Exemplo n.º 1
 def generate_mf_group(self, G, x):
     mf_group = {}
     for (k, v) in G.iteritems():
         shp = v['shp']
         mf = v['mf']
         if mf == 'trap':
             mf_group[k] = trapmf(x, shp)
         if mf == 'tri':
             mf_group[k] = trimf(x, shp)
         if mf == 'gbell':
             mf_group[k] = gbellmf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2])
         if mf == 'gauss':
             mf_group[k] = gaussmf(x, shp[0], shp[1])
         if mf == 'gauss2':
             mf_group[k] = gauss2mf(x, shp[0], shp[1])
         if mf == 'sig':
             mf_group[k] = sigmf(x, shp[0], shp[1])
         if mf == 'psig':
             mf_group[k] = psigmf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
         if mf == 'zmf':
             mf_group[k] = zmf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
         if mf == 'smf':
             mf_group[k] = smf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
         if mf == 'pimf':
             mf_group[k] = pimf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
         if mf == 'piecemf':
             mf_group[k] = piecemf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
     return mf_group
def test_interp_membership():
    x = np.r_[0:4.1:0.1]
    mfx = trapmf(x, [0, 1, 2, 4])

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 0)
    assert yy == 0

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 0.535)
    assert_allclose(np.r_[yy], np.r_[0.535])

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, np.pi / 3.)
    assert yy == 1

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 2.718)
    assert_allclose(np.r_[yy], np.r_[0.641])

    assert_allclose(interp_membership(x, mfx, [0.2, 2.73, 3.14]),
                    np.asarray([interp_membership(x, mfx, i)
                                for i in [0.2, 2.73, 3.14]]))

    mfx[-1] = 0.7
    mfx[0] = 0.2
    assert_allclose([0, 0], interp_membership(x, mfx, [-11, 5]))
    assert_allclose([0.2, 0.7], interp_membership(x, mfx, [-11, 5],
Exemplo n.º 3
def _plot_mf_for(x):
    '''Given the x-values, plot a series of example membership functions'''
    tests = OrderedDict([
        # Gaussians:
        ('gauss', skmemb.gaussmf(x, 50, 10)),
        ('left gauss', leftgaussmf(x, 50, 10)),
        ('right gauss', rightgaussmf(x, 50, 10)),
        # Triangles:
        ('triangular', skmemb.trimf(x, [25, 50, 75])),
        ('left linear', leftlinearmf(x, 25, 75)),
        ('right linear', rightlinearmf(x, 25, 75)),
        # fuzzylite:
        ('cosine', cosinemf(x, 50, 50)),
        ('inc concave', concavemf(x, 50, 75)),
        ('dec concave', concavemf(x, 50, 25)),
        ('spike', spikemf(x, 50, 50)),
        ('inc ramp', rampmf(x, 25, 75)),
        ('dec ramp', rampmf(x, 75, 25)),
        # Rectangle-ish
        ('trapezoid', skmemb.trapmf(x, [20, 40, 60, 80])),
        ('rectangle', rectanglemf(x, 25, 75)),
        ('singleton', singletonmf(x, 50)),
    # Example point sets:
    ps_tests = [[(40, 0.5), (60, 1)],
                [(10, 0.5), (25, 0.25), (40, 0.75), (80, .5)],
                [(0, 1), (40, 0.25), (50, .5), (99, 0)]]
    # Now try some interpolation methods on these:
    for method in ['linear', 'lagrange', 'spline', 'cubic']:
        tests.update([('{} ex{}'.format(method, i), pointsetmf(x, ps, method))
                      for i, ps in enumerate(ps_tests)])
    return tests
Exemplo n.º 4
 def generate_mf_group(self, G, x):
     mf_group = {}
     for (k, v) in G.iteritems():
         shp = v['shp']
         mf = v['mf']
         if mf == 'trap':
             mf_group[k] = trapmf(x, shp)
         if mf == 'tri':
             mf_group[k] = trimf(x, shp)
         if mf == 'gbell':
             mf_group[k] = gbellmf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2])
         if mf == 'gauss':
             mf_group[k] = gaussmf(x, shp[0], shp[1])
         if mf == 'gauss2':
             mf_group[k] = gauss2mf(x, shp[0], shp[1])
         if mf == 'sig':
             mf_group[k] = sigmf(x, shp[0], shp[1])
         if mf == 'psig':
             mf_group[k] = psigmf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
         if mf == 'zmf':
             mf_group[k] = zmf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
         if mf == 'smf':
             mf_group[k] = smf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
         if mf == 'pimf':
             mf_group[k] = pimf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
         if mf == 'piecemf':
             mf_group[k] = piecemf(x, shp[0], shp[1], shp[2], shp[3])
     return mf_group
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_trapmf():
    x = np.arange(-4, 3.1, 0.1)
    abcd = (-4, -4, 2, np.pi)
    expected = np.ones_like(x)
    idx = np.logical_and(x > 2, x < np.pi)
    expected[idx] = np.interp(x[idx], np.r_[2, np.pi], np.r_[1, 0])
    expected[x > np.pi] = 0
    test = trapmf(x, abcd)
    assert_allclose(test, expected)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_trapmf():
    x = np.arange(-4, 3.1, 0.1)
    abcd = (-4, -4, 2, np.pi)
    expected = np.ones_like(x)
    idx = np.logical_and(x > 2, x < np.pi)
    expected[idx] = np.interp(x[idx], np.r_[2, np.pi], np.r_[1, 0])
    expected[x > np.pi] = 0
    test = trapmf(x, abcd)
    assert_allclose(test, expected)
def test_interp_membership():
    x = np.r_[0:4.1:0.1]
    mfx = trapmf(x, [0, 1, 2, 4])

