def __init__(self, metadata, session_maker, **kwargs):
        Create a new provider

        :param dict metadata: Metadata about the provider. Apart from the usual
        id, a conceptscheme_id can also be passed.
        :param :class:`sqlachemy.orm.session.Session` session: The database
        if not 'subject' in metadata:
            metadata['subject'] = []
        self.metadata = metadata
        if 'uri_generator' in kwargs:
            self.uri_generator = kwargs.get('uri_generator')
            self.uri_generator = DefaultUrnGenerator(self.metadata.get('id'))
        self.session_maker = session_maker
            self.conceptscheme_id = int(
                metadata.get('conceptscheme_id', metadata.get('id')))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'Please provide a valid integer for the conceptscheme_id.')
        if 'expand_strategy' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['expand_strategy'] in ['recurse', 'visit']:
                self.expand_strategy = kwargs['expand_strategy']
                raise ValueError('Unknown expand strategy.')
    def __init__(self, metadata, session_maker, **kwargs):
        Create a new provider

        :param dict metadata: Metadata about the provider. Apart from the usual
        id, a conceptscheme_id can also be passed.
        :param :class:`sqlachemy.orm.session.Session` session: The database
        if not 'subject' in metadata:
            metadata['subject'] = []
        self.metadata = metadata
        if 'uri_generator' in kwargs:
            self.uri_generator = kwargs.get('uri_generator')
            self.uri_generator = DefaultUrnGenerator(self.metadata.get('id'))
        self.session_maker = session_maker
            self.conceptscheme_id = int(metadata.get(
                'conceptscheme_id', metadata.get('id')
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'Please provide a valid integer for the conceptscheme_id.'
        if 'expand_strategy' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['expand_strategy'] in ['recurse', 'visit']:
                self.expand_strategy = kwargs['expand_strategy']
                raise ValueError(
                    'Unknown expand strategy.'
Exemplo n.º 3
class DefaultUrnGeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.urigen = DefaultUrnGenerator('typologie')

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.urigen

    def test_simple(self):

    def test_missing_argument(self):
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.urigen.generate, type='set')
Exemplo n.º 4
class DefaultUrnGeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.urigen = DefaultUrnGenerator('typologie')

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.urigen

    def test_simple(self):

    def test_missing_argument(self):
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.urigen.generate, type='set')
class SQLAlchemyProvider(VocabularyProvider):
    A :class:`skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider` that uses SQLAlchemy
    as backend.

    expand_strategy = 'recurse'
    Determines how the expand method will operate. Options are:

    * `recurse`: Determine all narrower concepts by recursivly querying the
      database. Can take a long time for concepts that are at the top of a
      large hierarchy.
    * `visit`: Query the database's 
      :class:`Visitation <skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Visitation>` table. 
      This table contains a nested set representation of each conceptscheme. 
      Actually creating the data in this table needs to be scheduled.

    def __init__(self, metadata, session_maker, **kwargs):
        Create a new provider

        :param dict metadata: Metadata about the provider. Apart from the usual
        id, a conceptscheme_id can also be passed.
        :param :class:`sqlachemy.orm.session.Session` session: The database
        if not 'subject' in metadata:
            metadata['subject'] = []
        self.metadata = metadata
        if 'uri_generator' in kwargs:
            self.uri_generator = kwargs.get('uri_generator')
            self.uri_generator = DefaultUrnGenerator(self.metadata.get('id'))
        self.session_maker = session_maker
            self.conceptscheme_id = int(metadata.get(
                'conceptscheme_id', metadata.get('id')
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'Please provide a valid integer for the conceptscheme_id.'
        if 'expand_strategy' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['expand_strategy'] in ['recurse', 'visit']:
                self.expand_strategy = kwargs['expand_strategy']
                raise ValueError(
                    'Unknown expand strategy.'

    def concept_scheme(self):
        return self._get_concept_scheme()

    def _get_concept_scheme(self):
        Find a :class:`skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme` for this provider.

        :param id: Id of a conceptscheme.
        :rtype: :class:`skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme`
        csm = self.session\
        return ConceptScheme(
                Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id)
                for l in csm.labels
                Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup)
                for n in csm.notes
       for l in csm.languages
                Source(s.citation, s.markup) for s in csm.sources

    def _from_thing(self, thing):
        Load one concept or collection from the database.

