Exemplo n.º 1
def _propagate(sat, dt):
    True equator mean equinox (TEME) position from `sgp4` at given time. Then converted to ITRS

    sat : `sgp4.io.Satellite` instance
        Satellite object filled from TLE
    dt : `~datetime.datetime`
    xs, ys, zs : float
        TEME (=True equator mean equinox) position of satellite [km]

    # pos [km], vel [km/s]
    position, velocity = sat.propagate(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour,
                                       dt.second + dt.microsecond / 1e6)

    if position is None:
        raise ValueError('Satellite propagation error')

    # I _think_ this is supposed to take time since J2000 in days?
    # looking at https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/25988/sgp4-teme-frame-to-j2000-conversion
    jd_ut1 = dt - time_J2000
    jd_ut1 = jd_ut1.days + jd_ut1.seconds / (3600. * 24)
    new_position, new_velocity = sgp4lib.TEME_to_ITRF(
        jd_ut1, np.array(position),
        np.array(velocity) * 86400)

    return tuple(new_position.tolist())
def sgp4Predict(s, t, jd, fr):
    satellite = Satrec.twoline2rv(s, t)
    jd += 0.5
    # get the position and velocity vectors in TEME frame
    e, r, v = satellite.sgp4(jd, fr)
    # Conversion from TEME to ITRS
    r, v = sgp4lib.TEME_to_ITRF(jd + fr, np.asarray(r), np.asarray(v) * 86400)
    v = v / 86400
    return r * 1000, v * 1000
Exemplo n.º 3
def plot_sat(Xi, sat, start_time, stop_time, delta, MEOLUT, freq0):
    satellite = TLE_read(
        sat)  #,'sarsat3.txt') - use optional argument to read different TLE
    curr = start_time
    timelist = list()
    posilist = list()
    velolist = list()
    Rig_list = list()
    Ri_list = list()
    f_ig_prime_list = list()
    f_i_prime_list = list()
    f_inv_prime_list = list()
    f_inv_ig_list = list()
    f_ig_list = list()
    while curr < stop_time:
        curr += delta

    for times in timelist:
        position, velocity = satellite.propagate(times.year, times.month,
                                                 times.day, times.hour,
                                                 times.minute, times.second)
        V_i_TE = [
            x * 86400 for x in velocity
        ]  # conversion because sgp4lib.TEME_to_ITRF function expects V in km/day
        datetime1 = jday.JD(times)
        X_i_ECEF, V_i_ECEF = sgp4lib.TEME_to_ITRF(
            datetime1, array(position),
            array(V_i_TE))  # get satellite pos and vel
        V_i_ECEF = [x / 86400 for x in V_i_ECEF]  # convert back to #km/sec
        Rig = (MEOLUTLocDict[MEOLUT] - X_i_ECEF
               )  # Rig is vector from MEOLUT to satellite
        Rig_dot = dot(V_i_ECEF, (Rig / norm(Rig)))

        Ri = (
            Xi - X_i_ECEF
        )  # Xi is the beacon location, Ri is the vector from beacon to satellite
        Ri_dot = dot(V_i_ECEF, (Ri / norm(Ri)))
        inverted = True if str(sat)[0] == '3' else False
        freq_down = freq_sband if inverted == True else freq_lband

        ### this works here
        #dF_ig = (Rig_dot/c)*freq_down
        #dF_i =  -(Ri_dot/c)*freq0 if inverted == True else (Ri_dot/c)*freq0

        # testing here
        dF_ig = -(Rig_dot / c) * freq0 if inverted == True else (Rig_dot /
                                                                 c) * freq0
        dF_i = (Ri_dot / c) * (freq_down - dF_ig
                               )  #if inverted == True else (Ri_dot/c)*freq0

        f_ig_prime = freq0 + dF_i + dF_ig

        #f_i_prime = freq0 + dF_ig # not inverted
        f_inv_ig = freq_inv - (f_ig_prime - freq_inv) + freq_shift
        #f_inv_ig = f_ig_prime #-freq_inv +freq_shift

        f_ig = f_inv_ig if inverted == True else f_ig_prime

    alt = [norm(x) for x in posilist]
    rangelist = [norm(MEOLUTLocDict[MEOLUT] - x) for x in posilist]

    #plotting TLE positional difference below
    #fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    #plt.plot(timelist, f_i_prime_list, 'g')
    #plt.plot(timelist, f_ig_prime_list, 'b-')
    #plt.plot(timelist, f_inv_prime_list,c='orange', linestyle = '-', linewidth = 3)
    plt.plot(timelist, f_ig_list, c='purple', linewidth=3)
    plt.axhline(y=freq0, color='g')
    #plt.axhspan(406.04e6, 406.05e6)
    plt.axhline(y=freq_inv, color='r', linestyle='--')