Exemplo n.º 1
def parse(conf):

    # Generate file name for this measurement
    filename = BASE + 'pcm-numa-trace-' + conf + '.cvs'

    d = SkData()
    i = 0

    # Parse result file
    # --------------------------------------------------

    print 'Parsing file', filename

    for line in fileinput.input(filename):

        elements = line.rstrip().split(',')
        if re.match('^[0-9]', line):

            idx = int(elements[0])

            if not idx in data:
                data[idx] = []

            data[idx].append([elements[1], elements[2], elements[3],
                                      elements[4], elements[5]])

        i += 1

    print ' .. processed', i, 'lines'

    # Plot for the following cores
    # --------------------------------------------------

    # Create plots
    for (idx, title, limit) in [(0, 'IPC',   None),
                                (3, 'local',  15000000),
                                (4, 'remote', 15000000)]:

        print ' .. creating plot for', title

        # One line per each of these cores
        for core in [0, 8, 16, 24]:

            print ' .. processing core %d' % core
            i = 0

            dbuffer = SkData()
            dbuffer.set_plot_label('core %d' % core)

            for value in data[core]:
                i += 1

            print ' .. ploting %d elements' % i
            if limit:

        outname = '/tmp/plot-%s-%s.png' % (conf, title)

        print ' .. rendering plot to %s ' % outname

        # Generate
        SkPlot.plot_header('PCM NUMA %s %s' % (conf, title), 'time', '')

        print ' .. done'