        :param :class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Thing` thing: Thing
            to load.
        if thing.type and thing.type == 'collection':
            return Collection(
                uri=thing.uri if thing.uri is not None else self.uri_generator.generate(type='collection', id=thing.concept_id),
                    Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id)
                    for l in thing.labels
                    Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup)
                    for n in thing.notes
                    Source(s.citation, s.markup ) for s in thing.sources
                members=[member.concept_id for member in thing.members] if hasattr(thing, 'members') else [],
                member_of=[member_of.concept_id for member_of in thing.member_of],
                superordinates=[broader_concept.concept_id for broader_concept in thing.broader_concepts]
            matches = {}
            for m in thing.matches:
                key =['Match')]
                if not key in matches:
                    matches[key] = []
            return Concept(
                uri=thing.uri if thing.uri is not None else self.uri_generator.generate(type='concept', id=thing.concept_id),
                    Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id)
                    for l in thing.labels
                    Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup)
                    for n in thing.notes
                    Source(s.citation, s.markup) for s in thing.sources
                broader=[c.concept_id for c in thing.broader_concepts],
                narrower=[c.concept_id for c in thing.narrower_concepts],
                related=[c.concept_id for c in thing.related_concepts],
                member_of=[member_of.concept_id for member_of in thing.member_of],
                subordinate_arrays=[narrower_collection.concept_id for narrower_collection in thing.narrower_collections],

    def get_by_id(self, id):
            thing = self.session\
                            Thing.concept_id == int(id),
                            Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id
        except NoResultFound:
            return False
        return self._from_thing(thing)

    def get_by_uri(self, uri):
        '''Get all information on a concept or collection, based on a

        This method will only find concepts or collections whose :term:`URI` is 
        actually stored in the database. It will not find anything that has
        no :term:`URI` in the database, but does have a matching :term:`URI`
        after generation.

        :rtype: :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or
            :class:`skosprovider.skos.Collection` or `False` if the concept or
            collection is unknown to the provider.
            thing = self.session\
                            Thing.uri == uri,
                            Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id
        except NoResultFound:
            return False
        return self._from_thing(thing)

    def _get_id_and_label(self, c, lan):
        :param skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Thing c: A concept or collection.
        :param string lan: A language (eg. "en", "nl", "la", "fr")
        l = c.label(lan)
        return {
            'id': c.concept_id,
            'uri': c.uri,
            'type': c.type,
            'label': l.label if l is not None else None

    def find(self, query, **kwargs):
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        q = self.session\
                .filter(Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)
        if 'type' in query and query['type'] in ['concept', 'collection']:
            q = q.filter(Thing.type == query['type'])
        if 'label' in query:
            q = q.filter(
                    LabelModel.label.ilike('%' + query['label'].lower() + '%')
        if 'collection' in query:
            coll = self.get_by_id(query['collection']['id'])
            if not coll or not isinstance(coll, Collection):
                raise ValueError(
                    'You are searching for items in an unexisting collection.'
            q = q.filter(
                Thing.member_of.any(Thing.concept_id ==
        all = q.all()
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(all, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]

    def get_all(self, **kwargs):
        all = self.session\
                  .filter(Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(all, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]

    def get_top_concepts(self, **kwargs):
        top = self.session\
                    ConceptModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id,
                    ConceptModel.broader_concepts == None
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(top, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]

    def expand(self, id):
            thing = self.session\
                            Thing.concept_id == id,
                            Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id
        except NoResultFound:
            return False

        if self.expand_strategy == 'visit':
            return self._expand_visit(thing)
        elif self.expand_strategy == 'recurse':
            return self._expand_recurse(thing)

    def _expand_recurse(self, thing):
        ret = []
        if thing.type == 'collection':
            for m in thing.members:
                ret += self._expand_recurse(m)
            for n in thing.narrower_concepts:
                ret += self._expand_recurse(n)
        return list(set(ret))

    def _expand_visit(self, thing):
        if thing.type == 'collection':
            ret = []
            for m in thing.members:
                    ret += self._expand_visit(m)
                except TypeError:
                    return False
                cov = self.session\
                          .query(Visitation.lft, Visitation.rght)\
                          .filter(Visitation.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\
                          .filter(Visitation.concept_id ==\
            except NoResultFound:
                return False

            ids = self.session\
                      .filter(Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\
                      .filter(Visitation.lft.between(cov[0], cov[1]))\
            ret = [id[0] for id in ids]
        return list(set(ret))

    def get_top_display(self, **kwargs):
        Returns all concepts or collections that form the top-level of a display

        As opposed to the :meth:`get_top_concepts`, this method can possibly
        return both concepts and collections. 

        :rtype: Returns a list of concepts and collections. For each an
            id is present and a label. The label is determined by looking at 
            the `**kwargs` parameter, the default language of the provider 
            and falls back to `en` if nothing is present.
        tco = self.session\
                    ConceptModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id,
                    ConceptModel.broader_concepts == None,
                    ConceptModel.member_of == None
        tcl = self.session\
                    CollectionModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id,
                    CollectionModel.broader_concepts == None,
                    CollectionModel.member_of == None
        res = tco + tcl
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(res, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]

    def get_children_display(self, id, **kwargs):
        Return a list of concepts or collections that should be displayed
        under this concept or collection.

