Exemplo n.º 1
    def _validate_X_predict(self, X):
        """Validate X whenever one tries to predict, apply, predict_proba"""
        if self.estimators_ is None or len(self.estimators_) == 0:
            raise NotFittedError("Estimator not fitted, "
                                 "call `fit` before exploiting the model.")

        return self.estimators_[0]._validate_X_predict(X, check_input=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def predict(self, X):
        """Classify the output for given data


        X : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[voxels_i, samples_i]
            Each element in the list contains the fMRI data of one subject
            The number of voxels should be according to each subject at
            the moment of training the model.

        p: list of arrays, element i has shape=[samples_i]
            Predictions for each data sample.
        # Check if the model exist
        if hasattr(self, 'w_') is False:
            raise NotFittedError("The model fit has not been run yet.")

        # Check the number of subjects
        if len(X) != len(self.w_):
            raise ValueError("The number of subjects does not match the one"
                             " in the model.")

        X_shared = self.transform(X)
        p = [None] * len(X_shared)
        for subject in range(len(X_shared)):
            sumexp, _, exponents = utils.sumexp_stable(
                self.theta_.T.dot(X_shared[subject]) + self.bias_)
            p[subject] = self.classes_[(exponents /
                                        sumexp[np.newaxis, :]).argmax(axis=0)]

        return p
Exemplo n.º 3
    def transform(self, X):
        """Use the model to transform new data to Shared Response space
        X : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[voxels_i, timepoints_i]
            Each element in the list contains the fMRI data of one subject.
        r : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[features_i, timepoints_i]
            Shared responses from input data (X)
        s : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[voxels_i, timepoints_i]
            Individual data obtained from fitting model to input data (X)
        # Check if the model exist
        if hasattr(self, 'w_') is False:
            raise NotFittedError("The model fit has not been run yet.")

        # Check the number of subjects
        if len(X) != len(self.w_):
            raise ValueError("The number of subjects does not match the one"
                             " in the model.")

        r = [None] * len(X)
        s = [None] * len(X)
        for subject in range(len(X)):
            if X[subject] is not None:
                r[subject], s[subject] = self._transform_new_data(X[subject],

        # modified from https://github.com/brainiak/brainiak/blob/ee093597c6c11597b0a59e95b48d2118e40394a5/brainiak/funcalign/rsrm.py#L191
        # to only return the shared response, rather than BOTH the shared responses and the original data
        return r
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _get_support_mask(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'estimator_'):
            if isinstance(self.estimator_, dict):
                estimators = self.estimator_
                estimators = self.estimator_.estimators_
            raise NotFittedError('Fit the model before transform')

        # if len(estimators) is already 1, no further feature selection reasonable
        if self.criterion is None or len(estimators) == 1:
            if len(estimators) == 1:
                warn('Skipping ROI feature selection, because otherwise no ROI would be left.')
            return list(estimators.keys())
            scores = dict()
            for roi_id, estimator in estimators.items():
                scores[roi_id] = np.mean(_get_feature_importances(estimator))

            scores_sorted = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

            if self.criterion < 1:  # proportion
                return [x[0] for x in scores_sorted[:max(1, round(self.criterion * len(scores)))]]
                return [x[0] for x in scores_sorted[:self.criterion]]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def transform(self, X):
        """Transform data _X according to the fitted model.
        X : array-like or sparse matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
            Document word matrix.
        doc_topic_distr : shape=(n_samples, n_topics)
            Document topic distribution for _X.

        if not hasattr(self, 'components_'):
            raise NotFittedError("no 'components_' attribute in model."
                                 " Please fit model first.")

        # make sure feature size is the same in fitted model and in _X
        X = self._check_non_neg_array(X, "LatentDirichletAllocation.transform")
        n_samples, n_features = X.shape
        if n_features != self.components_.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("The provided data has %d dimensions while "
                             "the model was trained with feature size %d." %
                             (n_features, self.components_.shape[1]))

        doc_topic_distr, _ = self._e_step(X,
        # normalize doc_topic_distr
        doc_topic_distr /= doc_topic_distr.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        return doc_topic_distr
Exemplo n.º 6
    def decision_function(self, X):
        if self.is_fitted == False:
            raise NotFittedError(
                "This EasyMKL instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method."

        if self.kernel == 'precomputed':
            K = check_KL_Y(X, self.Y)
            X = check_array(X,
            if X.shape[1] != self.n_f:
                raise ValueError("The number of feature in X not correspond")
                #K = self.K.set_test(X)
            K = kernel_list(self.X, X, self.K)

        if self.multiclass_ == True:
            return self.cls.decision_function(X)

        YY = matrix(np.diag(list(matrix(self.Y))))
        ker_matrix = matrix(summation(K, self.weights))
        z = ker_matrix * YY * self.gamma
        z = z - self.bias
        return np.array(list(z))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def predict_proba(self, X):
        Returns the posterior probabilities of each class for data X.

