Exemplo n.º 1
 def correct_drift(self, ref, threshold=0.005):
     """Align images to correct for image drift.
     Detects common features on the images and tracks them moving.
     ref: KerrArray or ndarray
         reference image with zero drift
     threshold: float
         threshold for detecting imperfections in images 
         (see skimage.feature.corner_fast for details)
     shift: array
         shift vector relative to ref (x drift, y drift)
     transim: KerrArray
         copy of self translated to account for drift"""
     #tform = SimilarityTransform(translation=(-shift[1],-shift[0]))
     #imed = transform.warp(im, tform) #back to original image
     return [shift,self]   
def test_apply_parallel():
    import dask.array as da

    # data
    a = np.arange(144).reshape(12, 12).astype(float)

    # apply the filter
    expected1 = threshold_local(a, 3)
    result1 = apply_parallel(threshold_local, a, chunks=(6, 6), depth=5,
                             extra_keywords={'mode': 'reflect'})

    assert_array_almost_equal(result1, expected1)

    def wrapped_gauss(arr):
        return gaussian(arr, 1, mode='reflect')

    expected2 = gaussian(a, 1, mode='reflect')
    result2 = apply_parallel(wrapped_gauss, a, chunks=(6, 6), depth=5)

    assert_array_almost_equal(result2, expected2)

    expected3 = gaussian(a, 1, mode='reflect')
    result3 = apply_parallel(
        wrapped_gauss, da.from_array(a, chunks=(6, 6)), depth=5, compute=True

    assert isinstance(result3, np.ndarray)
    assert_array_almost_equal(result3, expected3)
Exemplo n.º 3
def filter(data,filtType,par):

    if   filtType == "sobel":       filt_data = sobel(data)
    elif filtType == "roberts":     filt_data = roberts(data)
    elif filtType == "canny":       filt_data = canny(data)
    elif filtType == "lowpass_avg":
        from scipy import ndimage
        kernel = np.ones((p,p),np.float32)/(p*p)
        filt_data = ndimage.convolve(data, kernel)
    elif filtType == "highpass_avg":
        from scipy import ndimage
        kernel = np.ones((p,p),np.float32)/(p*p)
        lp_data = ndimage.convolve(data, kernel)
        filt_data = data - lp_data
    elif filtType == "lowpass_gaussian":
        filt_data = gaussian(data, sigma=float(par))
    elif filtType == "highpass_gaussian":
        lp_data   = gaussian(data, sigma=float(par))
        filt_data = data - lp_data

    #elif filtType ==  "gradient":
    return filt_data
Exemplo n.º 4
def punch(img):
    # Identifiying the Tissue punches in order to Crop the image correctly
    # Canny edges and RANSAC is used to fit a circe to the punch
    # A Mask is created

    distance = 0
    r = 0

    float_im, orig, ihc = create_bin(img)
    gray = rgb2grey(orig)
    smooth = gaussian(gray, sigma=3)

    shape = np.shape(gray)
    l = shape[0]
    w = shape[1]

    x = l - 20
    y = w - 20

    rows = np.array([[x, x, x], [x + 1, x + 1, x + 1]])
    columns = np.array([[y, y, y], [y + 1, y + 1, y + 1]])

    corner = gray[rows, columns]

    thresh = np.mean(corner)
    print thresh
    binar = (smooth < thresh - 0.01)

    bin = remove_small_holes(binar, min_size=100000, connectivity=2)
    bin1 = remove_small_objects(bin, min_size=5000, connectivity=2)
    bin2 = gaussian(bin1, sigma=3)
    bin3 = (bin2 > 0)

    # eosin = IHC[:, :, 2]
    edges = canny(bin3)
    coords = np.column_stack(np.nonzero(edges))

    model, inliers = ransac(coords, CircleModel, min_samples=4, residual_threshold=1, max_trials=1000)

    # rr, cc = circle_perimeter(int(model.params[0]),
    #                          int(model.params[1]),
    #                          int(model.params[2]),
    #                          shape=im.shape)

    a, b = model.params[0], model.params[1]
    r = model.params[2]
    ny, nx = bin3.shape
    ix, iy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny))
    distance = np.sqrt((ix - b)**2 + (iy - a)**2)

    mask = np.ma.masked_where(distance > r, bin3)

    return distance, r, float_im, orig, ihc, bin3
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _preprocess(self, frame, stretch_intensity=True, blur=1, denoise=0):
            1. convert frame to grayscale
            2. remove noise from frame. increase denoise value for more noise filtering
            3. stretch contrast
        if len(frame.shape) != 2:
            frm = grayspace(frame)
            frm = frame / self.pixel_depth * 255

        frm = frm.astype('uint8')

        # self.preprocessed_frame = frame
        # if denoise:
        #     frm = self._denoise(frm, weight=denoise)
        # print 'gray', frm.shape
        if blur:
            frm = gaussian(frm, blur) * 255
            frm = frm.astype('uint8')

            # frm1 = gaussian(self.preprocessed_frame, blur,
            #                 multichannel=True) * 255
            # self.preprocessed_frame = frm1.astype('uint8')

        if stretch_intensity:
            frm = rescale_intensity(frm)
            # frm = self._contrast_equalization(frm)
            # self.preprocessed_frame = self._contrast_equalization(self.preprocessed_frame)

        return frm
Exemplo n.º 6
def limpa_imagem(img_cinza):
    #binariza a imagem em escala de cinza
    img_bin_cinza = np.where(img_cinza < np.mean(img_cinza), 0, 255)
    # aplica lbp sobre a imagem em escala de cinza
    # lbp foi aplicado para evitar perda de informacao em regioes
    # proximas as regioes escuras (provaveis celulas)
    lbp_img = local_binary_pattern(img_cinza, 24, 3, method='uniform')
    # aplica efeito de blurring sobre a imagem resultante do lbp 
    blur_img = gaussian(lbp_img,sigma=6)    
    img_bin_blur = np.where(blur_img < np.mean(blur_img), 0, 255)
    # junta as duas regiões definidas pela binarizacao da imagem em escala
    # de cinza e a binarizacao do blurring    
    mascara = np.copy(img_bin_cinza)    
    for (a,b), valor in np.ndenumerate(img_bin_blur):
        if valor == 0:        
            mascara[a][b] = 0 
    # aplica a mascara obtida sobre a imagem original (em escala de cinza)
    # para delimitar melhor as regiões que não fornecerao informacoes (regioes
    # totalmente brancas)
    img_limpa = np.copy(img_cinza)
    for (a,b), valor in np.ndenumerate(mascara):
        if valor == 255:
            img_limpa[a][b] = 255

    return (img_limpa)
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_background(m, shape, fstd=2, bstd=10):
    canvas = np.ones(shape) * m
    noise = np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[1]) * bstd
    noise = fi.gaussian(noise, fstd)     #low-pass filter noise
    canvas += noise
    canvas = np.round(canvas).astype(np.uint8)
    return canvas
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_h1(imgs):
    ff = fftn(imgs)
    h1 = np.absolute(ifftn(ff[1, :, :]))
    scale = np.max(h1)
    # h1 = scale * gaussian_filter(h1 / scale, 5)
    h1 = scale * gaussian(h1 / scale, 5)
    return h1
Exemplo n.º 9
    def from_points(cls, points, shape=(100, 100), scale=1.0, blur=1.):
        """Creates a pattern from a set of points.

        Currently only Gaussian peaks are implemented.

        points : Points, array_like
            Positions and intensities of the points in the array.
        shape : Shape of the final array.
        scale : float
            Maximum extent of the points. Should be less than 1.
        blur : float
            Level of gaussian blur to apply to the pattern.

            An array simulating a diffraction pattern.

        if not isinstance(points, Points):
            points = Points(points)
        positions = points.to_shape(shape, scale)
        dat = np.zeros(shape)
        x, y = np.mgrid[0: shape[0], 0: shape[1]]
        pos = np.empty(x.shape + (2,))
        pos[:, :, 0] = x
        pos[:, :, 1] = y
        for position, intensity in zip(positions, points.intensities):
            dat += intensity * multivariate_normal.pdf(pos, mean=position, cov=1)
        dat = filters.gaussian(dat, sigma=blur)
        return dat.view(cls)
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: nms.py Projeto: bootuz/NCRF
def run(args):
    probs_map = np.load(args.probs_map_path)
    X, Y = probs_map.shape
    resolution = pow(2, args.level)

    if args.sigma > 0:
        probs_map = filters.gaussian(probs_map, sigma=args.sigma)

    outfile = open(args.coord_path, 'w')
    while np.max(probs_map) > args.prob_thred:
        prob_max = probs_map.max()
        max_idx = np.where(probs_map == prob_max)
        x_mask, y_mask = max_idx[0][0], max_idx[1][0]
        x_wsi = int((x_mask + 0.5) * resolution)
        y_wsi = int((y_mask + 0.5) * resolution)
        outfile.write('{:0.5f},{},{}'.format(prob_max, x_wsi, y_wsi) + '\n')

        x_min = x_mask - args.radius if x_mask - args.radius > 0 else 0
        x_max = x_mask + args.radius if x_mask + args.radius <= X else X
        y_min = y_mask - args.radius if y_mask - args.radius > 0 else 0
        y_max = y_mask + args.radius if y_mask + args.radius <= Y else Y

        for x in range(x_min, x_max):
            for y in range(y_min, y_max):
                probs_map[x, y] = 0

def k_means_classifier(image):
        n_clusters = 8

        # blur and take local maxima
        blur_image = gaussian(image, sigma=8)
        blur_image = ndi.maximum_filter(blur_image, size=3)

