Exemplo n.º 1
def lightgbm_classifier_shape_extractor(operator):
    N = operator.inputs[0].type.shape[0]

    class_labels = operator.raw_operator.classes_
    if all(isinstance(i, numpy.ndarray) for i in class_labels):
        class_labels = numpy.concatenate(class_labels)
    if all(isinstance(i, str) for i in class_labels):
        operator.outputs[0].type = StringTensorType(shape=[N])
        operator.outputs[1].type = SequenceType(DictionaryType(StringTensorType([]), FloatTensorType([])), N)
    elif all(isinstance(i, (numbers.Real, bool, numpy.bool_)) for i in class_labels):
        operator.outputs[0].type = Int64TensorType(shape=[N])
        operator.outputs[1].type = SequenceType(DictionaryType(Int64TensorType([]), FloatTensorType([])), N)
        raise ValueError('Unsupported or mixed label types')
Exemplo n.º 2
        def custom_parser(scope, model, inputs, custom_parsers=None):
            if custom_parsers is not None and model in custom_parsers:
                return custom_parsers[model](scope,
            if all(
                    isinstance(i, (numbers.Real, bool, np.bool_))
                    for i in model.classes_):
                label_type = Int64TensorType()
                label_type = StringTensorType()
            output_label = scope.declare_local_variable(
                'output_label', label_type)

            this_operator = scope.declare_local_operator(
                'LgbmClassifier', model)
            this_operator.inputs = inputs
            probability_map_variable = scope.declare_local_variable(
                SequenceType(DictionaryType(label_type, scope.tensor_type())))
            return this_operator.outputs
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_defined_outputs(outputs,
    Gets types of predefined outputs when they cannot be inferred.
    Some part of it should be automated based
    on type constraints.

    :param outputs: requested outputs
    :param onnx_node: :epkg:`ONNX` node definition
    :param typed_inputs: known typed inputs of the node as `tuple(name, type)`
    :param variables: registered variables created by previous operators
    :param dtype: float computational type
    :param schema: defined outputs by schema (*expected_outputs*)
    :param schema_inputs: defined inputs by schema (*expected_inputs*)
    :return: typed outputs as ``tuple(name, type)``
    if schema is None:
        ft = DoubleTensorType if dtype == numpy.float64 else FloatTensorType
    elif len(schema) != 1:
        raise ValueError(  # pragma: no cover
            "schema should only contain one output not {}.".format(schema))
        if isinstance(schema, DataType):
            ft = schema[0].__class__
            ft = schema[0][1].__class__

