Exemplo n.º 1
def spectralWhitening(data, sr=None, smoothi=None, freq_domain=False, apply_filter=None):
    Apply spectral whitening to data.
    sr: sampling rate (only needed for smoothing)
    smoothi: None or int
    Data is divided by its smoothed (Default: None) amplitude spectrum.
    if freq_domain:
        mask = False
        spec = data
        mask = np.ma.getmask(data)
        N = len(data)
        nfft = nextpow2(N)
        spec = fft(data, nfft)
    #df = sr/N
    spec_ampl = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.multiply(spec, np.conjugate(spec))))
    if isinstance(smoothi, basestring) and isnumber(smoothi) and smoothi > 0:
        smoothi = int(smoothi * N / sr)
        spec /= ifftshift(smooth(fftshift(spec_ampl), smoothi))
        spec /= spec_ampl
    if apply_filter is not None:
        spec *= filterResp(*apply_filter, sr=sr, N=len(spec), whole=True)[1]
    if freq_domain:
        return spec
        ret = np.real(ifft(spec, nfft)[:N])
        if USE_FFTW3:
            ret = ret.copy()
        return fillArray(ret, mask=mask, fill_value=0.)
Exemplo n.º 2
def spectralWhitening(data,
    Apply spectral whitening to data.
    sr: sampling rate (only needed for smoothing)
    smoothi: None or int
    Data is divided by its smoothed (Default: None) amplitude spectrum.
    if freq_domain:
        mask = False
        spec = data
        mask = np.ma.getmask(data)
        N = len(data)
        nfft = nextpow2(N)
        spec = fft(data, nfft)
    #df = sr/N
    spec_ampl = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.multiply(spec, np.conjugate(spec))))
    if isinstance(smoothi, basestring) and isnumber(smoothi) and smoothi > 0:
        smoothi = int(smoothi * N / sr)
        spec /= ifftshift(smooth(fftshift(spec_ampl), smoothi))
        spec /= spec_ampl
    if apply_filter is not None:
        spec *= filterResp(*apply_filter, sr=sr, N=len(spec), whole=True)[1]
    if freq_domain:
        return spec
        ret = np.real(ifft(spec, nfft)[:N])
        if USE_FFTW3:
            ret = ret.copy()
        return fillArray(ret, mask=mask, fill_value=0.)
Exemplo n.º 3
def timeNorm(data, method=None, param=None, recursive=0):
    Calculates normalized data. See Bensen et al.(2007)

    Method is a string. There are the following methods:

    1bit: reduce data to +1 if >0 and -1 if <0
    clip: clip data to the root mean square (rms)
    eventremoval: automatic event detection and removal - if an value is bigger
        than the threshold, the following values are set to zero.
        param: (threshold, number of samples (eg. 30min) to set to zero)
    stalta: automatic event removing with recursive sta/lta trigger
    runningmean: the data is normalized with the running average
        The width of the normalization window determines how much amplitude
        information is retained (N=1 -> 1bit normalization, N very big ->
        rescaled data). Half of the maximum period of the passband filter_ works
        param: width of window (should be odd)
    runningmean_over_filtered: the data is normalized with the running average
        over the filtered data.
        A band pass filter_ between 20s and 100s period can remove local
        param: (width of window in seconds, sampling rate, filter_, freq1, freq2)
            filter_: in ('band', 'low', high')
            if filter_ in ('low', 'high') only on frequency is needed
    waterlevel: any amplitude above the waterlevel (multiple of rms) is
        down-weighted by a factor. This procedure is repeated all of the
        waveform data is under the water-level
        param: (water-level factor, reducing factor)