        # get texture features
        feats = local_binary_pattern(blur_image, P=40, R=5, method="uniform")
        feats_r = feats.reshape(-1, 1)

        # cluster the texture features
        km = k_means(n_clusters=n_clusters, batch_size=500)
        clus = km.fit(feats_r)

        # copy relevant attributes
        labels = clus.labels_
        clusters = clus.cluster_centers_

        # reshape label arrays
        labels = labels.reshape(blur_image.shape[0], blur_image.shape[1])

        # segment shadow
        img = blur_image.ravel()
        shadow_seg = img.copy()
        for i in range(0, n_clusters):
            # set up array of pixel indices matching cluster
            mask = np.nonzero((labels.ravel() == i) == True)[0]
            if len(mask) > 0:
                thresh = threshold_otsu(img[mask])
                shadow_seg[mask] = shadow_seg[mask] < thresh
        shadow_seg = shadow_seg.reshape(*image.shape)

        return shadow_seg
Exemplo n.º 12
 def BlurImage(self, BlurSize):         # Convolution of image with Gaussian kernel BlurSize
     self.BlurSize = BlurSize
     self.BlurredImage = filt.gaussian(self.Image, BlurSize)
     self.ManipulatedImage = self.BlurredImage
     if "-Blurred" not in self.TitleTag:
         self.TitleTag = self.TitleTag + "-Blurred"
def test_RGB():
    img = gaussian(data.text(), 1)
    imgR = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3))
    imgG = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3))
    imgRGB = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3))
    imgR[:, :, 0] = img
    imgG[:, :, 1] = img
    imgRGB[:, :, :] = img[:, :, None]
    x = np.linspace(5, 424, 100)
    y = np.linspace(136, 50, 100)
    init = np.array([x, y]).T
    snake = active_contour(imgR, init, bc='fixed',
            alpha=0.1, beta=1.0, w_line=-5, w_edge=0, gamma=0.1)
    refx = [5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 30, 34, 38, 42]
    refy = [136, 135, 134, 133, 132, 131, 129, 128, 127, 125]
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 0], dtype=np.int32), refx)
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 1], dtype=np.int32), refy)
    snake = active_contour(imgG, init, bc='fixed',
            alpha=0.1, beta=1.0, w_line=-5, w_edge=0, gamma=0.1)
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 0], dtype=np.int32), refx)
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 1], dtype=np.int32), refy)
    snake = active_contour(imgRGB, init, bc='fixed',
            alpha=0.1, beta=1.0, w_line=-5/3., w_edge=0, gamma=0.1)
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 0], dtype=np.int32), refx)
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 1], dtype=np.int32), refy)
Exemplo n.º 14
def hsv_modulation(lesion_image):

    img_path = os.path.join('../', lesion_image.path)

    if not os.path.exists(img_path):
        print('no image found: ', lesion_image.name)
        return []

    image = Image.open(img_path)
    mode = image.mode
    format = image.format
    height = image.height
    width = image.width

    image = array(image)

    if mode == 'RGBA':
        image = image[:,:,0:3]

    if lesion_image.source == 'DermQuest':
        image = image[0:-100, :]

    center = (int(height / 2), int(width / 2))
    image_hsv = rgb2hsv(image)

    sigma = image.size/800000
    oimage = np.copy(image)
    image = gaussian(image, sigma=sigma, multichannel=True)

    h = image_hsv[:,:,0]
    s = image_hsv[:,:,1]
    v = image_hsv[:,:,2]

    h = gaussian(h, sigma=sigma)
    p2, p98 = np.percentile(h, (2, 98))
    h = exposure.rescale_intensity(h, in_range=(p2, p98))

    s_inv_v = s * ((v * -1) + 1)
    s_inv_v_h = s * ((v * -1) + 1) * ((h * -1) + 1)

    slic_s = prep(oimage, s * 256)
    path_string = 'media/{0}.slic_s.jpeg'.format(lesion_image.name)
    media_path = path(path_string)

    imsave(media_path.abspath(), slic_s)

    return [{'name': 'foo'}, {'name': 'bar'}]
Exemplo n.º 15
def infer(edge_image, edge_lengths, mu, phi, sigma2,
          translation=(0, 0)):
    # edge_points = np.array(np.where(edge_image)).T
    # edge_points[:, [0, 1]] = edge_points[:, [1, 0]]
    # edge_score = edge_image.shape[0] * np.exp(-edge_lengths[edge_image] / (0.25 * edge_image.shape[0])).reshape(-1, 1)
    # edge_points = np.concatenate((edge_points, edge_score), axis=1)
    # edge_nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1).fit(edge_points)

    edge_near = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(~edge_image)
    edge_near_blur = gaussian(edge_near, 2)
    Gy, Gx = np.gradient(edge_near_blur)
    mag = np.sqrt(np.power(Gy, 2) + np.power(Gx, 2))

    if scale_estimate is None:
        scale_estimate = min(edge_image.shape) * 4

    mu = (mu.reshape(-1, 2) - mu.reshape(-1, 2).mean(axis=0)).reshape(-1, 1)
    average_distance = np.sqrt(np.power(mu.reshape(-1, 2), 2).sum(axis=1)).mean()
    scale_estimate /= average_distance * np.sqrt(2)

    h = np.zeros((phi.shape[1], 1))

    psi = SimilarityTransform(scale=scale_estimate, rotation=rotation, translation=translation)

    while True:
        w = (mu + phi @ h).reshape(-1, 2)
        image_points = matrix_transform(w, psi.params)[update_slice, :]
        image_points = np.concatenate((image_points, np.zeros((image_points.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)

        # closest_edge_point_indices = edge_nn.kneighbors(image_points)[1].flatten()
        # closest_edge_points = edge_points[closest_edge_point_indices, :2]

        closest_edge_points = gradient_step(Gy, Gx, mag, image_points)

        w = mu.reshape(-1, 2)
        psi = estimate_transform('similarity', w[update_slice, :], closest_edge_points)

        image_points = matrix_transform(w, psi.params)[update_slice, :]
        image_points = np.concatenate((image_points, np.zeros((image_points.shape[0], 1))), axis=1)

        # closest_edge_point_indices = edge_nn.kneighbors(image_points)[1].flatten()
        # closest_edge_points = edge_points[closest_edge_point_indices, :2]

        closest_edge_points = gradient_step(Gy, Gx, mag, image_points)

        mu_slice = mu.reshape(-1, 2)[update_slice, :].reshape(-1, 1)
        K = phi.shape[-1]
        phi_full = phi.reshape(-1, 2, K)
        phi_slice = phi_full[update_slice, :].reshape(-1, K)
        h = update_h(sigma2, phi_slice, closest_edge_points, mu_slice, psi)

        w = (mu + phi @ h).reshape(-1, 2)
        image_points = matrix_transform(w, psi.params)

        update_slice = yield image_points, closest_edge_points
Exemplo n.º 16
def preprocessing_filters(image,

    Meta function for preprocessing images.

    image : ndarray
        input rgb image
    blur_band : int
        band of rgb to check for blur
    blur_params : dict or `None`
        parameters for `pyroots.detect_blur`
    temperature_params : dict or `None`
        parameters for `pyroots.calc_temperature_distance`
    low_contrast_params : dict or `None`
        parameters for `skimage.exposure.is_low_contrast`
    center : bool
        Take middle 25% of an image for blur detection?

    bool - should the image be pre-processed? Must pass all criteria given.


        if center is True:
            blur = detect_motion_blur(_center_image(image), **blur_params)
            blur = detect_motion_blur(image, **blur_params)
        blur = True
        if blur_params is not None:
            warn("Skipping motion blur check", UserWarning)

        bands = calc_temperature_distance(image, **temperature_params)
        bands = True
        if missing_band_params is not None:
            warn("Skipping temperature check", UserWarning)

        contrast = ~exposure.is_low_contrast(filters.gaussian(image, sigma=10, multichannel=True), **low_contrast_params)
        contrast = True
        if low_contrast_params is not None:
            warn("Skipping low contrast check", UserWarning)

    return(blur * bands * contrast)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test():
    image_series = glob.glob('full_dewar/puck*_*in*_200.jpg')
    templates = [n.replace('200', '*') for n in image_series]
    template_empty = imread('template_empty.jpg')
    h, w = template_empty.shape
    print 'len(templates)', len(templates)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4)
    a = axes.ravel()
    k = 0
    used = []
    while k<12:
    #for template in templates[:12]:
        template = random.choice(templates)
        if template in used:
            original_image = img_as_float(combine(template, length=200))
            ax = a[k]
            gray_image = color.rgb2gray(original_image)
            img_sharp = unsharp(gray_image)
            edges = canny(img_sharp, sigma=3.0, low_threshold=0.04, high_threshold=0.05)
            med_unsharp = median(img_sharp/img_sharp.max(), selem=disk(4))
            sharp_med_unsharp = unsharp(med_unsharp)
            edges_med = canny(sharp_med_unsharp, sigma=7)
            match = match_template(gaussian(edges_med, 4), template_empty)
            print 'match.max()'
            print match.max()
            peaks = peak_local_max(gaussian(match, 3), threshold_abs=0.3, indices=True)
            print 'template', template
            print '# peaks', len(peaks)
            print peaks
            ax.imshow(original_image) #, cmap='gray')
            #ax.imshow(gaussian(edges_med, 3), cmap='gnuplot')
            for peak in peaks:
                y, x = peak
                rect = plt.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, edgecolor='g', linewidth=2, facecolor='none')
            #ax[edges] = (0, 1, 0)
            #image = img_as_int(original_image)
            #image[edges==True] = (0, 255, 0)
            ax.set_title(template.replace('full_dewar/', '').replace('_*.jpg', '') + ' detected %s' % (16-len(peaks),))
            k += 1
Exemplo n.º 18
 def get_saliency_image(self, image_fname):
     image, image_filtersize, targetsize = util.preprocess_image(
                 image_fname, config.filtersize)
     saliency = self.convolution_function(
     image_filtersize.reshape((1, 1, image_filtersize.shape[0],
     saliency = gaussian(saliency[0, 0], sigma=3.)
     return saliency, image
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_apply_parallel_wrap():
    def wrapped(arr):
        return gaussian(arr, 1, mode='wrap')
    a = np.arange(144).reshape(12, 12).astype(float)
    expected = gaussian(a, 1, mode='wrap')
    result = apply_parallel(wrapped, a, chunks=(6, 6), depth=5, mode='wrap')

