Exemplo n.º 1
  def render(self, template_name, passed_vars, response_code = 200, 
          response_type=False, prettyPrint=False, template_set='app', template_theme=None):
    """Main render helper function. Wraps other rendering functions
    if not response_type:
      response_type = self.request.response_type()

    prettyPrint = bool(self.request.get('prettyPrint', False))
    if hasmethod(self, 'template_wrapper'):
      passed_vars = self.template_wrapper(variables = passed_vars)
    if response_type in ['xml', 'json']:
      serial_f = getattr(sketch.serialize, response_type)
      content = serial_f(passed_vars, pretty = prettyPrint)
      self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/%s; charset=utf-8" % (response_type)
      passed_vars = self.get_template_vars(passed_vars)
      passed_vars = self.get_plugin_vars(passed_vars)
      # fixing..
      if hasattr(self, 'template_folder'):
        template_theme = getmethattr(self, 'template_folder')
      content = sketch.jinja.render(template_name, passed_vars, template_theme=template_theme, template_set=template_set)
    self.render_content(content, response_code)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_template_theme(self, template_set=None):
   if template_set in self.config.template_themes:
     return self.config.template_themes[template_set]
   if hasattr(self, 'template_theme'):
     return getmethattr(self, 'template_theme')
   if (self.config.default_template_theme):
     return self.config.default_template_theme
   raise Exception('no template theme specified')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_styles(self, template_vars):
   if not hasattr(self, 'styles'):
     return template_vars
   styles_dict = getmethattr(self, 'styles')
   styles_tmp = ""
   for style_path in styles_dict:
     style_name = ""
     styles_tmp = styles_tmp + "<link id=\"%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" type=\"text/css\">" % (style_name, style_path)
   template_vars['styles'] = styles_tmp
   return template_vars
Exemplo n.º 4
  def get_javascripts(self, template_vars):
    """Will read the javascripts to be included, create the tags and include
    them as part of the template variables
    :param template_vars: Template variable dict
    if not hasattr(self, 'javascripts'):
      return template_vars
    scripts_dict = getmethattr(self, 'javascripts')
    js_tmp = ""

    for script_d in scripts_dict:
      for script_src in scripts_dict[script_d]['src']:
        js_tmp = js_tmp + "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>\n" % script_src

    template_vars['javascripts'] = js_tmp
    return template_vars
Exemplo n.º 5
  def get_javascripts(self, template_vars):
    """Will read the javascripts to be included, create the tags and include
    them as part of the template variables
    :param template_vars: Template variable dict
    if not hasattr(self, 'javascripts'):
      return template_vars
    scripts_dict = getmethattr(self, 'javascripts')
    js_tmp = ""

    for script_name, script_val in scripts_dict.iteritems():
      script_src = ""
      if 'base_dir' in script_val:
        script_src = script_val['base_dir']
      for script_uri in script_val['src']:
        if 'version' in script_val:
          script_uri = script_uri + "?%s" % script_val['version']
        js_tmp = js_tmp + "\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>\n" % (script_src + script_uri)
    template_vars['javascripts'] = js_tmp
    return template_vars
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_template_set(self):
   if hasattr(self, 'template_set'):
     return getmethattr(self, 'template_set')
   if (self.config.default_template_set):
     return self.config.default_template_set
   raise Exception('no template set specified')