    mask = np.ma.getmask(data)
    if method == '1bit':
        data = np.sign(data)
    elif method == 'clip':
        std = np.std(data)
        data[data > std] = std
        data[data < -std] = -std
    elif method == 'eventremoval':
        if param == None:
            # remove 30 min (at 10Hz) after events if data is bigger than 2000
            param = (2000, 30 * 60 * 10)
        clip = np.nonzero(abs(data) >= param[0])[0]
        if len(clip) > 0:
            clip = clip[0]
            index = min(clip + param[1], len(data))
            data[clip:index] = 0
            if index < len(data):
                data[index:] = timeNorm(data[index:],
    elif method == 'stalta':
        if param is None:
            # STA: 3s at 100Hz, LTA: 10s, trigger on: 1.2, trigger off:1.0
            param = (100 * 3, 100 * 10, 1.2, 1.0)
        cft = obspy.signal.trigger.recSTALTA(data, param[0], param[1])
        trg = obspy.signal.trigger.triggerOnset(cft, param[2], param[3])
        for on, off in trg:
            data[on:off] = 0
    elif method == 'runningmean':
        if param == None:
            # smooth over 20s at 10Hz
            param = 10 * 10
        smoothed = smooth(np.abs(data), param)
        data /= smoothed
    elif method == 'runningmean_over_filtered':
        if param is None:
            # smooth over 20s at 10Hz over bandpassed data
            param = (10, 10, 'band', 1 / 50., 1 / 15.)
        sr = param[1]
        over = int(param[0] * sr)
        filter_ = param[2]
        if filter_ == 'band':
            data2 = obspy.signal.bandpass(data, param[3], param[4], sr)
        elif filter_ == 'low':
            data2 = obspy.signal.lowpass(data, param[3], sr)
        elif filter_ == 'high':
            data2 = obspy.signal.highpass(data, param[3], sr)
            raise ValueError("filter_ should be in ('band', 'high', 'low')")
        data /= smooth(np.abs(data2), over)
    elif method == 'waterlevel':
        if param == None:
            # data above 6*rms is recursively reduced by a factor of 10
            param = (6., 10.)
        waterlevel = param[0] * np.std(data)
        indices = np.abs(data) > waterlevel
        if np.any(indices):
            if param[1] == 0:
                data[indices] = 0
                data[indices] /= param[1]
            data = timeNorm(data,
                            recursive=recursive + 1)
    elif method == 'waterlevel_rm':
        if param == None:
            # running mean over 5s at 10Hz data
            # data above 4*rms is recursively reduced by a factor of 10
            param = (5 * 10, 4., 10.)
        running_mean = smooth(np.abs(data), param[0])
        waterlevel = param[1] * np.std(running_mean)
        indices = (running_mean > waterlevel) + (np.abs(data) > waterlevel)
        if np.any(indices):
            param = list(param)
            frac_zeros = 1. * np.count_nonzero(indices) / len(data)
            if param[2] == 0:
                data[indices] = 0
                param[1] *= (1 + frac_zeros)
                data[indices] /= param[2]
                param[1] *= (1 + frac_zeros * (1 - 1 / param[2]))
            print recursive, frac_zeros, waterlevel
            data = timeNorm(data,
                            recursive=recursive + 1)
    elif method == 'waterlevel_env':
        if param == None:
            # data above 4*rms is recursively reduced by a factor of 10
            param = (4., 10.)
        param = list(param)
        if len(param) == 2:
        env = obspy.signal.cpxtrace.envelope(data)[1][:len(data)]

        # correct std because of zeros
        waterlevel = param[0] * np.std(env) / (1 - param[2])
        #        import pylab as plt
        #        from imaging import plotTrace
        #        from sito import Trace
        #        trace = Trace(data=data)
        #        trace2 = Trace(data=env)
        #        plotTrace(trace)
        #        plotTrace(trace2)
        #        plt.figure()
        #        plt.plot(data)
        #        plt.plot(env)
        #        plt.hlines(waterlevel, 0, len(data))
        #        plt.show()
        indices = env > waterlevel
        frac_zeros = 1. * np.count_nonzero(indices) / len(data)
        if np.any(indices) and frac_zeros > 0.0005 and param[3] < 20:

