def load_from_pascal(self, name, force=False): """ Load PASCAL VOC data, loading from cache if it exists at a canonical path. Both the PASCAL and cache paths should be set in self.config. After loading, saves the images and classes to cache. Uses Image class to load data from the PASCAL XML files. Args: name (string): in ['train','trainval','val','test'] force (bool): [optional] if True, do not load from cache Returns: self Raises: self """ tt = TicToc().tic() print("Dataset: %s" % self.get_name()) filename = self.config.get_cached_dataset_filename( if os.path.exists(filename) and not force: with open(filename) as f: cached = cPickle.load(f) self.classes = cached['classes'] self.images = cached['images'] print("...loaded from cache in %.2f s" % tt.qtoc()) else: print("...loading from scratch") self.classes = self.config.pascal_classes with open(self.config.get_pascal_path(name)) as f: imgset = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines() if len(line) > 0] images_dir = os.path.join(self.config.pascal_dir, "JPEGImages") for i, img in enumerate(imgset): tt.running( 'loading', "...on image {0}/{1}".format(i, len(imgset))) xml_filename = os.path.join( self.config.pascal_dir, 'Annotations', img + '.xml') self.images.append( Image.load_from_pascal_xml_filename(self.classes, xml_filename, images_dir)) print("...saving to cache file") data = {'classes': self.classes, 'images': self.images} filename = self.config.get_cached_dataset_filename( with open(filename, 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(data, f) print("...done in %.2f s\n" % tt.qtoc()) return self.after_load()
def __init__(self, dataset, train_dataset, cls, detname='perfect', detector_config=None): self.dataset = dataset self.train_dataset = train_dataset self.cls = cls self.cls_ind = dataset.get_ind(cls) self.detname = detname = TicToc() # Check if configs exist and look up the correct config for this detname and cls # TODO: this is inefficient because this file is re-opened for every # class loaded_detector_config = None fname = os.path.join( train_dataset.config.get_dets_configs_dir(train_dataset), detname + '.txt') if os.path.exists(fname): with open(fname) as f: configs = json.load(f) config_name = detname + '_' + cls if config_name in configs: loaded_detector_config = configs[config_name] self.config = loaded_detector_config if not self.config: self.config = Detector.DEFAULT_CONFIG if detector_config: self.config.update(detector_config)
def __init__(self, config, test_dataset, train_dataset, weights_dataset_name=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize the DatasetPolicy, getting it ready to run on the whole dataset or a single image. - test, train, weights datasets should be: - val, train, val: for training the weights - test, trainval, val: for final run - **kwargs update the default config """ self.config = config # TODO: get rid of doing it this way, be explicit every time policy_config = copy.copy(DatasetPolicy.default_config) policy_config.update(kwargs) self.dataset = test_dataset self.train_dataset = train_dataset if not weights_dataset_name: weights_dataset_name = self.weights_dataset_name = weights_dataset_name self.__dict__.update(policy_config) print("DatasetPolicy running with:") pprint(self.__dict__) self.ev = Evaluation(self.config, self) = TicToc() # Determine inference mode: # fixed_order, random, oracle policy modes get fixed_order inference # mode if'fastinf', self.policy_mode): self.inference_mode = 'fastinf' elif self.policy_mode == 'random': self.inference_mode = 'random' elif self.policy_mode in ['no_smooth', 'backoff']: self.inference_mode = self.policy_mode else: self.inference_mode = 'fixed_order' # Determine fastinf model name self.fastinf_model_name = 'this_is_empty' if self.inference_mode == 'fastinf': if self.detectors == ['csc_default']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'CSC' elif self.detectors == ['perfect']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'perfect' elif self.detectors == ['gist']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'GIST' elif self.detectors == ['gist', 'csc_default']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'GIST_CSC' else: raise RuntimeError(""" We don't have Fastinf models for the detector combination you are running with: %s""" % self.detectors) # load the actions and the corresponding weights and we're ready to go self.test_actions = self.init_actions() self.actions = self.test_actions self.load_weights()
def add_images(self, image_urls, image_ids=None): """ Add all images in a list of URLs. If ipcluster is running, load images in parallel. Parameters ---------- image_urls : list image_ids : list, optional If given, images are stored with the given ids. If None, the index of the image in the dataset is its id. """ collection.ensure_index('id') # Construct the arguments list due to IPython.parallel's pickling if image_ids is None: jobs = [(url, None, self.palette) for url in image_urls] else: jobs = [(url, _id, self.palette) for url, _id in zip(image_urls, image_ids)] print("Loading images...") tt = TicToc() parallelized = False try: rc = parallel.Client() lview = rc.load_balanced_view() parallelized = True except: warn(Warning("Launch an IPython cluster to parallelize \ ImageCollection loading.")) if parallelized: results =, jobs) results.wait_interactive() else: results = map(process_image, jobs) collection.ensure_index('id') print("Finished inserting {} images in {:.3f} s".format( len(image_urls), tt.qtoc()))
def compute_det_pr_and_hard_neg(dets, gt, min_overlap=0.5): """ Compute the Precision-Recall and find hard negatives of the given detections for the ground truth. Args: dets (skpyutils.Table): detections. !NOTE: the first four columns must be the bounding box coordinates! gt (skpyutils.Table): detectin ground truth Can be for a single image or a whole dataset, and can contain either all classes or a single class. The 'cls_ind' column must be present in either case. Note that depending on these choices, the meaning of the PR evaluation is different. In particular, if gt is for a single class but detections are for multiple classes, there will be a lot of false positives! min_overlap (float): minimum required area of union of area of intersection overlap for a true positive. Returns: (ap, recall, precision, hard_negatives, sorted_dets): tuple of (float, list, list, list, ndarray), where the lists are 0/1 masks onto the sorted dets. """ tt = TicToc().tic() # if dets or gt are empty, return 0's nd = dets.arr.shape[0] if nd < 1 or gt.shape[0] < 1: ap = 0 rec = np.array([0]) prec = np.array([0]) hard_negs = np.array([0]) return (ap, rec, prec, hard_negs) # augment gt with a column keeping track of matches cols = list(gt.cols) + ["matched"] arr = np.zeros((gt.arr.shape[0], gt.arr.shape[1] + 1)) arr[:, :-1] = gt.arr.copy() gt = Table(arr, cols) # sort detections by confidence dets = dets.copy() dets.sort_by_column("score", descending=True) # match detections to ground truth objects npos = gt.filter_on_column("diff", 0).shape[0] tp = np.zeros(nd) fp = np.zeros(nd) hard_neg = np.zeros(nd) for d in range(nd): if tt.qtoc() > 15: print("... on %d/%d dets" % (d, nd)) tt.tic() det = dets.arr[d, :] # find ground truth for this image if "img_ind" in gt.cols: img_ind = det[dets.ind("img_ind")] inds = gt.arr[:, gt.ind("img_ind")] == img_ind gt_for_image = gt.arr[inds, :] else: gt_for_image = gt.arr if gt_for_image.shape[0] < 1: # false positive due to a det in image that does not contain the class # NOTE: this can happen if we're passing ground truth for a class fp[d] = 1 hard_neg[d] = 1 continue # find the maximally overlapping ground truth element for this # detection overlaps = BoundingBox.get_overlap(gt_for_image[:, :4], det[:4]) jmax = overlaps.argmax() ovmax = overlaps[jmax] # assign detection as true positive/don't care/false positive if ovmax >= min_overlap: if gt_for_image[jmax, gt.ind("diff")]: # not a false positive because object is difficult None else: if gt_for_image[jmax, gt.ind("matched")] == 0: if gt_for_image[jmax, gt.ind("cls_ind")] == det[dets.ind("cls_ind")]: # true positive tp[d] = 1 gt_for_image[jmax, gt.ind("matched")] = 1 else: # false positive due to wrong class fp[d] = 1 hard_neg[d] = 1 else: # false positive due to multiple detection # this is still a correct answer, so not a hard negative fp[d] = 1 else: # false positive due to not matching any ground truth object fp[d] = 1 hard_neg[d] = 1 # NOTE: must do this for gt.arr to get the changes we made to # gt_for_image if "img_ind" in gt.cols: gt.arr[inds, :] = gt_for_image ap, rec, prec = compute_rec_prec_ap(tp, fp, npos) return (ap, rec, prec, hard_neg, dets)
