Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_query(self):
        some_email = "*****@*****.**"
        msg = emaillib.create_email(
            to="*****@*****.**", fr=some_email, body="send GFS:30s,35s,175e,175w|0.5,0.5|0,3..12|WIND"

        emails = []
        # use a mocked emaillib to make sure an email was sent
        with self.get_request(emails) as request:
            request.process_email(msg.as_string(), fail_hard=True)
        assert len(emails) == 1
        parser = Parser.Parser()
        email = parser.parsestr(emails.pop().args[0].as_string())

        # make sure we are sending responses from ensembleweather
        self.assertEqual(email["From"], "*****@*****.**")

        # make sure we are responding to the right person
        self.assertEqual(email["To"], some_email)

        # here we pull out the expected attachment
        body, attach = email.get_payload()
        bytes = attach.get_payload()

        # inflate it back into an xray Dataset
        fcst = compress.decompress_dataset(base64.b64decode(bytes))

        # make sure we're actually compressing the file.
        self.assertLessEqual(len(bytes), len(zlib.compress(fcst.to_netcdf())))

        # make sure the lats are what we expect
        expected_lats = np.linspace(-35.0, -30.0, 11)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(fcst["latitude"].values, expected_lats)
        self.assertEqual(fcst["latitude"].attrs["units"].lower(), "degrees north")
        # and the lons
        expected_lons = np.mod(np.linspace(175.0, 185.0, 21) + 180, 360) - 180
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(fcst["longitude"].values, expected_lons)
        self.assertEqual(fcst["longitude"].attrs["units"].lower(), "degrees east")
        # and the time
        expected_time = np.linspace(0, 12, 5)
        expected_time = xray.conventions.decode_cf_datetime(expected_time, fcst["time"].encoding["units"])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(fcst["time"].values, expected_time)
        self.assertIn("hours", fcst["time"].encoding["units"])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_spot_forecast(self):
        some_email = "*****@*****.**"
        msg = emaillib.create_email(
            to="*****@*****.**", fr=some_email, body="send spot:gefs:8.53S,115.54E|8,6|wind"

        emails = []
        # use a mocked emaillib to make sure an email was sent
        with self.get_request(emails) as request:
            request.process_email(msg.as_string(), fail_hard=True)
        assert len(emails) == 1
        parser = Parser.Parser()
        email = parser.parsestr(emails.pop().args[0].as_string())

        # make sure we are sending responses from ensembleweather
        self.assertEqual(email["From"], "*****@*****.**")

        # make sure we are responding to the right person
        self.assertEqual(email["To"], some_email)

        # here we pull out the expected attachment
        body, attach = email.get_payload()
        bytes = attach.get_payload()

        # inflate it back into an xray Dataset
        fcst = compress.decompress_dataset(base64.b64decode(bytes))

        # make sure we're actually compressing the file.
        self.assertLessEqual(len(bytes), len(zlib.compress(fcst.to_netcdf())))

        # make sure the lats are what we expect
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(fcst["latitude"].values, np.array([-8.53]), 3)
        self.assertEqual(fcst["latitude"].attrs["units"].lower(), "degrees north")
        # and the lons
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(fcst["longitude"].values, np.array([115.54]), 3)
        self.assertEqual(fcst["longitude"].attrs["units"].lower(), "degrees east")
        # and the time
        expected_time = np.linspace(0, 192, 33)
        expected_time = xray.conventions.decode_cf_datetime(expected_time, fcst["time"].encoding["units"])
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(fcst["time"].values, expected_time)
        self.assertIn("hours", fcst["time"].encoding["units"])