            if param[1] == 0:
                data[indices] = 0
                #param[0] *= (1 + frac_zeros)
                data[indices] /= param[2]
                #param[0] *= (1 + frac_zeros * (1 - 1 / param[1]))
            print param[3], frac_zeros, param[2], waterlevel
            param[2] += frac_zeros
            param[3] += 1
            data = timeNorm(data, method=method, param=param)
    elif method == 'waterlevel_env2':
        if param == None:
            # data above 4*rms is recursively reduced by a factor of 10
            param = (4., 10.)
        N = len(data)
        env = obspy.signal.cpxtrace.envelope(data)[1][:N]
        if mask is not False:
            env[mask] = 0.
        num_stds = 96  # 24*4 =^ every 15min
        if N < 86400:  # 24*3600
            num_stds = N // 900
        len_parts = N // num_stds  # N//96 = N//24//4 =^ 15min
        len_stds = len_parts // 15  # len_parts//15 =^ 1min
        stds = np.array([
            np.std(env[i:i + len_stds])
            for i in np.arange(num_stds) * len_parts
        if np.min(stds) == 0:
            stds = stds[stds != 0.]
            num_stds = len(stds)
        stds = np.sort(stds)[num_stds // 15:-num_stds // 15]
        stds = stds[stds < np.min(stds) * 2.]
        waterlevel = param[0] * np.mean(stds)
        #        import pylab as plt
        #        from imaging import plotTrace
        #        from sito import Trace
        #        trace = Trace(data=data)
        #        trace2 = Trace(data=env)
        #        plotTrace(trace)
        #        plotTrace(trace2)
        #        plt.figure()
        #        plt.plot(data)
        #        plt.plot(env)
        #        plt.hlines(waterlevel, 0, len(data))
        #        plt.show()
        indices = env > waterlevel
        #frac_zeros = 1. * np.count_nonzero(indices) / len(data)
        if np.any(indices):
            if param[1] == 0:
                # not setting values to zero but masking them
                # -> they will stay zero after spectral whitening
                # and 1bit normalization
                mask = np.ma.mask_or(mask, indices)
                #data[indices] = 0
                data[indices] /= param[2]
    elif method is not None:
        raise ValueError('The method passed to timeNorm() is not known.')
    return fillArray(data, mask=mask, fill_value=0.)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def plotPSD(self,
                Nfft=256 * 16 * 16,
                xlabel='time (s)',
                figtitle='PSD station component date',
        Plot PSD of first trace.

        Doc matplotlib.mlab.psd:
        if self.stats.is_fft:
            pxx = self.data
            if 'freq_min' in self.stats:
                freqs = np.linspace(self.stats.freq_min, self.stats.freq_max,
                freqs = self.fftfreq()
            pxx, freqs = psd(self.data,
        if just_calculate:
            return pxx, freqs
        if x_time:
            pxx = pxx[::-1]
            freqs = 1. / freqs[::-1]
        elif 'time' in xlabel:
            xlabel = 'freq (Hz)'
        if smooth:
            pxx = util.smooth(pxx, smooth)

        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            fig = ax.get_figure()

        # ## print title
        if figtitle is not None:
            figtitle = figtitle.replace('station', self.stats.station)
            figtitle = figtitle.replace('component', self.stats.channel[-1])
                starttime = self.stats.starttime + 0.5
                figtitle = figtitle.replace('time', '%s' % starttime)
                figtitle = figtitle.replace('date', '%s' % starttime.date)
                figtitle = figtitle.replace('year', '%d' % starttime.year)
                figtitle = figtitle.replace('nfft', '%d' % Nfft)
            if not title_in_axis:
                fig.suptitle(figtitle, x=0.5, horizontalalignment='center')
                # fig.text(title, 0., 0.95, horizontalalignment = 'left' )

        if xlabel is not None:
        if ylabel is not None:
        ax.plot(freqs, pxx, **kwargs)

        return ax
Exemplo n.º 5
    def plotPSD(self, ax=None, x_time=True, scale_by_freq=True, Nfft=256 * 16 * 16,
                 xscale='log', yscale='log', grid=True,
                 xlabel='time (s)', ylabel=None,
                 figtitle='PSD station component date',
                 title_in_axis=False, smooth=True,
                 just_calculate=False, ** kwargs):
        Plot PSD of first trace.

        Doc matplotlib.mlab.psd:
        if self.stats.is_fft:
            pxx = self.data
            if 'freq_min' in self.stats:
                freqs = np.linspace(self.stats.freq_min, self.stats.freq_max, self.stats.npts)
                freqs = self.fftfreq()
                pxx, freqs = psd(self.data, NFFT=Nfft, Fs=self.stats.sampling_rate,
                             scale_by_freq=scale_by_freq, pad_to=pad_to)
        if just_calculate:
            return pxx, freqs
        if x_time:
            pxx = pxx[::-1]
            freqs = 1. / freqs[::-1]
        elif 'time' in xlabel:
            xlabel = 'freq (Hz)'
        if smooth:
            pxx = util.smooth(pxx, smooth)

        if ax is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            fig = ax.get_figure()