    assert_array_almost_equal(result, expected)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def BackgroundSubtraction(self):
     self.ManipulatedImage = self.BlurredImage
     for Index in self.BackgroundImages.keys():
         self.ManipulatedImage = self.ManipulatedImage - filt.gaussian(self.BackgroundImages[Index], self.BlurSize)
     # Mask array, don't let ions oversubtract
     Mask = self.ManipulatedImage < 0.               # find values that are negative
     self.ManipulatedImage[Mask] = 0.
def test_end_points():
    img = data.astronaut()
    img = rgb2gray(img)
    s = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 400)
    x = 220 + 100*np.cos(s)
    y = 100 + 100*np.sin(s)
    init = np.array([x, y]).T
    snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 3), init,
             bc='periodic', alpha=0.015, beta=10, w_line=0, w_edge=1,
             gamma=0.001, max_iterations=100)
    assert np.sum(np.abs(snake[0, :]-snake[-1, :])) < 2
    snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 3), init,
            bc='free', alpha=0.015, beta=10, w_line=0, w_edge=1,
            gamma=0.001, max_iterations=100)
    assert np.sum(np.abs(snake[0, :]-snake[-1, :])) > 2
    snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 3), init,
            bc='fixed', alpha=0.015, beta=10, w_line=0, w_edge=1,
            gamma=0.001, max_iterations=100)
    assert_allclose(snake[0, :], [x[0], y[0]], atol=1e-5)
def blur(image, x0, x1, y0, y1, sigma=1, imshowall=False):
    x0, x1 = min(x0, x1), max(x0, x1)
    y0, y1 = min(y0, y1), max(y0, y1)
    im = image.copy()
    sub_im = im[x0:x1,y0:y1].copy()
    if imshowall: imshow(sub_im)
    blur_sub_im = gaussian(sub_im, sigma=sigma)
    if imshowall: imshow(blur_sub_im)
    blur_sub_im = np.round(255 * blur_sub_im)
    im[x0:x1,y0:y1] = blur_sub_im
    return im
Exemplo n.º 23
def smoothe_and_sharp():
    for i in range(3):
def test_fixed_reference():
    img = data.text()
    x = np.linspace(5, 424, 100)
    y = np.linspace(136, 50, 100)
    init = np.array([x, y]).T
    snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 1), init, bc='fixed',
            alpha=0.1, beta=1.0, w_line=-5, w_edge=0, gamma=0.1)
    refx = [5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 30, 34, 38, 42]
    refy = [136, 135, 134, 133, 132, 131, 129, 128, 127, 125]
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 0], dtype=np.int32), refx)
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 1], dtype=np.int32), refy)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def draw_density_estimation(self, axis, title, samples, cmap):
     density_estimation = numpy.zeros((self.l_kde, self.l_kde))
     for x, y in samples:
         if 0 < x < 1 and 0 < y < 1:
             density_estimation[int((1-y) / self.resolution)][int(x / self.resolution)] += 1
     density_estimation = filters.gaussian(density_estimation, self.bw_kde_)
     axis.imshow(density_estimation, cmap=cmap)
def test_free_reference():
    img = data.text()
    x = np.linspace(5, 424, 100)
    y = np.linspace(70, 40, 100)
    init = np.array([x, y]).T
    snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 3), init, bc='free',
            alpha=0.1, beta=1.0, w_line=-5, w_edge=0, gamma=0.1)
    refx = [10, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 29, 32, 36, 39]
    refy = [76, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 69]
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 0], dtype=np.int32), refx)
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 1], dtype=np.int32), refy)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def get_subset(self, ind, dx, blurred=False, sigma=1.0):
        assert(len(ind) == 3)

            subset = self.image[ind[0]:ind[0]+dx[0], ind[1]:ind[1]+dx[1], ind[2]:ind[2]+dx[2]]
        except IndexError:
            raise "Indices out of bounds."

        if blurred:
            subset = gaussian(subset, sigma=sigma)

        return subset
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __call__(self, xs, tag3d_segmented):
        xs_bg = np.copy(xs)
        for i in range(len(xs)):
            x = xs[i, 0]
            istag = 1 - tag3d_segmented[i, 0]
            istag = gaussian(istag, self.segmentation_blur())
            bg = random_backgrond(self.pyramid_weights, end_level=6)
            bg *= self.intensity_scale()
            bg += self.intensity_shift()
            xs_bg[i] = x*istag + bg*(1-istag)

        return np.clip(xs_bg, -1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 29
def snake(img,origin=[0.0,0.0],r=0.3):
    s = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 50)
    x = origin[0] + r*np.cos(s)
    y = origin[1] + r*np.sin(s)
    init = np.array([x, y]).T

    # snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 1),
    #                        init, alpha=10.0, beta=100.0, gamma=0.01)

    snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 1),init)

    return snake
def test_periodic_reference():
    img = data.astronaut()
    img = rgb2gray(img)
    s = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 400)
    x = 220 + 100*np.cos(s)
    y = 100 + 100*np.sin(s)
    init = np.array([x, y]).T
    snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 3), init,
            alpha=0.015, beta=10, w_line=0, w_edge=1, gamma=0.001)
    refx = [299, 298, 298, 298, 298, 297, 297, 296, 296, 295]
    refy = [98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108]
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 0], dtype=np.int32), refx)
    assert_equal(np.array(snake[:10, 1], dtype=np.int32), refy)
Exemplo n.º 31
def get_tissue_mask(thumbnail_rgb,
    """Get binary tissue mask from slide thumbnail.

    thumbnail_rgb : np array
        (m, n, 3) nd array of thumbnail RGB image
    deconvolve_first : bool
        use hematoxylin channel to find cellular areas?
        This will make things ever-so-slightly slower but is better in
        getting rid of sharpie marker (if it's green, for example).
        Sometimes things work better without it, though.
    stain_matrix_method : str
        see deconv_color method in seed_utils
    n_thresholding_steps : int
        number of gaussian smoothign steps
    sigma : float
        sigma of gaussian filter
    min_size : int
        minimum size (in pixels) of contiguous tissue regions to keep

    np bool array
        largest contiguous tissue region.
    np int32 array
        each unique value represents a unique tissue region

    if deconvolve_first:
        # deconvolvve to ge hematoxylin channel (cellular areas)
        # hematoxylin channel return shows MINIMA so we invert
        Stains, channel = _deconv_color(
            thumbnail_rgb, stain_matrix_method=stain_matrix_method)
        thumbnail = 255 - Stains[..., channel]
        # grayscale thumbnail (inverted)
        thumbnail = 255 - cv2.cvtColor(thumbnail_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    for _ in range(n_thresholding_steps):

        # gaussian smoothing of grayscale thumbnail
        if sigma > 0.0:
            thumbnail = gaussian(thumbnail,

        # get threshold to keep analysis region
            thresh = threshold_otsu(thumbnail[thumbnail > 0])
        except ValueError:  # all values are zero
            thresh = 0

        # replace pixels outside analysis region with upper quantile pixels
        thumbnail[thumbnail < thresh] = 0

    # convert to binary
    mask = 0 + (thumbnail > 0)

    # find connected components
    labeled, _ = ndimage.label(mask)

    # only keep
    unique, counts = np.unique(labeled[labeled > 0], return_counts=True)
    discard = np.in1d(labeled, unique[counts < min_size])
    discard = discard.reshape(labeled.shape)
    labeled[discard] = 0

    # largest tissue region
    mask = labeled == unique[np.argmax(counts)]

    return labeled, mask
Exemplo n.º 32
def Hough_edge_center(data_dcm_directory,

    if Is_a_file:
        #Lecture des données pixel du fichier DICOM
        Lec = sitk.ReadImage(os.path.join(data_dcm_directory, Image_file))

        #Conversion en array
        Image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(Lec[:, :, 0])
        space_y = Lec.GetSpacing()[0]
        space_x = Lec.GetSpacing()[1]

    #Conversion de l'image de non signé 16bits vers le type float
    Image = Image.astype(float)
    #Lissage de l'image par un filtre gaussien
    IG8 = filters.gaussian(Image, sigma=sig)

    #Augmentation du contraste de l'image filtrée
    IG8 = IG8 / (0.7 * np.max(IG8))
    IG8 = IG8**pui

    # Obtention de l'image de gradient par filtre de Scharr
    Scharr = filters.scharr(IG8)
    # On recupère également l'information sur les gradients horizontaux et verticaux. scharr_v donne les contours verticaux, donc les gradients
    # horizontaux. Vice-versa pour scharr_h
    Gx = filters.scharr_v(IG8)
    Gy = filters.scharr_h(IG8)

