Exemplo n.º 1
def _load_ec_as_default_policy(proxy_conf_file, swift_conf_file, **kwargs):
    Override swift.conf [storage-policy:0] section to use a 2+1 EC policy.

    :param proxy_conf_file: Source proxy conf filename
    :param swift_conf_file: Source swift conf filename
    :returns: Tuple of paths to the proxy conf file and swift conf file to use
    _debug('Setting configuration for default EC policy')

    conf = ConfigParser()
    # remove existing policy sections that came with swift.conf-sample
    for section in list(conf.sections()):
        if section.startswith('storage-policy'):
    # add new policy 0 section for an EC policy
    ec_policy_spec = {
        'name': 'ec-test',
        'policy_type': 'erasure_coding',
        'ec_type': 'liberasurecode_rs_vand',
        'ec_num_data_fragments': 2,
        'ec_num_parity_fragments': 1,
        'ec_object_segment_size': 1048576,
        'default': True

    for k, v in ec_policy_spec.items():
        conf.set('storage-policy:0', k, str(v))

    with open(swift_conf_file, 'w') as fp:
    return proxy_conf_file, swift_conf_file
Exemplo n.º 2
def _load_ec_as_default_policy(proxy_conf_file, swift_conf_file, **kwargs):
    Override swift.conf [storage-policy:0] section to use a 2+1 EC policy.

    :param proxy_conf_file: Source proxy conf filename
    :param swift_conf_file: Source swift conf filename
    :returns: Tuple of paths to the proxy conf file and swift conf file to use
    _debug('Setting configuration for default EC policy')

    conf = ConfigParser()
    # remove existing policy sections that came with swift.conf-sample
    for section in list(conf.sections()):
        if section.startswith('storage-policy'):
    # add new policy 0 section for an EC policy
    ec_policy_spec = {
        'name': 'ec-test',
        'policy_type': 'erasure_coding',
        'ec_type': 'liberasurecode_rs_vand',
        'ec_num_data_fragments': 2,
        'ec_num_parity_fragments': 1,
        'ec_object_segment_size': 1048576,
        'default': True

    for k, v in ec_policy_spec.items():
        conf.set('storage-policy:0', k, str(v))

    with open(swift_conf_file, 'w') as fp:
    return proxy_conf_file, swift_conf_file
Exemplo n.º 3
def _in_process_setup_ring(swift_conf, conf_src_dir, testdir):
    If SWIFT_TEST_POLICY is set:
    - look in swift.conf file for specified policy
    - move this to be policy-0 but preserving its options
    - copy its ring file to test dir, changing its devices to suit
      in process testing, and renaming it to suit policy-0
    Otherwise, create a default ring file.
    conf = ConfigParser()
    sp_prefix = 'storage-policy:'

        # policy index 0 will be created if no policy exists in conf
        policies = parse_storage_policies(conf)
    except PolicyError as e:
        raise InProcessException(e)

    # clear all policies from test swift.conf before adding test policy back
    for policy in policies:
        conf.remove_section(sp_prefix + str(policy.idx))

    if policy_specified:
        policy_to_test = policies.get_by_name(policy_specified)
        if policy_to_test is None:
            raise InProcessException('Failed to find policy name "%s"'
                                     % policy_specified)
        _info('Using specified policy %s' % policy_to_test.name)
        policy_to_test = policies.default
        _info('Defaulting to policy %s' % policy_to_test.name)

    # make policy_to_test be policy index 0 and default for the test config
    sp_zero_section = sp_prefix + '0'
    for (k, v) in policy_to_test.get_info(config=True).items():
        conf.set(sp_zero_section, k, str(v))
    conf.set(sp_zero_section, 'default', 'True')

    with open(swift_conf, 'w') as fp:

    # look for a source ring file
    ring_file_src = ring_file_test = 'object.ring.gz'
    if policy_to_test.idx:
        ring_file_src = 'object-%s.ring.gz' % policy_to_test.idx
        ring_file_src = _in_process_find_conf_file(conf_src_dir, ring_file_src,
    except InProcessException as e:
        if policy_specified:
            raise InProcessException('Failed to find ring file %s'
                                     % ring_file_src)
        ring_file_src = None