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 0)
    assert yy == 0

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 0.535)
    assert_allclose(np.r_[yy], np.r_[0.535])

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, np.pi / 3.)
    assert yy == 1

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 2.718)
    assert_allclose(np.r_[yy], np.r_[0.641])
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_interp_membership():
    x = np.r_[0:4.1:0.1]
    mfx = trapmf(x, [0, 1, 2, 4])

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 0)
    assert yy == 0

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 0.535)
    assert_allclose(np.r_[yy], np.r_[0.535])

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, np.pi / 3.)
    assert yy == 1

    yy = interp_membership(x, mfx, 2.718)
    assert_allclose(np.r_[yy], np.r_[0.641])
def test_interp_universe():
    x = np.r_[0:4.1:0.1]
    mfx = trapmf(x, [0, 1, 2, 4])

    xx = interp_universe(x, mfx, 0.5)
    assert_allclose(xx, [0.5, 3])

    xx = interp_universe(x, mfx, 0.0)
    assert_allclose(xx, [0, 4])

    xx = interp_universe(x, mfx, 1.5)
    assert len(xx) == 0

    xx = interp_universe(x, mfx, 0.3)
    y = [interp_membership(x, mfx, value) for value in xx]
    assert_allclose(y, 0.3)
Exemplo n.º 10
        ax[2].set_ylabel('Control u')
        ax[2].set_title('Fuzzy logic control action u')
        fig.suptitle('Simulation.  Gain K = ' + str(K))