    # Figures de contrôle
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.subplot(131)
    # plt.imshow(Scharr)
    # plt.subplot(132)
    # plt.imshow(Schx)
    # plt.subplot(133)
    # plt.imshow(Schy)

    #Définition du seuil pour l'image de gradient
    B = thr * np.max(Scharr)
    Thresh = Scharr * (Scharr > B)

    #Par soucis d'economie en temps de calcul et gestion de mémoire, on va rogner notre espace de travail. En effet, si on travaille avec une forme circulaire, travailler sur l'ensemble de l'image n'a pas d'intérêt : l'information est localisée.
    #On cherche donc les indices minimums et maximums selon les deux axes de l'image, et on travaille donc sur un espace de Hough réduit, et un remplissage depuis une image tronquée.

    y_min = np.min(np.nonzero(Thresh)[0])
    y_max = np.max(np.nonzero(Thresh)[0])
    x_min = np.min(np.nonzero(Thresh)[1])
    x_max = np.max(np.nonzero(Thresh)[1])

    Dx = x_max - x_min
    Dy = y_max - y_min

    Dxt = int(round(0.3 * (Dx)))  # Marges en x et y au delà de xmin et xmax
    Dyt = int(round(0.3 * (Dy)))

    # #Figure de contrôle : Image de gradient seuillé
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.title("Image de seuil de " + str(Image_file))
    # plt.imshow(Thresh[y_min-Dyt:y_max+Dyt+1,x_min-Dxt:x_max+Dxt+1])

    # #Figure de contrôle : Image de base après pré-traitement
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.title("Image filtrée de " + str(Image_file))
    # plt.imshow(IG8[y_min-Dyt:y_max+Dyt+1,x_min-Dxt:x_max+Dxt+1])

    D = max(Dx, Dy)
    Dt = max(Dxt, Dyt)

    #Valeurs de contrôles affichées.
    # print(y_min,y_max,x_min,x_max,Dx,Dy,Dxt,Dyt,Nrt)

    #Création de l'espace de Hough

    Hough_space = np.zeros((int(Dt / resol_r), int(
        (2 * D) / resol_y) + 1, int((2 * D) / resol_x) + 1),
                           dtype=float)  # Création de l'espace de Hough

    beta_x = (1 / 2) * (1 - resol_x)
    beta_y = (1 / 2) * (1 - resol_y)

    for yi in range(Dy + 1):  # Les xi et yi (image) ne sont non nuls
        for xi in range(Dx + 1):  # que sur les True de l'image de seuil.
            T = Thresh[yi + y_min, xi + x_min]
            if (T != 0):

                for rh in range(0, int((Dt / resol_r))):

                    #theta est l'angle entre l'orientation du gradient et l'horizontale. Géométriquement, on a tan(theta)=Gy/Gx
                    theta = np.arctan2(Gy[yi + y_min, xi + x_min],
                                       Gx[yi + y_min, xi + x_min])
                    # theta est en plus signé, grâce aux méthodes scharr_v et scharr_h. On a donc seulement un seul point à considérer,
                    # à l'intérieur de l'image de grad, et sur l'axe défini par l'orientation du gradient
                    xh = ((xi + D / 2)) / resol_x + (
                        (rh * resol_r +
                         (D / 2) - Dt) * np.cos(theta)) / resol_x + beta_x
                    yh = ((yi + D / 2)) / resol_y + (
                        (rh * resol_r +
                         (D / 2) - Dt) * np.sin(theta)) / resol_y + beta_y
                    #Enfin, puisque cette méthode est sensible au bruit, on n'ajoute pas un seul point mais un kernel 3*3 centré sur ce point.
                                int(round(yh)) - 1:int(round(yh)) + 2,
                                int(round(xh)) - 1:int(round(xh)) + 2] += 0.001

    # Augmentation du contraste de l'espace de Hough
    # Hough_space=Hough_space/np.percentile(Hough_space, 97)
    Hough_space_10 = Hough_space**5

    #Valeur max de l'espace de Hough : le cdm n'a de sens qu'a proximité
    Max_Hough = np.max(Hough_space_10)
    #On retire donc toutes les valeurs trop éloignées du max
    Hough_trunc = np.where(Hough_space_10 > 0.01 * Max_Hough, Hough_space_10,
    #Centre de masse de l'espace de Hough
    cdm_10 = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(Hough_trunc)

    #Figures de contrôle
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.title("Espace de Hough proche du max de "+str(Image_file))
    # plt.subplot(121)
    # plt.imshow(Hough_space_10[int(np.ceil(cdm_10[0])),:,:])
    # plt.subplot(122)
    # plt.imshow(Hough_space_10[int(np.floor(cdm_10[0])),:,:])

    r_est_10 = cdm_10[0] * resol_r + D / 2 - 2 * Dt
    y_est_10 = (cdm_10[1]) * resol_y + y_min - (D / 2) - beta_y
    x_est_10 = (cdm_10[2]) * resol_x + x_min - (D / 2) - beta_x

    if not Is_a_file:
        space_y = 0.336
        space_x = 0.336

    print("x_est = ", round(x_est_10, 3), ", y_est = ", round(y_est_10,
                                                              3), ", r_est = ",
          round(r_est_10, 3))  # Coordonnées en pixel dans l'image

    return (x_est_10, y_est_10, space_x, space_y)
Exemplo n.º 33
        results_p_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, "image", f'{i}')
        os.makedirs(results_p_dir, exist_ok=True)
        io.imsave(fname=os.path.join(results_p_dir, '01 00 Original.jpg'),

        resize_factor = 8
            resize(image, (int(image.shape[0] / resize_factor),
                           (image.shape[1] / resize_factor)),

        logging.info('Gaussian filter')
        image = apply_on_normalized_luminance(
            operation=lambda img: gaussian(img, sigma=2), image_rgb=image)
                                     f'01 01 - Gaussian filter.jpg'),

        image = apply_on_normalized_luminance(
            lambda img: equalize_adapthist(img, clip_limit=0.02),
        io.imsave(fname=os.path.join(results_p_dir, f'01 02 - CLAHE.jpg'),

        image_lab = rgb2lab(image)

        resize_factor = 8
Exemplo n.º 34
def gaussian_blur(x, severity=1):
    c = [1, 1.8, 2.6, 3.4, 4.0][severity - 1]

    x = gaussian(np.array(x) / 255., sigma=c, multichannel=True)
    return np.clip(x, 0, 1) * 255
Exemplo n.º 35
ax[1].set_title('Histogram of grey values')

'''Problem 2'''
n_cols = 4
cmap = 'gray'
edge_sobel = sobel(image)
edge_roberts = roberts(image)
edge_prewitt = prewitt(image)
img_list = [(image, 'Original'), (edge_sobel, 'Sobel filter'),
            (edge_roberts, 'Roberts filter'), (edge_prewitt, 'Prewitt filter')]
#edge_sobel = np.reshape(edge_sobel,image.shape)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=n_cols, figsize=(14, 7))
for i, im in enumerate(img_list):
    ax[i].imshow(im[0], cmap=cmap)

'''Problem 3'''
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=n_cols, figsize=(14, 7))
sigma_list = [0.3, 0.8, 1.0]
ax[0].imshow(image, cmap=cmap)
for i, im in enumerate(sigma_list):
    gauss = gaussian(image, sigma=im)
    ax[i + 1].imshow(gauss, cmap=cmap)
    ax[i + 1].axis('off')
    ax[i + 1].set_title('Sigma = ' + str(im))
Exemplo n.º 36
def gaussian_blur(x, severity=1):
    c = [.4, .6, 0.7, .8, 1][severity - 1]

    x = gaussian(np.array(x) / 255., sigma=c, multichannel=True)
    return np.clip(x, 0, 1) * 255
X_new = []
for el in glob.glob('./images_signs/*.png') + glob.glob('./images_signs/*.jpg'):
    img = io.imread(el)    
#     img = transform.resize(img,(32,32), order=3)
#     img = gaussian(img,.4,multichannel=True)
    img = transform.resize(img,(32,32), order=3)
    img = gaussian(img,.4,multichannel=True)

print('Processing Image from RGB color to grayscale, resize to 32x32, save into tensor friendly array format... ')

def pre_process_image(image):
    image = np.uint8(image)
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    return image
Exemplo n.º 38
def gaussian_blur(x, severity=1):
    c = [.5, .75, 1, 1.25, 1.5][severity - 1]

    x = gaussian(np.array(x) / 255., sigma=c, multichannel=True)
    return np.clip(x, 0, 1) * 255
# Blurring to reduce noise
# In this exercise you will reduce the sharpness of an image of a building taken during a London trip, through filtering.

# Building in Lodon
# Image loaded as building_image.
# Instructions
# 100 XP
# Import the Gaussian filter.
# Apply the filter to the building_image, set the multichannel parameter to the correct value.
# Show the original building_image and resulting gaussian_image.