        # ## print title
        if figtitle is not None:
            figtitle = figtitle.replace('station', self.stats.station)
            figtitle = figtitle.replace('component', self.stats.channel[-1])
                starttime = self.stats.starttime + 0.5
                figtitle = figtitle.replace('time', '%s' % starttime)
                figtitle = figtitle.replace('date', '%s' % starttime.date)
                figtitle = figtitle.replace('year', '%d' % starttime.year)
                figtitle = figtitle.replace('nfft', '%d' % Nfft)
            if not title_in_axis:
                fig.suptitle(figtitle, x=0.5,
                # fig.text(title, 0., 0.95, horizontalalignment = 'left' )
                ax.text(0.1, 1, figtitle, verticalalignment='top',

        if xlabel is not None:
        if ylabel is not None:
        ax.plot(freqs, pxx, **kwargs)

        return ax
Exemplo n.º 6
def timeNorm(data, method=None, param=None, recursive=0):
    Calculates normalized data. See Bensen et al.(2007)

    Method is a string. There are the following methods:

    1bit: reduce data to +1 if >0 and -1 if <0
    clip: clip data to the root mean square (rms)
    eventremoval: automatic event detection and removal - if an value is bigger
        than the threshold, the following values are set to zero.
        param: (threshold, number of samples (eg. 30min) to set to zero)
    stalta: automatic event removing with recursive sta/lta trigger
    runningmean: the data is normalized with the running average
        The width of the normalization window determines how much amplitude
        information is retained (N=1 -> 1bit normalization, N very big ->
        rescaled data). Half of the maximum period of the passband filter_ works
        param: width of window (should be odd)
    runningmean_over_filtered: the data is normalized with the running average
        over the filtered data.
        A band pass filter_ between 20s and 100s period can remove local
        param: (width of window in seconds, sampling rate, filter_, freq1, freq2)
            filter_: in ('band', 'low', high')
            if filter_ in ('low', 'high') only on frequency is needed
    waterlevel: any amplitude above the waterlevel (multiple of rms) is
        down-weighted by a factor. This procedure is repeated all of the
        waveform data is under the water-level
        param: (water-level factor, reducing factor)

    mask = np.ma.getmask(data)
    if method == '1bit':
        data = np.sign(data)
    elif method == 'clip':
        std = np.std(data)
        data[data > std] = std
        data[data < -std] = -std
    elif method == 'eventremoval':
        if param == None:
            # remove 30 min (at 10Hz) after events if data is bigger than 2000 
            param = (2000, 30 * 60 * 10)
        clip = np.nonzero(abs(data) >= param[0])[0]
        if len(clip) > 0:
            clip = clip[0]
            index = min(clip + param[1], len(data))
            data[clip:index] = 0
            if index < len(data):
                data[index:] = timeNorm(data[index:], method=method, param=param)
    elif method == 'stalta':
        if param is None:
            # STA: 3s at 100Hz, LTA: 10s, trigger on: 1.2, trigger off:1.0 
            param = (100 * 3, 100 * 10, 1.2, 1.0)
        cft = obspy.signal.trigger.recSTALTA(data, param[0], param[1])
        trg = obspy.signal.trigger.triggerOnset(cft, param[2], param[3])
        for on, off in trg:
            data[on:off] = 0
    elif method == 'runningmean':
        if param == None:
            # smooth over 20s at 10Hz
            param = 10 * 10
        smoothed = smooth(np.abs(data), param)
        data /= smoothed
    elif method == 'runningmean_over_filtered':
        if param is None:
            # smooth over 20s at 10Hz over bandpassed data
            param = (10, 10, 'band', 1 / 50., 1 / 15.)
        sr = param[1]
        over = int(param[0] * sr)
        filter_ = param[2]
        if filter_ == 'band':
            data2 = obspy.signal.bandpass(data, param[3], param[4], sr)
        elif filter_ == 'low':
            data2 = obspy.signal.lowpass(data, param[3], sr)
        elif filter_ == 'high':
            data2 = obspy.signal.highpass(data, param[3], sr)
            raise ValueError("filter_ should be in ('band', 'high', 'low')")
        data /= smooth(np.abs(data2), over)
    elif method == 'waterlevel':
        if param == None:
            # data above 6*rms is recursively reduced by a factor of 10
            param = (6., 10.)
        waterlevel = param[0] * np.std(data)
        indices = np.abs(data) > waterlevel
        if np.any(indices):
            if param[1] == 0:
                data[indices] = 0
                data[indices] /= param[1]
            data = timeNorm(data, method=method, param=param, recursive=recursive + 1)
    elif method == 'waterlevel_rm':
        if param == None:
            # running mean over 5s at 10Hz data
            # data above 4*rms is recursively reduced by a factor of 10
            param = (5 * 10, 4., 10.)
        running_mean = smooth(np.abs(data), param[0])
        waterlevel = param[1] * np.std(running_mean)
        indices = (running_mean > waterlevel) + (np.abs(data) > waterlevel)
        if np.any(indices):
            param = list(param)
            frac_zeros = 1. * np.count_nonzero(indices) / len(data)
            if param[2] == 0:
                data[indices] = 0
                param[1] *= (1 + frac_zeros)
                data[indices] /= param[2]
                param[1] *= (1 + frac_zeros * (1 - 1 / param[2]))
            print recursive, frac_zeros, waterlevel
            data = timeNorm(data, method=method, param=param, recursive=recursive + 1)
    elif method == 'waterlevel_env':
        if param == None:
            # data above 4*rms is recursively reduced by a factor of 10
            param = (4., 10.)
        param = list(param)
        if len(param) == 2:
        env = obspy.signal.cpxtrace.envelope(data)[1][:len(data)]

