Exemplo n.º 1
 def phi_local(self):
     theta_z, phi_z = SkyModel.rotate(self.theta_global,
     theta_z, phi_z = SkyModel.rotate(theta_z, phi_z, pitch=-self.pitch)
     theta_z, phi_z = SkyModel.rotate(theta_z, phi_z, roll=-self.roll)
     return (phi_z + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, observer=None, polygons=None, width=WIDTH, length=LENGTH, height=HEIGHT,
                 uniform_sky=False, enable_pol_filters=True, day_shift=153, daylight_only=True):
        Creates a world.

        :param observer: a reference to an observer
        :type observer: Observer
        :param polygons: polygons of the objects in the world
        :type polygons: PolygonList
        :param width: the width of the world
        :type width: int
        :param length: the length of the world
        :type length: int
        :param height: the height of the world
        :type height: int
        :param uniform_sky: flag that indicates if there is a uniform sky or not
        :type uniform_sky: bool
        :param enable_pol_filters: flag to switch on/off the POL filters of the eyes
        :type enable_pol_filters: bool
        :param day_shift: the number of days to roll back
        :type day_shift: int
        :param daylight_only: bound the time in between 7.30 am and 7.30 pm
        :type daylight_only: bool
        # normalise world
        xmax = np.array([polygons.x.max(), polygons.y.max(), polygons.z.max()]).max()

        # default observer is in Seville (where the data come from)
        if observer is None:
            observer = ephem.Observer()
            observer.lat = '37.392509'
            observer.lon = '-5.983877'
        self.day_shift = day_shift
        self.daylight_only = daylight_only
        self.__shifted = False
        observer.date = self.datetime_now(init=True)

        # create and generate a sky instance
        self.sky = SkyModel(observer=observer)

        # create a compound eye model for the sky pixels
        self.eye = None  # type: CompoundEye
        self.__pol_filters = enable_pol_filters

        # store the polygons and initialise the parameters
        self.polygons = polygons
        self.routes = []
        self.width = width
        self.length = length
        self.height = height
        self.__normalise_factor = xmax  # type: float
        self.uniform_sky = uniform_sky
Exemplo n.º 3
    def rotate_centre(centre, yaw=0., pitch=0., roll=0.):
        # centre[[1, 0]] = SkyModel.rotate(centre[1], centre[0], yaw=yaw, pitch=pitch, roll=roll)
        centre[[1, 0]] = SkyModel.rotate(np.pi / 2 - centre[1],
                                         np.pi - centre[0],

        centre[0] = (2 * np.pi - centre[0]) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
        centre[1] = (3 * np.pi / 2 - centre[1]) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
        centre[2] = (centre[2] + roll + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi

        return centre
Exemplo n.º 4
    def rotate(self, yaw=0., pitch=0., roll=0.):
        sky = self.sky

        # rotate back to the default orientation
        sky = SkyModel.rotate_sky(sky, yaw=-self.yaw)
        sky = SkyModel.rotate_sky(sky, pitch=-self.pitch)
        sky = SkyModel.rotate_sky(sky, roll=-self.roll)

        # update the facing direction of the eye
        self.yaw_pitch_roll = self.rotate_centre(self.yaw_pitch_roll,

        # rotate the sky according to the new facing direction
        sky = SkyModel.rotate_sky(sky,

        self.sky.theta_z = sky.theta_z
        self.sky.phi_z = sky.phi_z

Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self,
                 central_microvili=(np.pi / 6, np.pi / 18),

        # the eye facing direction
        self.yaw_pitch_roll = np.zeros(3)

        # eye specifications (ommatidia topography)
        self._sky = SkyModel()
        self.theta_global = ommatidia[:, 0]
        self.phi_global = ommatidia[:, 1]
        if ommatidia.shape[1] > 3:
            self._dop_filter = ommatidia[:, 3]
            self._aop_filter = ommatidia[:, 2]
        elif ommatidia.shape[1] > 2:
            self._aop_filter = ommatidia[:, 2]
            _, self._dop_filter = get_microvilli_angle(
            self._aop_filter, self._dop_filter = get_microvilli_angle(
        if not activate_dop_sensitivity:
            self._dop_filter[:] = 1.
        self._active_pol_filters = True

        self._channel_filters = {}
Exemplo n.º 6
class World(object):
    A representation of the world with object (described as polygons) and agents' routes

    def __init__(self, observer=None, polygons=None, width=WIDTH, length=LENGTH, height=HEIGHT,
                 uniform_sky=False, enable_pol_filters=True, day_shift=153, daylight_only=True):
        Creates a world.