# Import Gaussian filter
from skimage.filters import gaussian

# Apply filter
gaussian_image = gaussian(building_image, multichannel=True)

# Show original and resulting image to compare
show_image(building_image, "Original")
show_image(gaussian_image, "Reduced sharpness Gaussian")
Exemplo n.º 40

    # 75% to train
    for i in range(10):
        for label in labels:
            for j in range(1, 151):  # 201):
                image = io.imread('data/leapGestRecog/0' + str(i) + '/' +
                                  label + '/frame_0' + str(i) + '_' +
                                  label[0:2] + '_' + str(j).zfill(4) + '.png')
                img_blurred = gaussian(image, sigma=1.65)
                    resize(img_blurred, (60, 160),

    # shuffle data
    x_train, y_train = shuffle(dataset.inputs, dataset.targets)

    # Model Selection

    print('Model Selection...')

    testScores = {}
    myMaxScore = 0
    bestFunctionPrameters = ""
def test_acc(image_name):
    car_id = image_name.split('_')[0]
    angle_indicator = image_name.split('_')[1]
    nnet_model = joblib.load('nnet_20_10_5_2_adam_logistic_' +
                             angle_indicator + '.pkl')
    image = misc.imread('test_sample/' + image_name + '.jpg',
    image_rgb = misc.imread('test_sample/' + image_name + '.jpg')
    image_float = image_rgb.astype(float)
    image_mask_all_angles = misc.imread('train_all_masks/' + car_id + '.jpg',
                                        flatten=True) / 255.
    image_mask = misc.imread('train_masks/' + image_name + '_mask.gif',
                             flatten=True) / 255
    image_index = np.where(image >= 0)
    sobel = filters.sobel(image)  # working
    sobel_blurred = filters.gaussian(sobel, sigma=1)  # Working
    canny_filter_image = canny(image / 255.)
    #    threshold_niblack_11 = filters.threshold_niblack(sobel_blurred,201)
    threshold_li = filters.threshold_li(image)
    mask_li = image > threshold_li
    sobel_h = filters.sobel_h(image)
    sobel_v = filters.sobel_v(image)
    laplace = filters.laplace(image)
    threshold_local_51 = filters.threshold_local(image, 51)
    mask_local_51 = image > threshold_local_51
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    #    df['y'] = (image_index[0] - 639.5)/639.5
    #    df['x'] = (image_index[1] - 958.5)/958.5
    df['l1_dist_y'] = abs((image_index[0] - 639.5) / 639.5)
    df['l1_dist_x'] = abs((image_index[1] - 958.5) / 958.5)
    df['l2_dist'] = np.sqrt((df['l1_dist_x'])**2 +
                            (df['l1_dist_y'])**2) / np.sqrt(2)
    df['grey_values'] = image.reshape((1, 1918 * 1280))[0] / 255.
    df['red_values'] = image_rgb.reshape((3, 1918 * 1280))[0] / 255.
    df['blue_values'] = image_rgb.reshape((3, 1918 * 1280))[1] / 255.
    df['green_values'] = image_rgb.reshape((3, 1918 * 1280))[2] / 255.
    df['red_float'] = image_float.reshape((3, 1918 * 1280))[0] / 255.
    df['blue_float'] = image_float.reshape((3, 1918 * 1280))[1] / 255.
    df['green_float'] = image_float.reshape((3, 1918 * 1280))[2] / 255.
    df['sobel_blurred'] = sobel_blurred.reshape((1, 1918 * 1280))[0] / 255.
    df['canny_filter_image'] = canny_filter_image.reshape(
        (1, 1918 * 1280))[0].astype(int)
    df['sobel_h'] = sobel_h.reshape((1, 1918 * 1280))[0] / 255.
    df['sobel_v'] = sobel_v.reshape((1, 1918 * 1280))[0] / 255.
    df['laplace'] = laplace.reshape((1, 1918 * 1280))[0] / 511.
    df['threshold_local_51'] = mask_local_51.reshape(
        (1, 1918 * 1280))[0].astype(int)
    #    df['threshold_niblack_11'] = threshold_niblack_11.reshape((1,1918*1280))[0]#/255.
    df['threshold_li'] = mask_li.reshape((1, 1918 * 1280))[0].astype(int)
    df['mask'] = image_mask.reshape((1, 1918 * 1280))[0]
    df['mask'] = df['mask'].astype('category')
    df['pred_mask'] = nnet_model.predict(
        X=df[[col for col in df.columns if col != 'mask']])
    z = skm.confusion_matrix(df['mask'], df['pred_mask'])
    dice_coeff = 2 * (z[1][1]) / float(2 * z[1][1] + z[0][1] + z[1][0])
    print 'Dice Coefficient:', dice_coeff
    accuracy = 100 * (z[0][0] + z[1][1]) / float(sum(sum(z)))
    print 'Accuracy:', accuracy
    precision = 100 * (z[1][1]) / float(z[0][1] + z[1][1])
    print 'Precision:', precision
    recall = 100 * (z[1][1]) / float(z[1][0] + z[1][1])
    print 'Recall:', recall
    act_mask = np.array(df['mask'])
    act_mask = act_mask.reshape((1280, 1918))
    pred_mask = np.array(df['pred_mask']).astype(float)
    pred_mask = pred_mask.reshape((1280, 1918))
    return df, pred_mask, image, act_mask
Exemplo n.º 42
def blur(image, target):
    return torch.from_numpy(
        filters.gaussian(image, sigma=1., multichannel=True)), target
Exemplo n.º 43
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 10, figsize=(18, 6))
label_list = labels.tolist()
for label_id, category in enumerate(categories):
"""## Convolutional Filters

As a first step we apply some simple filters on the images.
In particular, we use convolutional filters, that can be expressed as convolution of a kernel with the image, which will be important for the concept of Convolutional Neural Networks that we will introduce later.

For now, we will use some filter available in [skimage.filters](https://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/api/skimage.filters.html).

image = images[0]
filtered_gaussian = filters.gaussian(image, sigma=1., multichannel=True)
filtered_laplacian = filters.laplace(image)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)
"""## Preparation for pytorch

In order to use the CIFAR data to with pytorch, we need to transform the data into the compatible data structures. In particular, pytorch expects all numerical data as [torch.tensor](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/tensors.html).
To provide the data as tensors, we will wrap them in a [torch.dataset](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/data.html) and implement a mechanism to apply transformations to the data on the fly. We will use these transformations to bring the data into a format that pytorch can ingest and later also use them for other purposes such as data augmentation.

# datasets have to be sub-classes from torch.util.data.Dataset

# what transofrmations do we need to feed this data to pytorch?
Exemplo n.º 44
def smooth_hsv(image, sigma):
    return filters.gaussian(image, sigma)
Exemplo n.º 45
from skimage import data, color, filters
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2

gray_img = cv2.imread('Pyramid.jpg', 0)

# 先对图像进行两次高斯滤波运算
gimg1 = filters.gaussian(gray_img, sigma=2)
gimg2 = filters.gaussian(gray_img, sigma=1.6 * 2)

# 两个高斯运算的差分
dimg = gimg2 - gimg1

# 将差归一化
dimg /= 2

# cv2.imshow('', dimg)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
figure = plt.figure()
# cv2.imshow('gray_img',gray_img)
# cv2.imshow('gimg1',gimg1)
# cv2.imshow('gimg2',gimg2)
plt.imshow(dimg, cmap='gray')
Exemplo n.º 46
def blur_boundary(boundary, sigma):
    boundary = gaussian(boundary, sigma=sigma)
    boundary[boundary >= 0.5] = 1
    boundary[boundary < 0.5] = 0
    return boundary
def gaussian(data):
    gaussian_filter = filters.gaussian(data.astype(float), sigma=[0.25, 0.5])
    new_hist = get_histogram(gaussian_filter)

    return gaussian_filter, new_hist
young = 1
mask = np.ones((100, 100))

fx_b, fy_b = np.zeros((100, 100)), np.zeros((100, 100))
l1 = np.array([np.arange(35, 45), np.arange(35, 45)])
l2 = np.array([np.arange(55, 65), np.arange(55, 65)])
#l1 = np.array([40,40])
#l2 = np.array([60,60])
fx_b[l1[0], l1[1]] = -1
fy_b[l1[0], l1[1]] = -1
fx_b[l2[0], l2[1]] = 1
fy_b[l2[0], l2[1]] = 1
#fx_b = gaussian(fx_b,sigma=4)
#fy_b = gaussian(fy_b,sigma=4)

fx_bf = gaussian(fx_b, sigma=1)
fy_bf = gaussian(fy_b, sigma=1)
#show_quiver(fx_b, fy_b)

u_b, v_b = finite_thickness_convolution(fx_b,
                                        kernel_size=(20, 20))

fx_f_nf, fy_f_nf = traction_wrapper(u_b,
Exemplo n.º 49
def find_centers_and_crop(imagepath,
    # Get the image and resize
    color_image = np.array(Image.open(imagepath))
    print("Working on", imagename)
    image_shape = color_image.shape[:2]
    image_shape = tuple(ti // scale for ti in image_shape)
    color_image = resize(color_image, image_shape)

    # Split the image into channels
    microtubules = color_image[:, :, 0]
    antibody = color_image[:, :, 1]
    nuclei = color_image[:, :, 2]

    # Segment the nuclear channel and get the nuclei
    min_nuc_size = 100.0

    val = threshold_otsu(nuclei)
    smoothed_nuclei = gaussian(nuclei, sigma=5.0)
    binary_nuclei = smoothed_nuclei > val
    binary_nuclei = remove_small_holes(binary_nuclei, min_size=300)
    labeled_nuclei = label(binary_nuclei)
    labeled_nuclei = clear_border(labeled_nuclei)
    labeled_nuclei = remove_small_objects(labeled_nuclei,

    # Iterate through each nuclei and get their centers (if the object is valid), and save to directory
    for i in range(1, np.max(labeled_nuclei)):
        current_nuc = labeled_nuclei == i
        if np.sum(current_nuc) > min_nuc_size:
            y, x = center_of_mass(current_nuc)
            x = np.int(x)
            y = np.int(y)

            c1 = y - cropsize // 2
            c2 = y + cropsize // 2
            c3 = x - cropsize // 2
            c4 = x + cropsize // 2

            if c1 < 0 or c3 < 0 or c2 > image_shape[0] or c4 > image_shape[1]:
                nuclei_crop = nuclei[c1:c2, c3:c4]
                antibody_crop = antibody[c1:c2, c3:c4]
                microtubule_crop = microtubules[c1:c2, c3:c4]

                folder_suffix = imagename.rsplit("_", 4)[0]
                outfolder = savepath + foldername + "_" + folder_suffix
                outimagename = imagename.rsplit("_", 3)[0] + "_" + str(i)

                if not os.path.exists(outfolder):