class DatasetPolicy: # uses this and __init__ uses as default values default_config = { 'suffix': 'default', # use this to re-run on same params after changing code 'detectors': ['perfect'], # perfect,dpm,csc_default,csc_half 'policy_mode': 'random', # policy mode can be one of random, oracle, fixed_order, # no_smooth, backoff, fastinf 'bounds': [0, 20], # start and deadline times for the policy 'weights_mode': 'manual_1', # manual_1, manual_1_fastinf, manual_2, manual_3, greedy, rl_half, # rl_regression, rl_lspi 'rewards_mode': 'det_actual_ap', # det_actual_ap, entropy, auc_ap, auc_entropy 'values': 'uniform', } def get_config_name(self): "All params except for dataset." bounds = '' if self.bounds: bounds = '-'.join((str(x) for x in self.bounds)) detectors = '-'.join(self.detectors) name = '_'.join([ self.policy_mode, detectors, bounds, self.weights_mode, self.rewards_mode, self.suffix ]) if self.values != 'uniform': name += '_' + self.values return name ### Column names det_columns = Detector.columns + ['cls_ind', 'img_ind', 'time'] def get_cls_cols(self): return self.dataset.classes + ['img_ind', 'time'] ### Init def __init__(self, config, test_dataset, train_dataset, weights_dataset_name=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize the DatasetPolicy, getting it ready to run on the whole dataset or a single image. - test, train, weights datasets should be: - val, train, val: for training the weights - test, trainval, val: for final run - **kwargs update the default config """ self.config = config # TODO: get rid of doing it this way, be explicit every time policy_config = copy.copy(DatasetPolicy.default_config) policy_config.update(kwargs) self.dataset = test_dataset self.train_dataset = train_dataset if not weights_dataset_name: weights_dataset_name = self.weights_dataset_name = weights_dataset_name self.__dict__.update(policy_config) print("DatasetPolicy running with:") pprint(self.__dict__) self.ev = Evaluation(self.config, self) = TicToc() # Determine inference mode: # fixed_order, random, oracle policy modes get fixed_order inference # mode if'fastinf', self.policy_mode): self.inference_mode = 'fastinf' elif self.policy_mode == 'random': self.inference_mode = 'random' elif self.policy_mode in ['no_smooth', 'backoff']: self.inference_mode = self.policy_mode else: self.inference_mode = 'fixed_order' # Determine fastinf model name self.fastinf_model_name = 'this_is_empty' if self.inference_mode == 'fastinf': if self.detectors == ['csc_default']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'CSC' elif self.detectors == ['perfect']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'perfect' elif self.detectors == ['gist']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'GIST' elif self.detectors == ['gist', 'csc_default']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'GIST_CSC' else: raise RuntimeError(""" We don't have Fastinf models for the detector combination you are running with: %s""" % self.detectors) # load the actions and the corresponding weights and we're ready to go self.test_actions = self.init_actions() self.actions = self.test_actions self.load_weights() def init_actions(self, train=False): """ Return list of actions, which involves initializing the detectors. If train==True, the external detectors will load trainset detections. """ dataset = self.dataset if train: dataset = self.train_dataset actions = [] for detector in self.detectors: # synthetic perfect detector if detector == 'perfect': for cls in dataset.classes: det = PerfectDetector(dataset, self.train_dataset, cls) actions.append(ImageAction('%s_%s' % (detector, cls), det)) # GIST classifier elif detector == 'gist': # Make a single action that runs all the GIST classifiers dets = [] for cls in self.dataset.classes: gist_table = np.load( config.get_gist_dict_filename(self.dataset)) dets.append( GistClassifier(cls, self.train_dataset, gist_table, self.dataset)) gist_all = GistForAllClasses(dets) actions.append(ImageAction('gist', gist_all)) # real detectors, with pre-cached detections elif detector in ['dpm', 'csc_default', 'csc_half']: # load the dets from cache file and parcel out to classes all_dets = self.load_ext_detections(dataset, detector) for cls in dataset.classes: cls_ind = dataset.get_ind(cls) all_dets_for_cls = all_dets.filter_on_column('cls_ind', cls_ind, omit=True) det = ExternalDetector(dataset, self.train_dataset, cls, all_dets_for_cls, detector) actions.append(ImageAction('%s_%s' % (detector, cls), det)) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown mode in detectors: %s" % self.detectors) return actions def load_weights(self, weights_mode=None, force=False): """ Set self.weights to weights loaded from file or constructed from scratch according to weights_mode and self.weights_dataset_name. """ if not weights_mode: weights_mode = self.weights_mode filename = config.get_dp_weights_filename(self) if not force and os.path.exists(filename): self.weights = np.loadtxt(filename) return self.weights # Construct the weight vector by concatenating per-action vectors # The features are [P(C) P(not C) H(C) 1] weights = np.zeros((len(self.actions), BeliefState.num_features)) num_classes = len(self.dataset.classes) # OPTION 1: the manual weights correspond to the class of the action if weights_mode == 'manual_1': # Set weight of 1 on the P(C) feature weights[:, 0] = 1 # If gist mode, also set a 1 to 1-t/T, which starts at as 1. if self.actions[0].name == 'gist': weights[0, -1] = 1 weights = weights.flatten() elif weights_mode == 'manual_1_fastinf': # If gist mode, also set a 1 to 1-t/T, which starts at as 1. start = 0 if self.actions[0].name == 'gist': start = 1 weights[0, -1] = 1 # Set weight of 1 on the P(C_i|O) features weights[start:start + num_classes, 1:1 + num_classes] = np.eye(num_classes) weights = weights.flatten() elif weights_mode in ['manual_2', 'manual_3']: # Figure out the statistics if they aren't there if 'naive_ap|present' not in self.actions[0].obj.config or \ 'actual_ap|present' not in self.actions[0].obj.config or \ 'actual_ap|absent' not in self.actions[0].obj.config: self.output_det_statistics() self.test_actions = self.init_actions() self.actions = self.test_actions # OPTION 2: the manual weights are [naive_ap|present 0 0 0] if weights_mode == 'manual_2': for action in self.actions: print action.obj.config weights[:, 0] = [ action.obj.config['naive_ap|present'] for action in self.actions ] # OPTION 3: the manual weights are [actual_ap|present # actual_ap|absent 0 0] elif weights_mode == 'manual_3': weights[:, 0] = [ action.obj.config['actual_ap|present'] for action in self.actions ] # TODO: get rid of this # weights[:,1] = [action.obj.config['actual_ap|absent'] for action # in self.actions] else: None # impossible weights = weights.flatten() elif weights_mode in ['greedy', 'rl_half', 'rl_regression', 'rl_lspi']: weights = self.learn_weights(weights_mode) print("DONE LEARNING WEIGHTS PLZ RUN ON TEST GODDAMNIT!!!!") sys.exit() else: raise ValueError("unsupported weights_mode %s" % weights_mode) self.weights = weights return weights def get_reshaped_weights(self): "Return weights vector reshaped to (num_actions, num_features)." return self.weights.reshape( (len(self.actions), BeliefState.num_features)) def write_weights_image(self, filename): "Output plot of current weights to filename." self.write_feature_image(self.get_reshaped_weights(), filename) def write_feature_image(self, feature, filename): "Output plot of feature to filename." plt.clf() p = plt.pcolor(feature) p.axes.invert_yaxis() plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(filename) def run_on_dataset(self, train=False, sample_size=-1, force=False, epsilon=0.01): """ Run MPI-parallelized over the images of the dataset (or a random subset). Return list of detections and classifications for the whole dataset. If test is True, runs on test dataset, otherwise train dataset. If sample_size != -1, does not check for cached files, as the objective is to collect samples, not the actual dets and clses. Otherwise, check for cached files first, unless force is True. Return dets,clses,samples. """'run_on_dataset') print( "mpi.comm_rank %d beginning run on dataset, with train=%s, sample_size=%s" % (mpi.comm_rank, train, sample_size)) dets_table = None clses_table = None dataset = self.dataset self.actions = self.test_actions if train: dataset = self.train_dataset if not hasattr(self, 'train_actions'): self.train_actions = self.init_actions(train) self.actions = self.train_actions # If we are collecting samples, we don't care about caches if sample_size > 0: force = True # Check for cached results det_filename = config.get_dp_dets_filename(self, train) print det_filename cls_filename = config.get_dp_clses_filename(self, train) if not force \ and os.path.exists(det_filename) and os.path.exists(cls_filename): print("Loading cached stuff!") dets_table = np.load(det_filename)[()] clses_table = np.load(cls_filename)[()] samples = None # this will screw up test/, so make sure force=True there print("DatasetPolicy: Loaded dets and clses from cache.") return dets_table, clses_table, samples images = dataset.images if sample_size > 0: images = ut.random_subset(dataset.images, sample_size) # Collect the results distributedly all_dets = [] all_clses = [] all_samples = [] for i in range(mpi.comm_rank, len(images), mpi.comm_size): dets, clses, samples = self.run_on_image(images[i], dataset, epsilon=epsilon) all_dets.append(dets) all_clses.append(clses) # if sample_size>0: # all_samples += samples # TODO: TEMP all_samples += samples safebarrier(comm) # Aggregate the results final_dets = [] if mpi.comm_rank == 0 else None final_clses = [] if mpi.comm_rank == 0 else None final_samples = [] if mpi.comm_rank == 0 else None final_dets = comm.reduce(all_dets, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) final_clses = comm.reduce(all_clses, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) final_samples = comm.reduce(all_samples, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) # if self.inference_mode=='fastinf': # all_fm_cache_items = comm.reduce(self.inf_model.cache.items(), # op=MPI.SUM, root=0) # Save if root if mpi.comm_rank == 0: dets_table = Table(cols=self.det_columns) final_dets = [det for det in final_dets if det.shape[0] > 0] if not len(final_dets) == 0: dets_table.arr = np.vstack(final_dets) clses_table = Table(cols=self.get_cls_cols()) clses_table.arr = np.vstack(final_clses) if dets_table.arr is None: print("Found 0 dets") else: print("Found %d dets" % dets_table.shape[0]) # Only save results if we are