.xyz[0, 0] += 1.
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, g2.xyz)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_geometry(sisl_tmp):
    f = sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)
    sc_lines = [
        'Latticeconstant 1. Ang',
        '%block latticeparameters',
        ' 1. 1. 1. 90. 90. 90.',
    lines = [
        'NumberOfAtoms 2',
        '%block chemicalSpeciesLabel',
        ' 1 6 C',
        ' 2 12 H',
        'AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang',
        '%block atomiccoordinatesandatomicspecies',
        ' 1. 1. 1. 1',
        ' 0. 0. 1. 1',
        ' 1. 0. 1. 2',

    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('\n'.join(sc_lines) + '\n')

    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f, base=sisl_tmp.getbase())
    g = fdf.read_geometry()
    assert g.na == 2
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, [[1.] * 3,
                               [0, 0, 1]])
    assert g.atom[0].Z == 6
    assert g.atom[1].Z == 6

    # default read # of atoms from list
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('\n'.join(sc_lines) + '\n')

    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f, base=sisl_tmp.getbase())
    g = fdf.read_geometry()
    assert g.na == 3
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, [[1.] * 3,
                               [0, 0, 1],
                               [1, 0, 1]])
    assert g.atom[0].Z == 6
    assert g.atom[1].Z == 6
    assert g.atom[2].Z == 12
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_fdf1(self):
        f = osp.join(self.d, 'gr.fdf')
        self.g.write(fdfSileSiesta(f, 'w'))

        fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f)
        with fdf:


            # Be sure that we can read it in a loop
            assert_true(fdf.get('LatticeConstant') > 0.)
            assert_true(fdf.get('LatticeConstant') > 0.)
            assert_true(fdf.get('LatticeConstant') > 0.)

Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_fdf1(self):
        f = osp.join(self.d, "gr.fdf")
        self.g.write(fdfSileSiesta(f, "w"))

        fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f)
        with fdf:


            # Be sure that we can read it in a loop
            assert_true(fdf.get("LatticeConstant") > 0.0)
            assert_true(fdf.get("LatticeConstant") > 0.0)
            assert_true(fdf.get("LatticeConstant") > 0.0)

Exemplo n.º 12
def test_dry_read(sisl_tmp):
    # This test runs the read-functions. They aren't expected to actually read anything,
    # it is only a dry-run.
    file = sisl_tmp('siesta.fdf', _dir)
    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(file)

    read_methods = set(m for m in dir(fdf) if m.startswith("read_"))
    output = dict(output=True)
    kwargs = {
        "supercell": output,
        "geometry": output,
        "grid": dict(name="rho"),

    with pytest.warns(SislWarning):
        assert np.allclose(fdf.read_supercell_nsc(), (1, 1, 1))

    geom_methods = set(f"read_{x}" for x in ("basis", "supercell", "geometry"))
    read_methods -= geom_methods

    for methodname in read_methods:
        kwarg = kwargs.get(methodname[5:], dict())
        assert getattr(fdf, methodname)(**kwarg) is None

    for methodname in geom_methods:
        # Also run these, but dont assert None due to the graphene values being present
        # in the fdf. The read functions will still go dry-running through eg. nc-files.
        kwarg = kwargs.get(methodname[5:], dict())
        getattr(fdf, methodname)(**kwarg)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_fdf1(sisl_tmp, sisl_system):
    f = sisl_tmp('gr.fdf', _dir)
    sisl_system.g.write(fdfSileSiesta(f, 'w'))

    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f)
    with fdf:


        # Be sure that we can read it in a loop
        assert fdf.get('LatticeConstant') > 0.
        assert fdf.get('LatticeConstant') > 0.
        assert fdf.get('LatticeConstant') > 0.

Exemplo n.º 14
def test_get_block(sisl_tmp):
    f = sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('%block MyBlock\n  date\n%endblock\n')

    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f)

    assert isinstance(fdf.get('MyBlock'), list)
    assert fdf.get('MyBlock')[0] == 'date'
    assert 'block' in fdf.print("MyBlock", fdf.get("MyBlock"))
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_re_read(sisl_tmp):
    f = sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('Flag1 date\n')
        fh.write('Flag1 not-date\n')
        fh.write('Flag1 not-date-2\n')

    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f)
    for i in range(10):
        assert fdf.get('Flag1') == 'date'
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_supercell(sisl_tmp):
    f = sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)
    lines = [
        'Latticeconstant 1. Ang',
        '%block Latticevectors',
        ' 1. 1. 1.',
        ' 0. 0. 1.',
        ' 1. 0. 1.',
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:

    cell = np.array([[1.] * 3, [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]])
    sc = fdfSileSiesta(f).read_supercell()
    assert np.allclose(sc.cell, cell)

    lines = [
        'Latticeconstant 1. Bohr',
        '%block Latticevectors',
        ' 1. 1. 1.',
        ' 0. 0. 1.',
        ' 1. 0. 1.',
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:

    sc = fdfSileSiesta(f).read_supercell()
    assert np.allclose(sc.cell, cell * unit_convert('Bohr', 'Ang'))

    cell = np.diag([2.] * 3)
    lines = [
        'Latticeconstant 2. Ang',
        '%block Latticeparameters',
        ' 1. 1. 1. 90. 90. 90.',
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:

    sc = fdfSileSiesta(f).read_supercell()
    assert np.allclose(sc.cell, cell)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_get_set(sisl_tmp):
    f = sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('Flag1 date\n')