                Image.fromarray(nuclei_crop).save(outfolder + "//" +
                                                  outimagename + "_blue.tif")
                Image.fromarray(antibody_crop).save(outfolder + "//" +
                                                    outimagename +
                Image.fromarray(microtubule_crop).save(outfolder + "//" +
                                                       outimagename +

                output = open(outfile, "a")
                output.write(foldername + "_" + folder_suffix + "/" +
Exemplo n.º 50
import random
import os
import numpy as np
from skimage import io
from skimage.filters import gaussian
from PIL import Image

MAIN_DIR = './raw/'
LABELS_SUBDIRS = ['amusement','awe','contentment','excitement',\
transformations = ['BLURRED', 'FLIPPED']

for label_subdir in LABELS_SUBDIRS:
    if not (label_subdir == 'fear'): continue
    dir_path = MAIN_DIR + label_subdir + "/"
    for image_name in os.listdir(dir_path):
        if image_name.startswith('BLURRED') or image_name.startswith(
        original = io.imread(dir_path + image_name)
        transformation = random.choice(transformations)
        if transformation == 'BLURRED':
            new_image = gaussian(original, sigma=5, multichannel=True)
            new_image = np.fliplr(original)

        img = Image.fromarray(new_image, 'RGB')
        new_filepath = dir_path + transformation + "_" + image_name
Exemplo n.º 51
from skimage import io, filters

original_image = skimage.img_as_float(io.imread("skyline.jpg"))


def channel_adjust(channel, values):
    orig_size = channel.shape
    flat_channel = channel.flatten()
    adjusted = np.interp(flat_channel, np.linspace(0, 1, len(values)), values)
    return adjusted.reshape(orig_size)

original_image = skimage.img_as_float(io.imread("skyline.jpg"))
r = original_image[:, :, 0]
b = original_image[:, :, 2]
r_boost_lower = channel_adjust(
    r, [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0])
b_more = np.clip(b + 0.03, 0, 1.0)
merged = np.stack([r_boost_lower, original_image[:, :, 1], b_more], axis=2)
blurred = filters.gaussian(merged, sigma=10, multichannel=True)
final = np.clip(merged * 1.3 - blurred * 0.3, 0, 1.0)
b = final[:, :, 2]
b_adjusted = channel_adjust(b, [
    0, 0.047, 0.118, 0.251, 0.318, 0.392, 0.42, 0.439, 0.475, 0.561, 0.58,
    0.627, 0.671, 0.733, 0.847, 0.925, 1
final[:, :, 2] = b_adjusted
Exemplo n.º 52
        if 0:
            plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')

        # try active contours
        init = circle(
            np.array(img.shape) / 2, img.shape[1] / 2.01, img.shape[0] / 2.01,

        # alpha: Snake length shape parameter. Higher values makes snake contract faster.
        # beta: Snake smoothness shape parameter. Higher values makes snake smoother.
        # gamma: Explicit time stepping parameter.
        # w_line: Controls attraction to brightness. Use negative values to attract to dark regions.
        # w_edge: Controls attraction to edges. Use negative values to repel snake from edges.
        snake = active_contour(gaussian(img, 3),

        # fit circle
        center, radius = circleFit(snake.astype(np.float32))
        fitted_circle = circle(center, radius, radius, 360)

        if 0:
            plot1(img, init, snake, fitted_circle)

        snake_error = np.abs(
Exemplo n.º 53
def gaussian_filter(image):
    a = filters.gaussian(image, sigma=1.5)
    return a
Exemplo n.º 54
    def watershed_scikit(self,

        img_uint8 = cv2.copyMakeBorder(input_img,

        med_scikit = median(img_uint8, disk(1))
        thresh = threshold_li(med_scikit)
        binary = med_scikit > thresh
        filled = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(binary)
        filled_blurred = gaussian(filled, 1)
        filled_int = (filled_blurred * 255).astype('uint8')

        # #         edge_sobel = sobel(img_uint8)
        # #         enhanced = 50*edge_sobel/edge_sobel.max() + img_uint8
        # #         enhanced.astype('uint8')
        # #         med_scikit = median(img_uint8, disk(5))
        thresh = threshold_li(filled_int)
        binary = filled_int > thresh
        filled = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(binary)
        filled_int = binary_opening(filled, disk(5))
        filled_int = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(filled_int)
        #         filled_blurred = gaussian(openeed, 3)

        #         thresh = threshold_li(filled_int)
        #         binary = filled_int > thresh
        #binary = binary_erosion(filled_int, disk(5))
        distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(filled_int)
        binary1 = distance > first_threshold
        distance1 = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(binary1)
        binary2 = distance1 > second_threshold

        labeled_spots, num_features = label(binary2)
        spot_labels = np.unique(labeled_spots)

        spot_locations = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(
            binary2, labeled_spots, spot_labels[spot_labels > 0])

        mask = np.zeros(distance.shape, dtype=bool)
        if spot_locations:
            mask[np.ceil(np.array(spot_locations)[:, 0]).astype(int),
                 np.ceil(np.array(spot_locations)[:, 1]).astype(int)] = True
        markers, _ = ndimage.label(mask)
        labels = watershed(-distance,
        boundary = find_boundaries(labels,
        boundary_img = (255 *
                        boundary[3:boundary.shape[0] - 3,
                                 3:boundary.shape[1] - 3]).astype('uint8')
        resized_bound = cv2.resize(boundary_img,
                                   (input_img.shape[1], input_img.shape[0]))
        filled1 = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(resized_bound)
        mask = (255 * filled1).astype('uint8') - resized_bound
        boundary = resized_bound.astype('uint8')

        return boundary, mask
Exemplo n.º 55
    def process(self, save_to_disk=False, abs_path='', file_prefix=''):
        """Process roi and extract features

            save_to_disk (bool, optional): Save the results to disk. Defaults to False.
            abs_path (str, optional): absolute path to location to save to. Defaults to ''.
            file_prefix (str, optional): roi file prefix. Defaults to ''.
            cfg (configparser, optional): loaded configparser object. Defaults to None.

            [dict]: all features and images

        if not self.loaded:
            return None

        # set the file path
        if file_prefix == '':
            file_prefix = self.filename[:-4]

        # set the output path
        if abs_path == '' and self.output_path is not None:
            abs_path = self.output_path

        # Store the paths so they can be used later for saving images
        self.file_prefix = file_prefix
        self.abs_path = abs_path
        # store the url
        subdir = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(abs_path))
        basedir = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(abs_path))))
        self.url = basedir + '/' + subdir + '/' + file_prefix

        # get a reference to 8bit version of the image
        img = self.img_8bit

        # Pull out some settings from cfg if available
        if self.cfg:
            min_obj_area = self.cfg['rois'].getint("min_obj_area",100)
            objs_per_roi = self.cfg['rois'].getint("objs_per_roi",1)
            deconv = self.cfg['rois'].get("deconv",'none')
            deconv_mask_weight = self.cfg['rois'].getfloat('deconv_mask_weight',0.6)
            deconv_iter = self.cfg['rois'].getint('deconv_iter',7)
            edge_thresh = self.cfg['rois'].getfloat("edge_threshold",2.5)
            use_jpeg = self.cfg['rois'].getboolean("use_jpeg",False)
            raw_color = self.cfg['rois'].getboolean("raw_color",False)
            int_features = self.cfg['rois'].getboolean("intensity_features",False)
            min_obj_area = 100
            objs_per_roi = 1
            deconv = 'none'
            deconv_mask_weight = 0.6
            deconv_iter = 7
            int_features = False
            use_jpeg = False
            raw_color = True
            edge_thresh = 2.5

        # Define an empty dictionary to hold all features
        features = {}

        features['rawcolor'] = np.copy(img)
        gray = np.uint8(np.mean(img,2))

        # edge-based segmentation
        edges_mag = scharr(gray)
        edges_med = np.median(edges_mag)
        edges_thresh = edge_thresh*edges_med
        edges = edges_mag >= edges_thresh
        edges = morphology.closing(edges,morphology.square(3))
        filled_edges = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(edges)
        edges = morphology.erosion(filled_edges,morphology.square(3))

        # Store the edge image
        bw_img = edges

        # Compute morphological descriptors
        label_img = morphology.label(bw_img,connectivity=2,background=0)
        props = measure.regionprops(label_img,gray)

        # clear bw_img
        bw_img = 0*bw_img

        # sort the region props
        props = sorted(props, reverse=True, key=lambda k: k.area)

        if len(props) > 0:

            # Init mask with the largest area object in the roi
            bw_img = (label_img)== props[0].label
            bw_img_all = bw_img.copy()

            base_area = props[0].area

            # use only the features from the object with the largest area
            max_area = 0
            max_area_ind = 0
            avg_area = 0.0
            avg_maj = 0.0
            avg_min = 0.0
            avg_or = 0.0
            avg_count = 0

            if len(props) > objs_per_roi:
                n_objs = objs_per_roi
                n_objs = len(props)

            for f in range(0,n_objs):

                if props[f].area > min_obj_area:
                    bw_img_all = bw_img_all + ((label_img)== props[f].label)
                    avg_count = avg_count + 1

                if f >= objs_per_roi:

            # Take the largest object area as the roi area
            # no average
            avg_area = props[0].area
            avg_maj = props[0].major_axis_length
            avg_min = props[0].minor_axis_length
            avg_or = props[0].orientation
            avg_eccentricity = props[0].eccentricity
            avg_solidity = props[0].solidity

            # Calculate intensity features only for largest
            if int_features:
                features_intensity = intensity_features(gray, bw_img)
                features['intensity_gray'] = features_intensity

                features_intensity = intensity_features(img[::, ::, 0], bw_img)
                features['intensity_red'] = features_intensity

                features_intensity = intensity_features(img[::, ::, 1], bw_img)
                features['intensity_green'] = features_intensity

                features_intensity = intensity_features(img[::, ::, 2], bw_img)
                features['intensity_blue'] = features_intensity

            # Check for clipped image
            if np.max(bw_img_all) == 0:
                bw = bw_img_all
                bw = bw_img_all/np.max(bw_img_all)

            clip_frac = float(np.sum(bw[:,1]) +
                    np.sum(bw[:,-2]) +
                    np.sum(bw[1,:]) +
            features['clipped_fraction'] = clip_frac

            # Save simple features of the object
            features['area'] = avg_area
            features['minor_axis_length'] = avg_min
            features['major_axis_length'] = avg_maj
            if avg_maj == 0:
                features['aspect_ratio'] = 1
                features['aspect_ratio'] = avg_min/avg_maj
            features['orientation'] = avg_or
            features['eccentricity'] = avg_eccentricity
            features['solidity'] = avg_solidity
            features['estimated_volume'] = 4.0 / 3 * pi * avg_maj * avg_min * avg_min


            features['clipped_fraction'] = 0.0

            # Save simple features of the object
            features['area'] = 0.0
            features['minor_axis_length'] = 0.0
            features['major_axis_length'] = 0.0
            features['aspect_ratio'] = 1
            features['orientation'] = 0.0
            features['eccentricity'] = 0
            features['solidity'] = 0
            features['estimated_volume'] = 0

            self.features = features

            return features

        stats_only_features = features

        # Masked background with Gaussian smoothing, image sharpening, and
        # reduction of chromatic aberration

        # mask the raw image with smoothed foreground mask
        blurd_bw_img = gaussian(bw_img_all,3)
        img[:,:,0] = img[:,:,0]*blurd_bw_img
        img[:,:,1] = img[:,:,1]*blurd_bw_img
        img[:,:,2] = img[:,:,2]*blurd_bw_img

        # renormalize
        if np.max(img) == 0:
            img = np.float32(img)
            img = np.float32(img)/np.max(img)

        if deconv.lower() == 'um' or deconv.lower() == 'lr':

            # Get the intesity image in HSV space
            hsv_img = color.rgb2hsv(img)
            v_img = hsv_img[:,:,2]

            # mask the raw image with smoothed foreground mask
            blurd_bw_img = gaussian(bw_img_all,3)
            v_img = v_img*blurd_bw_img

            if deconv.lower() == 'um':

                old_mean = np.mean(v_img)
                blurd = gaussian(v_img,1.0)
                hpfilt = v_img - blurd*deconv_mask_weight
                v_img = hpfilt/(1-deconv_mask_weight)

                new_mean = np.mean(v_img)

                if (new_mean) != 0:
                    v_img = v_img*old_mean/new_mean

                v_img[v_img > 1] = 1
                v_img = np.uint8(255*v_img)

            if deconv.lower() == 'lr':

                # Make a guess of the PSF for sharpening
                psf = make_gaussian(5, 3, center=None)

                v_img[v_img == 0] = 0.0001

                v_img = restoration.richardson_lucy(v_img, psf, deconv_iter)

                v_img[v_img < 0] = 0

                if np.max(v_img) == 0:
                    v_img = np.uint8(255*v_img)
                    v_img = np.uint8(255*v_img/np.max(v_img))

            # restore the rbg image from hsv
            hsv_img[:,:,2] = v_img
            img = color.hsv2rgb(hsv_img)

            # Rescale image to uint8 0-255
            img[img < 0] = 0

        if np.max(img) == 0:
            img = np.uint8(255*img)
            img = np.uint8(255*img/np.max(img))

        features['image'] = img
        features['binary'] = 255*bw_img_all

        self.features = features

        # Save the binary image and also color image if requested
        if save_to_disk:

        return features
import numpy as np
import pylab
import sys
from skimage import io
from skimage import color
from scipy import ndimage
from matplotlib import pyplot
import project_helpers as ph
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# This tutorial walks through various functions used for the project
# and some of the concepts covered in lecture.
# Flag that indicates whether to show images.
VIEW = False
# Set the path to the data files.
data_path = "crchistophenotypes_2016_04_28/CRCHistoPhenotypes_2016_04_28/"
#Basic image I/O
#Load the ground truth labels
#Detections are stored as [x,y] and labels are positive for detected nuclei centres
img, detections, labels = ph.load_data_set(data_path,"img7")
Exemplo n.º 57
for im_name in im_names:
    im = io.imread('/media/data_cifs/andreas/pathology/2018-04-26/mar2019/LMD/annotation_imgs/%s' % im_name)[:2000, :2000, :]
    feed_dict = {
        val_dict[dict_image_key]: im[None, ...],
        val_dict[dict_label_key]: it_labs}
    it_val_dict = sess.run(val_dict, feed_dict=feed_dict)

    if 'KRAS' in im_name:
        pos, neg = 0, 2
    elif 'EGFR' in im_name:
        pos, neg = 1, 3
        raise NotImplementedError

    f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    trans_im = sigmoid_fun(transform.resize(filters.gaussian((it_val_dict['activity'].squeeze()[..., pos]), 3), [2000, 2000]))
    marked = segmentation.mark_boundaries(im, (trans_im > .5).astype(int).squeeze(), color=None, outline_color=[1, 0, 0], mode='outer')
    plt.imshow(marked[100:-100, 100:-100])
    # plt.imshow(np.concatenate((im.astype(np.float32) / 255., trans_im[..., None]), axis=-1))
    plt.savefig('pos_%s.png' % im_name.split('.')[0])
    # plt.show()

    f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    trans_im = 1 - sigmoid_fun(transform.resize(filters.gaussian((it_val_dict['activity'].squeeze()[..., neg]), 3), [2000, 2000]))
    marked = segmentation.mark_boundaries(im, (trans_im > .5).astype(int).squeeze(), color=None, outline_color=[0, 0, 1], mode='outer')
    plt.imshow(marked[100:-100, 100:-100])
    # plt.imshow(np.concatenate((im, trans_im[..., None]), axis=-1))
    plt.savefig('neg_%s.png' % im_name.split('.')[0])
    # plt.show()
Exemplo n.º 58
def Hough_center(data_dcm_directory,

    if Is_a_file:
        #Lecture des données pixel du fichier DICOM
        Lec = sitk.ReadImage(os.path.join(data_dcm_directory, Image_file))

        #Conversion en array
        Image = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(Lec[:, :, 0])
        space_y = Lec.GetSpacing()[0]
        space_x = Lec.GetSpacing()[1]

    #Conversion de l'image de non signé 16bits vers le type float
    Image = Image.astype(float)
    #Lissage de l'image par un filtre gaussien
    IG8 = filters.gaussian(Image, sigma=sig)
    # IG8 = filters.median(Image,selem=morphology.square(5))
    #Augmentation du contraste de l'image filtrée
    IG8 = IG8 / (0.7 * np.max(IG8))
    IG8 = IG8**pui

    # Obtention de l'image de gradient par filtre de Scharr
    Scharr = filters.scharr(IG8)

    #Définition du seuil pour l'image de gradient
    B = thr * np.max(Scharr)
    Thresh = Scharr * (Scharr > B)

    #Par soucis d'economie en temps de calcul et gestion de mémoire, on va rogner notre espace de travail. En effet, si on travaille avec une forme circulaire, travailler sur l'ensemble de l'image n'a pas d'intérêt : l'information est localisée.
    #On cherche donc les indices minimums et maximums selon les deux axes de l'image, et on travaille donc sur un espace de Hough réduit, et un remplissage depuis une image tronquée.

    y_min = np.min(np.nonzero(Thresh)[0])
    y_max = np.max(np.nonzero(Thresh)[0])
    x_min = np.min(np.nonzero(Thresh)[1])
    x_max = np.max(np.nonzero(Thresh)[1])

    Dx = x_max - x_min
    Dy = y_max - y_min

    Dxt = int(round(0.3 * (Dx)))  # Marges en x et y au delà de xmin et xmax
    Dyt = int(round(0.3 * (Dy)))

    #Figure de contrôle : Image de gradient seuillé
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.title("Image de seuil de " + str(Image_file))
    # plt.imshow(Thresh[y_min-Dyt:y_max+Dyt+1,x_min-Dxt:x_max+Dxt+1])

    # #Figure de contrôle : Image de base après pré-traitement
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.title("Image filtrée de " + str(Image_file))
    # plt.imshow(IG8[y_min-Dyt:y_max+Dyt+1,x_min-Dxt:x_max+Dxt+1])

    D = max(Dx, Dy)
    Dt = max(Dxt, Dyt)

    #Valeurs de contrôles affichées.
    # print(y_min,y_max,x_min,x_max,Dx,Dy,Dxt,Dyt,Nrt)

    #Création de l'espace de Hough

    Hough_space = np.zeros((int(Dt / resol_r), int(
        (2 * D) / resol_y) + 1, int((2 * D) / resol_x) + 1),
                           dtype=float)  # Création de l'espace de Hough

    beta_x = (1 / 2) * (1 - resol_x)
    beta_y = (1 / 2) * (1 - resol_y)

