Exemplo n.º 1
def transfer_fields(segments, cnarr, ignore=params.IGNORE_GENE_NAMES):
    """Map gene names, weights, depths from `cnarr` bins to `segarr` segments.

    Segment gene name is the comma-separated list of bin gene names. Segment
    weight is the sum of bin weights, and depth is the (weighted) mean of bin

    Also: Post-process segmentation output.

    1. Ensure every chromosome has at least one segment.
    2. Ensure first and last segment ends match 1st/last bin ends
       (but keep log2 as-is).

    def make_null_segment(chrom, orig_start, orig_end):
        """Closes over 'segments'."""
        vals = {'chromosome': chrom,
                'start': orig_start,
                'end': orig_end,
                'gene': '-',
                'depth': 0.0,
                'log2': 0.0,
                'probes': 0.0,
                'weight': 0.0,
        row_vals = tuple(vals[c] for c in segments.data.columns)
        return row_vals

    if not len(cnarr):
        # This Should Never Happen (TM)
        # raise RuntimeError("No bins for:\n" + str(segments.data))
        logging.warn("No bins for:\n%s", segments.data)
        return segments

    # Adjust segment endpoints to cover the chromosome arm's original bins
    # (Stretch first and last segment endpoints to match first/last bins)
    bins_chrom = cnarr.chromosome.iat[0]
    bins_start = cnarr.start.iat[0]
    bins_end = cnarr.end.iat[-1]
    if not len(segments):
        # All bins in this chromosome arm were dropped: make a dummy segment
        return make_null_segment(bins_chrom, bins_start, bins_end)
    segments.start.iat[0] = bins_start
    segments.end.iat[-1] = bins_end

    # Aggregate segment depths, weights, gene names
    # ENH refactor so that np/CNA.data access is encapsulated in skgenome
    ignore += params.ANTITARGET_ALIASES
    assert bins_chrom == segments.chromosome.iat[0]
    cdata = cnarr.data.reset_index()
    if 'depth' not in cdata.columns:
        cdata['depth'] = np.exp2(cnarr['log2'].values)
    bin_genes = cdata['gene'].values
    bin_weights = cdata['weight'].values if 'weight' in cdata.columns else None
    bin_depths = cdata['depth'].values
    seg_genes = ['-'] * len(segments)
    seg_weights = np.zeros(len(segments))
    seg_depths = np.zeros(len(segments))

    for i, bin_idx in enumerate(iter_slices(cdata, segments.data, 'outer', False)):
        if bin_weights is not None:
            seg_wt = bin_weights[bin_idx].sum()
            if seg_wt > 0:
                seg_dp = np.average(bin_depths[bin_idx],
                seg_dp = 0.0
            bin_count = len(cdata.iloc[bin_idx])
            seg_wt = float(bin_count)
            seg_dp = bin_depths[bin_idx].mean()
        subgenes = [g for g in pd.unique(bin_genes[bin_idx]) if g not in ignore]
        if subgenes:
            seg_gn = ",".join(subgenes)
            seg_gn = '-'
        seg_genes[i] = seg_gn
        seg_weights[i] = seg_wt
        seg_depths[i] = seg_dp

    segments.data = segments.data.assign(
    return segments
Exemplo n.º 2
def transfer_fields(segments, cnarr, ignore=params.IGNORE_GENE_NAMES):
    """Map gene names, weights, depths from `cnarr` bins to `segarr` segments.

    Segment gene name is the comma-separated list of bin gene names. Segment
    weight is the sum of bin weights, and depth is the (weighted) mean of bin

    Also: Post-process segmentation output.

    1. Ensure every chromosome has at least one segment.
    2. Ensure first and last segment ends match 1st/last bin ends
       (but keep log2 as-is).

    def make_null_segment(chrom, orig_start, orig_end):
        """Closes over 'segments'."""
        vals = {'chromosome': chrom,
                'start': orig_start,
                'end': orig_end,
                'gene': '-',
                'depth': 0.0,
                'log2': 0.0,
                'probes': 0.0,
                'weight': 0.0,
        row_vals = tuple(vals[c] for c in segments.data.columns)
        return row_vals

    if not len(cnarr):
        # This Should Never Happen (TM)
        # raise RuntimeError("No bins for:\n" + str(segments.data))
        logging.warn("No bins for:\n%s", segments.data)
        return segments

    # Adjust segment endpoints to cover the chromosome arm's original bins
    # (Stretch first and last segment endpoints to match first/last bins)
    bins_chrom = cnarr.chromosome.iat[0]
    bins_start = cnarr.start.iat[0]
    bins_end = cnarr.end.iat[-1]
    if not len(segments):
        # All bins in this chromosome arm were dropped: make a dummy segment
        return make_null_segment(bins_chrom, bins_start, bins_end)
    segments.start.iat[0] = bins_start
    segments.end.iat[-1] = bins_end

    # Aggregate segment depths, weights, gene names
    # ENH refactor so that np/CNA.data access is encapsulated in skgenome
    ignore += params.ANTITARGET_ALIASES
    assert bins_chrom == segments.chromosome.iat[0]
    cdata = cnarr.data.reset_index()
    if 'depth' not in cdata.columns:
        cdata['depth'] = np.exp2(cnarr['log2'].values)
    bin_genes = cdata['gene'].values
    bin_weights = cdata['weight'].values if 'weight' in cdata.columns else None
    bin_depths = cdata['depth'].values
    seg_genes = ['-'] * len(segments)
    seg_weights = np.zeros(len(segments))
    seg_depths = np.zeros(len(segments))

    for i, bin_idx in enumerate(iter_slices(cdata, segments.data, 'outer', False)):
        if bin_weights is not None:
            seg_wt = bin_weights[bin_idx].sum()
            if seg_wt > 0:
                seg_dp = np.average(bin_depths[bin_idx],
                seg_dp = 0.0
            bin_count = len(cdata.iloc[bin_idx])
            seg_wt = float(bin_count)
            seg_dp = bin_depths[bin_idx].mean()
        subgenes = [g for g in pd.unique(bin_genes[bin_idx]) if g not in ignore]
        if subgenes:
            seg_gn = ",".join(subgenes)
            seg_gn = '-'
        seg_genes[i] = seg_gn
        seg_weights[i] = seg_wt
        seg_depths[i] = seg_dp

    segments.data = segments.data.assign(
    return segments