    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f)
    assert fdf.get('Flag1') == 'date'
    fdf.set('Flag1', 'not-date')
    assert fdf.get('Flag1') == 'not-date'
    fdf.set('Flag1', 'date')
    assert fdf.get('Flag1') == 'date'
    fdf.set('Flag1', 'date-date')
    assert fdf.get('Flag1') == 'date-date'
    fdf.set('Flag1', 'date-date', keep=False)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_h2_dynamical_matrix(sisl_files):
    si = fdfSileSiesta(sisl_files(_dir, 'H2_dynamical_matrix.fdf'))

    trans_inv = [True, False]
    sum0 = trans_inv[:]
    hermitian = trans_inv[:]

    eV2cm = 8065.54429
    hw_true = [-88.392650, -88.392650, -0.000038, -0.000001, 0.000025, 3797.431825]

    from itertools import product
    for ti, s0, herm in product(trans_inv, sum0, hermitian):
        dyn = si.read_dynamical_matrix(trans_inv=ti, sum0=s0, hermitian=herm)
        hw = dyn.eigenvalue().hw
        if ti and s0 and herm:
            assert np.allclose(hw * eV2cm, hw_true, atol=1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_geom_order(sisl_tmp):
    gfdf = geom.graphene()
    gxv = gfdf.copy()
    gxv.xyz[0, 0] += 0.5
    gnc = gfdf.copy()
    gnc.xyz[0, 0] += 0.5

    gfdf.write(sisl_tmp('siesta.fdf', _dir))

    # Create fdf-file
    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(sisl_tmp('siesta.fdf', _dir))
    assert fdf.read_geometry(True, order=['nc']) is None
    gxv.write(sisl_tmp('siesta.XV', _dir))
    gnc.write(sisl_tmp('siesta.nc', _dir))

    # Should read from XV
    g = fdf.read_geometry(True)
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, gxv.xyz)
    g = fdf.read_geometry(order=['nc', 'fdf'])
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, gnc.xyz)
    g = fdf.read_geometry(order=['fdf', 'nc'])
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, gfdf.xyz)
    g = fdf.read_geometry(order=['xv', 'nc'])
    assert np.allclose(g.xyz, gxv.xyz)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_fdf_fe_basis(sisl_files):
    geom = fdfSileSiesta(sisl_files(_dir, 'fe.fdf')).read_geometry()
    assert geom.no == 15
    assert geom.na == 1
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_include(sisl_tmp):
    f = sisl_tmp('file.fdf', _dir)
    with open(f, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('Flag1 date\n')
        fh.write('# Flag2 comment\n')
        fh.write('Flag2 date2\n')
        fh.write('# Flag3 is read through < from file hello\n')
        fh.write('Flag3 Sub < hello\n')
        fh.write('FakeInt 1\n')
        fh.write('Test 1. eV\n')
        fh.write(' %INCLUDE file2.fdf\n')
        fh.write('TestRy 1. Ry\n')
        fh.write('%block Hello < hello\n')
        fh.write('TestLast 1. eV\n')

    hello = sisl_tmp('hello', _dir)
    with open(hello, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('Flag4 hello\n')
        fh.write('# Comments should be discarded\n')
        fh.write('Flag3 test\n')
        fh.write('Sub sub-test\n')

    file2 = sisl_tmp('file2.fdf', _dir)
    with open(file2, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('Flag4 non\n')
        fh.write('FakeReal 2.\n')
        fh.write('  %incLude file3.fdf')

    file3 = sisl_tmp('file3.fdf', _dir)
    with open(file3, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write('Sub level\n')
        fh.write('Third level\n')
        fh.write('MyList [1 , 2 , 3]\n')

    fdf = fdfSileSiesta(f, base=sisl_tmp.getbase())
    assert fdf.includes() == [Path(hello), Path(file2), Path(file3)]
    assert fdf.get('Flag1') == 'date'
    assert fdf.get('Flag2') == 'date2'
    assert fdf.get('Flag3') == 'test'
    assert fdf.get('Flag4') == 'non'
    assert fdf.get('FLAG4') == 'non'
    assert fdf.get('Fakeint') == 1
    assert fdf.get('Fakeint', '0') == '1'
    assert fdf.get('Fakereal') == 2.
    assert fdf.get('Fakereal', 0.) == 2.
    assert fdf.get('test', 'eV') == pytest.approx(1.)
    assert fdf.get('test', with_unit=True)[0] == pytest.approx(1.)
    assert fdf.get('test', with_unit=True)[1] == 'eV'
    assert fdf.get('test',
                   unit='Ry') == pytest.approx(unit_convert('eV', 'Ry'))
    assert fdf.get('testRy') == pytest.approx(unit_convert('Ry', 'eV'))
    assert fdf.get('testRy', with_unit=True)[0] == pytest.approx(1.)
    assert fdf.get('testRy', with_unit=True)[1] == 'Ry'
    assert fdf.get('testRy', unit='Ry') == pytest.approx(1.)
    assert fdf.get('Sub') == 'sub-test'
    assert fdf.get('Third') == 'level'
    assert fdf.get('test-last', with_unit=True)[0] == pytest.approx(1.)
    assert fdf.get('test-last', with_unit=True)[1] == 'eV'

    # Currently lists are not implemented
    #assert np.allclose(fdf.get('MyList'), np.arange(3) + 1)
    #assert np.allclose(fdf.get('MyList', []), np.arange(3) + 1)

    # Read a block
    ll = open(sisl_tmp('hello', _dir)).readlines()
    assert fdf.get('Hello') == [l.replace('\n', '').strip() for l in ll]