Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_sparam_conversion_vs_sdefinition(self):
        Check that power-wave or pseudo-waves scattering parameters definitions 
        give same results for real characteristic impedances
        f0 = rf.Frequency(75.8, npoints=1, unit='GHz')
        s_ref = npy.array([[  # random values
            [-0.1000 -0.2000j, -0.3000 +0.4000j],
            [-0.3000 +0.4000j, 0.5000 -0.6000j]]])
        ntw = rf.Network(frequency=f0, s=s_ref, z0=50, name='dut')
        # renormalize s parameter according one of the definition. 
        # As characteristic impedances are all real, should be all equal
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(ntw.s, s_ref)
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(rf.renormalize_s(ntw.s, 50, 50, s_def='power'), s_ref)
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(rf.renormalize_s(ntw.s, 50, 50, s_def='pseudo'), s_ref)
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(rf.renormalize_s(ntw.s, 50, 50, s_def='traveling'), s_ref)
        # also check Z and Y matrices, just in case
        z_ref = npy.array([[
            [18.0000 -16.0000j, 20.0000 + 40.0000j],
            [20.0000 +40.0000j, 10.0000 -80.0000j]]])
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(ntw.z, z_ref, atol=1e-4)
        y_ref = npy.array([[
            [0.0251 +0.0023j, 0.0123 -0.0066j],
            [0.0123 -0.0066j, 0.0052 +0.0055j]]])
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(ntw.y, y_ref, atol=1e-4)

        # creating network by specifying s-params definition
        ntw_power = rf.Network(frequency=f0, s=s_ref, z0=50, s_def='power')
        ntw_pseudo = rf.Network(frequency=f0, s=s_ref, z0=50, s_def='pseudo')
        ntw_legacy = rf.Network(frequency=f0, s=s_ref, z0=50, s_def='traveling')
        self.assertTrue(ntw_power == ntw_pseudo)
        self.assertTrue(ntw_power == ntw_legacy)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_sparam_conversion_with_complex_char_impedance(self):
        Renormalize a 2-port network wrt to complex characteristic impedances
        using power-waves definition of s-param
        Example based on scikit-rf issue #313
        f0 = rf.Frequency(75.8, npoints=1, unit='GHz')
        s0 = npy.array([[-0.194 - 0.228j, -0.721 + 0.160j],
                        [-0.721 + 0.160j, +0.071 - 0.204j]])
        ntw = rf.Network(frequency=f0, s=s0, z0=50, name='dut')

        # complex characteristic impedance to renormalize to
        zdut = 100 + 10j

        # reference solutions obtained from ANSYS Circuit or ADS (same res)
        # case 1: z0=[50, zdut]
        s_ref = npy.array(
            [[[-0.01629813 - 0.29764199j, -0.6726785 + 0.24747539j],
              [-0.6726785 + 0.24747539j, -0.30104687 - 0.10693578j]]])
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(rf.z2s(ntw.z, z0=[50, zdut]), s_ref)
            rf.renormalize_s(ntw.s, [50, 50], [50, zdut]), s_ref)

        # case 2: z0=[zdut, zdut]
        s_ref = npy.array([[[
            -0.402829859501534 - 0.165007172677339j,
            -0.586542065592524 + 0.336098534178339j
                                -0.586542065592524 + 0.336098534178339j,
                                -0.164707376748782 - 0.21617153431756j
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(rf.z2s(ntw.z, z0=[zdut, zdut]), s_ref)
            rf.renormalize_s(ntw.s, [50, 50], [zdut, zdut]), s_ref)

        # Compararing Z and Y matrices from reference ones (from ADS)
        # Z or Y matrices do not depend of characteristic impedances.
        # Precision is 1e-4 due to rounded results in ADS export files
        z_ref = npy.array([[[34.1507 - 65.6786j, -37.7994 + 73.7669j],
                            [-37.7994 + 73.7669j, 55.2001 - 86.8618j]]])
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(ntw.z, z_ref, atol=1e-4)

        y_ref = npy.array([[[0.0926 + 0.0368j, 0.0770 + 0.0226j],
                            [0.0770 + 0.0226j, 0.0686 + 0.0206j]]])
        npy.testing.assert_allclose(ntw.y, y_ref, atol=1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
        self.f0 = rf.Frequency(75.8, npoints=1, unit='GHz')
        # initial s-param values of A 2 ports network
        self.s0 = np.array([  # dummy values 
            [-0.1000 -0.2000j, -0.3000 +0.4000j],
            [-0.3000 +0.4000j, 0.5000 -0.6000j]]).reshape(-1,2,2)

        # build initial network (under z0=50)
        self.ntw0 = rf.Network(frequency=self.f0, s=self.s0, z0=50, name='dut')

        # complex characteristic impedance to renormalize to
        self.zdut = 100 + 10j
        # reference solutions obtained from ANSYS Circuit or ADS (same res) 
        # when z0=[50, zdut]
        self.z_ref = np.array([  # not affected by z0
            [18.0000 -16.0000j, 20.0000 +40.0000j],
            [20.0000 +40.0000j, 10.0000 -80.0000j]]).reshape(-1,2,2)

        self.y_ref = np.array([  # not affected by z0
            [0.0251 +0.0023j, 0.0123 -0.0066j],
            [0.0123 -0.0066j, 0.0052 +0.0055j]]).reshape(-1,2,2)
        self.s_ref = np.array([  # renormalized s (power-waves)
            [-0.1374 -0.2957j, -0.1995 +0.5340j],
            [-0.1995 +0.5340j, -0.0464 -0.7006j]]).reshape(-1,2,2)

        # Creating equivalent reference circuit
        port1 = rf.Circuit.Port(self.f0, z0=50, name='port1')
        port2 = rf.Circuit.Port(self.f0, z0=50, name='port2')
        ntw0 = rf.Network(frequency=self.f0, z0=50, s=self.s0, name='dut')

        cnx = [  # z0=[50,50]
            [(port1, 0), (ntw0, 0)],
            [(ntw0, 1), (port2, 0)]
        self.cir = rf.Circuit(cnx)

        # Creating equivalent circuit with z0 real
        port2_real = rf.Circuit.Port(self.f0, z0=100, name='port2')
        cnx_real = [  # z0=[50,100]
            [(port1, 0), (ntw0, 0)],
            [(ntw0, 1), (port2_real, 0)]
        self.cir_real = rf.Circuit(cnx_real)

        # Creating equivalent circuit with z0 complex
        port2_complex = rf.Circuit.Port(self.f0, z0=self.zdut, name='port2')
        cnx_complex = [  # z0=[50,zdut]
            [(port1, 0), (ntw0, 0)],
            [(ntw0, 1), (port2_complex, 0)]
        self.cir_complex = rf.Circuit(cnx_complex)

        # references for each s-param definition
        self.s_legacy = rf.renormalize_s(self.s0, [50,50], [50,self.zdut],
        self.s_power = rf.renormalize_s(self.s0, [50,50], [50,self.zdut],
        self.s_pseudo = rf.renormalize_s(self.s0, [50,50], [50,self.zdut],
        # for real values, should be = whatever s-param definition
        self.s_real = rf.renormalize_s(self.s0, [50,50], [50,100])