        X : array of shape [n_samples, n_features]
            the transformed input data

        NotFittedError :
            when the model has not yet been fit for this transformation
        if not self.is_fitted():
            msg = ("This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with "
                   "appropriate arguments before using this transformer.")
            raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(self).__name__})

        X = check_array(X)
        votes_per_example = self.knn.predict_proba(X)

        if len(self.missing_label_indices) > 0:
            for i in self.missing_label_indices:
                new_col = np.zeros(votes_per_example.shape[0])
                votes_per_example = np.insert(votes_per_example,

        return votes_per_example
Exemplo n.º 8
    def transform(self, X):
        """Use the model to transform new data to Shared Response space


        X : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[voxels_i, timepoints_i]
            Each element in the list contains the fMRI data of one subject.


        r : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[features_i, timepoints_i]
            Shared responses from input data (X)

        s : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[voxels_i, timepoints_i]
            Individual data obtained from fitting model to input data (X)
        # Check if the model exist
        if hasattr(self, 'w_') is False:
            raise NotFittedError("The model fit has not been run yet.")

        # Check the number of subjects
        if len(X) != len(self.w_):
            raise ValueError("The number of subjects does not match the one"
                             " in the model.")

        r = [None] * len(X)
        s = [None] * len(X)
        for subject in range(len(X)):
            if X[subject] is not None:
                r[subject], s[subject] = self._transform_new_data(X[subject],

        return r, s
Exemplo n.º 9
    def predict(self, X, transformer_ids=None):
        Predicts the most likely class per input example.

        Uses the predict_proba method to get the mean vote per id.
        Returns the class with the highest vote.

        X : ndarray
            Input data matrix.

        transformer_ids : list, default=None
            A list with all transformer ids. Defaults to None if no transformer ids
            are given.

        The class with the highest vote based on the argmax of the votes as an int.
        if not self.is_fitted():
            msg = ("This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with "
                   "appropriate arguments before using this decider.")
            raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(self).__name__})

        vote_overall = self.predict_proba(X, transformer_ids=transformer_ids)
        return self.classes[np.argmax(vote_overall, axis=1)]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def transform_subject(self, X):
        """Transform a new subject using the existing model


        X : 2D array, shape=[voxels, timepoints]
            The fMRI data of the new subject.


        w : 2D array, shape=[voxels, features]
            Orthogonal mapping `W_{new}` for new subject

        s : 2D array, shape=[voxels, timepoints]
            Individual term `S_{new}` for new subject
        # Check if the model exist
        if hasattr(self, 'w_') is False:
            raise NotFittedError("The model fit has not been run yet.")

        # Check the number of TRs in the subject
        if X.shape[1] != self.r_.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("The number of timepoints(TRs) does not match the"
                             "one in the model.")

        s = np.zeros_like(X)
        for i in range(self.n_iter):
            w = self._update_transform_subject(X, s, self.r_)
            s = self._shrink(X - w.dot(self.r_), self.lam)

        return w, s
Exemplo n.º 11
    def predict(self, X):
        """Perform classification on samples in X.
        X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Matrix containing new samples
        y_pred : array, shape = [n_samples]
            The value of prediction for each sample

        if self.is_fitted == False:
            raise NotFittedError(
                "This KOMD instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method."
        X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C")
        if self.multiclass_ == True:
            return self.cls.predict(X)

        return np.array([
            self.classes_[1] if p >= 0 else self.classes_[0]
            for p in self.decision_function(X)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def vote(self, X):
        Returns the posterior probabilities of each class for data X.

        X : array of shape [n_samples, n_features]
            the transformed input data

        NotFittedError :
            when the model has not yet been fit for this transformation
        if not self.is_fitted():
            msg = (
                "This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with "
                "appropriate arguments before using this voter."
            raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(self).__name__})

        votes_per_example = []
        for x in X:
            if x in list(self.leaf_to_posterior.keys()):
        return np.array(votes_per_example)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def decision_function(self, X):
     """Distance of the samples in X to the separating hyperplane.
     X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
     Z : array-like, shape = [n_samples, 1]
         Returns the decision function of the samples.
     if self.is_fitted == False:
         raise NotFittedError("This KOMD instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method.")
     X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C")
     if self.multiclass_ == True:
         return self.cls.decision_function(X)
     Kf = self.__kernel_definition__()
     YY = matrix(np.diag(list(matrix(self.Y))))
     ker_matrix = matrix(Kf(X,self.X).astype(np.double))
     z = ker_matrix*YY*self.gamma
     z = z-self.bias
     return np.array(list(z))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def predict_wp(self, plays):
        """Estimate the win probability for a set of plays.

