Exemplo n.º 1
class Predictor_with_params(BaseEstimator):
    def __init__(self):
        '''This method initializes the predictor.'''
        self.mod = MultinomialNB(alpha=0.05, fit_prior=False, class_prior=None)
        print("PREDICTOR=" + self.mod.__str__())

    def fit(self, X, y):
        ''' This is the training method: parameters are adjusted with training data.'''
        self.mod = self.mod.fit(X, y)
        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        ''' This is called to make predictions on test data. Predicted classes are output.'''
        return self.mod.predict(X)

    def save(self, path="./"):
        pickle.dump(self, open(path + '_model.pickle', "w"))

    def load(self, path="./"):
        self = pickle.load(open(path + '_model.pickle'))
Exemplo n.º 2
class Semi_EM_MultinomialNB():
    Naive Bayes classifier for multinomial models for semi-supervised learning.
    Use both labeled and unlabeled data to train NB classifier, update parameters
    using unlabeled data, and all data to evaluate performance of classifier. Optimize
    classifier using Expectation-Maximization algorithm.
    def __init__(self,
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.fit_prior = fit_prior
        self.class_prior = class_prior
        if (classifier == None):
            self.clf = MultinomialNB(alpha=self.alpha,
            self.clf = classifier
        self.log_lkh = -np.inf  # log likelihood
        self.max_iter = max_iter  # max number of EM iterations
        self.tol = tol  # tolerance of log likelihood increment
        self.feature_log_prob_ = np.array(
        )  # Empirical log probability of features given a class, P(x_i|y).
        self.coef_ = np.array(
        )  # Mirrors feature_log_prob_ for interpreting MultinomialNB as a linear model.
        self.print_log_lkh = print_log_lkh  # if True, print log likelihood during EM iterations

    def fit(self, X_l, y_l, X_u):
        Initialize the parameter using labeled data only.
        Assume unlabeled class as missing values, apply EM on unlabeled data to refine classifier.
        n_ul_docs = X_u.shape[0]  # number of unlabeled samples
        n_l_docs = X_l.shape[0]  # number of labeled samples
        # initialization (n_docs = n_ul_docs)
        clf = deepcopy(self.clf)  # build new copy of classifier
            y_l)  # use labeled data only to initialize classifier parameters
        prev_log_lkh = self.log_lkh  # record log likelihood of previous EM iteration
        lp_w_c = clf.feature_log_prob_  # log CP of word given class [n_classes, n_words]
        b_w_d = (X_u > 0)  # words in each document [n_docs, n_words]
        lp_d_c = get_blas_funcs(
            "gemm", [lp_w_c, b_w_d.T.toarray()
                     ])  # log CP of doc given class [n_classes, n_docs]
        lp_d_c = lp_d_c(alpha=1.0, a=lp_w_c, b=b_w_d.T.toarray())
        lp_c = np.matrix(
            clf.class_log_prior_).T  # log prob of classes [n_classes, 1]
        lp_c = np.repeat(lp_c, n_ul_docs,
                         axis=1)  # repeat for each doc [n_classes, n_docs]
        lp_dc = lp_d_c + lp_c  # joint prob of doc and class [n_classes, n_docs]
        p_c_d = clf.predict_proba(
            X_u)  # weight of each class in each doc [n_docs, n_classes]
        expectation = get_blas_funcs(
            [p_c_d, lp_dc
             ])  # expectation of log likelihood over all unlabeled docs
        expectation = expectation(alpha=1.0, a=p_c_d, b=lp_dc).trace()
        self.clf = deepcopy(clf)
        self.log_lkh = expectation
        if self.print_log_lkh:
            print("Initial expected log likelihood = %0.3f\n" % expectation)
        # Loop until log likelihood does not improve
        iter_count = 0  # count EM iteration
        while (self.log_lkh - prev_log_lkh >= self.tol
               and iter_count < self.max_iter):
            # while (iter_count<self.max_iter):
            iter_count += 1
            if self.print_log_lkh:
                print("EM iteration #%d" % iter_count)  # debug
            # E-step: Estimate class membership of unlabeled documents
            y_u = clf.predict(X_u)
            # M-step: Re-estimate classifier parameters
            X = vstack([X_l, X_u])
            y = np.concatenate((y_l, y_u), axis=0)
            clf.fit(X, y)
            # check convergence: update log likelihood
            p_c_d = clf.predict_proba(X_u)
            lp_w_c = clf.feature_log_prob_  # log CP of word given class [n_classes, n_words]
            b_w_d = (X_u > 0)  # words in each document
            lp_d_c = get_blas_funcs(
                "gemm", [lp_w_c, b_w_d.transpose().toarray()
                         ])  # log CP of doc given class [n_classes, n_docs]
            lp_d_c = lp_d_c(alpha=1.0, a=lp_w_c, b=b_w_d.transpose().toarray())
            lp_c = np.matrix(
                clf.class_log_prior_).T  # log prob of classes [n_classes, 1]
            lp_c = np.repeat(lp_c, n_ul_docs,
                             axis=1)  # repeat for each doc [n_classes, n_docs]
            lp_dc = lp_d_c + lp_c  # joint prob of doc and class [n_classes, n_docs]
            expectation = get_blas_funcs(
                [p_c_d, lp_dc
                 ])  # expectation of log likelihood over all unlabeled docs
            expectation = expectation(alpha=1.0, a=p_c_d, b=lp_dc).trace()
            if self.print_log_lkh:
                print("\tExpected log likelihood = %0.3f" % expectation)
            if (expectation - self.log_lkh >= self.tol):
                prev_log_lkh = self.log_lkh
                self.log_lkh = expectation
                self.clf = deepcopy(clf)
        self.feature_log_prob_ = self.clf.feature_log_prob_
        self.coef_ = self.clf.coef_
        return self