        :param id: A concept or collection id.
        :rtype: A list of concepts and collections. For each an
            id is present and a label. The label is determined by looking at
            the `**kwargs` parameter, the default language of the provider 
            and falls back to `en` if nothing is present. If the id does not 
            exist, return `False`.
            thing = self.session\
                            Thing.concept_id == int(id),
                            Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id
        except NoResultFound:
            return False
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        res = []
        if thing.type == 'concept':
            if len(thing.narrower_collections) > 0:
                res += thing.narrower_collections
            elif len(thing.narrower_concepts)>0:
                res += thing.narrower_concepts
        if thing.type == 'collection' and hasattr(thing, 'members'):
            res += thing.members
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(res, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]
Exemplo n.º 6
 def setUp(self):
     self.urigen = DefaultUrnGenerator('typologie')
class SQLAlchemyProvider(VocabularyProvider):
    A :class:`skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider` that uses SQLAlchemy
    as backend.

    expand_strategy = 'recurse'
    Determines how the expand method will operate. Options are:

    * `recurse`: Determine all narrower concepts by recursivly querying the
      database. Can take a long time for concepts that are at the top of a
      large hierarchy.
    * `visit`: Query the database's 
      :class:`Visitation <skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Visitation>` table. 
      This table contains a nested set representation of each conceptscheme. 
      Actually creating the data in this table needs to be scheduled.
    def __init__(self, metadata, session_maker, **kwargs):
        Create a new provider

        :param dict metadata: Metadata about the provider. Apart from the usual
        id, a conceptscheme_id can also be passed.
        :param :class:`sqlachemy.orm.session.Session` session: The database
        if not 'subject' in metadata:
            metadata['subject'] = []
        self.metadata = metadata
        if 'uri_generator' in kwargs:
            self.uri_generator = kwargs.get('uri_generator')
            self.uri_generator = DefaultUrnGenerator(self.metadata.get('id'))
        self.session_maker = session_maker
            self.conceptscheme_id = int(
                metadata.get('conceptscheme_id', metadata.get('id')))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'Please provide a valid integer for the conceptscheme_id.')
        if 'expand_strategy' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['expand_strategy'] in ['recurse', 'visit']:
                self.expand_strategy = kwargs['expand_strategy']
                raise ValueError('Unknown expand strategy.')

    def concept_scheme(self):
        return self._get_concept_scheme()

    def _get_concept_scheme(self):
        Find a :class:`skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme` for this provider.

        :param id: Id of a conceptscheme.
        :rtype: :class:`skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme`
        csm = self.session\
        return ConceptScheme(
                Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id)
                for l in csm.labels
                Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup)
                for n in csm.notes
            languages=[ for l in csm.languages],
            sources=[Source(s.citation, s.markup) for s in csm.sources])

    def _from_thing(self, thing):
        Load one concept or collection from the database.

        :param :class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Thing` thing: Thing
            to load.
        if thing.type and thing.type == 'collection':
            return Collection(
                if thing.uri is not None else self.uri_generator.generate(
                    type='collection', id=thing.concept_id),
                    Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id)
                    for l in thing.labels
                    Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup)
                    for n in thing.notes
                sources=[Source(s.citation, s.markup) for s in thing.sources],
                members=[member.concept_id for member in thing.members]
                if hasattr(thing, 'members') else [],
                    member_of.concept_id for member_of in thing.member_of
                    for broader_concept in thing.broader_concepts
            matches = {}
            for m in thing.matches:
                key =['Match')]
                if not key in matches:
                    matches[key] = []
            return Concept(
                if thing.uri is not None else self.uri_generator.generate(
                    type='concept', id=thing.concept_id),
                    Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id)
                    for l in thing.labels
                    Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup)
                    for n in thing.notes
                sources=[Source(s.citation, s.markup) for s in thing.sources],
                broader=[c.concept_id for c in thing.broader_concepts],
                narrower=[c.concept_id for c in thing.narrower_concepts],
                related=[c.concept_id for c in thing.related_concepts],
                    member_of.concept_id for member_of in thing.member_of
                    for narrower_collection in thing.narrower_collections

    def get_by_id(self, id):
            thing = self.session\
                            Thing.concept_id == int(id),
                            Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id
        except NoResultFound:
            return False
        return self._from_thing(thing)

    def get_by_uri(self, uri):
        '''Get all information on a concept or collection, based on a

        This method will only find concepts or collections whose :term:`URI` is 
        actually stored in the database. It will not find anything that has
        no :term:`URI` in the database, but does have a matching :term:`URI`
        after generation.