        Basically a simple wrapper around ``WPModel.model.predict_proba``,
        takes in a DataFrame and then spits out an array of predicted
        win probabilities.

        plays : Pandas DataFrame
            The input data to use to make the predictions.

        Numpy array, of length ``len(plays)``
            Predicted probability that the offensive team in each play
            will go on to win the game.

            If the model hasn't been fit.
        if self.training_seasons is None:
            raise NotFittedError("Must fit model before predicting WP.")

        return self.model.predict_proba(plays)[:, 1]
Exemplo n.º 15
    def plot_validation(self, axis=None, **kwargs):
        """Plot the validation data.

        axis : matplotlib.pyplot.axis object or ``None`` (default=``None``)
            If provided, the validation line will be overlaid on ``axis``.
            Otherwise, a new figure and axis will be generated and plotted on.
            Arguments to ``axis.plot``.

            The axis the plot was made on.

            If the model hasn't been fit **and** validated.

        if self.sample_probabilities is None:
            raise NotFittedError("Must validate model before plotting.")

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        if axis is None:
            axis = plt.figure().add_subplot(111)
            axis.plot([0, 100], [0, 100], ls="--", lw=2, color="black")
            axis.set_xlabel("Predicted WP")
            axis.set_ylabel("Actual WP")
        axis.plot(self.sample_probabilities, self.predicted_win_percents,

        return axis
Exemplo n.º 16
    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        """Use the model to transform matrix to Shared Response space


        X : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[voxels_i, samples_i]
            Each element in the list contains the fMRI data of one subject
            note that number of voxels and samples can vary across subjects.

        y : not used as it only applies the mappings


        s : list of 2D arrays, element i has shape=[features_i, samples_i]
            Shared responses from input data (X)

        # Check if the model exist
        if hasattr(self, 'w_') is False:
            raise NotFittedError("The model fit has not been run yet.")

        # Check the number of subjects
        if len(X) != len(self.w_):
            raise ValueError("The number of subjects does not match the one"
                             " in the model.")

        s = [None] * len(X)
        for subject in range(len(X)):
            s[subject] = self.w_[subject].T.dot(X[subject])

        return s
Exemplo n.º 17
    def predict(self, X):
        """The predicted value of an input sample is a vote by the RGFRegressor.

        X : array-like or sparse matrix of shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The input samples. Internally, it will be converted to
            ``dtype=np.float32`` and if a sparse matrix is provided
            to a sparse ``csr_matrix``.

        y : array of shape = [n_samples]
            The predicted values.
        if not self.fitted:
            raise NotFittedError("Estimator not fitted, "
                                 "call `fit` before exploiting the model.")

        #Store the test set into RGF format
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(loc_temp, "test.data.x"),
                   delimiter=' ',

        #Find latest model location
        model_glob = loc_temp + os.sep + self.file_prefix + "*"
        if not glob(model_glob):
            raise Exception(
                'Model learning result is not found @{0}. This is rgf_python error.'
        latest_model_loc = sorted(glob(model_glob), reverse=True)[0]

        #Format test command
        params = []
        params.append("test_x_fn=%s" % os.path.join(loc_temp, "test.data.x"))
        params.append("prediction_fn=%s" %
                      os.path.join(loc_temp, "predictions.txt"))
        params.append("model_fn=%s" % latest_model_loc)
        cmd = "%s predict %s" % (loc_exec, ",".join(params))  # 2>&1

        output = platform_specific_Popen(cmd,

        if self.verbose:
            for k in output:

        y_pred = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(loc_temp, "predictions.txt"))