        :param observer: a reference to an observer
        :type observer: Observer
        :param polygons: polygons of the objects in the world
        :type polygons: PolygonList
        :param width: the width of the world
        :type width: int
        :param length: the length of the world
        :type length: int
        :param height: the height of the world
        :type height: int
        :param uniform_sky: flag that indicates if there is a uniform sky or not
        :type uniform_sky: bool
        :param enable_pol_filters: flag to switch on/off the POL filters of the eyes
        :type enable_pol_filters: bool
        :param day_shift: the number of days to roll back
        :type day_shift: int
        :param daylight_only: bound the time in between 7.30 am and 7.30 pm
        :type daylight_only: bool
        # normalise world
        xmax = np.array([polygons.x.max(), polygons.y.max(), polygons.z.max()]).max()

        # default observer is in Seville (where the data come from)
        if observer is None:
            observer = ephem.Observer()
            observer.lat = '37.392509'
            observer.lon = '-5.983877'
        self.day_shift = day_shift
        self.daylight_only = daylight_only
        self.__shifted = False
        observer.date = self.datetime_now(init=True)

        # create and generate a sky instance
        self.sky = SkyModel(observer=observer)

        # create a compound eye model for the sky pixels
        self.eye = None  # type: CompoundEye
        self.__pol_filters = enable_pol_filters

        # store the polygons and initialise the parameters
        self.polygons = polygons
        self.routes = []
        self.width = width
        self.length = length
        self.height = height
        self.__normalise_factor = xmax  # type: float
        self.uniform_sky = uniform_sky

    def ratio2meters(self):
        return self.__normalise_factor  # type: float

    def date(self):
        return self.sky.obs.date.datetime()  # type: datetime

    def enable_pol_filters(self, value):

        :param value:
        :type value: bool
        self.__pol_filters = value

    def add_route(self, route):
        Adds an ant-route in the world

        :param route: the new route
        :type route: Route
        :return: None

    def draw_top_view(self, width=None, length=None, height=None):
        Draws a top view of the world and all the added paths in it.

        :param width: the width of the world
        :type width: int
        :param length: the length of the world
        :type length: int
        :param height: the height of the world
        :type height: int
        :return: an image of the top view

        # set the default values to the dimensions of the world
        if width is None:
            width = self.width
        if length is None:
            length = self.length
        if height is None:
            height = self.height

        # create new image and drawer
        image = Image.new("RGB", (width, length), GROUND_COLOUR)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

        # draw the polygons
        for p in self.polygons.scale(*((self.ratio2meters,) * 3)):
            pp = p * [width, length, height]
            draw.polygon(pp.xy, fill=pp.c_int32)

        # draw the routes
        nants = int(np.array([r.agent_no for r in self.routes]).max())      # the ants' ID
        nroutes = int(np.array([r.route_no for r in self.routes]).max())  # the routes' ID
        for route in self.routes:
            # code the routes similarly to the polygons
            rt = route.scale(*(self.ratio2meters,) * 3)
            rt = rt * [width, length, height]
            r, g, b, _ = cmap(float(rt.agent_no) / float(len(self.routes)))
            draw.line(rt.xy, fill=(int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255)))

            r = 20.
            for x0, y0, _, phi in rt:
                x1 = x0 + r * np.sin(phi)
                y1 = y0 + r * np.cos(phi)
                draw.line(((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), fill=(int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255)))

        return image

    def draw_panoramic_view(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, r=0, width=None, length=None, height=None,
                            include_ground=1., include_sky=1., update_sky=True):
        Draws a panoramic view of the world

        :param x: The x coordinate of the agent in the world
        :type x: float
        :param y: The y coordinate of the agent in the world
        :type y: float
        :param z: The z coordinate of the agent in the world
        :type z: float
        :param r: The orientation of the agent in the world
        :type r: float
        :param width: the width of the world
        :type width: int
        :param length: the length of the world
        :type length: int
        :param height: the height of the world
        :type height: int
        :param include_ground: the percentage of the ground to include in the image
        :type include_ground: float
        :param include_sky: the percentage of the sky to include in the image
        :type include_sky: float
        :param update_sky: flag that specifies if we want to update the sky
        :type update_sky: bool
        :return: an image showing the 360 degrees view of the agent

        # set the default values for the dimensions of the world
        if width is None:
            width = self.width
        if length is None:
            length = self.length
        if height is None:
            height = self.height
        if x is None:
            x = width / 2.
        if y is None:
            y = length / 2.
        if z is None:
            z = height / 2. + .06 * height