    ring_file_test = os.path.join(testdir, ring_file_test)
    if ring_file_src:
        # copy source ring file to a policy-0 test ring file, re-homing servers
        _info('Using source ring file %s' % ring_file_src)
        ring_data = ring.RingData.load(ring_file_src)
        obj_sockets = []
        for dev in ring_data.devs:
            device = 'sd%c1' % chr(len(obj_sockets) + ord('a'))
            utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sda1'))
            utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sda1', 'tmp'))
            obj_socket = listen_zero()
            dev['port'] = obj_socket.getsockname()[1]
            dev['ip'] = ''
            dev['device'] = device
            dev['replication_port'] = dev['port']
            dev['replication_ip'] = dev['ip']
        # make default test ring, 3 replicas, 4 partitions, 3 devices
        # which will work for a replication policy or a 2+1 EC policy
        _info('No source object ring file, creating 3rep/4part/3dev ring')
        obj_sockets = [listen_zero() for _ in (0, 1, 2)]
        replica2part2dev_id = [[0, 1, 2, 0],
                               [1, 2, 0, 1],
                               [2, 0, 1, 2]]
        devs = [{'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'ip': '',
                 'port': obj_sockets[0].getsockname()[1]},
                {'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'device': 'sdb1', 'ip': '',
                 'port': obj_sockets[1].getsockname()[1]},
                {'id': 2, 'zone': 2, 'device': 'sdc1', 'ip': '',
                 'port': obj_sockets[2].getsockname()[1]}]
        ring_data = ring.RingData(replica2part2dev_id, devs, 30)
        with closing(GzipFile(ring_file_test, 'wb')) as f:
            pickle.dump(ring_data, f)

    for dev in ring_data.devs:
        _debug('Ring file dev: %s' % dev)

    return obj_sockets
Exemplo n.º 4
def _in_process_setup_ring(swift_conf, conf_src_dir, testdir):
    If SWIFT_TEST_POLICY is set:
    - look in swift.conf file for specified policy
    - move this to be policy-0 but preserving its options
    - copy its ring file to test dir, changing its devices to suit
      in process testing, and renaming it to suit policy-0
    Otherwise, create a default ring file.
    conf = ConfigParser()
    sp_prefix = 'storage-policy:'

        # policy index 0 will be created if no policy exists in conf
        policies = parse_storage_policies(conf)
    except PolicyError as e:
        raise InProcessException(e)

    # clear all policies from test swift.conf before adding test policy back
    for policy in policies:
        conf.remove_section(sp_prefix + str(policy.idx))

    if policy_specified:
        policy_to_test = policies.get_by_name(policy_specified)
        if policy_to_test is None:
            raise InProcessException('Failed to find policy name "%s"'
                                     % policy_specified)
        _info('Using specified policy %s' % policy_to_test.name)
        policy_to_test = policies.default
        _info('Defaulting to policy %s' % policy_to_test.name)

    # make policy_to_test be policy index 0 and default for the test config
    sp_zero_section = sp_prefix + '0'
    for (k, v) in policy_to_test.get_info(config=True).items():
        conf.set(sp_zero_section, k, v)
    conf.set(sp_zero_section, 'default', True)

    with open(swift_conf, 'w') as fp:

    # look for a source ring file
    ring_file_src = ring_file_test = 'object.ring.gz'
    if policy_to_test.idx:
        ring_file_src = 'object-%s.ring.gz' % policy_to_test.idx
        ring_file_src = _in_process_find_conf_file(conf_src_dir, ring_file_src,
    except InProcessException as e:
        if policy_specified:
            raise InProcessException('Failed to find ring file %s'
                                     % ring_file_src)
        ring_file_src = None

    ring_file_test = os.path.join(testdir, ring_file_test)
    if ring_file_src:
        # copy source ring file to a policy-0 test ring file, re-homing servers
        _info('Using source ring file %s' % ring_file_src)
        ring_data = ring.RingData.load(ring_file_src)
        obj_sockets = []
        for dev in ring_data.devs:
            device = 'sd%c1' % chr(len(obj_sockets) + ord('a'))
            utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sda1'))
            utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, 'sda1', 'tmp'))
            obj_socket = listen_zero()
            dev['port'] = obj_socket.getsockname()[1]
            dev['ip'] = ''
            dev['device'] = device
            dev['replication_port'] = dev['port']
            dev['replication_ip'] = dev['ip']
        # make default test ring, 3 replicas, 4 partitions, 3 devices
        # which will work for a replication policy or a 2+1 EC policy
        _info('No source object ring file, creating 3rep/4part/3dev ring')
        obj_sockets = [listen_zero() for _ in (0, 1, 2)]
        replica2part2dev_id = [[0, 1, 2, 0],
                               [1, 2, 0, 1],
                               [2, 0, 1, 2]]
        devs = [{'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'device': 'sda1', 'ip': '',
                 'port': obj_sockets[0].getsockname()[1]},
                {'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'device': 'sdb1', 'ip': '',
                 'port': obj_sockets[1].getsockname()[1]},
                {'id': 2, 'zone': 2, 'device': 'sdc1', 'ip': '',
                 'port': obj_sockets[2].getsockname()[1]}]
        ring_data = ring.RingData(replica2part2dev_id, devs, 30)
        with closing(GzipFile(ring_file_test, 'wb')) as f:
            pickle.dump(ring_data, f)

    for dev in ring_data.devs:
        _debug('Ring file dev: %s' % dev)

    return obj_sockets
Exemplo n.º 5
class SHOUTcasterFavorites:
    configfile = "/etc/NETcaster.conf"

    def __init__(self):
        self.configparser = ConfigParser()

    def getStreams(self):
        streams = []
        sections = self.configparser.sections()
        for section in sections:
            stream = self.getStreamByName(section)
        return streams