not collecting samples if not sample_size > 0:, dets_table), clses_table) # TODO: TEMP + '_samples.npy', final_samples) # Save the fastinf cache # TODO: turning this off for now if False and self.inference_mode == 'fastinf': self.inf_model.cache = dict(all_fm_cache_items) self.inf_model.save_cache() safebarrier(comm) # Broadcast results to all workers, because Evaluation splits its work # as well. dets_table = comm.bcast(dets_table, root=0) clses_table = comm.bcast(clses_table, root=0) final_samples = comm.bcast(final_samples, root=0) if mpi.comm_rank == 0: print("Running the %s policy on %d images took %.3f s" % (self.policy_mode, len(images),'run_on_dataset'))) return dets_table, clses_table, final_samples def learn_weights(self, mode='greedy'): """ Runs iterations of generating samples with current weights and training new weight vectors based on the collected samples. - mode can be ['greedy','rl_half','rl_regression','rl_lspi'] """ print("Beginning to learn regression weights")'learn_weights:all') # Need to have weights set here to collect samples, so let's set # to manual_1 to get a reasonable execution trace. self.weights = self.load_weights(weights_mode='manual_1', force=True) if mpi.comm_rank == 0: print("Initial weights:") np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True, linewidth=160) print self.get_reshaped_weights() # Loop until max_iterations or the error is below threshold error = threshold = 0.001 max_iterations = 12 # early iterations should explore more than later iterations # so do an exponential fall-off, halving every few iterations epsilons = 0.6 * np.exp2(-np.arange(0, max_iterations + 1) / 2.) # Collect samples (parallelized) num_samples = 350 # actually this refers to images dets, clses, all_samples = self.run_on_dataset(False, num_samples, epsilon=epsilons[0]) for i in range(0, max_iterations): # do regression with cross-validated parameters (parallelized) weights = None if mpi.comm_rank == 0: weights, error = self.regress(all_samples, mode) self.weights = weights try: # write image of the weights img_filename = os.path.join( config.get_dp_weights_images_dirname(self), 'iter_%d.png' % i) self.write_weights_image(img_filename) # write image of the average feature all_features = self.construct_X_from_samples(all_samples) avg_feature = np.mean(all_features, 0).reshape(len(self.actions), BeliefState.num_features) img_filename = os.path.join( config.get_dp_features_images_dirname(self), 'iter_%d.png' % i) self.write_feature_image(avg_feature, img_filename) except: print("Couldn't plot, no big deal.") print( """ After iteration %d (epsilon %.2f), we've trained on %d samples and the weights and error are:""" % (i, epsilons[i], len(all_samples))) np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True, linewidth=160) print self.get_reshaped_weights() print error # after the first iteration, check if the error is small if i > 0 and error <= threshold: break print( "Now collecting more samples with the updated weights...") safebarrier(comm) weights = comm.bcast(weights, root=0) self.weights = weights new_dets, new_clses, new_samples = self.run_on_dataset( False, num_samples, epsilon=epsilons[i + 1]) if mpi.comm_rank == 0: # We either collect only unique samples or all samples only_unique_samples = False if only_unique_samples:'learn_weights:unique_samples') for sample in new_samples: if not (sample in all_samples): all_samples.append(sample) print( "Only adding unique samples to all_samples took %.3f s" %'learn_weights:unique_samples')) else: all_samples += new_samples if mpi.comm_rank == 0: print("Done training regression weights! Took %.3f s total" %'learn_weights:all')) # Save the weights filename = config.get_dp_weights_filename(self) np.savetxt(filename, self.weights, fmt='%.6f') safebarrier(comm) weights = comm.bcast(weights, root=0) self.weights = weights return weights def construct_X_from_samples(self, samples): "Return array of (len(samples), BeliefState.num_features*len(self.actions)." b = self.get_b() feats = [] for sample in samples: feats.append(b.block_out_action(sample.state, sample.action_ind)) return np.array(feats) def compute_reward_from_samples(self, samples, mode='greedy', discount=0.4, attr=None): """ Return vector of rewards for the given samples. - mode=='greedy' just uses the actual_ap of the taken action - mode=='rl_half', 'rl_regression' or 'rl_lspi' uses discounted sum of actual_aps to the end of the episode - attr can be ['det_actual_ap', 'entropy', 'auc_ap_raw', 'auc_ap', 'auc_entropy'] """ if not attr: attr = self.rewards_mode y = np.array([getattr(sample, attr) for sample in samples]) if mode == 'greedy': return y elif mode == 'rl_regression' or mode == 'rl_half': if mode == 'rl_half': discount = 0.4 else: discount = 0.9 y = np.zeros(len(samples)) for sample_idx in range(len(samples)): sample = samples[sample_idx] reward = getattr(sample, attr) i = 1 while sample_idx + i < len(samples): next_samp = samples[sample_idx + i] if next_samp.step_ind == 0: # New episode begins here break reward += discount**i * getattr(next_samp, attr) i += 1 y[sample_idx] = reward return y return None def regress(self, samples, mode, warm_start=False): """ Take list of samples and regress from the features to the rewards. If warm_start, start with the current values of self.weights. Return tuple of weights and error. """ X = self.construct_X_from_samples(samples) y = self.compute_reward_from_samples(samples, mode) assert (X.shape[0] == y.shape[0]) print("Beginning regression with number of non-zero rewards: %d/%d" % (np.sum(y != 0), y.shape[0])) folds = KFold(X.shape[0], 4) alpha_errors = [] alphas = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000] for alpha in alphas:'regress') # clf = sklearn.linear_model.Lasso(alpha=alpha,max_iter=4000) clf = sklearn.linear_model.Ridge(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=False) errors = [] # TODO parallelize this? seems fast enough for train_ind, val_ind in folds:[train_ind, :], y[train_ind]) errors.append( ut.mean_squared_error(clf.predict(X[val_ind, :]), y[val_ind])) alpha_errors.append(np.mean(errors)) best_ind = np.argmin(alpha_errors) best_alpha = alphas[best_ind] print("Cross-validating regression took %.3f s" %'regress')) # clf = sklearn.linear_model.Lasso(alpha=best_alpha,max_iter=4000)'regress') clf = sklearn.linear_model.Ridge(alpha=best_alpha, fit_intercept=False), y) print("Best lambda was %.3f" % best_alpha) print("Final regression took %.3f s" %'regress')) weights = clf.coef_ error = ut.mean_squared_error(clf.predict(X), y) return (weights, error) def get_b(self): "Fetch a belief state, and if we don't have one, initialize one." if not hasattr(self, 'b'): self.run_on_image(self.dataset.images[0], self.dataset) return self.b def output_det_statistics(self): """ Collect samples and display the statistics of times and naive and actual_ap increases for each class, on the train dataset. """ det_configs = {} all_dets, all_clses, all_samples = self.run_on_dataset(train=True, force=True) if mpi.comm_rank == 0: cols = [ 'action_ind', 'dt', 'det_naive_ap', 'det_actual_ap', 'img_ind' ] sample_array = np.array([[getattr(s, col) for s in all_samples] for col in cols]).T table = Table(sample_array, cols) # go through actions for ind, action in enumerate(self.actions): st = table.filter_on_column('action_ind', ind) means = np.mean(st.arr[:, 1:], 0) det_configs[self.actions[ind].name] = {} # TODO: should depend on image size det_configs[self.actions[ind].name]['avg_time'] = means[0] det_configs[self.actions[ind].name]['naive_ap'] = means[1] det_configs[self.actions[ind].name]['actual_ap'] = means[2] if isinstance(action.obj, Detector): img_inds = st.subset_arr('img_ind').astype(int) cls_ind = action.obj.cls_ind d = self.train_dataset presence_inds = np.array([ d.images[img_ind].contains_cls_ind(cls_ind) for img_ind in img_inds ]) st_present = np.atleast_2d( st.arr[np.flatnonzero(presence_inds), :]) if st_present.shape[0] > 0: means = np.mean(st_present[:, 2:], 0) det_configs[self.actions[ind]. name]['naive_ap|present'] = means[0] det_configs[self.actions[ind]. name]['actual_ap|present'] = means[1] else: # this is just for testing, where there may not be # enough dets det_configs[ self.actions[ind].name]['naive_ap|present'] = 0 det_configs[ self.actions[ind].name]['actual_ap|present'] = 0 st_absent = np.atleast_2d( st.arr[np.flatnonzero(presence_inds is False), :]) if st_absent.shape[0] > 0: means = np.mean(st_absent[:, 2:], 0) # naive_ap|absent is always 0 det_configs[self.actions[ind]. name]['actual_ap|absent'] = means[1] else: det_configs[ self.actions[ind].name]['actual_ap|absent'] = 0 detectors = '-'.join(self.detectors) filename = os.path.join( config.get_dets_configs_dir(self.train_dataset), detectors + '.txt') with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(det_configs, f) safebarrier(comm) det_configs = comm.bcast(det_configs, root=0) return det_configs ################ # Image Policy stuff ################ def update_actions(self, b): "Update the values of actions according to the current belief state." if self.policy_mode == 'random' or self.policy_mode == 'oracle': self.action_values = np.random.rand(len(self.actions)) else: ff = b.compute_full_feature() self.action_values = np.array([, b.block_out_action(ff, action_ind)) for action_ind in range(len(self.actions)) ]) def select_action(self, b, epsilon=0.05): """ Return the index of the untaken action with the max value. Return -1 if all actions have been taken. """ taken = copy.deepcopy(b.taken) if np.all(taken): return -1 untaken_inds = np.flatnonzero(taken == 0) # our policies are epsilon greedy if