        :rtype: :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or
            :class:`skosprovider.skos.Collection` or `False` if the concept or
            collection is unknown to the provider.
            thing = self.session\
                            Thing.uri == uri,
                            Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id
        except NoResultFound:
            return False
        return self._from_thing(thing)

    def _get_id_and_label(self, c, lan):
        :param skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Thing c: A concept or collection.
        :param string lan: A language (eg. "en", "nl", "la", "fr")
        l = c.label(lan)
        return {
            'id': c.concept_id,
            'uri': c.uri,
            'type': c.type,
            'label': l.label if l is not None else None

    def find(self, query, **kwargs):
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        q = self.session\
                .filter(Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)
        if 'type' in query and query['type'] in ['concept', 'collection']:
            q = q.filter(Thing.type == query['type'])
        if 'label' in query:
            q = q.filter(
                    LabelModel.label.ilike('%' + query['label'].lower() +
        if 'collection' in query:
            coll = self.get_by_id(query['collection']['id'])
            if not coll or not isinstance(coll, Collection):
                raise ValueError(
                    'You are searching for items in an unexisting collection.')
            q = q.filter(Thing.member_of.any(Thing.concept_id ==
        all = q.all()
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [
            self._get_id_and_label(c, lan)
            for c in self._sort(all, sort, lan, sort_order == 'desc')

    def get_all(self, **kwargs):
        all = self.session\
                  .filter(Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [
            self._get_id_and_label(c, lan)
            for c in self._sort(all, sort, lan, sort_order == 'desc')

    def get_top_concepts(self, **kwargs):
        top = self.session\
                    ConceptModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id,
                    ConceptModel.broader_concepts == None
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [
            self._get_id_and_label(c, lan)
            for c in self._sort(top, sort, lan, sort_order == 'desc')

    def expand(self, id):
            thing = self.session\
                            Thing.concept_id == id,
                            Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id
        except NoResultFound:
            return False

        if self.expand_strategy == 'visit':
            return self._expand_visit(thing)
        elif self.expand_strategy == 'recurse':
            return self._expand_recurse(thing)

    def _expand_recurse(self, thing):
        ret = []
        if thing.type == 'collection':
            for m in thing.members:
                ret += self._expand_recurse(m)
            for n in thing.narrower_concepts:
                ret += self._expand_recurse(n)
        return list(set(ret))

    def _expand_visit(self, thing):
        if thing.type == 'collection':
            ret = []
            for m in thing.members:
                    ret += self._expand_visit(m)
                except TypeError:
                    return False
                cov = self.session\
                          .query(Visitation.lft, Visitation.rght)\
                          .filter(Visitation.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\
                          .filter(Visitation.concept_id ==\
            except NoResultFound:
                return False

            ids = self.session\
                      .filter(Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\
                      .filter(Visitation.lft.between(cov[0], cov[1]))\
            ret = [id[0] for id in ids]
        return list(set(ret))

    def get_top_display(self, **kwargs):
        Returns all concepts or collections that form the top-level of a display

        As opposed to the :meth:`get_top_concepts`, this method can possibly
        return both concepts and collections. 

        :rtype: Returns a list of concepts and collections. For each an
            id is present and a label. The label is determined by looking at 
            the `**kwargs` parameter, the default language of the provider 
            and falls back to `en` if nothing is present.
        tco = self.session\
                    ConceptModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id,
                    ConceptModel.broader_concepts == None,
                    ConceptModel.member_of == None
        tcl = self.session\
                    CollectionModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id,
                    CollectionModel.broader_concepts == None,
                    CollectionModel.member_of == None
        res = tco + tcl
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [
            self._get_id_and_label(c, lan)
            for c in self._sort(res, sort, lan, sort_order == 'desc')

    def get_children_display(self, id, **kwargs):
        Return a list of concepts or collections that should be displayed
        under this concept or collection.

        :param id: A concept or collection id.
        :rtype: A list of concepts and collections. For each an
            id is present and a label. The label is determined by looking at
            the `**kwargs` parameter, the default language of the provider 
            and falls back to `en` if nothing is present. If the id does not 
            exist, return `False`.
            thing = self.session\
                            Thing.concept_id == int(id),
                            Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id
        except NoResultFound:
            return False
        lan = self._get_language(**kwargs)
        res = []
        if thing.type == 'concept':
            if len(thing.narrower_collections) > 0:
                res += thing.narrower_collections
            elif len(thing.narrower_concepts) > 0:
                res += thing.narrower_concepts
        if thing.type == 'collection' and hasattr(thing, 'members'):
            res += thing.members
        sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs)
        sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs)
        return [
            self._get_id_and_label(c, lan)
            for c in self._sort(res, sort, lan, sort_order == 'desc')
Exemplo n.º 8
 def setUp(self):
     self.urigen = DefaultUrnGenerator('typologie')