    return xx1, xx2, uu, tt

if __name__ == '__main__':
    These functions represent an inverted pendulum.
    # Membership Matrices
    x1 = np.arange(-10, 10.1, 0.1)        # Angle range, 1d array, length N, Fuzzy state variable #1.
    N1 = trapmf(x1, [-10, -10, -2, 0])    # Negative membership function
    Z1 = trimf(x1, [-2, 0, 2])            # Zero membership function
    P1 = trapmf(x1, [0, 2, 10, 10])       # Positive membership function
    M1 = np.vstack((N1, Z1, P1))          # Input 1 membership matrix, 2d array, shape (Q1, N), Matrix with Q1 membership functions for x1.
    x2 = np.arange(-10, 10.1, 0.1)        # Angular velocity range, 1d array, length M, Fuzzy state variable #2.
    N2 = trapmf(x2, [-10, -10, -2, 0])    # Negative membership function
    Z2 = trimf(x2, [-2, 0, 2])            # Zero membership function
    P2 = trapmf(x2, [0, 2, 10, 10])       # Positive membership function
    M2 = np.vstack((N2, Z2, P2))          # Input 2 membership matrix, 2d array, shape (Q2, M), Matrix with Q2 membership functions for x2.

    # Fuzzy control (u) and member functions
    u = np.arange(-25, 25.25, 0.25)         # Fuzzy control output variable, 1d array, length U, Feedback control action variable.
    NBu = trapmf(u, [-25, -25, -16, -8])    # Big Negative` membership function
    Nu = trimf(u, [-16, -8, 0])             # Negative` membership function
    Zu = trimf(u, [-8, 0, 8])               # Zero` membership function
Exemplo n.º 11
import numpy as np
import skfuzzy as fuzz
import skfuzzy.membership as mf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x_tempTest = np.arange(0, 101, 1)
x_firmTest = np.arange(0, 101, 1)
y_quality = np.arange(0, 101, 1)

temp_low = mf.trapmf(x_tempTest, [0, 0, 10, 40])
temp_med = mf.trimf(x_tempTest, [20, 50, 80])
temp_hig = mf.trapmf(x_tempTest, [60, 90, 100, 100])

firm_low = mf.trimf(x_firmTest, [0, 0, 40])
firm_med = mf.trimf(x_firmTest, [30, 50, 70])
firm_hig = mf.trimf(x_firmTest, [60, 100, 100])

#result_no = mf.trimf(y_quality, [0, 0, 100])
#result_ok = mf.trimf(y_quality, [0, 100, 100])

quality_verylow = mf.trimf(y_quality, [0, 0, 25])
quality_bitlow = mf.trimf(y_quality, [0, 25, 50])
quality_middle = mf.trimf(y_quality, [25, 50, 75])
quality_bithigh = mf.trimf(y_quality, [50, 75, 100])
quality_veryhig = mf.trimf(y_quality, [75, 100, 100])

fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(6, 10))

ax0.plot(x_tempTest, temp_low, 'r', linewidth=2, label='Düşük')
ax0.plot(x_tempTest, temp_med, 'g', linewidth=2, label='Orta')
ax0.plot(x_tempTest, temp_hig, 'b', linewidth=2, label='Yüksek')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
        # Create input and output variables
        self.lsonar = ctrl.Antecedent(self.sonar_interval, 'lsonar')
        self.rsonar = ctrl.Antecedent(self.sonar_interval, 'rsonar')
        self.last_theta = ctrl.Antecedent(self.theta_interval, 'last_theta')
        self.theta = ctrl.Consequent(self.theta_interval, 'theta')
        self.v_x = ctrl.Consequent(self.v_interval, 'v_x')

        # we need membership functions!
        distance_levels = ['dangerous', 'unsafe', 'safe']
        theta_directions = ['left', 'centre', 'right']
        velocity_levels = ['slow', 'medium', 'fast']


        low_mshp = mshp.trimf(self.sonar_interval, [0.25, 0.25, 0.31])
        mid_mshp = mshp.trimf(self.sonar_interval, [0.28, 0.35, 0.45])
        high_mshp = mshp.trapmf(self.sonar_interval, [0.4, 0.6, 2.55, 2.55])

        self.lsonar['dangerous'] = low_mshp
        self.lsonar['unsafe'] = mid_mshp
        self.lsonar['safe'] = high_mshp

        self.rsonar['dangerous'] = low_mshp
        self.rsonar['unsafe'] = mid_mshp
        self.rsonar['safe'] = high_mshp

