Exemplo n.º 1
def normalize_bin_edges(num_times, num_rois, mean_roi, max_cts):
    This will provide the normalized bin edges and bin centers for each
    integration time.
    num_times : int
        number of integration times for XSVS
    num_rois : int
        number of ROI's
    mean_roi : array
        mean intensity of each ROI
        shape (number of ROI's)
    max_cts : int
        maximum pixel counts
    norm_bin_edges : array
        normalized speckle count bin edges
         shape (num_times, num_rois)
    norm_bin_centers :array
        normalized speckle count bin centers
        shape (num_times, num_rois)
    norm_bin_edges = np.zeros((num_times, num_rois), dtype=object)
    norm_bin_centers = np.zeros_like(norm_bin_edges)
    for i in range(num_times):
        for j in range(num_rois):
            norm_bin_edges[i, j] = np.arange(
                max_cts * 2**i) / (mean_roi[j] * 2**i)
            norm_bin_centers[i, j] = bin_edges_to_centers(norm_bin_edges[i, j])

    return norm_bin_edges, norm_bin_centers
Exemplo n.º 2
def normalize_bin_edges(num_times, num_rois, mean_roi, max_cts):
    This will provide the normalized bin edges and bin centers for each
    integration time.
    num_times : int
        number of integration times for XSVS
    num_rois : int
        number of ROI's
    mean_roi : array
        mean intensity of each ROI
        shape (number of ROI's)
    max_cts : int
        maximum pixel counts
    norm_bin_edges : array
        normalized speckle count bin edges
         shape (num_times, num_rois)
    norm_bin_centers :array
        normalized speckle count bin centers
        shape (num_times, num_rois)
    norm_bin_edges = np.zeros((num_times, num_rois), dtype=object)
    norm_bin_centers = np.zeros_like(norm_bin_edges)
    for i in range(num_times):
        for j in range(num_rois):
            norm_bin_edges[i, j] = np.arange(max_cts*2**i)/(mean_roi[j]*2**i)
            norm_bin_centers[i, j] = bin_edges_to_centers(norm_bin_edges[i, j])

    return norm_bin_edges, norm_bin_centers
Exemplo n.º 3
def circular_average(image,
    """Circular average of the the image data
    The circular average is also known as the radial integration
    image : array
        Image to compute the average as a function of radius
    calibrated_center : tuple
        The center of the image in pixel units
        argument order should be (row, col)
    threshold : int, optional
        Ignore counts above `threshold`
    nx : int, optional
        Number of bins in R. Defaults to 100
    pixel_size : tuple, optional
        The size of a pixel (in a real unit, like mm).
        argument order should be (pixel_height, pixel_width)
    bin_centers : array
        The center of each bin in R. shape is (nx, )
    ring_averages : array
        Radial average of the image. shape is (nx, ).
    radial_val = utils.radial_grid(calibrated_center, image.shape, pixel_size)

    if nx is None:
        ps = np.min(pixel_size)
        max_x = np.max(radial_val) / ps
        min_x = np.min(radial_val) / ps
        nx = int(max_x - min_x)
    #print (nx)

    if mask is None: mask = 1

    bin_edges, sums, counts = bin_1D(np.ravel(radial_val * mask),
                                     np.ravel(image * mask), nx)
    th_mask = counts > threshold
    ring_averages = sums[th_mask] / counts[th_mask]

    bin_centers = utils.bin_edges_to_centers(bin_edges)[th_mask]

    return bin_centers, ring_averages
Exemplo n.º 4
def circular_average(image, calibrated_center, threshold=-1, nx=None,
                     pixel_size=None, mask=None):
    """Circular average of the the image data
    The circular average is also known as the radial integration
    image : array
        Image to compute the average as a function of radius
    calibrated_center : tuple
        The center of the image in pixel units
        argument order should be (row, col)
    threshold : int, optional
        Ignore counts above `threshold`
    nx : int, optional
        Number of bins in R. Defaults to 100
    pixel_size : tuple, optional
        The size of a pixel (in a real unit, like mm).
        argument order should be (pixel_height, pixel_width)
    bin_centers : array
        The center of each bin in R. shape is (nx, )
    ring_averages : array
        Radial average of the image. shape is (nx, ).
    radial_val = utils.radial_grid(calibrated_center, image.shape,  pixel_size )
    if nx is None:
        ps =np.min( pixel_size )
        max_x = np.max(radial_val)/ps
        min_x = np.min(radial_val)/ps        
        nx = int(max_x - min_x)
    #print (nx)

    if mask is  None: mask =1

    bin_edges, sums, counts =  bin_1D(np.ravel(radial_val  * mask ),
                                           np.ravel(image  * mask), nx)
    th_mask = counts > threshold
    ring_averages = sums[th_mask] / counts[th_mask]

    bin_centers = utils.bin_edges_to_centers(bin_edges)[th_mask]

    return bin_centers, ring_averages
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_bin_edge2center():
    test_edges = np.arange(11)
    centers = core.bin_edges_to_centers(test_edges)
    assert_array_almost_equal(.5, centers % 1)
    assert_equal(10, len(centers))