    def isStream(self, streamname):
        if self.configparser.has_section(streamname) is True:
            return True
            return False

    def getStreamByName(self, streamname):
        print("[" + myname + "] load " + streamname + " from config")
        if self.isStream(streamname) is True:
            stream = Stream(streamname,
                            self.configparser.get(streamname, "description"),
                            self.configparser.get(streamname, "url"),
                            type=self.configparser.get(streamname, "type"))
            return stream
            return False

    def addStream(self, stream):
        print("[" + myname + "] adding " + stream.getName() + " to config")
        except DuplicateSectionError as e:
            print("[" + myname + "] error while adding stream to config:", e)
            return False, e
            # XXX: I hope this still works properly if we make a optimistic
            # return here since otherwise the interface would need to be changed
            # to work with a callback
            stream.getURL(boundFunction(self.addStreamCb, stream))
            return True, "Stream added"

    def addStreamCb(self, stream, url=None):
        self.configparser.set(stream.getName(), "description",
        self.configparser.set(stream.getName(), "url", url)
        self.configparser.set(stream.getName(), "type", stream.getType())

    def changeStream(self, streamold, streamnew):
        if self.configparser.has_section(streamold.getName()) is False:
            return False, "stream not found in config"
        elif self.configparser.has_section(streamnew.getName()) is True:
            return False, "stream with that name exists already"
            return self.addStream(streamnew)

    def deleteStreamWithName(self, streamname):

    def writeConfig(self):
        print("[" + myname + "] writing config to " + self.configfile)

        fp = open(self.configfile, "w")
Exemplo n.º 6
def _in_process_setup_ring(swift_conf, conf_src_dir, testdir):
    If SWIFT_TEST_POLICY is set:
    - look in swift.conf file for specified policy
    - move this to be policy-0 but preserving its options
    - copy its ring file to test dir, changing its devices to suit
      in process testing, and renaming it to suit policy-0
    Otherwise, create a default ring file.
    conf = ConfigParser()
    sp_prefix = "storage-policy:"

        # policy index 0 will be created if no policy exists in conf
        policies = parse_storage_policies(conf)
    except PolicyError as e:
        raise InProcessException(e)

    # clear all policies from test swift.conf before adding test policy back
    for policy in policies:
        conf.remove_section(sp_prefix + str(policy.idx))

    if policy_specified:
        policy_to_test = policies.get_by_name(policy_specified)
        if policy_to_test is None:
            raise InProcessException('Failed to find policy name "%s"' % policy_specified)
        _info("Using specified policy %s" % policy_to_test.name)
        policy_to_test = policies.default
        _info("Defaulting to policy %s" % policy_to_test.name)

    # make policy_to_test be policy index 0 and default for the test config
    sp_zero_section = sp_prefix + "0"
    for (k, v) in policy_to_test.get_info(config=True).items():
        conf.set(sp_zero_section, k, v)
    conf.set(sp_zero_section, "default", True)

    with open(swift_conf, "w") as fp:

    # look for a source ring file
    ring_file_src = ring_file_test = "object.ring.gz"
    if policy_to_test.idx:
        ring_file_src = "object-%s.ring.gz" % policy_to_test.idx
        ring_file_src = _in_process_find_conf_file(conf_src_dir, ring_file_src, use_sample=False)
    except InProcessException as e:
        if policy_specified:
            raise InProcessException("Failed to find ring file %s" % ring_file_src)
        ring_file_src = None

    ring_file_test = os.path.join(testdir, ring_file_test)
    if ring_file_src:
        # copy source ring file to a policy-0 test ring file, re-homing servers
        _info("Using source ring file %s" % ring_file_src)
        ring_data = ring.RingData.load(ring_file_src)
        obj_sockets = []
        for dev in ring_data.devs:
            device = "sd%c1" % chr(len(obj_sockets) + ord("a"))
            utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, "sda1"))
            utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(_testdir, "sda1", "tmp"))
            obj_socket = eventlet.listen(("localhost", 0))
            dev["port"] = obj_socket.getsockname()[1]
            dev["ip"] = ""
            dev["device"] = device
            dev["replication_port"] = dev["port"]
            dev["replication_ip"] = dev["ip"]
        # make default test ring, 2 replicas, 4 partitions, 2 devices
        _info("No source object ring file, creating 2rep/4part/2dev ring")
        obj_sockets = [eventlet.listen(("localhost", 0)) for _ in (0, 1)]
        ring_data = ring.RingData(
            [[0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0]],
                {"id": 0, "zone": 0, "device": "sda1", "ip": "", "port": obj_sockets[0].getsockname()[1]},
                {"id": 1, "zone": 1, "device": "sdb1", "ip": "", "port": obj_sockets[1].getsockname()[1]},
        with closing(GzipFile(ring_file_test, "wb")) as f:
            pickle.dump(ring_data, f)

    for dev in ring_data.devs:
        _debug("Ring file dev: %s" % dev)

    return obj_sockets