        # correct std because of zeros
        waterlevel = param[0] * np.std(env) / (1 - param[2])
#        import pylab as plt
#        from imaging import plotTrace
#        from sito import Trace
#        trace = Trace(data=data)
#        trace2 = Trace(data=env)
#        plotTrace(trace)
#        plotTrace(trace2)
#        plt.figure()
#        plt.plot(data)
#        plt.plot(env)
#        plt.hlines(waterlevel, 0, len(data))
#        plt.show()
        indices = env > waterlevel
        frac_zeros = 1. * np.count_nonzero(indices) / len(data)
        if np.any(indices) and frac_zeros > 0.0005 and param[3] < 20:

            if param[1] == 0:
                data[indices] = 0
                #param[0] *= (1 + frac_zeros)
                data[indices] /= param[2]
                #param[0] *= (1 + frac_zeros * (1 - 1 / param[1]))
            print param[3], frac_zeros, param[2], waterlevel
            param[2] += frac_zeros
            param[3] += 1
            data = timeNorm(data, method=method, param=param)
    elif method == 'waterlevel_env2':
        if param == None:
            # data above 4*rms is recursively reduced by a factor of 10
            param = (4., 10.)
        N = len(data)
        env = obspy.signal.cpxtrace.envelope(data)[1][:N]
        if mask is not False:
            env[mask] = 0.
        num_stds = 96 # 24*4 =^ every 15min
        if N < 86400: # 24*3600
            num_stds = N // 900
        len_parts = N // num_stds # N//96 = N//24//4 =^ 15min
        len_stds = len_parts // 15 # len_parts//15 =^ 1min
        stds = np.array([np.std(env[i:i + len_stds]) for i in np.arange(num_stds) * len_parts])
        if np.min(stds) == 0:
            stds = stds[stds != 0.]
            num_stds = len(stds)
        stds = np.sort(stds)[num_stds // 15:-num_stds // 15]
        stds = stds[stds < np.min(stds) * 2.]
        waterlevel = param[0] * np.mean(stds)
#        import pylab as plt
#        from imaging import plotTrace
#        from sito import Trace
#        trace = Trace(data=data)
#        trace2 = Trace(data=env)
#        plotTrace(trace)
#        plotTrace(trace2)
#        plt.figure()
#        plt.plot(data)
#        plt.plot(env)
#        plt.hlines(waterlevel, 0, len(data))
#        plt.show()
        indices = env > waterlevel
        #frac_zeros = 1. * np.count_nonzero(indices) / len(data)
        if np.any(indices):
            if param[1] == 0:
                # not setting values to zero but masking them
                # -> they will stay zero after spectral whitening
                # and 1bit normalization
                mask = np.ma.mask_or(mask, indices)
                #data[indices] = 0
                data[indices] /= param[2]
    elif method is not None:
        raise ValueError('The method passed to timeNorm() is not known.')
    return fillArray(data, mask=mask, fill_value=0.)