Exemplo n.º 1
 def _check_custom_templates(cls):
     if cls.header_template != default_header_template and \
             not isinstance(cls.header_template, BytesFormat):
         template_str = cls.header_template
         if not isinstance(template_str, bytes):
             template_str = template_str.encode('ascii')
         template_str = re.sub(br'\r?\n', br'\r\n', template_str)
         cls.header_template = BytesFormat(template_str, mode='remove')
     if cls.footer_template != default_footer_template and \
             not isinstance(cls.footer_template, BytesFormat):
         template_str = cls.footer_template
         if not isinstance(template_str, bytes):
             template_str = template_str.encode('ascii')
         template_str = re.sub(br'\r?\n', br'\r\n', template_str)
         cls.footer_template = BytesFormat(template_str, mode='remove')
Exemplo n.º 2
class Bounce(Envelope):
    """Class that inherits |Envelope| to implement a bounce message, which is
    then delivered back to the original sender to say the message failed to
    deliver.  The original message body is attached to the bounce message.

    :param envelope: The |Envelope| object of the original failed message.
    :param reply: The |Reply| object that caused the failure.
    :param headers_only: If given ``True``, the bounce will include only the
                         only the original message's headers, not the entire
                         message body.


    #: The address to use as the sender of new bounce messages. Per SMTP RFCs,
    #: this should usually be an empty string.
    sender = ''

    #: Template to use for the bounce message data, inserted directly before
    #: the original message data. The template is processed with
    #: :meth:`BytesFormat.format` with the following keys:
    #: * ``boundary`` -- A randomly generated MIME boundary string.
    #: * ``sender`` -- The sender of the original message.
    #: * ``recipients`` -- The recipients list, rendered by joining the
    #:                     recipients list with :attr:`.recipient_join`.
    #: * ``client_name`` -- The hostname of the original message sending
    #:                      client.
    #: * ``client_ip`` -- The IP address of the original message sending
    #:                    client.
    #: * ``protocol`` -- The protocol used to deliver the original message.
    #: * ``code`` -- The SMTP reply code that caused the message failure.
    #: * ``message`` -- The SMTP reply message that caused the message failure.
    header_template = default_header_template

    #: When bouncing a message that was going to multiple recipients, this
    #: string is used to join the list of recipients for the ``{recipients}``
    #: template key.
    recipient_join = '\r\n- '

    #: Template used to add text below the original message data. This template
    #: is processed the same way as ``header_template``.
    footer_template = default_footer_template

    #: The client information used when sending bounce messages. Injected as
    #: the :attr:`~slimta.envelope.Envelope.client` attribute of bounce
    #: messages.
    client = {'name': 'postmaster', 'ip': '', 'host': 'localhost'}

    #: String injected as the :attr:`~slimta.envelope.Envelope.receiver`
    #: attribute of bounce messages. By default, this value is copied from the
    #: |Envelope| itself.
    receiver = None

    _received_from_mta = BytesFormat(
        b"""Received-From-MTA: dns; {client_name} ({client_ip})""",

    _remote_mta = BytesFormat(b"""Remote-MTA: dns; {host}""", mode='remove')

    _diagnostic_code = BytesFormat(b"""Diagnostic-Code: smtp; {reply}""",

    def __init__(self, envelope, reply, headers_only=False):
        super(Bounce, self).__init__(sender=self.sender,
        self._build_message(envelope, reply, headers_only)
        self.timestamp = time.time()
        self.client = Bounce.client
        self.receiver = Bounce.receiver or envelope.receiver

    def _check_custom_templates(cls):
        if cls.header_template != default_header_template and \
                not isinstance(cls.header_template, BytesFormat):
            template_str = cls.header_template
            if not isinstance(template_str, bytes):
                template_str = template_str.encode('ascii')
            template_str = re.sub(br'\r?\n', br'\r\n', template_str)
            cls.header_template = BytesFormat(template_str, mode='remove')
        if cls.footer_template != default_footer_template and \
                not isinstance(cls.footer_template, BytesFormat):
            template_str = cls.footer_template
            if not isinstance(template_str, bytes):
                template_str = template_str.encode('ascii')
            template_str = re.sub(br'\r?\n', br'\r\n', template_str)
            cls.footer_template = BytesFormat(template_str, mode='remove')

    def _get_delivery_info(self, envelope, reply):
        ret = []
        if envelope.client:
                    client_name=envelope.client.get('name', 'unknown'),
                    client_ip=envelope.client.get('ip', 'unknown')))
        if reply:
            host = reply.address
            if host:
                if not isinstance(reply.address, (str, bytes)):
                    host = reply.address[0]
        return b'\r\n'.join(ret)

    def _get_substitution_table(self, envelope, reply, headers_only):
        rendered_rcpts = self.recipient_join.join(envelope.recipients).encode(
            'ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
        ctype = b'text/rfc822-headers' if headers_only else b'message/rfc822'
        return {
            'boundary': 'boundary_={0}'.format(uuid.uuid4().hex),
            'sender': envelope.sender,
            'recipients': rendered_rcpts,
            'delivery_info': self._get_delivery_info(envelope, reply),
            'client_name': envelope.client.get('name', b'unknown'),
            'client_ip': envelope.client.get('ip', b'unknown'),
            'protocol': envelope.client.get('protocol', b'unknown'),
            'content_type': ctype,
            'code': reply.code,
            'message': reply.message

    def _build_message(self, envelope, reply, headers_only):
        sub_table = self._get_substitution_table(envelope, reply, headers_only)
        new_payload = BytesIO()
        header_data, message_data = envelope.flatten()
        if not headers_only:
 def test_basic(self):
     bf = BytesFormat(b'abc{test}ghi{0}mno')
     self.assertEqual(b'abcdefghijklmno', bf.format(b'jkl', test=b'def'))
Exemplo n.º 4
default_header_template = BytesFormat(re.sub(
    br'\r?\n', br'\r\n', b"""\
To: {sender}
Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain

Delivery failed for:
- {recipients}

Destination host responded:
{code} {message}

Content-Type: message/delivery-status


Content-Type: {content_type}

 def test_repr(self):
     bf = BytesFormat(b'abc{test}ghi{0}mno', mode='strict')
     self.assertRegexpMatches(repr(bf), r"b?'abc\{test\}ghi\{0\}mno'")
 def test_mode_strict(self):
     bf = BytesFormat(b'abc{test}ghi{0}mno', mode='strict')
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
     with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
 def test_mode_remove(self):
     bf = BytesFormat(b'abc{test}ghi', mode='remove')
     self.assertEqual(b'abcghi', bf.format())
 def test_mode_ignore(self):
     bf = BytesFormat(b'abc{test}ghi')
     self.assertEqual(b'abc{test}ghi', bf.format())
 def test_basic_with_encoding(self):
     bf = BytesFormat(b'abc{test}ghi')
     self.assertEqual(b'abcdefghi', bf.format(test='def'))