('cat', Pipeline(steps=[('b', OrdinalEncoder())]),
    encoded = pd.DataFrame(encoded, columns=reorder_features)

    return encoded

data = pd.read_csv(

columns = data.columns
data = SimpleImputer(strategy="constant", fill_value=0.0).fit_transform(data)
data = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=columns)
data = encode_data(data)

X, y = data.drop(columns=['class']), data['class']

estimator = autosklearn.classification.AutoSklearnClassifier()

# scores = cross_validate(estimator,
#                         X,
#                         encode_data(pd.DataFrame(y)),
#                         scoring=["accuracy", "balanced_accuracy", "precision_macro", "recall_macro", "f1_macro"],
#                         cv = 10,
#                         return_train_score=True,
#                         return_estimator=True)
# results = {'train': {
#     'accuracy': (scores['train_accuracy'].mean(), scores['train_accuracy'].std() * 2),
#     'balanced_accuracy': (scores['train_balanced_accuracy'].mean(), scores['train_balanced_accuracy'].std() * 2),
#     'precision_macro': (scores['train_precision_macro'].mean(), scores['train_precision_macro'].std() * 2),
    def transform(self, X, y=None):

        #Feature Engeneering
        X = self.add_features(X)

        #Feature Selection
        if self.X_features != 'all':
            X = X[self.X_features]

        #Used to rename X data
        X_columns = X.columns

        #Imputing Missing Values/Dropping Missing Values
        Xrows_with_nan = [
            index for index, row in X.iterrows() if row.isnull().any()
        if self.X_imputer_strat == 'drop':
            X = X.drop(Xrows_with_nan).reset_index(drop=True)

            X = SimpleImputer(strategy=self.X_imputer_strat,

        #Reshaping/Renaming X
        X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=X_columns)

        #Handles case when only X needs to be transformed; i.e. Predictions;
        if type(y) == type(None):
            return X

        #Drops Y-Values so that if X-NaN values were dropped, the data still
        # matches with the target data
        if self.X_imputer_strat == 'drop':
            y = y.drop(Xrows_with_nan).reset_index(drop=True)

        #Reshaping y
        y = pd.DataFrame(y, columns=["Half Life (Seconds)"

        #Creating Target Vectors
        y = self.add_magnitude_and_value_features(y)
        isStable = self.get_isStable_feature(y, self.magnitude_threshold,
        y_columns = y.columns

        #Imputing Missing Values/Dropping Missing Values
        Yrows_with_nan = [
            index for index, row in pd.DataFrame(y).iterrows()
            if row.isnull().any()

        if self.y_imputer_strat == 'drop':
            y = y.drop(Yrows_with_nan).reset_index(drop=True)
            X = X.drop(Yrows_with_nan).reset_index(drop=True)
            isStable = isStable.drop(Yrows_with_nan).reset_index(drop=True)

            y = SimpleImputer(strategy=self.y_imputer_strat,

        #Reshaping/Renaming y
        y = pd.DataFrame(y, columns=y_columns)

        #Choosing Target Vector
        if self.target_vector == 'Seconds':
            y = y['Half Life (Seconds)']
        elif self.target_vector == 'Magnitude':
            y = y['Magnitude of Value']

        if self.prediction_type == 'Binary':
            y = isStable

        #Returns X, y
        return X, y