    def fit_with_clustering(self, X_l, y_l, X_u, y_u=None):
        Initialize the parameter using both labeled and unlabeled data.
        The classes of unlabeled data are assigned using similarity with labeled data.
        Assume unlabeled class as missing values, apply EM on unlabeled data to refine classifier.
        The label propagation can only use dense matrix, so it is quite time consuming.
        n_ul_docs = X_u.shape[0]  # number of unlabeled samples
        n_l_docs = X_l.shape[0]  # number of labeled samples
        # initialization (n_docs = n_ul_docs):
        # assign class to unlabeled data using similarity with labeled data if y_u is not given
        if (y_u == None):
            label_prop_model = LabelSpreading(kernel='rbf',
            y_u = np.array([-1.0] * n_ul_docs)
            X = vstack([X_l, X_u])
            y = np.concatenate((y_l, y_u), axis=0)
            label_prop_model.fit(X.toarray(), y)
            y_u = label_prop_model.predict(X_u.toarray())
        y = np.concatenate((y_l, y_u), axis=0)
        clf = deepcopy(self.clf)  # build new copy of classifier
                y)  # use labeled data only to initialize classifier parameters
        prev_log_lkh = self.log_lkh  # record log likelihood of previous EM iteration
        lp_w_c = clf.feature_log_prob_  # log CP of word given class [n_classes, n_words]
        b_w_d = (X_u > 0)  # words in each document [n_docs, n_words]
        lp_d_c = get_blas_funcs(
            "gemm", [lp_w_c, b_w_d.T.toarray()
                     ])  # log CP of doc given class [n_classes, n_docs]
        lp_d_c = lp_d_c(alpha=1.0, a=lp_w_c, b=b_w_d.T.toarray())
        lp_c = np.matrix(
            clf.class_log_prior_).T  # log prob of classes [n_classes, 1]
        lp_c = np.repeat(lp_c, n_ul_docs,
                         axis=1)  # repeat for each doc [n_classes, n_docs]
        lp_dc = lp_d_c + lp_c  # joint prob of doc and class [n_classes, n_docs]
        p_c_d = clf.predict_proba(
            X_u)  # weight of each class in each doc [n_docs, n_classes]
        expectation = get_blas_funcs(
            [p_c_d, lp_dc
             ])  # expectation of log likelihood over all unlabeled docs
        expectation = expectation(alpha=1.0, a=p_c_d, b=lp_dc).trace()
        self.clf = deepcopy(clf)
        self.log_lkh = expectation
        if self.print_log_lkh:
            print("Initial expected log likelihood = %0.3f\n" % expectation)
        # Loop until log likelihood does not improve
        iter_count = 0  # count EM iteration
        while (self.log_lkh - prev_log_lkh >= self.tol
               and iter_count < self.max_iter):
            # while (iter_count<self.max_iter):
            iter_count += 1
            if self.print_log_lkh:
                print("EM iteration #%d" % iter_count)  # debug
            # E-step: Estimate class membership of unlabeled documents
            y_u = clf.predict(X_u)
            # M-step: Re-estimate classifier parameters
            X = vstack([X_l, X_u])
            y = np.concatenate((y_l, y_u), axis=0)
            clf.fit(X, y)
            # check convergence: update log likelihood
            p_c_d = clf.predict_proba(X_u)
            lp_w_c = clf.feature_log_prob_  # log CP of word given class [n_classes, n_words]
            b_w_d = (X_u > 0)  # words in each document
            lp_d_c = get_blas_funcs(
                "gemm", [lp_w_c, b_w_d.transpose().toarray()
                         ])  # log CP of doc given class [n_classes, n_docs]
            lp_d_c = lp_d_c(alpha=1.0, a=lp_w_c, b=b_w_d.transpose().toarray())
            lp_c = np.matrix(
                clf.class_log_prior_).T  # log prob of classes [n_classes, 1]
            lp_c = np.repeat(lp_c, n_ul_docs,
                             axis=1)  # repeat for each doc [n_classes, n_docs]
            lp_dc = lp_d_c + lp_c  # joint prob of doc and class [n_classes, n_docs]
            expectation = get_blas_funcs(
                [p_c_d, lp_dc
                 ])  # expectation of log likelihood over all unlabeled docs
            expectation = expectation(alpha=1.0, a=p_c_d, b=lp_dc).trace()
            if self.print_log_lkh:
                print("\tExpected log likelihood = %0.3f" % expectation)
            if (expectation - self.log_lkh >= self.tol):
                prev_log_lkh = self.log_lkh
                self.log_lkh = expectation
                self.clf = deepcopy(clf)
        self.feature_log_prob_ = self.clf.feature_log_prob_
        self.coef_ = self.clf.coef_
        return self

    def partial_fit(self, X_l, y_l, X_u=np.array([])):
        Initialize the parameter using labeled data only.
        Assume unlabeled class as missing values, apply EM on unlabeled data to refine classifier.
        This function can only be used after fit()
        n_ul_docs = X_u.shape[0]  # number of unlabeled samples
        n_l_docs = X_l.shape[0]  # number of labeled samples
        # initialization (n_docs = n_ul_docs)
        clf = deepcopy(self.clf)  # build new copy of classifier
            y_l)  # use labeled data only to initialize classifier parameters
        prev_log_lkh = self.log_lkh  # record log likelihood of previous EM iteration
        lp_w_c = clf.feature_log_prob_  # log CP of word given class [n_classes, n_words]
        b_w_d = (X_u > 0)  # words in each document [n_docs, n_words]
        lp_d_c = get_blas_funcs(
            "gemm", [lp_w_c, b_w_d.T.toarray()
                     ])  # log CP of doc given class [n_classes, n_docs]
        lp_d_c = lp_d_c(alpha=1.0, a=lp_w_c, b=b_w_d.T.toarray())
        lp_c = np.matrix(
            clf.class_log_prior_).T  # log prob of classes [n_classes, 1]
        lp_c = np.repeat(lp_c, n_ul_docs,
                         axis=1)  # repeat for each doc [n_classes, n_docs]
        lp_dc = lp_d_c + lp_c  # joint prob of doc and class [n_classes, n_docs]
        p_c_d = clf.predict_proba(
            X_u)  # weight of each class in each doc [n_docs, n_classes]
        expectation = get_blas_funcs(
            [p_c_d, lp_dc
             ])  # expectation of log likelihood over all unlabeled docs
        expectation = expectation(alpha=1.0, a=p_c_d, b=lp_dc).trace()
        self.clf = deepcopy(clf)
        self.log_lkh = expectation
        print("Initial expected log likelihood = %0.3f\n" % expectation)
        # Loop until log likelihood does not improve
        iter_count = 0  # count EM iteration
        while (self.log_lkh - prev_log_lkh >= self.tol
               and iter_count < self.max_iter):
            # while (iter_count<self.max_iter):
            iter_count += 1
            print("EM iteration #%d" % iter_count)  # debug
            # E-step: Estimate class membership of unlabeled documents
            y_u = clf.predict(X_u)
            # M-step: Re-estimate classifier parameters
            X = vstack([X_l, X_u])
            y = np.concatenate((y_l, y_u), axis=0)
            clf.partial_fit(X, y)
            # check convergence: update log likelihood
            p_c_d = clf.predict_proba(X_u)
            lp_w_c = clf.feature_log_prob_  # log CP of word given class [n_classes, n_words]
            b_w_d = (X_u > 0)  # words in each document
            lp_d_c = get_blas_funcs(
                "gemm", [lp_w_c, b_w_d.transpose().toarray()
                         ])  # log CP of doc given class [n_classes, n_docs]
            lp_d_c = lp_d_c(alpha=1.0, a=lp_w_c, b=b_w_d.transpose().toarray())
            lp_c = np.matrix(
                clf.class_log_prior_).T  # log prob of classes [n_classes, 1]
            lp_c = np.repeat(lp_c, n_ul_docs,
                             axis=1)  # repeat for each doc [n_classes, n_docs]
            lp_dc = lp_d_c + lp_c  # joint prob of doc and class [n_classes, n_docs]
            expectation = get_blas_funcs(
                [p_c_d, lp_dc
                 ])  # expectation of log likelihood over all unlabeled docs
            expectation = expectation(alpha=1.0, a=p_c_d, b=lp_dc).trace()
            print("\tExpected log likelihood = %0.3f" % expectation)
            if (expectation - self.log_lkh >= self.tol):
                prev_log_lkh = self.log_lkh
                self.log_lkh = expectation
                self.clf = deepcopy(clf)
        self.feature_log_prob_ = self.clf.feature_log_prob_
        self.coef_ = self.clf.coef_
        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        return self.clf.predict(X)

    def score(self, X, y):
        return self.clf.score(X, y)

    def get_params(deep=True):
        return self.clf.get_params(deep)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.clf.__str__()