    if onnx_node.op_type in {
            'ZipMap', 'ArgMin', 'ArgMax', 'Shape', 'Greater', 'Less', 'Equal',
            'TopK', 'Cast', 'ArrayFeatureExtractor', 'Reshape', 'Transpose',
            'Scan', 'ConstantOfShape'
        if onnx_node.op_type == "ZipMap":
            # ZipMap
            otype = SequenceType(DictionaryType(Int64Type(), ft()))
            outputs = [(name, otype) for name in outputs]
        elif (onnx_node.op_type in ("ArgMin", "ArgMax", 'Shape')
              and len(outputs) == 1):
            # ArgMin, ArgMax, Shape
            outputs = [(outputs[0], Int64TensorType())]
        elif (onnx_node.op_type in ("Greater", "Less", 'Equal')
              and len(outputs) == 1):
            # Greater, Less, Equal
            outputs = [(outputs[0], BooleanTensorType())]
        elif onnx_node.op_type == "TopK" and len(outputs) == 2:
            # TopK
            if len(typed_inputs) != 2:
                raise RuntimeError(  # pragma: no cover
                    "Wrong typed_inputs, got {}.".format(typed_inputs))
            outputs = [(outputs[0], typed_inputs[0][1]),
                       (outputs[1], Int64TensorType())]
        elif onnx_node.op_type == "Cast" and len(outputs) == 1:
            # Cast
            ttyp = _guess_type_proto(onnx_node.attribute[0].i, dims=None)
            outputs = [(outputs[0], ttyp)]
        elif onnx_node.op_type == "ArrayFeatureExtractor":
            # ArrayFeatureExtractor
            if len(typed_inputs) != 2:
                raise RuntimeError(  # pragma: no cover
                    "Wrong typed_inputs, got {}.".format(typed_inputs))
            outputs = [(outputs[0], typed_inputs[0][1])]
        elif onnx_node.op_type in ('Reshape', 'Transpose'):
            # Reshape
            outputs = [(outputs[0], typed_inputs[0][1].__class__())]
        elif onnx_node.op_type == 'Scan':
            # Scan
            if len(outputs) != len(typed_inputs):
                raise RuntimeError(  # pragma: no cover
                    "Dimension mismatch, operator Scan should have "
                    "the same number of inputs and outputs {} != {}"
                    ".".format(len(outputs), len(typed_inputs)))
            outputs = [(o, t[1].__class__())
                       for o, t in zip(outputs, typed_inputs)]
        elif onnx_node.op_type == "ConstantOfShape":
            # ConstantOfShape
            outputs = [(outputs[0], ft())]
    elif 'Classifier' in onnx_node.op_type:
        # Good chance that's a classifier.
        outputs = [(outputs[0], Int64TensorType()), (outputs[1], ft())]
        if schema_inputs is not None and schema is not None:
            dt = {}
            for got, exp in zip(typed_inputs, schema_inputs):
                if isinstance(exp[1], str):
                    dt[exp[1]] = got
            out = []
            for i in range(len(outputs)):  # pylint: disable=C0200
                o = outputs[i]
                if isinstance(o, str):
                    exp = schema[i]
                    if exp[1] in dt:
                        out.append((o, dt[exp[1]][1].__class__()))
                        nt = _guess_type_proto_str(exp[1], None)
                        out.append((o, nt))
                elif (isinstance(o, tuple)
                      and (isinstance(o[1], str) or o[1] is None)):
                    exp = schema[i]
                    if exp[1] in dt:
                        out.append((o[0], dt[exp[1]][1].__class__()))
                        nt = _guess_type_proto_str(exp[1], None)
                        out.append((o[0], nt))
            outputs = out
        elif len(typed_inputs) == 1 and len(outputs) == 1:
            # Default case
            # Assuming the only output is the same as the only input.
            outputs = [(outputs[0], typed_inputs[0][1])]
            # Default
            outputs = [(name, ft()) for name in outputs]

    for name, typ in outputs:
        if typ in ('T', None, '', 'I'):
            raise NotImplementedError(  # pragma: no cover
                "Undefined output type: %r (outputs=%r, typed_inputs=%r, "
                "dtype=%r, schema=%r, schema_inputs=%r, onnx_node=%r, "
                "variables=%r)." % (typ, outputs, typed_inputs, dtype, schema,
                                    schema_inputs, onnx_node, variables))
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise NotImplementedError(  # pragma: no cover
                "Undefined output type: %r (outputs=%r, typed_inputs=%r, "
                "dtype=%r, schema=%r, schema_inputs=%r, onnx_node=%r, "
                "variables=%r)." % (typ, outputs, typed_inputs, dtype, schema,
                                    schema_inputs, onnx_node, variables))
    return outputs
Exemplo n.º 4
def proto2vars(values):
    Converts proto values to Variables.
    def ptype2vttype(it, shape):
        if it == TensorProto.FLOAT:  # pylint: disable=E1101
            return FloatTensorType(shape)
        if it == TensorProto.DOUBLE:  # pylint: disable=E1101
            return DoubleTensorType(shape)
        if it == TensorProto.INT64:  # pylint: disable=E1101
            return Int64TensorType(shape)
        if it == TensorProto.INT32:  # pylint: disable=E1101
            return Int32TensorType(shape)
        if it == TensorProto.BOOL:  # pylint: disable=E1101
            return BooleanTensorType(shape)
        if it == TensorProto.STRING:  # pylint: disable=E1101
            return StringTensorType(shape)
        if Float16TensorType is None:
            if it == TensorProto.FLOAT16:  # pylint: disable=E1101
                return Float16TensorType(shape)
        raise NotImplementedError(  # pragma: no cover
            "Unrecognized proto type {} with shape {}".format(it, shape))

    def ptype2vtype(it):
        if it == TensorProto.FLOAT:  # pylint: disable=E1101
            return FloatType()
        if it == TensorProto.INT64:  # pylint: disable=E1101
            return Int64Type()
        raise NotImplementedError(  # pragma: no cover
            "Unrecognized proto type {}".format(it))