np.random.rand() > epsilon: max_untaken_ind = self.action_values[untaken_inds].argmax() return untaken_inds[max_untaken_ind] else: return np.random.randint(len(self.actions)) def run_on_image(self, image, dataset, verbose=False, epsilon=0.01): """ Return - list of detections in the image, with each row as self.det_columns - list of multi-label classification outputs, with each row as self.get_cls_cols() - list of <s,a,r,s',dt> samples. """ gt = image.get_det_gt(with_diff=True)'run_on_image') all_detections = [] all_clses = [] samples = [] prev_ap = 0 img_ind = dataset.get_img_ind(image) # If we have previously run_on_image(), then we already have a reference to an inf_model # Otherwise, we make a new one and store a reference to it, to keep it # alive if hasattr(self, 'inf_model'): b = BeliefState(self.train_dataset, self.actions, self.inference_mode, self.bounds, self.inf_model, self.fastinf_model_name) else: b = BeliefState(self.train_dataset, self.actions, self.inference_mode, self.bounds, fastinf_model_name=self.fastinf_model_name) self.b = b self.inf_model = b.model self.update_actions(b) action_ind = self.select_action(b, epsilon) step_ind = 0 # TODO: why is the below var never used? # initial_clses = np.array(b.get_p_c().tolist() + [img_ind,0]) entropy_prev = np.mean(b.get_entropies()) while True: # Populate the sample with stuff we know sample = Sample() sample.step_ind = step_ind sample.img_ind = img_ind sample.state = b.compute_full_feature() sample.action_ind = action_ind # TODO: this is incorrect, and results in samples at t=0 to already # have detections sample.t = b.t # prepare for AUC reward stuff # TODO: should set time_to_deadline to -Inf if no bounds time_to_deadline = 0 if self.bounds: # this should never be less than zero, except for when running # oracle time_to_deadline = max(0, self.bounds[1] - b.t) sample.auc_ap_raw = 0 sample.auc_ap = 0 # Take the action and get the observations as a dict action = self.actions[action_ind] obs = action.obj.get_observations(image) dt = obs['dt'] # If observations include detections, compute the relevant # stuff for the sample collection sample.det_naive_ap = 0 sample.det_actual_ap = 0 if not 'dets' in obs: all_detections.append(np.array([])) else: det = action.obj dets = obs['dets'] cls_ind = dataset.classes.index(det.cls) if dets.shape[0] > 0: c_vector = np.tile(cls_ind, (np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) i_vector = np.tile(img_ind, (np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) detections = np.hstack((dets, c_vector, i_vector)) else: detections = np.array([]) dets_table = Table(detections, det.columns + ['cls_ind', 'img_ind']) # compute the 'naive' det AP increase, # as if we were adding dets to an empty set # ap,rec,prec = self.ev.compute_det_pr(dets_table,gt) ap = self.ev.compute_det_map(dets_table, gt) sample.det_naive_ap = ap # TODO: am I needlessly recomputing this table? all_detections.append(detections) nonempty_dets = [ dets for dets in all_detections if dets.shape[0] > 0 ] all_dets_table = Table(np.array([]), dets_table.cols) if len(nonempty_dets) > 0: all_dets_table = Table(np.concatenate(nonempty_dets, 0), dets_table.cols) # compute the actual AP increase: adding dets to dets so far # ap,rec,prec = self.ev.compute_det_pr(all_dets_table,gt) ap = self.ev.compute_det_map(all_dets_table, gt) ap_diff = ap - prev_ap sample.det_actual_ap = ap_diff # Compure detector AUC reward # If the action took longer than we have time, benefit is 0 # (which is already set above) if dt <= time_to_deadline: midway_point = b.t + dt / 2. if midway_point > self.bounds[0]: length = max(0, self.bounds[1] - midway_point) else: length = self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0] auc_ap = 1. * ap_diff * length sample.auc_ap_raw = auc_ap # Now divide by the potential gain to compute the "normalized" reward # Note that there are two cases: the curve goes up, or it turns down. # In the first case, the normalizing area should be the area to ap=1. # In the second case, the normalizing area should be the # area to ap=0. if ap_diff < 0: divisor = time_to_deadline * (prev_ap) else: divisor = time_to_deadline * (1. - prev_ap) if divisor < 0: divisor = 0 auc_ap = 1 if divisor == 0 else auc_ap / divisor assert (auc_ap >= -1 and auc_ap <= 1) sample.auc_ap = auc_ap prev_ap = ap # Update the belief state with the observations if == 'gist': b.update_with_gist(action_ind, obs['scores']) else: b.update_with_score(action_ind, obs['score']) # mean entropy entropy = np.mean(b.get_entropies()) dh = entropy_prev - entropy # this is actually -dh :) sample.entropy = dh auc_entropy = time_to_deadline * dh - dh * dt / 2 divisor = (time_to_deadline * entropy_prev) if divisor == 0: auc_entropy = 1 else: auc_entropy /= divisor if dt > time_to_deadline: auc_entropy = 0 if not (auc_entropy >= -1 and auc_entropy <= 1): auc_entropy = 0 sample.auc_entropy = auc_entropy entropy_prev = entropy # TODO: the below line of code should occur before the state is # stored in the sample b.t += dt sample.dt = dt samples.append(sample) step_ind += 1 # The updated belief state posterior over C is our classification # result clses = b.get_p_c().tolist() + [img_ind, b.t] all_clses.append(clses) # Update action values and pick the next action self.update_actions(b) action_ind = self.select_action(b, epsilon) # check for stopping conditions if action_ind < 0: break if self.bounds and not self.policy_mode == 'oracle': if b.t > self.bounds[1]: break # in case of 'oracle' mode, re-sort the detections and times in order of AP # contributions, and actually re-gather p_c's for clses. action_inds = [s.action_ind for s in samples] if self.policy_mode == 'oracle': naive_aps = np.array([s.det_naive_ap for s in samples]) sorted_inds = np.argsort(-naive_aps, kind='merge') # order-preserving all_detections = np.take(all_detections, sorted_inds) sorted_action_inds = np.take(action_inds, sorted_inds) # actually go through the whole thing again, getting new p_c's b.reset() all_clses = [] for action_ind in sorted_action_inds: action = self.actions[action_ind] obs = action.obj.get_observations(image) b.t += obs['dt'] if == 'gist': b.update_with_gist(action_ind, obs['scores']) else: b.update_with_score(action_ind, obs['score']) clses = b.get_p_c().tolist() + [img_ind, b.t] all_clses.append(clses) # now construct the final dets array, with correct times times = [s.dt for s in samples] # assert(len(all_detections)==len(all_clses)==len(times)) cum_times = np.cumsum(times) all_times = [] all_nonempty_detections = [] for i, dets in enumerate(all_detections): num_dets = dets.shape[0] if num_dets > 0: all_nonempty_detections.append(dets) t_vector = np.tile(cum_times[i], (num_dets, 1)) all_times.append(t_vector) if len(all_nonempty_detections) > 0: all_detections = np.concatenate(all_nonempty_detections, 0) all_times = np.concatenate(all_times, 0) # appending 'time' column at end, as promised all_detections = np.hstack((all_detections, all_times)) # we probably went over deadline with the oracle mode, so trim it # down if self.bounds: if np.max(all_times) > self.bounds[1]: first_overdeadline_ind = np.flatnonzero( all_times > self.bounds[1])[0] all_detections = all_detections[:first_overdeadline_ind, :] else: all_detections = np.array([]) all_clses = np.array(all_clses) if verbose: print("DatasetPolicy on image with ind %d took %.3f s" % (img_ind,'run_on_image'))) # TODO: temp debug thing if False: print("Action sequence was: %s" % [s.action_ind for s in samples]) print("here's an image:") X = np.vstack((all_clses[:, :-2], image.get_cls_ground_truth())) np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True) print X plt.pcolor(np.flipud(X)) return (all_detections, all_clses, samples) # TODO: MASSIVE CLEANUP HERE ############### # External detections stuff ############### @classmethod def load_ext_detections(cls, dataset, suffix, force=False): """ Loads multi-image, multi-class array of detections for all images in the given dataset. Loads from canonical cache location. """ t = time.time() filename = config.get_ext_dets_filename(dataset, suffix) # check for cached full file if os.path.exists(filename) and not force: all_dets_table = np.load(filename)[()] else: # TODO also return times, or process them to add to dets? all_dets = [] for i in range(mpi.comm_rank, len(dataset.images), mpi.comm_size): image = dataset.images[i] if'dpm', suffix): # NOTE: not actually using the given suffix in the call # below dets = cls.load_dpm_dets_for_image(image, dataset) ind_vector = np.ones((np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) * i dets = np.hstack((dets, ind_vector)) # TODO: why is below var never used? # cols = # ['x','y','w','h','dummy','dummy','dummy','dummy','score','time','cls_ind','img_ind'] good_ind = [0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11] dets = dets[:, good_ind] elif'csc', suffix): # NOTE: not actually using the given suffix in the call # below dets = cls.load_csc_dpm_dets_for_image(image, dataset) ind_vector = np.ones((np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) * i dets = np.hstack((dets, ind_vector)) elif'ctf', suffix): # Split the suffix into ctf and the main part actual_suffix = suffix.split('_')[1] dets = cls.load_ctf_dets_for_image(image, dataset, actual_suffix) ind_vector = np.ones((np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) * i dets = np.hstack((dets, ind_vector)) else: print(suffix) raise RuntimeError('Unknown detector type in suffix') all_dets.append(dets) final_dets = None if mpi.comm_rank == 0: final_dets = [] safebarrier(comm) final_dets = comm.reduce(all_dets, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) all_dets_table = None if mpi.comm_rank == 0: all_dets_table = Table() = suffix all_dets_table.cols = [ 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'score', 'time', 'cls_ind', 'img_ind' ] all_dets_table.arr = np.vstack(final_dets), all_dets_table) print("Found %d dets" % all_dets_table.shape[0]) all_dets_table = comm.bcast(all_dets_table, root=0) time_elapsed = time.time() - t print("DatasetPolicy.load_ext_detections took %.3f" % time_elapsed) return all_dets_table @classmethod def load_ctf_dets_for_image(cls, image, dataset, suffix='default'): """Load multi-class array of detections for this image.""" t = time.time() dirname = '/u/vis/x1/sergeyk/object_detection/ctfdets/%s/' % suffix time_elapsed = time.time() - t filename = os.path.join(dirname, + '.npy') dets_table = np.load(filename)[()] print("On image %s, took %.3f s" % (, time_elapsed)) return dets_table.arr @classmethod def load_csc_dpm_dets_for_image(cls, image, dataset): """ Loads HOS's cascaded dets. """ t = time.time() name = os.path.splitext([0] # if uest dataset, use HOS's detections. if not, need to output my own if'test', dirname = config.get_dets_test_wholeset_dir() filename = os.path.join( dirname, '%s_dets_all_test_original_cascade_wholeset.mat' % name) else: dirname = config.get_dets_nov19() filename = os.path.join(dirname, '%s_dets_all_nov19.mat' % name) print filename if not os.path.exists(filename): raise RuntimeError("File %s does not exist!" % filename) return None mat = dets = mat['dets_mc'] times = mat['times_mc'] # feat_time = times[0,0] dets_seq = [] cols = [ 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'score' ] for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(dataset.classes): cls_dets = dets[cls_ind][0] if cls_dets.shape[0] > 0: good_ind = [0, 1, 2, 3, 10] cls_dets = cls_dets[:, good_ind] det_time = times[cls_ind, 1] # all detections get the final time cls_dets = ut.append_index_column(cls_dets, det_time) cls_dets = ut.append_index_column(cls_dets, cls_ind) # convert from corners! cls_dets[:, :4] = BoundingBox.convert_arr_from_corners( cls_dets[:, :4]) cls_dets[:, :4] = BoundingBox.clipboxes_arr( cls_dets[:, :4], (0, 0, image.size[0], image.size[1])) dets_seq.append(cls_dets) cols = ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'score', 'time', 'cls_ind'] dets_mc = ut.collect(dets_seq, Detector.nms_detections, {'cols': cols}) time_elapsed = time.time() - t print("On image %s, took %.3f s" % (, time_elapsed)) return dets_mc @classmethod def load_dpm_dets_for_image(cls, image, dataset, suffix='dets_all_may25_DP'): """ Loads multi-class array of detections for an image from .mat format. """ t = time.time() name = os.path.splitext([0] # TODO: figure out how to deal with different types of detections dets_dir = '/u/vis/x1/sergeyk/rl_detection/voc-release4/2007/tmp/dets_may25_DP' filename = os.path.join(dets_dir, '%s_dets_all_may25_DP.mat' % name) if not os.path.exists(filename): dets_dir = '/u/vis/x1/sergeyk/rl_detection/voc-release4/2007/tmp/dets_jun1_DP_trainval' filename = os.path.join(dets_dir, '%s_dets_all_jun1_DP_trainval.mat' % name) if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = os.path.join(config.test_support_dir, 'dets/%s_dets_all_may25_DP.mat' % name) if not os.path.exists(filename): print("File does not exist!") return None mat = dets = mat['dets_mc'] times = mat['times_mc'] # feat_time = times[0,0] dets_seq = [] cols = [ 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'score', 'time' ] for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(config.pascal_classes): cls_dets = dets[cls_ind][0] if cls_dets.shape[0] > 0: det_time = times[cls_ind, 1] # all detections get the final time cls_dets = ut.append_index_column(cls_dets, det_time) cls_dets = ut.append_index_column(cls_dets, cls_ind) # subtract 1 pixel and convert from corners! cls_dets[:, :4] -= 1 cls_dets[:, :4] = BoundingBox.convert_arr_from_corners( cls_dets[:, :4]) dets_seq.append(cls_dets) cols = [ 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'score', 'time', 'cls_ind' ] # NMS detections per class individually dets_mc = ut.collect(dets_seq, Detector.nms_detections, {'cols': cols}) dets_mc[:, :4] = BoundingBox.clipboxes_arr( dets_mc[:, :4], (0, 0, image.size[0] - 1, image.size[1] - 1)) time_elapsed = time.time() - t print("On image %s, took %.3f s" % (, time_elapsed)) return dets_mc
class DatasetPolicy: # uses this and __init__ uses as default values default_config = { 'suffix': 'default', # use this to re-run on same params after changing code 'detectors': ['perfect'], # perfect,dpm,csc_default,csc_half 'policy_mode': 'random', # policy mode can be one of random, oracle, fixed_order, # no_smooth, backoff, fastinf 'bounds': [0, 20], # start and deadline times for the policy 'weights_mode': 'manual_1', # manual_1, manual_1_fastinf, manual_2, manual_3, greedy, rl_half, # rl_regression, rl_lspi 'rewards_mode': 'det_actual_ap', # det_actual_ap, entropy, auc_ap, auc_entropy 'values': 'uniform', } def get_config_name(self): "All params except for dataset." bounds = '' if self.bounds: bounds = '-'.join((str(x) for x in self.bounds)) detectors = '-'.join(self.detectors) name = '_'.join( [self.policy_mode, detectors, bounds, self.weights_mode, self.rewards_mode, self.suffix]) if self.values != 'uniform': name += '_' + self.values return name ### Column names det_columns = Detector.columns + ['cls_ind', 'img_ind', 'time'] def get_cls_cols(self): return self.dataset.classes + ['img_ind', 'time'] ### Init def __init__(self, config, test_dataset, train_dataset, weights_dataset_name=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize the DatasetPolicy, getting it ready to run on the whole dataset or a single image. - test, train, weights datasets should be: - val, train, val: for training the weights - test, trainval, val: for final run - **kwargs update the default config """ self.config = config # TODO: get rid of doing it this way, be explicit every time policy_config = copy.copy(DatasetPolicy.default_config) policy_config.update(kwargs) self.dataset = test_dataset self.train_dataset = train_dataset if not weights_dataset_name: weights_dataset_name = self.weights_dataset_name = weights_dataset_name self.__dict__.update(policy_config) print("DatasetPolicy running with:") pprint(self.__dict__) self.ev = Evaluation(self.config, self) = TicToc() # Determine inference mode: # fixed_order, random, oracle policy modes get fixed_order inference # mode if'fastinf', self.policy_mode): self.inference_mode = 'fastinf' elif self.policy_mode == 'random': self.inference_mode = 'random' elif self.policy_mode in ['no_smooth', 'backoff']: self.inference_mode = self.policy_mode else: self.inference_mode = 'fixed_order' # Determine fastinf model name self.fastinf_model_name = 'this_is_empty' if self.inference_mode == 'fastinf': if self.detectors == ['csc_default']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'CSC' elif self.detectors == ['perfect']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'perfect' elif self.detectors == ['gist']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'GIST' elif self.detectors == ['gist', 'csc_default']: self.fastinf_model_name = 'GIST_CSC' else: raise RuntimeError(""" We don't have Fastinf models for the detector combination you are running with: %s""" % self.detectors) # load the actions and the corresponding weights and we're ready to go self.test_actions = self.init_actions() self.actions = self.test_actions self.load_weights() def init_actions(self, train=False): """ Return list of actions, which involves initializing the detectors. If train==True, the external detectors will load trainset detections. """ dataset = self.dataset if train: dataset = self.train_dataset actions = [] for detector in self.detectors: # synthetic perfect detector if detector == 'perfect': for cls in dataset.classes: det = PerfectDetector(dataset, self.train_dataset, cls) actions.append(ImageAction('%s_%s' % (detector, cls), det)) # GIST classifier elif detector == 'gist': # Make a single action that runs all the GIST classifiers dets = [] for cls in self.dataset.classes: gist_table = np.load( config.get_gist_dict_filename(self.dataset)) dets.append(GistClassifier( cls, self.train_dataset, gist_table, self.dataset)) gist_all = GistForAllClasses(dets) actions.append(ImageAction('gist', gist_all)) # real detectors, with pre-cached detections elif detector in ['dpm', 'csc_default', 'csc_half']: # load the dets from cache file and parcel out to classes all_dets = self.load_ext_detections(dataset, detector) for cls in dataset.classes: cls_ind = dataset.get_ind(cls) all_dets_for_cls = all_dets.filter_on_column( 'cls_ind', cls_ind, omit=True) det = ExternalDetector( dataset, self.train_dataset, cls, all_dets_for_cls, detector) actions.append(ImageAction('%s_%s' % (detector, cls), det)) else: raise RuntimeError( "Unknown mode in detectors: %s" % self.detectors) return actions def load_weights(self, weights_mode=None, force=False): """ Set self.weights to weights loaded from file or constructed from scratch according to weights_mode and self.weights_dataset_name. """ if not weights_mode: weights_mode = self.weights_mode filename = config.get_dp_weights_filename(self) if not force and os.path.exists(filename): self.weights = np.loadtxt(filename) return self.weights # Construct the weight vector by concatenating per-action vectors # The features are [P(C) P(not C) H(C) 1] weights = np.zeros((len(self.actions), BeliefState.num_features)) num_classes = len(self.dataset.classes) # OPTION 1: the manual weights correspond to the class of the action if