        # calculate the number of pixels allocated to the sky (counting from the top border)
        Z = (include_sky + include_ground) / 2
        horizon = int(height * include_sky / (2 * Z))

        # create ommatidia positions with respect to the resolution
        # (this is for the sky drawing on the panoramic images)
        thetas = np.linspace(np.pi/2 * include_sky, 0, horizon, endpoint=False)
        phis = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, width, endpoint=False)
        thetas, phis = np.meshgrid(thetas, phis)
        ommatidia = np.array([thetas.flatten(), phis.flatten()]).T

        image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height), rgb2gbuv(GROUND_COLOUR))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

        if self.uniform_sky:
            draw.rectangle((0, 0, width, horizon), fill=rgb2gbuv(SKY_COLOUR, 255))
            # create a compound eye model for the sky pixels
            # self.eye = CompoundEye(ommatidia,
            #                        central_microvili=(0., 0.),
            #                        noise_factor=.1,
            #                        activate_dop_sensitivity=True)
            self.eye = AntEye(ommatidia)
            self.eye.sky = self.sky
            if update_sky:
                self.sky.obs.date = self.datetime_now()

            pix = image.load()
            for i, c in enumerate(self.eye.L):
                pix[i // horizon, i % horizon] = tuple(np.int32(255 * c))

        # rotation matrix of the POV orientation
        R = np.array([
            [np.cos(r), -np.sin(r), 0],
            [np.sin(r), np.cos(r), 0],
            [0, 0, 1]
        thetas, phis, rhos = [], [], []

        # code position for meters to pixel-space
        pos = np.array([x, y, z]) / self.ratio2meters
        pos *= np.array([width, length, height / Z])
        for p in self.polygons.scale(*((self.ratio2meters,) * 3)):
            # code polygons' points from meters to pixels
            pp = p * [width, length, height / Z]  # type: Polygon
            # and then into spherical coordinates
            xyz = np.array(pp.xyz) - pos
            theta, phi, rho = vec2sph(xyz.dot(R).T)

        # code spherical elevation to pixel height
        thetas = (height / Z) * ((((np.pi/2 - np.array(thetas)) % np.pi) / np.pi) - (1 - include_sky) / 2.)
        phis = width * ((np.pi + np.array(phis)) % (2 * np.pi)) / (2 * np.pi)
        rhos = la.norm(np.array(rhos), axis=-1)
        ind = np.argsort(rhos)[::-1]
        for theta, phi, c in zip(thetas[ind], phis[ind], self.polygons.c_int32[ind]):
            if phi.max() - phi.min() < width/2:  # normal conditions
                p = tuple((b, a) for a, b in zip(theta, phi))
                draw.polygon(p, fill=rgb2gbuv(c))
            else:   # in case that the object is on the edge of the screen
                phi0, phi1 = phi.copy(), phi.copy()
                phi0[phi < width/2] += width
                phi1[phi >= width/2] -= width
                p = tuple((b, a) for a, b in zip(theta, phi0))
                draw.polygon(p, fill=rgb2gbuv(c))
                p = tuple((b, a) for a, b in zip(theta, phi1))
                draw.polygon(p, fill=rgb2gbuv(c))

            # draw visible polygons

        return image

    def datetime_now(self, init=False):
        date = shifted_datetime(self.day_shift, lower_limit=None, upper_limit=None)
        if init:
            date_shift = shifted_datetime(self.day_shift, lower_limit=7.5, upper_limit=19.5)
            if date_shift.day != date.day:
                self.__shifted = True

        if self.__shifted:
            date += timedelta(hours=12)

        return date
Exemplo n.º 7
        s.rotate(yaw=np.pi / 6)
        # observer.date = datetime(2018, 6, 21, 8 + i, 0, 0)
        # s.sky.obs = observer
        # break

if __name__ == "__main__2__":
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from sky import ChromaticitySkyModel, get_seville_observer
    from datetime import datetime

    s = CompassSensor(nb_lenses=12, fov=np.pi / 6)
    p = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(s.nside))
    i = hp.ang2pix(s.nside, s.theta, s.phi)

    # default observer is in Seville (where the data come from)
    observer = get_seville_observer()
    observer.date = datetime.now()

    # create and generate a sky instance
    sky = SkyModel(observer=observer, nside=1)

    s.sky = sky
    p[i] = s.L
    # p[i] = s.DOP
    # p[i] = np.rad2deg(s.AOP)
    p_i_max = p[i].max()
    p_i_min = p[i].min()
    p[i] = (p[i] - p_i_min) / (p_i_max - p_i_min)
    hp.orthview(p, rot=(0, 90, 0))