def test_dirichlet_expectation():
    """Test Cython version of Dirichlet expectation calculation."""
    x = np.logspace(-100, 10, 10000)
    expectation = np.empty_like(x)
    _dirichlet_expectation_1d(x, 0, expectation)
    assert_allclose(expectation, np.exp(psi(x) - psi(np.sum(x))),

    x = x.reshape(100, 100)
                    psi(x) - psi(np.sum(x, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]),
                    rtol=1e-11, atol=3e-9)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_dirichlet_expectation():
    """Test Cython version of Dirichlet expectation calculation."""
    x = np.logspace(-100, 10, 10000)
    expectation = np.empty_like(x)
    _dirichlet_expectation_1d(x, 0, expectation)
    assert_allclose(expectation, np.exp(psi(x) - psi(np.sum(x))),

    x = x.reshape(100, 100)
                    psi(x) - psi(np.sum(x, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]),
                    rtol=1e-11, atol=3e-9)
def _update_doc_distribution(X, exp_topic_word_distr, doc_topic_prior,
                             max_iters, mean_change_tol, cal_sstats,
    """E-step: update document-topic distribution.

    X : array-like or sparse matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
        Document word matrix.

    exp_topic_word_distr : dense matrix, shape=(n_topics, n_features)
        Exponential value of expection of log topic word distribution.
        In the literature, this is `exp(E[log(beta)])`.

    doc_topic_prior : float
        Prior of document topic distribution `theta`.

    max_iters : int
        Max number of iterations for updating document topic distribution in
        the E-step.

    mean_change_tol : float
        Stopping tolerance for updating document topic distribution in E-setp.

    cal_sstats : boolean
        Parameter that indicate to calculate sufficient statistics or not.
        Set `cal_sstats` to `True` when we need to run M-step.

    random_state : RandomState instance or None
        Parameter that indicate how to initialize document topic distribution.
        Set `random_state` to None will initialize document topic distribution
        to a constant number.

    (doc_topic_distr, suff_stats) :
        `doc_topic_distr` is unnormalized topic distribution for each document.
        In the literature, this is `gamma`. we can calculate `E[log(theta)]`
        from it.
        `suff_stats` is expected sufficient statistics for the M-step.
            When `cal_sstats == False`, this will be None.

    is_sparse_x = sp.issparse(X)
    n_samples, n_features = X.shape
    n_topics = exp_topic_word_distr.shape[0]

    if random_state:
        doc_topic_distr = random_state.gamma(100., 0.01, (n_samples, n_topics))
        doc_topic_distr = np.ones((n_samples, n_topics))

    # In the literature, this is `exp(E[log(theta)])`
    exp_doc_topic = np.exp(_dirichlet_expectation_2d(doc_topic_distr))

    # diff on `component_` (only calculate it when `cal_diff` is True)
    suff_stats = np.zeros(exp_topic_word_distr.shape) if cal_sstats else None

    if is_sparse_x:
        X_data =
        X_indices = X.indices
        X_indptr = X.indptr

    for idx_d in xrange(n_samples):
        if is_sparse_x:
            ids = X_indices[X_indptr[idx_d]:X_indptr[idx_d + 1]]
            cnts = X_data[X_indptr[idx_d]:X_indptr[idx_d + 1]]
            ids = np.nonzero(X[idx_d, :])[0]
            cnts = X[idx_d, ids]

        doc_topic_d = doc_topic_distr[idx_d, :]
        # The next one is a copy, since the inner loop overwrites it.
        exp_doc_topic_d = exp_doc_topic[idx_d, :].copy()

        #exp_topic_word_d = exp_topic_word_distr[:, ids]
        exp_topic_word_d = np.repeat(exp_topic_word_distr[:, ids],

        # Iterate between `doc_topic_d` and `norm_phi` until convergence
        for _ in xrange(0, max_iters):
            last_d = doc_topic_d

            # The optimal phi_{dwk} is proportional to
            # exp(E[log(theta_{dk})]) * exp(E[log(beta_{dw})]).
            norm_phi =, exp_topic_word_d) + EPS

            doc_topic_d = (exp_doc_topic_d *
                  / norm_phi, exp_topic_word_d.T))
            # Note: adds doc_topic_prior to doc_topic_d, in-place.
            _dirichlet_expectation_1d(doc_topic_d, doc_topic_prior,

            if mean_change(last_d, doc_topic_d) < mean_change_tol:
        doc_topic_distr[idx_d, :] = doc_topic_d

        # Contribution of document d to the expected sufficient
        # statistics for the M step.
        if cal_sstats:
            norm_phi =, exp_topic_word_d) + EPS
            suff_stats[:, ids] += np.outer(exp_doc_topic_d, 1.0 / norm_phi)

    return (doc_topic_distr, suff_stats)