    # n=0
    for yi in range(Dy + 1):  # Les xi et yi (image) ne sont non nuls
        for xi in range(Dx + 1):  # que sur les True de l'image de seuil.
            T = Thresh[yi + y_min, xi + x_min]
            if (T != 0):

                for rh in range(0, int((Dt / resol_r))):

                    xh = np.arange(int((2 * D) / resol_y) +
                                   1)  #On crée un tableau vide de même
                    yh = np.arange(int(
                        (2 * D) / resol_x) + 1)  #taille que les dim x et y de
                    #l'espace de Hough

                    #Masque circulaire de centre (xi, yi), de rayon (D/2-Dt) + rh

                    # Calcul du coefficient epsilon de l'équation (x-xc)**2 + ( y-yc)**2 - (r-r0)**2 < epsilon**2

                    alpha = np.sqrt((resol_x / 2)**2 + (resol_y / 2)**2)

                    epsilon2 = abs(2 * alpha * (rh * resol_r + (D / 2) - Dt) +

                    # Matrice conditionnelle sur epsilon : on calcule tous les membres de gauche de l'eq au dessus

                    cond = abs((xh[np.newaxis, :] * resol_x - beta_x -
                                (xi + D / 2))**2 +
                               (yh[:, np.newaxis] * resol_y - beta_y -
                                (yi + D / 2))**2 -
                               (rh * resol_r + D / 2 - Dt)**2)

                    # Test : Soit on est inférieur à epsilon2 et on garde la valeur, sachant que plus on est proche de epsilon moins on a de poids
                    # Soit on est supérieur et on prend la valeur 0. np clip assure que toutes les valeurs sont comprises entre 0 et 1.
                    # La condition <1 est inutile ici, mais un argument doit être passé à np clip. On met 1.1 pour ne pas exclure les cas
                    # parfaits ou cond = 0.

                    w = np.clip((epsilon2 - cond) / epsilon2, 0,
                                1.1)  # Matrice des poids

                    # if n==30:
                    #     plt.figure()
                    #     plt.subplot(121)
                    #     plt.imshow(w)
                    #     plt.subplot(122)
                    #     plt.imshow(cond)               # Boucle à activer pour démonstration. Penser à décommenter au dessus n=0 et en
                    #     print(epsilon2)                # dessous n+=1.

                    Hough_space[int(rh)] += w * T
                    # n+=1

    #Augmentation du contraste de l'espace de Hough
    Hough_space = Hough_space / np.percentile(Hough_space, 95)
    Hough_space_10 = Hough_space**5

    #Valeur max de l'espace de Hough : le cdm n'a de sens qu'a proximité
    Max_Hough = np.max(Hough_space_10)
    #On retire donc toutes les valeurs trop éloignées du max
    Hough_trunc = np.where(Hough_space_10 > 0.01 * Max_Hough, Hough_space_10,
    #Centre de masse de l'espace de Hough
    cdm_10 = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(Hough_trunc)
    #Figures de contrôle
    # print(cdm_10[0],D,Dt)
    # plt.figure()
    # plt.title("Espace de Hough proche du max de "+str(Image_file))
    # plt.subplot(121)
    # plt.imshow(Hough_space_10[int(np.ceil(cdm_10[0])),:,:])
    # plt.subplot(122)
    # plt.imshow(Hough_space_10[int(np.floor(cdm_10[0])),:,:])

    r_est_10 = cdm_10[0] * resol_r + D / 2 - Dt
    y_est_10 = (cdm_10[1]) * resol_y + y_min - (D / 2) - beta_y
    x_est_10 = (cdm_10[2]) * resol_x + x_min - (D / 2) - beta_x

    if not Is_a_file:
        space_y = 0.336
        space_x = 0.336

    print("x_est = ", round(x_est_10, 3), ", y_est = ", round(y_est_10,
                                                              3), ", r_est = ",
          round(r_est_10, 3))  # Coordonnées en pixel dans l'image

    return (x_est_10, y_est_10, r_est_10, space_x, space_y)
Exemplo n.º 59
def get_grad_plots(nne,
    """Gradients from the hGRU on pathfinder."""
    font = {
        'family': 'normal',
        # 'weight' : 'bold',
        'size': 8
    matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
    gmin = -8  # np.min([nze, nzi, ze, zi])
    gmax = 8  # np.max([nze, nzi, ze, zi])
    if ran is None:
        ran = range(len(nne))
    count = 0
    for im in ran:
        f = plt.figure()

        nze = zscore(nne[im], munne, sdnne)  # zscore(nni[im], munni, sdnni)
        nzi = zscore(nni[im], munni, sdnni)  # zscore(nne[im], munne, sdnne)
        ze = zscore(e[im], mue, sde)
        zi = zscore(i[im], mui, sdi)

        # -
        ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 4, 2)
        im1 = ax1.imshow(gaussian(nze, sig, preserve_range=True),
        prep_subplot(f=f, im=im1, ax=ax1)

        ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 4, 3)
        im2 = ax2.imshow(gaussian(nzi, sig, preserve_range=True),
        prep_subplot(f=f, im=im2, ax=ax2)

        ax3 = plt.subplot(2, 4, 4)
        ndif = gaussian(nze, sig, preserve_range=True) + gaussian(
            nzi, sig, preserve_range=True)
        plt.title('$H^{(2)} + H^{(1)}, max=%s$' % np.around(ndif.max(), 2))
        im3 = ax3.imshow((ndif), cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=gmin, vmax=gmax)
        prep_subplot(f=f, im=im3, ax=ax3, ticks=[-8, 8])
        plt.subplot(2, 4, 1)
        plt.title('Decision: %s' % nlogits[im])
        plt.imshow(nims[im], cmap='Greys_r')

        # +
        ax4 = plt.subplot(2, 4, 6)
        im4 = ax4.imshow(gaussian(ze, sig, preserve_range=True),
        prep_subplot(f=f, im=im4, ax=ax4)
        ax5 = plt.subplot(2, 4, 7)
        im5 = ax5.imshow(gaussian(zi, sig, preserve_range=True),
        prep_subplot(f=f, im=im5, ax=ax5)
        ax6 = plt.subplot(2, 4, 8)
        dif = gaussian(ze, sig, preserve_range=True) + gaussian(
            zi, sig, preserve_range=True)
        plt.title('$H^{(2)} + H^{(1)}, max=%s$' % np.around(dif.max(), 2))
        im6 = ax6.imshow((dif), cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=gmin, vmax=gmax)
        prep_subplot(f=f, im=im6, ax=ax6, ticks=[-8, 8])
        plt.subplot(2, 4, 5)
        plt.title('Decision: %s' % logits[im])
        plt.imshow(ims[im], cmap='Greys_r')
        if save_figs:
            out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, '%s.png' % count)
            count += 1
            plt.savefig(out_path, dpi=dpi)
Exemplo n.º 60
def spatter(x, severity=1):
    iscolor = len(x.shape) > 2 and x.shape[2] > 1
    c = [(0.65, 0.3, 4, 0.69, 0.6, 0), (0.65, 0.3, 3, 0.68, 0.6, 0),
         (0.65, 0.3, 2, 0.68, 0.5, 0), (0.65, 0.3, 1, 0.65, 1.5, 1),
         (0.67, 0.4, 1, 0.65, 1.5, 1)][severity - 1]
    x = np.array(x, dtype=np.float32) / 255.

    liquid_layer = np.random.normal(size=x.shape[:2], loc=c[0], scale=c[1])

    liquid_layer = gaussian(liquid_layer, sigma=c[2])
    liquid_layer[liquid_layer < c[3]] = 0
    if c[5] == 0:
        liquid_layer = (liquid_layer * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        dist = 255 - cv2.Canny(liquid_layer, 50, 150)
        dist = cv2.distanceTransform(dist, cv2.DIST_L2, 5)
        _, dist = cv2.threshold(dist, 20, 20, cv2.THRESH_TRUNC)
        dist = cv2.blur(dist, (3, 3)).astype(np.uint8)
        dist = cv2.equalizeHist(dist)
        ker = np.array([[-2, -1, 0], [-1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2]])
        dist = cv2.filter2D(dist, cv2.CV_8U, ker)
        dist = cv2.blur(dist, (3, 3)).astype(np.float32)

        m = cv2.cvtColor(liquid_layer * dist, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA)
        m /= np.max(m, axis=(0, 1))
        m *= c[4]

        # water is pale turqouise
        color = np.concatenate(
            (175 / 255. * np.ones_like(m[..., :1]), 238 / 255. *
             np.ones_like(m[..., :1]), 238 / 255. * np.ones_like(m[..., :1])),

        color = cv2.cvtColor(color, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
        if len(x.shape) > 2 and x.shape[2] > 1:
            x = cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)

        x = np.clip(x + m * color, 0, 1) * 255
        if iscolor:
            return cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR)
            return cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY)
        m = np.where(liquid_layer > c[3], 1, 0)
        m = gaussian(m.astype(np.float32), sigma=c[4])
        m[m < 0.8] = 0

        # mud brown
        color = np.concatenate(
            (63 / 255. * np.ones_like(x[..., :1]), 42 / 255. *
             np.ones_like(x[..., :1]), 20 / 255. * np.ones_like(x[..., :1])),

        color *= m[..., np.newaxis]
        x *= (1 - m[..., np.newaxis])

        x = np.clip(x + color, 0, 1) * 255

        if iscolor:
            return x
            return cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)