Exemplo n.º 1
def test_set_param():
    param = get_para()
    elemental_lines = ['Ar_K', 'Fe_K', 'Ce_L', 'Pt_M']

    MS = ModelSpectrum(param, elemental_lines)

    # get compton model
    compton = MS.mod.components[0]

    input_param = {'bound_type': 'other', 'max': 13.0, 'min': 9.0, 'value': 11.0}
    _set_parameter_hint('coherent_sct_energy', input_param, compton)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_set_param_hint():
    param = get_para()
    elemental_lines = ['Ar_K', 'Fe_K', 'Ce_L', 'Pt_M']
    bound_options = ['none', 'lohi', 'fixed', 'lo', 'hi']

    MS = ModelSpectrum(param, elemental_lines)

    # get compton model
    compton = MS.mod.components[0]

    for v in bound_options:
        input_param = {'bound_type': v, 'max': 13.0, 'min': 9.0, 'value': 11.0}
        _set_parameter_hint('coherent_sct_energy', input_param, compton)
        p = compton.make_params()
        if v == 'fixed':
            assert_equal(p['coherent_sct_energy'].vary, False)
            assert_equal(p['coherent_sct_energy'].vary, True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_fit():

    param = get_para()
    pileup_peak = ['Si_Ka1-Si_Ka1', 'Si_Ka1-Ce_La1']
    elemental_lines = ['Ar_K', 'Fe_K', 'Ce_L', 'Pt_M'] + pileup_peak
    x0 = np.arange(2000)
    y0 = synthetic_spectrum()

    x, y = trim(x0, y0, 100, 1300)
    MS = ModelSpectrum(param, elemental_lines)

    result = MS.model_fit(x, y, weights=1/np.sqrt(y), maxfev=200)

    # check area of each element
    for k, v in six.iteritems(result.values):
        if 'area' in k:
            # error smaller than 1%
            assert_true((v-1e5)/1e5 < 1e-2)

    # multiple peak sumed, so value should be larger than one peak area 1e5
    sum_Fe = sum_area('Fe_K', result)
    assert_true(sum_Fe > 1e5)

    sum_Ce = sum_area('Ce_L', result)
    assert_true(sum_Ce > 1e5)

    sum_Pt = sum_area('Pt_M', result)
    assert_true(sum_Pt > 1e5)

    # create full list of parameters
    PC = ParamController(param, elemental_lines)
    new_params = PC.params
    # update values
    update_parameter_dict(new_params, result)
    for k, v in six.iteritems(new_params):
        if 'area' in k:
            assert_equal(v['value'], result.values[k])

    MS = ModelSpectrum(new_params, elemental_lines)

    result = MS.model_fit(x, y, weights=1/np.sqrt(y), maxfev=200)
    # check area of each element
    for k, v in six.iteritems(result.values):
        if 'area' in k:
            # error smaller than 0.1%
            assert_true((v-1e5)/1e5 < 1e-3)