Exemplo n.º 1
def load_basic_motions(split=None, return_X_y=True, return_type=None):
    Load the BasicMotions time series classification problem and returns X and y.

    This is an equal length multivariate time series classification problem. It loads a
    4 class classification problem with number of cases, n, where n = 80 (if
    split is None) or 40 (if split is "train"/"test") of series length m = 100.

    split: None or str{"train", "test"}, optional (default=None)
        Whether to load the train or test partition of the problem. By
        default it loads both.
    return_X_y: bool, optional (default=True)
        If True, returns (time series, target) separately as X and y instead of a single
        data structure.
    return_type: None or str{"numpy3d", "nested_univ"},
        optional (default=None). Controls the returned data structure.

    X:  The time series data for the problem. If return_type is either
        "numpy2d"/"numpyflat", it returns 2D numpy array of shape (n,m), if "numpy3d" it
        returns 3D numpy array of shape (n,6,m) and if "nested_univ" or None it returns
        a nested pandas DataFrame of shape (n,6), where each cell is a pd.Series of
        length m.
    y: (optional) numpy array shape (n,1). The class labels for each case in X.
        If return_X_y is False, y is appended to X.

    ValueError if argument "numpy2d"/"numpyflat" is passed as return_type
    Dimensionality:     multivariate, 6
    Series length:      100
    Train cases:        40
    Test cases:         40
    Number of classes:  4

    The data was generated as part of a student project where four students performed
    four activities whilst wearing a smart watch. The watch collects 3D accelerometer
    and a 3D gyroscope It consists of four classes, which are walking, resting,
    running and badminton. Participants were required to record motion a total of
    five times, and the data is sampled once every tenth of a second, for a ten second

    Dataset details: http://www.timeseriesclassification.com/description.php?Dataset
    name = "BasicMotions"
    if return_type == "numpy2d" or return_type == "numpyflat":
        raise ValueError(
            f"{name} loader: Error, attempting to load into a numpy2d "
            f"array, but cannot because it is a multivariate problem. Use "
            f"numpy3d instead")
    return _load_provided_dataset(name=name,
Exemplo n.º 2
def load_arrow_head(split=None, return_X_y=True, return_type="nested_univ"):
    Load the ArrowHead time series classification problem and returns X and y.

    split: None or str{"train", "test"}, optional (default=None)
        Whether to load the train or test partition of the problem. By
        default it loads both.
    return_X_y: bool, optional (default=True)
        If True, returns (features, target) separately instead of a single
        dataframe with columns for
        features and the target.

    X: pd.DataFrame with m rows and c columns
        The time series data for the problem with m cases and c dimensions
    y: numpy array
        The class labels for each case in X

    >>> from sktime.datasets import load_arrow_head
    >>> X, y = load_arrow_head()

    Dimensionality:     univariate
    Series length:      251
    Train cases:        36
    Test cases:         175
    Number of classes:  3

    The arrowhead data consists of outlines of the images of arrowheads. The
    shapes of the
    projectile points are converted into a time series using the angle-based
    method. The
    classification of projectile points is an important topic in
    anthropology. The classes
    are based on shape distinctions such as the presence and location of a
    notch in the
    arrow. The problem in the repository is a length normalised version of
    that used in
    Ye09shapelets. The three classes are called "Avonlea", "Clovis" and "Mix"."

    Dataset details: http://timeseriesclassification.com/description.php
    name = "ArrowHead"
    return _load_provided_dataset(name=name,
Exemplo n.º 3
def load_unit_test(split=None, return_X_y=True, return_type=None):
    Load UnitTest data.

    This is an equal length univariate time series classification problem. It is a
    stripped down version of the ChinaTown problem that is used in correctness tests
    for classification. It loads a two class classification problem with number of
    cases, n, where n = 42 (if split is None) or 20/22 (if split is "train"/"test")
    of series length m = 24

    split: None or str{"train", "test"}, optional (default=None)
        Whether to load the train or test partition of the problem. By default it
        loads both.
    return_X_y: bool, optional (default=True)
        If True, returns (features, target) separately instead of a concatenated data
    return_type: None or str{"numpy2d", "numpyflat", "numpy3d", "nested_univ"},
        optional (default=None). Controls the returned data structure.

    X:  The time series data for the problem. If return_type is either
        "numpy2d"/"numpyflat", it returns 2D numpy array of shape (n,m), if "numpy3d" it
        returns 3D numpy array of shape (n,1,m) and if "nested_univ" or None it returns
        a nested pandas DataFrame of shape (n,1), where each cell is a pd.Series of
        length m.
    y: (optional) numpy array shape (n,1). The class labels for each case in X.
        If return_X_y is False, y is appended to X.

    >>> from sktime.datasets import load_unit_test
    >>> X, y = load_unit_test()

    This is the Chinatown problem with a smaller test set, useful for rapid tests.
    Dimensionality:     univariate
    Series length:      24
    Train cases:        20
    Test cases:         22 (full dataset has 345)
    Number of classes:  2

    for the full dataset
    name = "UnitTest"
    return _load_provided_dataset(name, split, return_X_y, return_type)
def load_basic_motions(split=None, return_X_y=True, return_type="nested_univ"):
    Load the  BasicMotions time series classification problem and returns X and y.

    split: None or str{"train", "test"}, optional (default=None)
        Whether to load the train or test partition of the problem. By
        default it loads both.
    return_X_y: bool, optional (default=True)
        If True, returns (features, target) separately instead of a single
        dataframe with columns for
        features and the target.

    X: pandas DataFrame with m rows and c columns
        The time series data for the problem with m cases and c dimensions
    y: numpy array
        The class labels for each case in X

    Dimensionality:     multivariate, 6
    Series length:      100
    Train cases:        40
    Test cases:         40
    Number of classes:  4

    The data was generated as part of a student project where four students performed
    four activities whilst wearing a smart watch. The watch collects 3D accelerometer
    and a 3D gyroscope It consists of four classes, which are walking, resting,
    running and badminton. Participants were required to record motion a total of
    five times, and the data is sampled once every tenth of a second, for a ten second

    Dataset details: http://www.timeseriesclassification.com/description.php?Dataset
    name = "BasicMotions"
    return _load_provided_dataset(name=name,
def load_unit_test(split=None, return_X_y=True):
    Load UnitTest time series classification problem.

    This problem is a stripped down version of the ChinaTown problem that is used in
    correctness tests for classification.

    split: None or str{"train", "test"}, optional (default=None)
        Whether to load the train or test partition of the problem. By
        default it loads both.
    return_X_y: bool, optional (default=True)
        If True, returns (features, target) separately instead of a single
        dataframe with columns for
        features and the target.

    X: pandas DataFrame with m rows and c columns
        The time series data for the problem with m cases and c dimensions
    y: numpy array
        The class labels for each case in X

    This is the Chinatown problem with a smaller test set, useful for rapid tests. See
    for the full dataset
    Dimensionality:     univariate
    Series length:      24
    Train cases:        20
    Test cases:         22 (full dataset has 345)
    Number of classes:  2
    name = "UnitTest"
    return _load_provided_dataset(name, split, return_X_y)