weights_mode == 'manual_1': # Set weight of 1 on the P(C) feature weights[:, 0] = 1 # If gist mode, also set a 1 to 1-t/T, which starts at as 1. if self.actions[0].name == 'gist': weights[0, -1] = 1 weights = weights.flatten() elif weights_mode == 'manual_1_fastinf': # If gist mode, also set a 1 to 1-t/T, which starts at as 1. start = 0 if self.actions[0].name == 'gist': start = 1 weights[0, -1] = 1 # Set weight of 1 on the P(C_i|O) features weights[start:start + num_classes, 1:1 + num_classes] = np.eye(num_classes) weights = weights.flatten() elif weights_mode in ['manual_2', 'manual_3']: # Figure out the statistics if they aren't there if 'naive_ap|present' not in self.actions[0].obj.config or \ 'actual_ap|present' not in self.actions[0].obj.config or \ 'actual_ap|absent' not in self.actions[0].obj.config: self.output_det_statistics() self.test_actions = self.init_actions() self.actions = self.test_actions # OPTION 2: the manual weights are [naive_ap|present 0 0 0] if weights_mode == 'manual_2': for action in self.actions: print action.obj.config weights[:, 0] = [action.obj.config[ 'naive_ap|present'] for action in self.actions] # OPTION 3: the manual weights are [actual_ap|present # actual_ap|absent 0 0] elif weights_mode == 'manual_3': weights[:, 0] = [action.obj.config[ 'actual_ap|present'] for action in self.actions] # TODO: get rid of this # weights[:,1] = [action.obj.config['actual_ap|absent'] for action # in self.actions] else: None # impossible weights = weights.flatten() elif weights_mode in ['greedy', 'rl_half', 'rl_regression', 'rl_lspi']: weights = self.learn_weights(weights_mode) print("DONE LEARNING WEIGHTS PLZ RUN ON TEST GODDAMNIT!!!!") sys.exit() else: raise ValueError("unsupported weights_mode %s" % weights_mode) self.weights = weights return weights def get_reshaped_weights(self): "Return weights vector reshaped to (num_actions, num_features)." return self.weights.reshape((len(self.actions), BeliefState.num_features)) def write_weights_image(self, filename): "Output plot of current weights to filename." self.write_feature_image(self.get_reshaped_weights(), filename) def write_feature_image(self, feature, filename): "Output plot of feature to filename." plt.clf() p = plt.pcolor(feature) p.axes.invert_yaxis() plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(filename) def run_on_dataset(self, train=False, sample_size=-1, force=False, epsilon=0.01): """ Run MPI-parallelized over the images of the dataset (or a random subset). Return list of detections and classifications for the whole dataset. If test is True, runs on test dataset, otherwise train dataset. If sample_size != -1, does not check for cached files, as the objective is to collect samples, not the actual dets and clses. Otherwise, check for cached files first, unless force is True. Return dets,clses,samples. """'run_on_dataset') print("mpi.comm_rank %d beginning run on dataset, with train=%s, sample_size=%s" % (mpi.comm_rank, train, sample_size)) dets_table = None clses_table = None dataset = self.dataset self.actions = self.test_actions if train: dataset = self.train_dataset if not hasattr(self, 'train_actions'): self.train_actions = self.init_actions(train) self.actions = self.train_actions # If we are collecting samples, we don't care about caches if sample_size > 0: force = True # Check for cached results det_filename = config.get_dp_dets_filename(self, train) print det_filename cls_filename = config.get_dp_clses_filename(self, train) if not force \ and os.path.exists(det_filename) and os.path.exists(cls_filename): print("Loading cached stuff!") dets_table = np.load(det_filename)[()] clses_table = np.load(cls_filename)[()] samples = None # this will screw up test/, so make sure force=True there print("DatasetPolicy: Loaded dets and clses from cache.") return dets_table, clses_table, samples images = dataset.images if sample_size > 0: images = ut.random_subset(dataset.images, sample_size) # Collect the results distributedly all_dets = [] all_clses = [] all_samples = [] for i in range(mpi.comm_rank, len(images), mpi.comm_size): dets, clses, samples = self.run_on_image( images[i], dataset, epsilon=epsilon) all_dets.append(dets) all_clses.append(clses) # if sample_size>0: # all_samples += samples # TODO: TEMP all_samples += samples safebarrier(comm) # Aggregate the results final_dets = [] if mpi.comm_rank == 0 else None final_clses = [] if mpi.comm_rank == 0 else None final_samples = [] if mpi.comm_rank == 0 else None final_dets = comm.reduce(all_dets, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) final_clses = comm.reduce(all_clses, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) final_samples = comm.reduce(all_samples, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) # if self.inference_mode=='fastinf': # all_fm_cache_items = comm.reduce(self.inf_model.cache.items(), # op=MPI.SUM, root=0) # Save if root if mpi.comm_rank == 0: dets_table = Table(cols=self.det_columns) final_dets = [det for det in final_dets if det.shape[0] > 0] if not len(final_dets) == 0: dets_table.arr = np.vstack(final_dets) clses_table = Table(cols=self.get_cls_cols()) clses_table.arr = np.vstack(final_clses) if dets_table.arr is None: print("Found 0 dets") else: print("Found %d dets" % dets_table.shape[0]) # Only save results if we are not collecting samples if not sample_size > 0:, dets_table), clses_table) # TODO: TEMP + '_samples.npy', final_samples) # Save the fastinf cache # TODO: turning this off for now if False and self.inference_mode == 'fastinf': self.inf_model.cache = dict(all_fm_cache_items) self.inf_model.save_cache() safebarrier(comm) # Broadcast results to all workers, because Evaluation splits its work # as well. dets_table = comm.bcast(dets_table, root=0) clses_table = comm.bcast(clses_table, root=0) final_samples = comm.bcast(final_samples, root=0) if mpi.comm_rank == 0: print("Running the %s policy on %d images took %.3f s" % ( self.policy_mode, len(images),'run_on_dataset'))) return dets_table, clses_table, final_samples def learn_weights(self, mode='greedy'): """ Runs iterations of generating samples with current weights and training new weight vectors based on the collected samples. - mode can be ['greedy','rl_half','rl_regression','rl_lspi'] """ print("Beginning to learn regression weights")'learn_weights:all') # Need to have weights set here to collect samples, so let's set # to manual_1 to get a reasonable execution trace. self.weights = self.load_weights(weights_mode='manual_1', force=True) if mpi.comm_rank == 0: print("Initial weights:") np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True, linewidth=160) print self.get_reshaped_weights() # Loop until max_iterations or the error is below threshold error = threshold = 0.001 max_iterations = 12 # early iterations should explore more than later iterations # so do an exponential fall-off, halving every few iterations epsilons = 0.6 * np.exp2(-np.arange(0, max_iterations + 1) / 2.) # Collect samples (parallelized) num_samples = 350 # actually this refers to images dets, clses, all_samples = self.run_on_dataset( False, num_samples, epsilon=epsilons[0]) for i in range(0, max_iterations): # do regression with cross-validated parameters (parallelized) weights = None if mpi.comm_rank == 0: weights, error = self.regress(all_samples, mode) self.weights = weights try: # write image of the weights img_filename = os.path.join( config.get_dp_weights_images_dirname(self), 'iter_%d.png' % i) self.write_weights_image(img_filename) # write image of the average feature all_features = self.construct_X_from_samples(all_samples) avg_feature = np.mean(all_features, 0).reshape( len(self.actions), BeliefState.num_features) img_filename = os.path.join( config.get_dp_features_images_dirname(self), 'iter_%d.png' % i) self.write_feature_image(avg_feature, img_filename) except: print("Couldn't plot, no big deal.") print(""" After iteration %d (epsilon %.2f), we've trained on %d samples and the weights and error are:""" % (i, epsilons[i], len(all_samples))) np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True, linewidth=160) print self.get_reshaped_weights() print error # after the first iteration, check if the error is small if i > 0 and error <= threshold: break print( "Now collecting more samples with the updated weights...") safebarrier(comm) weights = comm.bcast(weights, root=0) self.weights = weights new_dets, new_clses, new_samples = self.run_on_dataset( False, num_samples, epsilon=epsilons[i + 1]) if mpi.comm_rank == 0: # We either collect only unique samples or all samples only_unique_samples = False if only_unique_samples:'learn_weights:unique_samples') for sample in new_samples: if not (sample in all_samples): all_samples.append(sample) print("Only adding unique samples to all_samples took %.3f s" %'learn_weights:unique_samples')) else: all_samples += new_samples if mpi.comm_rank == 0: print("Done training regression weights! Took %.3f s total" %'learn_weights:all')) # Save the weights filename = config.get_dp_weights_filename(self) np.savetxt(filename, self.weights, fmt='%.6f') safebarrier(comm) weights = comm.bcast(weights, root=0) self.weights = weights return weights def construct_X_from_samples(self, samples): "Return array of (len(samples), BeliefState.num_features*len(self.actions)." b = self.get_b() feats = [] for sample in samples: feats.append(b.block_out_action(sample.state, sample.action_ind)) return np.array(feats) def compute_reward_from_samples(self, samples, mode='greedy', discount=0.4, attr=None): """ Return vector of rewards for the given samples. - mode=='greedy' just uses the actual_ap of the taken action - mode=='rl_half', 'rl_regression' or 'rl_lspi' uses discounted sum of actual_aps to the end of the episode - attr can be ['det_actual_ap', 'entropy', 'auc_ap_raw', 'auc_ap', 'auc_entropy'] """ if not attr: attr = self.rewards_mode y = np.array([getattr(sample, attr) for sample in samples]) if mode == 'greedy': return y elif mode == 'rl_regression' or mode == 'rl_half': if mode == 'rl_half': discount = 0.4 else: discount = 0.9 y = np.zeros(len(samples)) for sample_idx in range(len(samples)): sample = samples[sample_idx] reward = getattr(sample, attr) i = 1 while sample_idx + i < len(samples): next_samp = samples[sample_idx + i] if next_samp.step_ind == 0: # New episode begins here break reward += discount ** i * getattr(next_samp, attr) i += 1 y[sample_idx] = reward return y return None def regress(self, samples, mode, warm_start=False): """ Take list of samples and regress from the features to the rewards. If warm_start, start with the current values of self.weights. Return tuple of weights and error. """ X = self.construct_X_from_samples(samples) y = self.compute_reward_from_samples(samples, mode) assert(X.shape[0] == y.shape[0]) print("Beginning regression with number of non-zero rewards: %d/%d" % ( np.sum(y != 0), y.shape[0])) folds = KFold(X.shape[0], 4) alpha_errors = [] alphas = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000] for alpha in alphas:'regress') # clf = sklearn.linear_model.Lasso(alpha=alpha,max_iter=4000) clf = sklearn.linear_model.Ridge(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=False) errors = [] # TODO parallelize this? seems fast enough for train_ind, val_ind in folds:[train_ind, :], y[train_ind]) errors.append(ut.mean_squared_error( clf.predict(X[val_ind, :]), y[val_ind])) alpha_errors.append(np.mean(errors)) best_ind = np.argmin(alpha_errors) best_alpha = alphas[best_ind] print("Cross-validating regression took %.3f s" %'regress')) # clf = sklearn.linear_model.Lasso(alpha=best_alpha,max_iter=4000)'regress') clf = sklearn.linear_model.Ridge(alpha=best_alpha, fit_intercept=False), y) print("Best lambda was %.3f" % best_alpha) print("Final regression took %.3f s" %'regress')) weights = clf.coef_ error = ut.mean_squared_error(clf.predict(X), y) return (weights, error) def get_b(self): "Fetch a belief state, and if we don't have one, initialize one." if not hasattr(self, 'b'): self.run_on_image(self.dataset.images[0], self.dataset) return self.b def output_det_statistics(self): """ Collect samples and display the statistics of times and naive and actual_ap increases for each class, on the train dataset. """ det_configs = {} all_dets, all_clses, all_samples = self.run_on_dataset( train=True, force=True) if mpi.comm_rank == 0: cols = ['action_ind', 'dt', 'det_naive_ap', 'det_actual_ap', 'img_ind'] sample_array = np.array( [[getattr(s, col) for s in all_samples] for col in cols]).T table = Table(sample_array, cols) # go through actions for ind, action in enumerate(self.actions): st = table.filter_on_column('action_ind', ind) means = np.mean(st.arr[:, 1:], 0) det_configs[self.actions[ind].name] = {} # TODO: should depend on image size det_configs[self.actions[ind].name]['avg_time'] = means[0] det_configs[self.actions[ind].name]['naive_ap'] = means[1] det_configs[self.actions[ind].name]['actual_ap'] = means[2] if isinstance(action.obj, Detector): img_inds = st.subset_arr('img_ind').astype(int) cls_ind = action.obj.cls_ind d = self.train_dataset presence_inds = np.array([d.images[img_ind].contains_cls_ind( cls_ind) for img_ind in img_inds]) st_present = np.atleast_2d( st.arr[np.flatnonzero(presence_inds), :]) if st_present.shape[0] > 0: means = np.mean(st_present[:, 2:], 0) det_configs[self.actions[ ind].name]['naive_ap|present'] = means[0] det_configs[self.actions[ ind].name]['actual_ap|present'] = means[1] else: # this is just for testing, where there may not be # enough dets det_configs[self.actions[ ind].name]['naive_ap|present'] = 0 det_configs[self.actions[ ind].name]['actual_ap|present'] = 0 st_absent = np.atleast_2d( st.arr[np.flatnonzero(presence_inds is False), :]) if st_absent.shape[0] > 0: means = np.mean(st_absent[:, 2:], 0) # naive_ap|absent is always 0 det_configs[self.actions[ ind].name]['actual_ap|absent'] = means[1] else: det_configs[self.actions[ ind].name]['actual_ap|absent'] = 0 detectors = '-'.join(self.detectors) filename = os.path.join( config.get_dets_configs_dir(self.train_dataset), detectors + '.txt') with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(det_configs, f) safebarrier(comm) det_configs = comm.bcast(det_configs, root=0) return det_configs ################ # Image Policy stuff ################ def update_actions(self, b): "Update the values of actions according to the current belief state." if self.policy_mode == 'random' or self.policy_mode == 'oracle': self.action_values = np.random.rand(len(self.actions)) else: ff = b.compute_full_feature() self.action_values = np.array([, b.block_out_action(ff, action_ind)) for action_ind in range(len(self.actions))]) def select_action(self, b, epsilon=0.05): """ Return the index of the untaken action with the max value. Return -1 if all actions have been taken. """ taken = copy.deepcopy(b.taken) if np.all(taken): return -1 untaken_inds = np.flatnonzero(taken == 0) # our policies are epsilon greedy if np.random.rand() > epsilon: max_untaken_ind = self.action_values[untaken_inds].argmax() return untaken_inds[max_untaken_ind] else: return np.random.randint(len(self.actions)) def run_on_image(self, image, dataset, verbose=False, epsilon=0.01): """ Return - list of detections in the image, with each row as self.det_columns - list of multi-label classification outputs, with each row as self.get_cls_cols() - list of <s,a,r,s',dt> samples. """ gt = image.get_det_gt(with_diff=True)'run_on_image') all_detections = [] all_clses = [] samples = [] prev_ap = 0 img_ind = dataset.get_img_ind(image) # If we have previously run_on_image(), then we already have a reference to an inf_model # Otherwise, we make a new one and store a reference to it, to keep it # alive if hasattr(self, 'inf_model'): b = BeliefState( self.train_dataset, self.actions, self.inference_mode, self.bounds, self.inf_model, self.fastinf_model_name) else: b = BeliefState( self.train_dataset, self.actions, self.inference_mode, self.bounds, fastinf_model_name=self.fastinf_model_name) self.b = b self.inf_model = b.model self.update_actions(b) action_ind = self.select_action(b, epsilon) step_ind = 0 # TODO: why is the below var never used? # initial_clses = np.array(b.get_p_c().tolist() + [img_ind,0]) entropy_prev = np.mean(b.get_entropies()) while True: # Populate the sample with stuff we know sample = Sample() sample.step_ind = step_ind sample.img_ind = img_ind sample.state = b.compute_full_feature() sample.action_ind = action_ind # TODO: this is incorrect, and results in samples at t=0 to already # have detections sample.t = b.t # prepare for AUC reward stuff # TODO: should set time_to_deadline to -Inf if no bounds time_to_deadline = 0 if self.bounds: # this should never be less than zero, except for when running # oracle time_to_deadline = max(0, self.bounds[1] - b.t) sample.auc_ap_raw = 0 sample.auc_ap = 0 # Take the action and get the observations as a dict action = self.actions[action_ind] obs = action.obj.get_observations(image) dt = obs['dt'] # If observations include detections, compute the relevant # stuff for the sample collection sample.det_naive_ap = 0 sample.det_actual_ap = 0 if not 'dets' in obs: all_detections.append(np.array([])) else: det = action.obj dets = obs['dets'] cls_ind = dataset.classes.index(det.cls) if dets.shape[0] > 0: c_vector = np.tile(cls_ind, (np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) i_vector = np.tile(img_ind, (np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) detections = np.hstack((dets, c_vector, i_vector)) else: detections = np.array([]) dets_table = Table( detections, det.columns + ['cls_ind', 'img_ind']) # compute the 'naive' det AP increase, # as if we were adding dets to an empty set # ap,rec,prec = self.ev.compute_det_pr(dets_table,gt) ap = self.ev.compute_det_map(dets_table, gt) sample.det_naive_ap = ap # TODO: am I needlessly recomputing this table? all_detections.append(detections) nonempty_dets = [ dets for dets in all_detections if dets.shape[0] > 0] all_dets_table = Table(np.array([]), dets_table.cols) if len(nonempty_dets) > 0: all_dets_table = Table( np.concatenate(nonempty_dets, 0), dets_table.cols) # compute the actual AP increase: adding dets to dets so far # ap,rec,prec = self.ev.compute_det_pr(all_dets_table,gt) ap = self.ev.compute_det_map(all_dets_table, gt) ap_diff = ap - prev_ap sample.det_actual_ap = ap_diff # Compure detector AUC reward # If the action took longer than we have time, benefit is 0 # (which is already set above) if dt <= time_to_deadline: midway_point = b.t + dt / 2. if midway_point > self.bounds[0]: length = max(0, self.bounds[1] - midway_point) else: length = self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0] auc_ap = 1. * ap_diff * length sample.auc_ap_raw = auc_ap # Now divide by the potential gain to compute the "normalized" reward # Note that there are two cases: the curve goes up, or it turns down. # In the first case, the normalizing area should be the area to ap=1. # In the second case, the normalizing area should be the # area to ap=0. if ap_diff < 0: divisor = time_to_deadline * (prev_ap) else: divisor = time_to_deadline * (1. - prev_ap) if divisor < 0: divisor = 0 auc_ap = 1 if divisor == 0 else auc_ap / divisor assert(auc_ap >= -1 and auc_ap <= 1) sample.auc_ap = auc_ap prev_ap = ap # Update the belief state with the observations if == 'gist': b.update_with_gist(action_ind, obs['scores']) else: b.update_with_score(action_ind, obs['score']) # mean entropy entropy = np.mean(b.get_entropies()) dh = entropy_prev - entropy # this is actually -dh :) sample.entropy = dh auc_entropy = time_to_deadline * dh - dh * dt / 2 divisor = (time_to_deadline * entropy_prev) if divisor == 0: auc_entropy = 1 else: auc_entropy /= divisor if dt > time_to_deadline: auc_entropy = 0 if not (auc_entropy >= -1 and auc_entropy <= 1): auc_entropy = 0 sample.auc_entropy = auc_entropy entropy_prev = entropy # TODO: the below line of code should occur before the state is # stored in the sample b.t += dt sample.dt = dt samples.append(sample) step_ind += 1 # The updated belief state posterior over C is our classification # result clses = b.get_p_c().tolist() + [img_ind, b.t] all_clses.append(clses) # Update action values and pick the next action self.update_actions(b) action_ind = self.select_action(b, epsilon) # check for stopping conditions if action_ind < 0: break if self.bounds and not self.policy_mode == 'oracle': if b.t > self.bounds[1]: break # in case of 'oracle' mode, re-sort the detections and times in order of AP # contributions, and actually re-gather p_c's for clses. action_inds = [s.action_ind for s in samples] if self.policy_mode == 'oracle': naive_aps = np.array([s.det_naive_ap for s in samples]) sorted_inds = np.argsort( -naive_aps, kind='merge') # order-preserving all_detections = np.take(all_detections, sorted_inds) sorted_action_inds = np.take(action_inds, sorted_inds) # actually go through the whole thing again, getting new p_c's b.reset() all_clses = [] for action_ind in sorted_action_inds: action = self.actions[action_ind] obs = action.obj.get_observations(image) b.t += obs['dt'] if == 'gist': b.update_with_gist(action_ind, obs['scores']) else: b.update_with_score(action_ind, obs['score']) clses = b.get_p_c().tolist() + [img_ind, b.t] all_clses.append(clses) # now construct the final dets array, with correct times times = [s.dt for s in samples] # assert(len(all_detections)==len(all_clses)==len(times)) cum_times = np.cumsum(times) all_times = [] all_nonempty_detections = [] for i, dets in enumerate(all_detections): num_dets = dets.shape[0] if num_dets > 0: all_nonempty_detections.append(dets) t_vector = np.tile(cum_times[i], (num_dets, 1)) all_times.append(t_vector) if len(all_nonempty_detections) > 0: all_detections = np.concatenate(all_nonempty_detections, 0) all_times = np.concatenate(all_times, 0) # appending 'time' column at end, as promised all_detections = np.hstack((all_detections, all_times)) # we probably went over deadline with the oracle mode, so trim it # down if self.bounds: if np.max(all_times) > self.bounds[1]: first_overdeadline_ind = np.flatnonzero( all_times > self.bounds[1])[0] all_detections = all_detections[:first_overdeadline_ind, :] else: all_detections = np.array([]) all_clses = np.array(all_clses) if verbose: print("DatasetPolicy on image with ind %d took %.3f s" % ( img_ind,'run_on_image'))) # TODO: temp debug thing if False: print("Action sequence was: %s" % [s.action_ind for s in samples]) print("here's an image:") X = np.vstack((all_clses[:, :-2], image.get_cls_ground_truth())) np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True) print X plt.pcolor(np.flipud(X)) return (all_detections, all_clses, samples) # TODO: MASSIVE CLEANUP HERE ############### # External detections stuff ############### @classmethod def load_ext_detections(cls, dataset, suffix, force=False): """ Loads multi-image, multi-class array of detections for all images in the given dataset. Loads from canonical cache location. """ t = time.time() filename = config.get_ext_dets_filename(dataset, suffix) # check for cached full file if os.path.exists(filename) and not force: all_dets_table = np.load(filename)[()] else: # TODO also return times, or process them to add to dets? all_dets = [] for i in range(mpi.comm_rank, len(dataset.images), mpi.comm_size): image = dataset.images[i] if'dpm', suffix): # NOTE: not actually using the given suffix in the call # below dets = cls.load_dpm_dets_for_image(image, dataset) ind_vector = np.ones((np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) * i dets = np.hstack((dets, ind_vector)) # TODO: why is below var never used? # cols = # ['x','y','w','h','dummy','dummy','dummy','dummy','score','time','cls_ind','img_ind'] good_ind = [0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11] dets = dets[:, good_ind] elif'csc', suffix): # NOTE: not actually using the given suffix in the call # below dets = cls.load_csc_dpm_dets_for_image(image, dataset) ind_vector = np.ones((np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) * i dets = np.hstack((dets, ind_vector)) elif'ctf', suffix): # Split the suffix into ctf and the main part actual_suffix = suffix.split('_')[1] dets = cls.load_ctf_dets_for_image( image, dataset, actual_suffix) ind_vector = np.ones((np.shape(dets)[0], 1)) * i dets = np.hstack((dets, ind_vector)) else: print(suffix) raise RuntimeError('Unknown detector type in suffix') all_dets.append(dets) final_dets = None if mpi.comm_rank == 0: final_dets = [] safebarrier(comm) final_dets = comm.reduce(all_dets, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) all_dets_table = None if mpi.comm_rank == 0: all_dets_table = Table() = suffix all_dets_table.cols = ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'score', 'time', 'cls_ind', 'img_ind'] all_dets_table.arr = np.vstack(final_dets), all_dets_table) print("Found %d dets" % all_dets_table.shape[0]) all_dets_table = comm.bcast(all_dets_table, root=0) time_elapsed = time.time() - t print("DatasetPolicy.load_ext_detections took %.3f" % time_elapsed) return all_dets_table @classmethod def load_ctf_dets_for_image(cls, image, dataset, suffix='default'): """Load multi-class array of detections for this image.""" t = time.time() dirname = '/u/vis/x1/sergeyk/object_detection/ctfdets/%s/' % suffix time_elapsed = time.time() - t filename = os.path.join(dirname, + '.npy') dets_table = np.load(filename)[()] print("On image %s, took %.3f s" % (, time_elapsed)) return dets_table.arr @classmethod def load_csc_dpm_dets_for_image(cls, image, dataset): """ Loads HOS's cascaded dets. """ t = time.time() name = os.path.splitext([0] # if uest dataset, use HOS's detections. if not, need to output my own if'test', dirname = config.get_dets_test_wholeset_dir() filename = os.path.join( dirname, '%s_dets_all_test_original_cascade_wholeset.mat' % name) else: dirname = config.get_dets_nov19() filename = os.path.join(dirname, '%s_dets_all_nov19.mat' % name) print filename if not os.path.exists(filename): raise RuntimeError("File %s does not exist!" % filename) return None mat = dets = mat['dets_mc'] times = mat['times_mc'] # feat_time = times[0,0] dets_seq = [] cols = ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'score'] for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(dataset.classes): cls_dets = dets[cls_ind][0] if cls_dets.shape[0] > 0: good_ind = [0, 1, 2, 3, 10] cls_dets = cls_dets[:, good_ind] det_time = times[cls_ind, 1] # all detections get the final time cls_dets = ut.append_index_column(cls_dets, det_time) cls_dets = ut.append_index_column(cls_dets, cls_ind) # convert from corners! cls_dets[:, : 4] = BoundingBox.convert_arr_from_corners(cls_dets[:, :4]) cls_dets[:, :4] = BoundingBox.clipboxes_arr( cls_dets[:, :4], (0, 0, image.size[0], image.size[1])) dets_seq.append(cls_dets) cols = ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'score', 'time', 'cls_ind'] dets_mc = ut.collect(dets_seq, Detector.nms_detections, {'cols': cols}) time_elapsed = time.time() - t print("On image %s, took %.3f s" % (, time_elapsed)) return dets_mc @classmethod def load_dpm_dets_for_image(cls, image, dataset, suffix='dets_all_may25_DP'): """ Loads multi-class array of detections for an image from .mat format. """ t = time.time() name = os.path.splitext([0] # TODO: figure out how to deal with different types of detections dets_dir = '/u/vis/x1/sergeyk/rl_detection/voc-release4/2007/tmp/dets_may25_DP' filename = os.path.join(dets_dir, '%s_dets_all_may25_DP.mat' % name) if not os.path.exists(filename): dets_dir = '/u/vis/x1/sergeyk/rl_detection/voc-release4/2007/tmp/dets_jun1_DP_trainval' filename = os.path.join( dets_dir, '%s_dets_all_jun1_DP_trainval.mat' % name) if not os.path.exists(filename): filename = os.path.join( config.test_support_dir, 'dets/%s_dets_all_may25_DP.mat' % name) if not os.path.exists(filename): print("File does not exist!") return None mat = dets = mat['dets_mc'] times = mat['times_mc'] # feat_time = times[0,0] dets_seq = [] cols = ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'score', 'time'] for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(config.pascal_classes): cls_dets = dets[cls_ind][0] if cls_dets.shape[0] > 0: det_time = times[cls_ind, 1] # all detections get the final time cls_dets = ut.append_index_column(cls_dets, det_time) cls_dets = ut.append_index_column(cls_dets, cls_ind) # subtract 1 pixel and convert from corners! cls_dets[:, :4] -= 1 cls_dets[:, : 4] = BoundingBox.convert_arr_from_corners(cls_dets[:, :4]) dets_seq.append(cls_dets) cols = ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy', 'score', 'time', 'cls_ind'] # NMS detections per class individually dets_mc = ut.collect(dets_seq, Detector.nms_detections, {'cols': cols}) dets_mc[:, :4] = BoundingBox.clipboxes_arr( dets_mc[:, :4], (0, 0, image.size[0] - 1, image.size[1] - 1)) time_elapsed = time.time() - t print("On image %s, took %.3f s" % (, time_elapsed)) return dets_mc