def __init__(self, name, rate_limiter, map_frame="occupancy_grid", laser_range=[np.pi / 3, np.pi / 3], laser_dist=3): self.pose_history = [] self.publisher = rospy.Publisher('/' + name + '/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=5) self.laser = Laser(name=name, laser_range=laser_range, max_range=laser_dist) self.slam = SLAM(name=name, map_frame=map_frame) = name self.rate_limiter = rate_limiter with open('/tmp/gazebo_exercise_' + + '.txt', 'w'): pass
import numpy as np from slam import SLAM from renderer import Renderer from display import Display2D, Display3D if __name__ == "__main__": W, H = 640, 480 F = H # with 45 degree FoV K = np.array([[F, 0, W // 2], [0, F, H // 2], [0, 0, 1]]) Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K) disp3d = Display3D() disp2d = Display2D(W, H) slam = SLAM(W, H, K) r = Renderer(W, H) fn = 0 pos_x = 0 dir_x = True while 1: fn += 1 # render frame, verts = r.draw([pos_x, 0, 0]) # add gaussian noise verts += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1, verts.shape) # ground truth pose
num_features=parameters.kNumFeatures """ select your feature tracker N.B.1: here you can use just ORB descriptors! ... at present time N.B.2: ORB detector (not descriptor) does not work as expected! """ tracker_type = TrackerTypes.DES_BF #tracker_type = TrackerTypes.DES_FLANN feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.SHI_TOMASI, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, num_levels = 1, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.FAST, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, num_levels = 3, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.BRISK, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.ORB, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB, tracker_type = tracker_type) slam = SLAM(cam, feature_tracker, grountruth) timer = Timer() #------------- # N.B.: keep this coherent with the above forced camera settings img_ref = cv2.imread('kitti06-12.png',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) #img_cur = cv2.imread('kitti06-12-01.png',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) img_cur = cv2.imread('kitti06-13.png',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) slam.track(img_ref, frame_id=0) slam.track(img_cur, frame_id=1) f_ref =[-2]
feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory( min_num_features=num_features, num_levels=3, detector_type=FeatureDetectorTypes.SHI_TOMASI, descriptor_type=FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB, tracker_type=tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, num_levels = 4, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.FAST, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, num_levels = 4, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.BRISK, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, num_levels = 4, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.BRISK, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.BRISK, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, num_levels = 4, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.AKAZE, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.AKAZE, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, num_levels = 4, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.ORB, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.ORB, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.SIFT, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.SIFT, tracker_type = tracker_type) #feature_tracker = feature_tracker_factory(min_num_features=num_features, detector_type = FeatureDetectorTypes.SURF, descriptor_type = FeatureDescriptorTypes.SURF, tracker_type = tracker_type) # create SLAM object slam = SLAM(cam, feature_tracker, grountruth) viewer3D = Viewer3D() display2d = Display2D(cam.width, cam.height) is_draw_matched_points = True matched_points_plt = Mplot2d(xlabel='img id', ylabel='# matches', title='# matches') img_id = 0 #200 # you can start from a desired frame id if needed while dataset.isOk(): print('..................................') print('frame: ', img_id)
parser.add_argument("source", nargs="?", type=str, help="path to the video") parser.add_argument("pose_path", nargs="?", type=str, help="pose file path", default=None) parser.add_argument("--headless", type=bool, default=None) parser.add_argument("-f", type=int, default=525) parser.add_argument("--seek", type=int, default=False) parser.add_argument("--flip_colorspace",action ='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() stream = ImageStream(args.source) W, H, K, CNT = stream.create_camera_params(float(args.f)) if disp2d, disp3d = None, None if args.headless is None: disp2d = Display2D(W, H) disp3d = Display3D() slam = SLAM(W, H, K) """ mapp.deserialize(open('map.json').read()) while 1: disp3d.paint(mapp) time.sleep(1) """ gt_pose = None if args.pose_path: gt_pose = np.load(args.pose_path)['pose'] # add scale param? gt_pose[:, :3, 3] *= 50 main(stream, slam, args.flip_colorspace)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='TODO') parser.add_argument('path', metavar='path', type=str, help='data') args = parser.parse_args() path = args.path image_names = sorted(os.listdir(path)) w = 1280 h = 1024 calibration_matrix = np.array( [[0.535719308086809 * w, 0, 0.493248545285398 * w], [0, 0.669566858850269 * h, 0.500408664348414 * h], [0, 0, 1]]) sigma = 0.897966326944875 slam = SLAM(width=w, height=h, calibration_matrix=calibration_matrix) t = tqdm.tqdm(image_names, total=len(image_names)) for name in t: #print(name) #fig = plt.figure() img = cv2.imread(path + '/' + name, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) #plt.imshow(img) img2 = cv2.undistort(img, calibration_matrix, sigma) # plt.imshow(img2) # fig = plt.figure()
) sys.exit() try: assert algorithm in ["feature", "icp"] except AssertionError: print( "\nInvalid algorithm choice, choose between 'feature' or 'icp'. Correct usage of function:" ) print( "´´´$ python3 [algorithm] [path-to-IMU-data] [path-to-LiDAR-data]´´´\n" ) sys.exit() try: slam = SLAM(algorithm, imu_path, lid_path) slam.get_imu_data() slam.get_lidar_data() except: print("\nInvalid filename(s). Correct usage of function:") print( "´´´$ python3 [algorithm] [path-to-IMU-data] [path-to-LiDAR-data]´´´\n" ) sys.exit() # Visualize ground truth print("Plotting ground truth\n" + 50 * "=") slam.plot_ground_truth() # Processing data slam.set_params()