        left_angle_mshp = mshp.gaussmf(self.theta_interval, 0.7, 0.2)
        centre_angle_mshp = mshp.gaussmf(self.theta_interval, 0, 0.1)
        right_angle_mshp = mshp.gaussmf(self.theta_interval, -0.7, 0.2)
        self.theta['left'] = left_angle_mshp
        self.theta['centre'] = centre_angle_mshp
        self.theta['right'] = right_angle_mshp

        self.last_theta['left'] = left_angle_mshp
        self.last_theta['centre'] = centre_angle_mshp
        self.last_theta['right'] = right_angle_mshp

        self.v_x['slow'] = mshp.trimf(self.v_interval, [0, 0, 0.32])
        self.v_x['medium'] = mshp.gaussmf(self.v_interval, 0.5, 0.36)
        self.v_x['fast'] = mshp.trapmf(self.v_interval, [0.75, 0.95, 1.0, 1.0])

        # Here the rules are defined!
        # look at http://pythonhosted.org/scikit-fuzzy/auto_examples/plot_control_system_advanced.html#set-up-the-fuzzy-control-system
        # and http://pythonhosted.org/scikit-fuzzy/auto_examples/plot_tipping_problem_newapi.html
        # for good examples
        rules = []

        # Sonars are NOT dangerous, go fast and forward
                               antecedent=(~self.lsonar['dangerous'] & ~self.rsonar['dangerous']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['centre'], self.v_x['fast'])))

        # Right sonar reads dangerous, left does not, steer left
                               antecedent=(~self.lsonar['dangerous'] & self.rsonar['dangerous']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['left'], self.v_x['slow'])))
        # Left sonar reads dangerous, right does not, steer left
                               antecedent=(self.lsonar['dangerous'] & ~self.rsonar['dangerous']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['right'], self.v_x['slow'])))

        # Right sonar is NOT safe, left reads safe, turn left full speed
                               antecedent=(self.lsonar['safe'] & ~self.rsonar['safe']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['left'], self.v_x['fast'])))
        # Left sonar is NOT safe, right reads safe, turn right full speed
                               antecedent=(~self.lsonar['safe'] & self.rsonar['safe']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['right'], self.v_x['fast'])))

        # Left sonar is NOT dangerous and right is NOT safe, turn left medium speed
                               antecedent=(~self.lsonar['dangerous'] & ~self.rsonar['safe']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['left'], self.v_x['medium'])))
        # Right sonar is NOT dangerous and left is NOT safe, turn right medium speed
                               antecedent=(~self.lsonar['safe'] & ~self.rsonar['dangerous']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['right'], self.v_x['medium'])))

        # Last theta was right, right sonar is dangerous, turn left slow speed
                               antecedent=(self.rsonar['dangerous'] & self.last_theta['right']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['left'], self.v_x['medium'])))
        # Last theta was left, left sonar is dangerous, turn right slow speed
                               antecedent=(self.lsonar['dangerous'] & self.last_theta['left']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['right'], self.v_x['medium'])))

        # Last theta was left, rsonar reads not dangerous, turn centre, full speed
                               antecedent=(~self.rsonar['dangerous'] & self.last_theta['left']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['centre'], self.v_x['fast'])))
        # Last theta was right, lsonar reads not dangerous, turn centre, full speed
                               antecedent=(~self.lsonar['dangerous'] & self.last_theta['right']), 
                               consequent=(self.theta['centre'], self.v_x['fast'])))