    res = []
    for v_ in values:
        v = v_
        name = v.name if hasattr(v, 'name') else None
        if hasattr(v, 'type') and str(v.type) != '':
            t = v.type
            v = proto2vars([t])[0][1]
        elif hasattr(v, 'sequence_type') and str(v.sequence_type) != '':
            subtype = proto2vars([v.sequence_type.elem_type])[0][1]
            v = SequenceType(subtype)
        elif hasattr(v, 'tensor_type') and str(v.tensor_type) != '':
            tt = v.tensor_type
            el = tt.elem_type
            shape = tt.shape
            dim = shape.dim
            if len(dim) == 0:
                shape = []
                shape = [dim[i].dim_value for i in range(len(dim))]
            v = ptype2vttype(el, shape)
        elif hasattr(v, 'map_type') and str(v.map_type) != '':
            mt = v.map_type
            keyt = ptype2vtype(mt.key_type)
            valt = proto2vars([mt.value_type])[0][1]
            v = DictionaryType(keyt, valt)
            raise RuntimeError(  # pragma: no cover
                "Unable to build a variable from {}.".format(v))
        if v.shape is not None and 0 in v.shape:
            # Replaces 0 by None
            new_shape = tuple(None if d == 0 else d for d in v.shape)
            if new_shape in ((None, ), None):
                v = v.__class__()
                v = v.__class__(new_shape)
        if v.shape is not None and 0 in v.shape:
            raise RuntimeError(  # pragma: no cover
                "Shape cannot be empty: '{}': {}.".format(name, v_))
        res.append((name, v))
    return res
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_defined_outputs(outputs, onnx_node, typed_inputs=None, variables=None, dtype=None):
    Gets types of predefined outputs when they cannot be inferred.
    Some part of it should be automated based
    on type constraints.

    @param      outputs         requested outputs
    @param      onnx_node       :epkg:`ONNX` node definition
    @param      typed_inputs    known typed inputs of the node
                                as ``tuple(name, type)``
    @param      variables       registered variables created
                                by previous operators
    @param      dtype           float computational type
    @return                     typed outputs
                                as ``tuple(name, type)``
    ft = DoubleTensorType if dtype == numpy.float64 else FloatTensorType

    # ZipMap
    if onnx_node.op_type == "ZipMap":
        otype = SequenceType(DictionaryType(
            Int64Type(), ft()))
        outputs = [(name, otype) for name in outputs]
    # ArgMin, ArgMax, Shape
    elif onnx_node.op_type in ("ArgMin", "ArgMax", 'Shape') and len(outputs) == 1:
        outputs = [(outputs[0], Int64TensorType())]
    # Greater, Less, Equal
    elif onnx_node.op_type in ("Greater", "Less", 'Equal') and len(outputs) == 1:
        outputs = [(outputs[0], BooleanTensorType())]
    # TopK
    elif onnx_node.op_type == "TopK" and len(outputs) == 2:
        if len(typed_inputs) != 2:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong typed_inputs, got {}.".format(typed_inputs))
        outputs = [(outputs[0], typed_inputs[0][1]),
                   (outputs[1], Int64TensorType())]
    # Cast
    elif onnx_node.op_type == "Cast" and len(outputs) == 1:
        ttyp = _guess_type_proto(onnx_node.attribute[0].i, dims=None)
        outputs = [(outputs[0], ttyp)]
    # ArrayFeatureExtractor
    elif onnx_node.op_type == "ArrayFeatureExtractor":
        if len(typed_inputs) != 2:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong typed_inputs, got {}.".format(typed_inputs))
        outputs = [(outputs[0], typed_inputs[0][1])]
    elif 'Classifier' in onnx_node.op_type:
        # Good chance that's a classifier.
        outputs = [(outputs[0], Int64TensorType()),
                   (outputs[1], ft())]
    # Reshape
    elif onnx_node.op_type in ('Reshape', 'Transpose'):
        outputs = [(outputs[0], typed_inputs[0][1].__class__())]
    # Scan
    elif onnx_node.op_type == 'Scan':
        if len(outputs) != len(typed_inputs):
            raise RuntimeError("Dimension mismatch, operator Scan should have "
                               "the same number of inputs and outputs {} != {}"
                               ".".format(len(outputs), len(typed_inputs)))
        outputs = [(o, t[1].__class__())
                   for o, t in zip(outputs, typed_inputs)]
    # ConstantOfShape
    elif onnx_node.op_type == "ConstantOfShape":
        outputs = [(outputs[0], ft())]

    # Default case
    # Assuming the only output is the same as the only input.
    elif len(typed_inputs) == 1 and len(outputs) == 1:
        outputs = [(outputs[0], typed_inputs[0][1])]
    # Default
        outputs = [(name, ft()) for name in outputs]
    return outputs