        #Clean temp directory
        if self.clean:
            model_glob = loc_temp + os.sep + "*"

            for fn in glob(model_glob):
                if "predictions.txt" in fn or self.prefix in fn or "train.data." in fn or "test.data." in fn:
        return y_pred
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _check_fit(self):
     raise a NotFittedError if the model isn't fit
     if not self.fitted:
         msg = ("This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with "
                "appropriate arguments before using this estimator.")
         raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(self).__name__})
Exemplo n.º 19
    def predict(self, X, transformer_ids=None):
        if not self.is_fitted():
            msg = ("This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with "
                   "appropriate arguments before using this decider.")
            raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(self).__name__})

        vote_overall = self.predict_proba(X, transformer_ids=transformer_ids)
        return self.classes[np.argmax(vote_overall, axis=1)]
Exemplo n.º 20
    def transform(self, *_):
        assert self.data is not None, NotFittedError(
            'must fit aligner before transforming data')
        for r in self.required:
            assert hasattr(self,
                           r), NotFittedError(f'missing fitted attribute: {r}')

        if self.transformer is None:
                'null transform function; returning without fitting alignment model'

        data = trim_and_pad(dw.unstack(self.data))
        required_params = {r: getattr(self, r) for r in self.required}
        return self.transformer(
            data, **dw.core.update_dict(required_params, self.kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 21
    def get_predictions(self, X):
        assert X.ndim == 2, "Classifier prediction data X.ndim is %d instead of 2" %X.ndim

        # get classes
            return self.linSVC_obj.predict(X)
        except NotFittedError:
            raise NotFittedError("Classification model cannot preidct without being trained first. " \
                                 + "Train the classification model at least once to prevent this error.")
Exemplo n.º 22
 def predict(self, X):
     if not self.is_fitted:
         raise NotFittedError(
             "This KOMD instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method."
     KL = process_list(X, self.generator)
     return self.clf.predict(
         KL) if self.multiclass_ else self.estimator.predict(
             self.how_to(KL, self.weights))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def predict(self, X):
     if self.is_fitted == False:
         raise NotFittedError(
             "This EasyMKL instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method."
     if self.multiclass_ == True:
         return self.cls.predict(X)
     return np.array([
         self.classes_[1] if p >= 0 else self.classes_[0]
         for p in self.decision_function(X)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def predict(self, X, transformer_ids=None):
        if not self.is_fitted():
            msg = ("This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with "
                   "appropriate arguments before using this transformer.")
            raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(self).__name__})

        X = check_array(X)

        yhats = self.ensemble_represetations(X)

        return self.knn.predict(yhats)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _check_test(self,X):
     if self.is_fitted == False:
         raise NotFittedError("This EasyMKL instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method.")
     if self.kernel == 'precomputed':
         KL = check_KL_Y(X,self.Y)
         X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C")
         if X.shape[1] != self.X.shape[1]:#self.n_f:
             raise ValueError("The number of feature in X not correspond")
         KL = self.gen(self.X,X).make_a_list(self.n_kernels).to_array()
     return KL
Exemplo n.º 26
 def check_voter_fit_(self):
     raise a NotFittedError if the voter isn't fit
     if not self.voter_fitted_:
             msg = (
                     "This %(name)s instance's voter is not fitted yet. "
                     "Call 'fit_voter' or 'fit' with appropriate arguments "
                     "before using this estimator."
             raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(self).__name__})
Exemplo n.º 27
    def vote(self, X):
        Doc strings here.
        if not self.is_fitted():
            msg = ("This %(name)s instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with "
                   "appropriate arguments before using this transformer.")
            raise NotFittedError(msg % {"name": type(self).__name__})

        X = check_array(X)
        return self.voter.predict(X)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _predict(self, comparison_vectors, return_type):

            prediction = self.classifier.predict(
        except NotFittedError:
            raise NotFittedError(
                "This {} is not fitted yet. Call 'learn' with appropriate "
                "arguments before using this method.".format(

        return self._return_result(prediction, return_type, comparison_vectors)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def decision_function(self, X):
     if self.is_fitted == False:
         raise NotFittedError(
             "This KOMD instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method."
     if self.multiclass_:
         raise ValueError(
             'Scores are not available for multiclass problems, use predict'
     KL = process_list(
         X, self.generator)  # X can be a samples matrix or Kernel List
     return self.estimator.decision_function(self.how_to(KL, self.weights))
Exemplo n.º 30
 def get_sparse_features(self, whitened_patches):
     # assert correct dimensionality of input data
     if whitened_patches.ndim == 3:
         whitened_patches = whitened_patches.reshape(
             (whitened_patches.shape[0], -1))
     assert whitened_patches.ndim == 2, "Whitened patches ndim is %d instead of 2" % whitened_patches.ndim
         sparse_code = self.DL_obj.transform(whitened_patches)
     except NotFittedError:
         raise NotFittedError("Feature extraction dictionary has not yet been learnt for this model, " \
                              + "therefore Sparse Codes cannot be extracted. Train the feature extraction model " \
                              + "at least once to prevent this error.")
     return sparse_code