        # Create the control system
        self.system = ctrl.ControlSystem(rules=rules)

        # System is created, just create a simulation, input values and call compute()
        self.sim = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(self.system)
import numpy as np
from skfuzzy import control as ctrl
from skfuzzy import membership as mf

speed = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 85, 0.1), 'speed')
distance = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 3000, 0.5), 'distance')
brake = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(0, 100, 0.5), 'brake')
throttle = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(0, 100, 0.5), 'throttle')

speed['stopped'] = mf.trimf(speed.universe, [0, 0, 2])
speed['very slow'] = mf.trimf(speed.universe, [1, 2.5, 4])
speed['slow'] = mf.trimf(speed.universe, [2.5, 6.5, 10.5])
speed['medium fast'] = mf.trimf(speed.universe, [6.5, 26.5, 46.5])
speed['fast'] = mf.trapmf(speed.universe, [26.5, 70, 85, 85])

distance['at'] = mf.trimf(distance.universe, [0, 0, 2])
distance['very near'] = mf.trimf(distance.universe, [1, 3, 5])
distance['near'] = mf.trimf(distance.universe, [3, 101.5, 200])
distance['medium far'] = mf.trimf(distance.universe, [100, 1550, 3000])
distance['far'] = mf.trapmf(distance.universe, [1500, 2250, 3000, 3000])

brake['no'] = mf.trimf(brake.universe, [0, 0, 40])
brake['very slight'] = mf.trimf(brake.universe, [20, 50, 80])
brake['slight'] = mf.trimf(brake.universe, [70, 83.5, 97])
brake['medium'] = mf.trimf(brake.universe, [95, 97, 99])
brake['full'] = mf.trimf(brake.universe, [98, 100, 100])

throttle['no'] = mf.trimf(throttle.universe, [0, 0, 2])
throttle['very slight'] = mf.trimf(throttle.universe, [1, 3, 5])
throttle['slight'] = mf.trimf(throttle.universe, [3, 16.5, 30])
throttle['medium'] = mf.trimf(throttle.universe, [20, 50, 80])
Exemplo n.º 14
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skfuzzy.membership as skmemb

def visualise_all(x, y1, y2, all_norms=_all_norms):
    '''Plot the norm and conorm for the given sample inputs'''
    ncols = 3
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(all_norms), ncols=ncols, figsize=(8, 9))
    for row, name in enumerate(_all_norms.keys()):
        for col in range(ncols):  # so all have the same (0,1) y-axis
            axes[row][col].set_ylim([-0.05, 1.05])
        axes[row][0].set_title('Sample inputs')
        axes[row][0].plot(x, y1)
        axes[row][0].plot(x, y2)
        axes[row][1].set_title(name + ' norm')
        axes[row][1].plot(x, _all_norms[name].and_func(y1, y2))
        axes[row][2].set_title(name + ' co-norm')
        axes[row][2].plot(x, _all_norms[name].or_func(y1, y2))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for fam in _all_norms.values():
    sample_x = np.arange(0, 100)
    sample_y1 = skmemb.trapmf(sample_x, [15, 30, 55, 75])
    sample_y2 = skmemb.trapmf(sample_x, [25, 45, 70, 85])
    visualise_all(sample_x, sample_y1, sample_y2)
Exemplo n.º 15
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# In[45]:

x_bodytemp = np.arange(20, 50 , 1)
x_respiratory = np.arange(0, 50 , 1)
x_pulse = np.arange(0, 150 , 1)
y_areacolour = np.arange(0, 4, 1)

# In[46]:

bodytemp_verylow = mf.trapmf(x_bodytemp, [-100, 0, 30, 34.5])
bodytemp_low = mf.trapmf(x_bodytemp, [0, 34.5, 35 ,36 ])
bodytemp_normal = mf.trimf(x_bodytemp, [36, 36.5, 37])
bodytemp_high = mf.trapmf(x_bodytemp, [36, 38, 41, 42])
bodytemp_veryhigh = mf.trapmf(x_bodytemp, [41, 42,45, 100])

# In[47]:

respiratory_low = mf.trimf(x_respiratory, [-100, 0, 12])
respiratory_normal = mf.trapmf(x_respiratory, [8, 12, 20, 24])
respiratory_high = mf.trimf(x_respiratory, [20, 50, 100])

# In[48]: