Exemplo n.º 1
def check_converge(month, tol=10, add_neighbors=True, log=None):
    """ check for convergence, ROI that have been updated
    month: int or string
        if int, intrepret as a month, else a folder
    from pointlike import IntVector
    from skymaps import Band
    outdir = 'month%02d' % month if type(month) == types.IntType else month
    #print '%s:' %outdir
    r = roirec(outdir)
    if r is None: return
    diff = r.loglike - r.prevlike
    nisnan = sum(np.isnan(diff))
    if nisnan > 0:
        print 'warning: %d NaN values in likelihoods: ignoring them' % nisnan
        diff[np.isnan(diff)] = 0
    dmin, dmax = diff.min(), diff.max()
    rmin, rmax = list(diff).index(dmin), list(diff).index(dmax)
    changed = set(np.arange(1728)[np.abs(diff) > tol])
    print >> log, '\tpass %d:  %d changed > %d, min, max: %d(#%d) %d(#%d)' % (
        max(r.niter), len(changed), tol, dmin, rmin, dmax, rmax),
    if not add_neighbors: return list(changed)
    nbrs = set()
    b12 = Band(12)
    for x in changed:
        v = IntVector()
        b12.findNeighbors(int(x), v)  # int is tricky
        for n in v:
    q = list(changed.union(nbrs))
    print >> log, ' (total %d)' % len(q)
    if log is not None: log.flush()
    return q
Exemplo n.º 2
 def smooth(self, a=0.6):
     """ simple-minded smooth using nearest neighbors 
     newvec = [0]*len(self.vec)
     band = Band(self.nside)
     iv = IntVector() # needed for findNeighbors: first 4 share sides
     for i in range(len(self.vec)):
         newvec[i] = a*self.vec[i] + b*sum([self.vec[j] for j in iv[:4]])
         self.vec= newvec